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Chapter 389 Strange Fish

Chapter 389 Strange Fish
Immediately, the physical body was like a dry land, suddenly met with rain.

Under the blessing of the blood-red natal astrology, Li Kang felt that the strength of his body was increasing rapidly, and the pressure on the black stone platform above his head began to decrease a little.

Taking advantage of this moment, he hastened to speed up and walked towards the edge of the black stone platform.

He is getting closer and closer to the edge of the black stone platform, but the pressure from the black stone platform is also getting stronger...

It's time for a cup of tea.

Li Kang was only five steps away from the edge of the black stone platform. His hands trembled violently, and his feet also trembled violently.

He felt the pressure on his arms getting bigger and bigger. Scary cuts appeared on his arms, face, body, and thighs. Blood flowed out from the cuts, staining his body red. The black stone platform at the foot.

The most difficult moment has come.

Li Kang knew that if he couldn't take these last five steps, he would be crushed into a meatloaf and die.

"I will persist!"

"I must go to the end!"

He kept telling himself in his heart that his feet trembled and he took a step.

"Crackling", "Crackling", "Crackling" came from the strange sound of bones.

Scarlet blood continuously flowed down his legs, leaving blood-red footprints behind him, shocking.

"One step, one step has been taken, there are only four steps left!"

Li Kang's eyes were full of blood-red light, and countless phantoms of stars were born and died in them, he gritted his teeth secretly.

Immediately afterwards, he lifted his feet with great difficulty, and suddenly, he felt a huge force coming from his arms and transmitted to his legs.

The enormous pressure does not allow the legs to lift.


Li Kang opened his mouth, his face was covered with blood, and he roared with a ferocious expression.

On his hands and feet, countless tendons and veins emerged from his body like blue horned dragons, which were extremely ferocious.

Li Kang exploded with all his strength, raised his legs violently, and broke free from the ruthless oppression of strength.

He started to take a fierce step forward, and the blood flowed down even more, staining the ground, his heart, and his eyes red.

"The third step! Ah!!!"

Li Kang shouted violently again, and the roar echoed between heaven and earth.

Regardless of the growing and growing wounds all over his body, he suddenly took another step.

Blood flowed like a column, madly flowing down from the wound, and the ground was covered with blood.

"the fourth step!!!"

Li Kang had an extremely ferocious expression on his face, clenched his teeth, and let out a deep roar.

He felt that his legs, hands, and body were already in good shape, and he took a sharp step.

He didn't have time to rest, even if it was just for a short while, once he stopped, he couldn't walk anymore.

"The last step!!!" Li Kang's muscles twisted all over his face, the wound burst open, and blood-red blood flowed out continuously.

He raised his thigh that seemed to be broken, and took a final step forward...

At this moment, the mountain-like pressure hit him like a storm, his whole body trembled violently, one wound after another burst continuously, burst again, blood flowed like a river.

Li Kang felt that his physical body was about to collapse, and he was about to die.

"No!!! Even if I die, I will take this last step!" Unwilling, he roared extremely angrily.

Exhausting all his strength, his trembling leg that made the sound of "cracking", "cracking", "cracking" finally firmly stepped on the edge of the black stone platform.

The other leg followed closely and stepped out.

Finally took the last step, the last step that decides life and death!

There was a huge roar that shook the sky, and the black stone platform pressed down above collided heavily with the bottom black stone platform below.

All of a sudden, the entire blood-colored river surged violently. Huge blood-colored waves surged up and beat the black stones standing in the river.

Li Kang stood on the edge of the black stone platform, on the ground only about a foot in size, trembling all over.

The blood from the wound kept flowing out, along the edge of the stone platform under his feet, and flowed into the blood river below, mixing with the blood-colored river water, regardless of you and me.

At this moment, he was extremely exhausted, feeling that all the strength in his body had been pulled out of his body, so he wanted to lie down and have a good sleep.

However, Li Kang knew that the situation in front of him would never allow him to do so.

He took out a yellow star shell, injected the power of natal astrology into it, took out several healing holy medicines, ten thousand year blood ginseng, put it in his mouth, chewed it frantically, and swallowed it into his stomach.

Soon, Li Kang's body was covered in bloody brilliance, and the terrifying wounds were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood had already stopped flowing.

He also wanted to continue to swallow the Wannian blood ginseng to recover from his injuries.

At this moment, suddenly, a majestic, ancient, and vicissitudes of life sounded: "The stone platform under your feet is about to sink, and the stone steps leading to the other side of the river in front of you are about to be submerged by the river of blood. The river of blood can corrode the flesh. The body of the Great Demon King will be corroded into bones by the blood river. If you don’t want to die here, you’d better pass through within a quarter of an hour!"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Kang felt the black stone platform under his feet tremble violently, and began to sink downward continuously.

At the same time, the black stone steps that were about to cross the blood river in front also began to sink down a little bit.

He couldn't help being surprised, if the stone steps were swallowed by the river of blood, it would be impossible for him to go over.

The blood river water is corrosive, and the physical strength below the Great Demon King is impossible to pass through!

Li Kang no longer cared about swallowing Wannian blood ginseng to heal his wounds. He hurriedly stood up and jumped towards a black stone step a few meters away in front of him.

As soon as his body jumped, he saw the blood-red water below surge violently, and blood-red shadows jumped out of the blood river, heading towards his body.

Fortunately, Li Kang's speed was very fast, and he landed directly on the stone steps, avoiding most of the bloody shadows, but several bloody shadows still hit his body.

It was three bloody "long arrows" about a foot long that hit his arm, and blood continued to flow down the wound.

At the same time, there was a piercing pain continuously coming from the wound, making it unbearable.

Li Kang stretched out his hand and pulled out a long arrow. He felt a burning sensation in his hands. Looking carefully, it was not a blood-colored long arrow. It was clearly a blood-colored elongated strange fish.

(End of this chapter)

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