Star map

Chapter 385

Chapter 385

The voice of the skinny young man in green was full of terror and crying.

His body began to tremble violently. At this moment, he felt that death was in front of him. Death's life-harvesting scythe was already on his neck, and he smelled the cold smell of death.

The skinny young man in green didn't want to die, he hadn't lived enough, he didn't want to die.

His eyes, which were originally full of anger, were now filled with fear and pleading, tears flowed unstoppably, and his knees softened and he knelt down.

It's just that the body of the skinny man in green was grabbed by Li Kang, and he was kneeling in the air, but he didn't kneel down on the ground.

At the same time, the crotch of the skinny man in green was mostly wet, and there was a smell of urine, which came to his nostrils.

Li Kang's fist was about to hit his chest, and he stopped abruptly, without hurting the opponent.

"I thought your bones were very hard and you weren't afraid of death, so you're also a softie!" Li Kang threw the skinny man in green with disgust and said teasingly.

The skinny man in green hurriedly displayed Nebula and stood up again.

Immediately afterwards, he took off the storage bag with both hands, and respectfully brought it in front of Li Kang, like a servant.

Li Kang was also polite, and took the storage bag over, not without disgust: "It's so stinky, get out!"

The skinny man in green immediately bowed to Li Kang and said, "Thank you, senior, for not killing me!"

"Get out, don't you know, do you stink?" Li Kang glanced at the skinny man in green with disgust, and muttered dissatisfied.

The thin man in green clothes dared not speak out, his face was very ugly, he hurriedly drove the yellow nebula and flew towards the distance.

Li Kang slowly turned his gaze to the remaining star warriors in the air, and said with a grin: "Everyone, should you give up your money or your life?"

The expressions on the faces of the group of stars were very exciting, including reluctance, anger, fear, and grief. In the end, a gray-clothed Dongyang Zong star took the lead and said: "Senior, our things honor you, senior. It should!"

After he finished speaking, he drove Xingyun to Li Kang, took off the storage bag and respectfully sent it to Li Kang: "Please accept it, senior!"

"Haha, that's right, you are quite sensible, little doll." Li Kang laughed and took the storage bag, and said, "You can get out too!"

"Thank you, senior, I'll get out right away!" the star warrior in gray said respectfully.

Then, he turned around and steered the shining yellow nebula, flew towards the sky, and disappeared in the sky in the blink of an eye.

With the two stars in front as an example, other stars also came to Li Kang one after another, and presented the storage bag to Li Kang respectfully.

Li Kang did what he said, after collecting their storage bags, he never made things difficult for them and sent all these star warriors away.

He and these people don't have life-and-death enmity. Since they know the current affairs, there is no need to kill them all.

Now, the star warriors under the red star realm and the star warriors under the red star vortex are nothing more than ants in his eyes, and an elephant will not care about an ant when he is a human being.

Unless this ants don't care about life and death, and come to provoke the elephant.

The big man in green who was blasted to death by his punch was an ant who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and wanted to shake the tree. He deserved his death.

Li Kang watched the astronomers who had disappeared into the sky riding the shining yellow nebula, so he collected all the things in their storage bags and put them into the yellow star shell.

Then, he brought the little white fox to the star medicine garden below, and began to pick the Tianlai branch, Lingyun grass and the mushroom-shaped star medicine.

At this moment, the little white fox couldn't wait to hold a mushroom-shaped star medicine and started to eat it. It made a sound of baji-baji, and saliva flowed down the corner of its mouth, sticking to the mushroom-shaped star medicine.

After spending half an hour, Li Kang finally collected all the star medicines in this star medicine garden, wrapped them carefully, and put them into the star shells.

There are a total of more than 300 plants in this remote Tianlai branch, thousands of Lingyun grass, and more than 100 plants of that peculiar mushroom-shaped star medicine.

At this moment, the little white fox's belly was stretched round, and it swallowed ten mushroom-shaped star medicines in one go, and its furry little face was full of satisfaction.

Its pair of fluffy hind legs kicked hard on the ground, its body like a ball bounced high, and landed on Li Kang's shoulders.

If Li Kang was not afraid that the little white fox would eat too much and burst his stomach, the little white fox would have to keep eating.

Then, Li Kang carried the little white fox, found a hidden place, sat down cross-legged, took out a yellow star shell from his arms, and poured out the contents one by one, piled up like a hill of.

It took him half an hour to check all the items that looked like a hill in front of him.

Most of these items are star-cultivating objects such as star stones, Lingyun grass, etc. Other than that, there are very few other things.

There are only two things that Li Kang is interested in: a dead wood-colored animal skin, which is a map; a book covered with an ancient animal skin cover.

He first picked up the map. There are several special marks on the map. These marks are not treasure places, but the space passages that exist from the first floor to the third floor.

After Li Kang carefully wrote down the contents on this map, he picked up the animal skin-covered book, and opened the first page, on which were written "Secrets of Heavenly Punishment Ancestral Land".

Immediately, he was deeply attracted by these six words, and began to examine them carefully.

It took an entire hour for Li Kang to finish reading the animal skin book, and the expression on his face was excited, excited, and incredible.

The secrets about the Heavenly Punishment Ancestral Land recorded in the book opened his eyes, and there were many things in it that he had never heard of.

He stood up and put everything into Huang Xingbei.

Then, he took out a flowery dress full of patches from the star shell, and put it on his body. With a thought, his appearance changed.

A round-faced man wearing blue clothes appeared, and the little white fox looked at the round-faced man curiously with a pair of round black eyes.

"Why, Xiaobai, you don't know the master anymore!" Li Kang said with a smile, reaching out and rubbing the little furry head of the little white fox.

"Yiyiya, yiyiya, yiyiya." The little white fox screamed, and then jumped onto the shoulders of the round-faced young man, putting the furry little front legs on the owner's neck.

"Okay, it's time for us to go to the center of the first floor of Xingtian Ancestral Land, and see if there are any treasures there!" After Li Kang finished speaking, he drove the yellow nebula and flew towards the center. .


Several hours later, the sky was still dim, and there were nine full moons like silver plates hanging in the sky, exuding a faint brilliance.

Li Kang was not far from the center at this time, he was driving the shining yellow nebula, and suddenly, he stopped, looking at the sky with excitement on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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