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Chapter 387 Strong Dragon Grass

Chapter 387 Strong Dragon Grass
The earth trembled violently, and huge rocks rolled down continuously. On the mountain peaks shining with colorful light, with the colorful vortex as the center, huge cracks appeared one after another, as if on the ground. , a wound appears.

The disciples of the four sects couldn't stand still, and cast yellow star clouds one after another, floating into the air, and continued to confront each other with swords drawn. As soon as the legendary Xeon star medicine Qianglongcao appeared, a life-and-death battle between them would break out.

Immediately afterwards, in the very center of the mountain peak, where the colorful vortex was located, a huge hole with no bottom appeared.

A deafening sound of dragon chant came from the depths of the huge pit, reaching directly to the top of the sky.

I saw a cyan light and shadow flying out from the depths of the giant crater and flying toward the sky.

At this moment, the eyes of the disciples of the four major sects burst out with greedy eyes, one by one driving the nebula and flying towards the blue light and shadow that flew out.

The cyan light and shadow were like a magnet with strong suction, and the members of the four sects were like pieces of iron, and they were deeply attracted by it.

They were scrambling to get ahead, fearing that if they were a step too late, the Xeon star medicine Qianglongcao would fall into the hands of others.

At this moment, Li Kang, who had turned into a feather, was floating in the air without moving.

Because, from the blue light and shadow, he smelled a hint of danger, and for some reason, his heart felt uneasy.

Stars attach great importance to this kind of warning sign between hearts.

At this moment, a star warrior in gray clothes first approached the cyan light and shadow flying at a high speed, and he grabbed the cyan light and shadow.

"Hahaha, the Strong Dragon Grass is mine!" the gray-clothed Star Warrior shouted wildly with a look of excitement and excitement, his eyebrows jumping up.

He is driving the shining yellow nebula, ready to fly away into the distance.

At this moment, the star warriors of the other three sects present couldn't sit still anymore. Their faces showed extremely angry expressions, and they all prepared to use powerful star skills to kill this gray-clothed star warrior.

At the same time, the gray-clothed star warrior grabbed the cyan light and shadow, and shouted in a deep voice: "All disciples of the Dongyang Sect obey the order and immediately protect me and leave this place!"

As the gray-clothed man's voice fell, more than a dozen other gray-clothed disciples of Dongyang Sect gathered towards him and surrounded him in the center.

The gray-clothed star man holding a blue light and shadow in his hand is a one-foot-long blue star medicine. This star medicine has only one stalk, and nine blue leaves are distributed on it. On each leaf, There is a phantom of a green dragon engraved on it, lifelike.

The gray-clothed star star looked at the star medicine in his hand, feeling extremely excited and excited.

He took out a pitch-black token from his pocket. This token was as black as ink, and there were three words "Heavenly Punishment Order" flying on it.

As soon as the disciples of the other three sects saw the disciples of the Dongyang Sect holding the Heavenly Punishment Order, they knew that the other party wanted to take the Strong Dragon Grass and leave the Heavenly Punishment Ancestral Land directly to return to the sect.

"Fellow Taoists of the Tiannan Sect and the West Wind Sect, and the disciples of the Dongyang Sect want to take Qianglongcao away from this place, we must not allow them to activate the Heavenly Execution Order!" the yellow-clothed, thick-browed tension of the Northern Border Sect roared anxiously.

After he finished roaring, the orange-yellow star swirls all over his body spun sharply, and the power of the star swirls was poured into his hands, forming a yellow light cluster, and an orange-yellow broadsword was transformed into an illusion.

The other two star warriors and the disciples of the Beijiang sect also transformed into warriors one after another, preparing to unleash a powerful blow to prevent the Dongyang sect from leaving.

At this moment, the mutation protruded.


There was an extremely shrill scream.

I saw that the strong dragon grass in the hands of the gray-clothed star warrior who was holding the strong dragon grass had flew to the top of his head at some point, turning into a blue dragon head, and opened the huge blue-colored fangs. Ya's big mouth spewed out a blue light.

The cyan radiance directly wrapped the gray-clothed star within it, and the grey-clothed star had a look of extreme horror and pain on his face, and the scream just now came from his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the green dragon's head, which was several feet in size, sucked the gray-clothed star soldier wrapped in the clear brilliance into his mouth.


There was another extremely shrill scream, and the figure of the gray-clothed youth disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Everyone couldn't help but turn pale with shock when they saw this scene. They couldn't understand the changes that occurred.

After swallowing the body of the young man in gray, the cyan dragon head opened its huge and ferocious dragon mouth again, and spewed out a burst of cyan light towards the man in gray who was the closest to Qiqi, wrapping him around.

"Ah, help! I don't want to die..."

The young man in gray let out a horrified howl, his entire face twisted, dancing with his arms and legs, trying to struggle to get out of the blue radiant package.

However, all his efforts were obviously in vain, this cyan radiance was like a cage that could never be broken, tightly imprisoning him within it.

"Run! This is not a strong dragon grass, this is clearly a monster that kills without blinking an eye!"

I don't know which star warrior, after uttering a terrified roar.

At the scene, the four star warriors who had not yet been enveloped by the cyan brilliance poured the power of the star vortex into the nebula under their feet one after another, turning into streaks of yellow brilliance, and flew towards the surroundings at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, they all hated their parents for not giving them an extra pair of legs.

When everyone fled in all directions, Li Kang, who had turned into a feather, did not escape. He felt that the dragon's head was very strange.

At this moment, the dragon head that had swallowed another star warrior in gray didn't chase the other four star warriors who were fleeing in all directions, but turned its head.

His eyes, which were shining with green fire, stared closely at Li Kang who had turned into a feather.

Immediately, Li Kang felt that he was locked by some extremely mysterious force, unable to move, unable to escape. The mysterious force was so powerful that he could not break free.

At this moment, he felt that he was an ant, an ant who could not control his own destiny.

Li Kang couldn't help but turn pale with shock, the feather in the air changed drastically, and his figure reappeared from it.It's not the round-faced young man in Tsing Yi, but the original appearance of the flowered clothes covered with colorful patches.

His thin and handsome face was full of shock, and fear appeared in his eyes.

At this time, he remembered that the "Secrets of the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Punishment" he had obtained not long ago, and remembered the content recorded in it, it should be true.

In "Secrets of the Ancestral Land of Punishment", it is recorded that the star warriors who once had the Red Star Whirlpool entered the Ancestral Land of Heavenly Punishment, and all of them died here, and did not get out alive...

(End of this chapter)

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