Star map

Chapter 379 4 scattered

Chapter 379
Li Kang was also one of the slow-response star warriors. His body was also shrouded in a fiery red light cluster, and rumbling sounds kept ringing out.




At the same time, three shrill screams came from the fiery red light group, which made people feel as if they were going to tear their hearts out.

After the bloody bat demon spewed out three balls of light, he stopped paying attention to the people wrapped in the balls of light.

Its three blood-red demon eyes the size of wheels exuded an astonishing murderous intent, staring at the Northern Border Zong Xingshi who were scattered by Zhang Li and others.

The three bloody eyes of the bloody bat demon suddenly glowed with blood, like three rounds of bloody scorching sun, with three beams of light flying out from their three eyes, the targets were Zhang Li and the other two Beijiang Zongxing scholars.

The castration of the beam of light was like lightning, there was no way to avoid it, Zhang Li was startled, and hurriedly condensed a thick shield composed of countless sword shadows in front of him.


At the moment when it condensed the shield, a beam of light hit the shield, and a violent roar erupted.

Zhang Li's body was thrown away like a cannonball. On the way, he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. There were bean-sized beads of sweat on his cheeks. Obviously, he was injured.

His eyes were fixed on the huge blood-colored bat demon, and there was a look of panic in his eyes: this monster is invincible, and it is almost immortal. To kill him, you must have a star warrior with a red star spiral it's here.

"This monster is invincible, everyone retreat quickly, retreat in different directions, we will gather in the center of the first floor!" Zhang Li roared anxiously.

After yelling, regardless of his injuries, he frantically injected the power of the star vortex into the nebula, bursting out a dazzling orange-yellow brilliance, turning into a stream of yellow light and flying towards the sky.

At this time, the other two star fighters who were hit by the beams of light emitted from the three monster eyes of the blood-colored bat demon let out a shrill scream, and their bodies fell directly from the sky and fell towards the ground.

The blood-colored bat demon has a huge blood-colored wing, and two hazy hurricanes rose from its wings, rolling towards the two star warriors who fell to the ground.

The hurricane accurately wrapped the two star warriors in it, and as the blood bat demon flapped its wings again, the two hurricanes flew back to the bat demon as if they were spiritual.

It opened its bloody mouth full of blood-colored fangs like sharp swords, and directly sucked the seriously injured star soldiers wrapped in the two hurricanes into its mouth, and began to chew frantically.

The sound of "Kaka", "Kaka", "Kaka" kept ringing.

The two stars who had been seriously injured and unconscious were directly chewed up and swallowed by him.

All this happened in mere seconds, very fast.

At this time, the other astronomers had already fled in all directions. Only Li Kang and the other two astronomers who were hit by the blood-red light group just broke free from the blood-red light group and appeared in midair.

The faces of the other two star warriors were as pale as paper, and there were bloodstains on the corners of their mouths. Obviously, they were seriously injured in order to break free from the bloody light ball.

At this time, a look of extreme horror appeared in their eyes: they clearly saw the scene where the bloody bat demon devoured two fellow disciples just now.

After the bat demon devoured the two star warriors, he looked up to the sky again and uttered a cry of "chirp". Three giant blood-red eyes stared at the two star warriors and Li Kang without blinking, showing greed .

The three blood-red giant eyes once again burst out with dazzling blood-red light, and shot out three beams of light in an instant, heading towards Li Kang and the two star warriors.

At this moment, the two star warriors who were seriously injured couldn't help but their spirits flew into the sky, and they wanted to escape, but it was too late. The death of the two fellow disciples just now was still fresh in their memory.

Just when they thought they were going to die, suddenly, they felt a strong force coming from their side.

The bodies of the two of them were bounced tens of feet to the left by a strong force, and they couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, but the two beams of light that attacked them had already missed and hit the ground hard. A shocking roar erupted.

"Run away!"

At this moment, the two of them heard Li Kang's voice.

The two star warriors knew that the great force just now was Li Kang's method for them to use. Before the two of them had time to say anything, they crazily injected the power of the star vortex into the yellow nebula under their feet, turning it into a yellow light and flying towards the sky shoot away.

At this moment, Li Kang's body was hit by a beam of light witnessed by the bat demon, and the whole body was enveloped in it, and there were constant roaring sounds from within.

The bloody bat demon saw two star fighters who could have been the food in its belly escaped by the young man in the beam of light, and couldn't help being furious. It let out a few extremely angry screams, and then prepared to run towards those who escaped. The stars chased after him.

"Monster, your opponent is Grandpa!"

At this moment, a haughty voice suddenly came from the beam of light.

Hearing the words, the blood-colored bat demon immediately stopped. Three blood eyes the size of wheels looked towards Li Kang who was surrounded by the beam of light, and there was a monstrous anger in them.

I saw a red figure emerging from the beam of light intact, his pair of star-bright eyes flashed with mockery, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hahaha, evildoer, if you have the ability, come and chase after grandpa!" Li Kang laughed wildly and then drove the shining yellow nebula, flying towards the opposite direction from the other star warriors, at an extremely fast speed.


Hearing the words, the huge blood-colored bat demon couldn't help being very angry: it was this nasty boy who ruined his own good deed just now, and now he still dares to speak wildly.

It gave up its plan to track down other star warriors. Its three blood-red eyes exploded with astonishing murderous intent. It stared at Li Kang closely. It flapped its huge blood-red wings, and the billowing wind rose up, aiming at Li Kang. Chase and go in the direction of fleeing.

Li Kang has reached the horizon at this moment, his face is full of calmness: the blood-red bat demon behind him, he doesn't pay attention to it, it is not difficult to kill the demon bat with his cultivation base of the red star realm .

He didn't make a move just now and killed the monster directly, because he didn't want to expose his true strength, and he didn't want to go all the way with Zhang Li and others.

Li Kang still had his own work to do, and it was inconvenient to follow the crowd, and it was not easy to monopolize any precious geniuses and treasures.

Therefore, he took advantage of the opportunity of the appearance of the blood bat demon, and successfully got rid of Zhang Li and other Northern Border Zong Xingshi.

Li Kang was flying, and with a thought, the spirit beast bag burst into light, and the black and red Xiao Hei flew out of the spirit beast bag, spinning around his body, a pair of blood-red eyes Staring closely at the bat demon not far behind him, he showed a look of longing.

(End of this chapter)

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