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Chapter 377 Enter

Chapter 377 Enter
Li Kang felt dizzy and had to close his eyes.

He didn't know how much distance he had traveled, and he didn't know where he was now. All he could feel was the howling sound like thunder, which kept ringing in his ears.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Kang finally felt that his feet were on solid ground, and his dizziness gradually disappeared.

Only then did he slowly open his eyes. At this moment, he was standing on a high stone platform, and various mysterious lines were engraved densely on the surface of the high platform.

He looked around, and the other 24 fellow students in yellow clothes also landed on the high platform.

However, their condition at the moment is not very good. They all collapsed on the stone platform in a disorderly manner, without opening their eyes, and there was a flash of pain on their faces.

Li Kang knew that these fellow disciples suffered a lot of physical injuries on the way to this place.

"I have physical strength comparable to that of the demon king. When I first landed on the stone platform, I still felt a little dizzy. The other members of the Huang Xingxuan realm can't stand up at this moment. They are in a coma, which is fine. Understood!" He thought to himself.

Seeing that none of his fellow disciples woke up, nor did they leave here, Li Kang carefully observed the surrounding situation.

The light here is very dim, there are no stars in the sky, only nine full moons the size of silver disks hang in the night sky, exuding a faint brilliance.

He found that the stone platform hundreds of feet in size stood quietly, surrounded by desert, with some low black vegetation growing.

Then, Li Kang quietly waited for the other fellow students to wake up.

Because, before entering the ancestral land of Tian Xing, Bei Tengfei, the head of the Northern Border Sect, gave them an order to obey Senior Brother Zhang Li's arrangements and not allow them to act alone.

The head said that Senior Brother Zhang Li will tell them the specific tasks when they enter the Heavenly Punishment Ancestral Land.

About a quarter of an hour later, a man with a firm face and a pair of thick saber eyebrows slowly opened his eyes, and a look of curiosity appeared in his eyes.

At this time, Li Kang also slowly opened his eyes and saw the man.

"Senior Brother Zhang, are you awake?" Li Kang also saw the awakened man.

This man with thick eyebrows is the leader of the Beijiang Sect entering the Xingtian Ancestral Land this time. Zhang Li, who has Huang Xingxuan's late stage cultivation base, has very strong physical strength. The strongest other than Li Kang.

"Well, I'm awake. When did you wake up, Junior Brother Li?" There was curiosity in Zhang Li's eyes.

"I just woke up too!"

In the following time, Li Kang and Senior Brother Zhang Li waited for everyone to wake up.

An hour later, everyone woke up.

"Now that everyone has woken up, I will tell you in detail the situation of the Heavenly Punishment Ancestral Land, and explain the tasks assigned to us by the head.

This time it took half a month to enter the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Punishment. After half a month, we will be teleported back to the Northern Border Sect.

The Heavenly Punishment Ancestral Land is divided into seven floors. Now we are on the first floor. The natural materials and earth treasures on the second floor are more precious than those on the first floor, and those on the third floor are more precious than those on the second floor...

If you want to enter the second floor from the first floor, you must find the space passages distributed on the first floor to the second floor.

The most precious treasures in the first floor exist in the center of the first floor. Some of the treasures of heaven and earth that we are going to collect this time are in the center of the first floor.

Next, I will send a list of the treasures of heaven and earth that the master wants us to collect, and send a copy to each of you.The main task for us to enter the Heavenly Punishment Ancestral Land this time is to collect these treasures of heaven and earth. "

After Zhang Li finished speaking, he took out 24 thin dark blue books from the storage bag and distributed them to Li Kang and others, one for each.

Li Kang took the book, glanced at it roughly, and put it in his arms.

"Everyone has got the books, let's set off now and go to the center!" With a strong tension of saber eyebrows, after seeing that everyone has awakened, he issued an order.

Everyone had no objection, and under the leadership of Zhang Li, they drove the bright yellow nebula and headed towards the middle direction quickly.

Li Kang followed closely behind Zhang Li, and flew towards the distance.

Several hours later, Li Kang and the others had already flown hundreds of miles, and they arrived at the sky above a barren mountain.




At this moment, there were extremely sharp screams that pierced into everyone's ears. This sound made people feel very disgusted when they heard it.

There are thousands of red light spots in the sky, and they are coming towards Zhang Li, Li Kang and others at a very fast speed.

The red light spots are from far to near. This is a half-foot-sized bat demon with blood-red eyes, blood-red body and wings, and blood-red fangs.

The cultivation base of each bat demon is probably only at the level of a demon general, but thousands of them together are very powerful.

However, to Zhang Li, Li Kang and other 25 strong people in the Huang Xingxuan realm, thousands of bat demons at the level of demon generals are nothing.

"Senior Brother Zhang, what should we do, so many demon bats are attacking us?" A yellow star spiral star stared at the group of demon bats in the distance without blinking, said.

"The speed of the demon bats is astonishing, and we can't get rid of them. All the disciples of the Northern Xinjiang Sect obey the order and kill all these demon bats with me!" The tense eyebrows condensed, and there was an astonishing murderous intent in the eyes, and he shouted.

After he finished roaring, a dazzling orange-yellow brilliance flashed all over his body, and three-inch-sized star swirls emerged one by one, and quickly moved towards the demon bat.

The other astronomers also flashed dazzling orange-yellow brilliance one after another, and orange-yellow star swirls emerged one after another, killing the group of demon bats.

Li Kang looked at these bat swarms, but couldn't help frowning slightly. He seemed to have noticed something abnormal.

Immediately afterwards, he also drove Huang Xingyun and flew towards the demon bat.

Li Kang's arrival immediately enraged dozens of blood-red monster bats nearby. They opened their fangs like swords and bit Li Kang fiercely.

Li Kang didn't pay attention to these monster bats, and snorted coldly: "Hmph! The gnat may shake the tree beyond its control!"

After he finished speaking, he clenched his hands into fists and punched the demon bat closest to him.


There was a loud explosion, and the hit bat demon turned into a cloud of blood mist and was blasted by Li Kang.

One bat demon died, and the other bat demons became even more stalwart. They were not afraid of death, and rushed towards Li Kang with all their teeth and claws.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"...

A bang sounded continuously. Li Kang killed dozens of bat demons, and immediately there were hundreds of bat demons rushing towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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