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Chapter 373 One move to win

Chapter 373 One move to win

Hearing this, the big bearded man in yellow clothes pointed at Li Kang who was standing on the high platform, and said something to Zong Laomo.

Then, Mo Shang's eyes flashed dazzlingly, and he looked at Li Kang in red with great interest.

He already knew that Li Kang was the star warrior who killed all the monsters in the cave by himself.

At this moment, the competition in the top ten arenas has already begun.

Li Kang bowed his hands to the bearded man in animal skin clothes standing opposite him as a sign of courtesy, and the bearded man in animal skin clothes also bowed back to Li Kang.

Immediately afterwards, the bearded man in animal skins flashed a dazzling orange-yellow color, and one after another orange-yellow star swirls emerged, and each of these star swirls was three inches in size.

Animal Skin Clothes is a Star Scholar in the late stage of Huang Xingxuan, and he has a total of seventy Xingxuan.

Immediately afterwards, a huge orange-yellow light group emerged from his hands, and the light group continuously twisted and deformed in his hands.

After a few breaths of time, an orange-yellow broadsword appeared in the hands of the bearded man in animal skin clothes.

The orange-yellow broadsword exuded a powerful force, and the people below who had not yet participated in the competition looked at the broadsword condensed in the hands of the bearded man, and their eyes flashed with admiration.

At this time, Li Kang, who was standing opposite the bearded man in animal skin clothes, did not have the slightest strange color on his face, and there was no star swirl on his body surface, but he just looked at the bearded man opposite him without blinking.

Seeing this, the bearded man in animal skin clothes couldn't help being taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to have thought of something, and a look of anger appeared in his pair of big copper bell eyes.

"Boy, you actually dare to despise your Grandpa Lan. You didn't even arouse the power of the star swirl in front of Grandpa Lan. It's a dream to defeat Grandpa Lan with pure physical power!" the bearded man in animal skin clothes shouted angrily.

After he finished speaking, he made a gesture to charge towards Li Kang.

At this moment, the people watching the game below heard the words of the bearded man, and for a while their attention was all focused on the arena where Li Kang and the bearded man in animal skins were.

"That boy in red, is he tired of living and wants to die? The man in fur and bearded opposite is Huang Xingxuan's late master, and he has already condensed into a 'fighter', but the boy in red is Lian Xingxuan No power is needed!"

"No, the kid in red must be courting death!"

"I think it's true. Even a Star Warrior who is also in the late stage of Huang Xingxuan has used the power of Xingvortex against his opponent and gathered soldiers. If he does not use the power of Xingvortex, he will be defeated! What's more, this The kid in red isn't necessarily a Star Warrior in Huang Xingxuan's late stage!"

"You can still live if you do evil by the sky, but you can't live when you do evil yourself. This kid in red is looking for death!"


At this moment, all the contestants watching the competition agreed that Li Kang was arrogant and looking for death.

Facing the all-out attack of Huang Xingxuan's late stage star warriors, he actually wanted to meet the enemy with pure physical strength, which was really insane and ignorant.

However, standing on the high platform, Zong Laomo, dressed in yellow clothes, with a face as sharp as a knife and an axe, and with a mustache, had a smile on his mouth, and his eyes flashed dazzlingly. He looked at Li Kang without blinking, with a very interesting look.

At this moment, the bearded man in animal skin on the ring had rushed to Li Kang, and the orange-yellow sword in his hand slashed at Li Kang viciously.

Wherever the orange-yellow sword passed, small cracks appeared in the space, and small gusts of wind rose out of thin air.

The orange-yellow broadsword struck Li Kang's arm fiercely with lightning speed.

At this moment, the people watching the fight between Li Kang and the bearded man below couldn't help holding their breath.They thought that the knife from the bearded man would definitely split Li Kang in half.

However, the result was quite surprising.


There was a loud roar, and Li Kang and his bearded man in animal skin clothes were immediately surrounded by an orange-yellow light cluster, which was like a round of orange-yellow scorching sun, making people afraid to look directly at them. .


Immediately afterwards, there was a shrill scream from the huge orange-yellow light group, and then, a black figure flew out of the light group.


There was a loud noise, and a large pit in the shape of a human appeared on the ground under the arena, and the body in animal skin clothes lay in the pit.

Blood was continuously flowing from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were filled with horror, as if he had encountered something that frightened him.

At this time, the orange-yellow ball of light on the ring had disappeared.

Li Kang's figure appeared on the ring again. There was no trace of scar on his body surface. There was a faint smile on his thin and handsome face, and his eyes flashed with sharp light. of the people.

At this moment, everyone watching the match under the arena couldn't help being stunned by the scene in front of them.

The young man in red who they thought was certain to die, unexpectedly, without a hair being injured, knocked down the bearded man in animal skin clothes with a late stage Huang Xingxuan and fully exerting his cultivation in a single blow.

The bearded man in animal skin clothes didn't have the slightest resistance, and he passed out in the big pit.

In this battle, the young man in red didn't use the power of the star vortex at all, relying purely on his physical strength, he won with one move.

Such a person is really terrible.

This kind of physical strength can only be possessed by star warriors in the Red Star Spiral Realm.

At this time, standing on a high platform not far away, Mo Shang, wearing yellow clothes, with a face like a knife and an axe, and a mustache, smiled even more on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes showed a deep look of admiration. Looking at Li Kang standing on the ring.

"This competition, Li Kang won!"

Then, the referee's voice sounded, announcing that Li Kang had won.

With a faint smile on his face, he stepped off the ring, walked into the crowd amidst everyone's surprised and awe-inspiring eyes, and waited for the next match.

Li Kang was the first to end the battle. At this moment, he didn't pay attention to the curious and awe-inspiring gazes from the other stars beside him.

His attention was attracted by a ring on the left, which was ring number eight. The ten rings in the second round were numbered from one to ten, and the ring he was in was number five.

At this time, on the eighth ring, a fierce battle was going on.

Above the arena, there are a young man in purple and a big man in gray. On the body of the young man in purple, more than 80 two-inch-sized star swirls emerge, flashing dazzling yellow brilliance. On the body of the big man in gray there are The seventy star spirals are all three inches in size.

This purple-clothed boy was a star in the middle stage of Huang Xingxuan, and the big man in gray was a star in the late stage of Huang Xingxuan.

(End of this chapter)

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