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Chapter 394 Counting the Harvest

Chapter 394 Counting the Harvest
In the place where the Zongmen of Northern Xinjiang is located, there is a ground fire of good quality.

Next, in his spare time, Li Kang waited for Huang Xiaoxiao's news while refining the star medicine and practicing what the Xingxuan ancestor had learned.At the same time, he also asked Po Zhen to go to the place where the earth fire of the Northern Border Sect was located to refine the ancient star body pill.

In the Tianxing Ancestral Land, Li Kang traveled all over the seven-story space of the Tianxing Ancestral Land, and obtained tens of thousands of Tian Lai branches, and the quality of these Tian Lai branches is extremely excellent.

He thought, if Po Zhen could refine all these Tian Lai branches into elixir, it should be enough for him to raise the astral warrior's cultivation base to the Red Star Realm Dzogchen.

In the Heavenly Punishment Ancestral Land, Li Kang not only harvested a large amount of Tian Lai Branches and Ling Yun Grass, but also collected some other star medicines.

There are also some star medicines that increase the cultivation of star minders. However, among these star medicines, the most valuable ones are the dozens of star medicines collected from the core of the seventh floor of the celestial punishment ancestral land. .

Among the dozens of star medicines, Li Kang only knew three of them, and those three star medicines were the legendary strong dragon grass.

He didn't even recognize the other 33 strains of star medicine.

There are five black star medicine plants that look like lotus flowers, two strange star medicine plants that look like cranes, and one star medicine plant that looks like ginseng but has a baby's face. 25 plants of three strange star medicines with different shapes.

Li Kang knew that these star medicines must be extremely cherished.

After he left the Tianxing Ancestral Land, he looked through all the records of the Tianxing Ancestral Land from the scripture storage pavilion of the Northern Jiangzong. .

Then, the star medicine on the seventh floor of the Heavenly Punishment Ancestral Land has been grown for hundreds of millions of years, so one can imagine how precious it is.

As for the other classics in the Beijiang Zongzangjing Pavilion that introduced the land of punishment, he also read them.According to the ancient records, there has never been an astronomer in the Purple Star Vortex in the land of the punishment, as if there was some kind of strange curse here.

In the Land of Heavenly Punishment, the star warriors with the highest cultivation level will eventually stay in the late stage of the Red Star Spiral.

Li Kang was very curious about this discovery, but he didn't delve into it, and at the same time, he didn't have time to delve into it.

Next, he began to quietly comprehend what Xingxuan ancestor taught him.

Now, what he can comprehend are the two Star Skills of the Xingxuan Patriarch's Red Star Vortex Realm. Of these two Star Skills, one uses the power of the Star Spiral to condense a "bow" soldier, and the other is to condense a Stick Warriors.

These two star whirlwind star skills have their own merits, which are very profound and magical.Of course, the power is also quite powerful, enough to sweep away invincible opponents of the same level.

If Xingxuan Patriarch's star skills can't sweep the same level, then it is really unreasonable.

Therefore, Li Kang was not at all curious about the power of this star technique.

He quietly comprehended these two star skills. Even with Li Kang's comprehension ability, he had to comprehend for a full month before he thoroughly understood the profound meaning of these two star skills.

He thought about it, if it was someone else, who hadn't been around for ten or eight years, he would never have thought of thoroughly comprehending the profound meaning of these two star skills.

On this day, Li Kang was sitting cross-legged in his residence, refining the elixir that Po Zhen had just released not long ago, in order to improve his cultivation.

At this moment, a fiery red light spot appeared in front of him.

He stretched out his hand to grab the spot of light, and a piece of paper appeared with something written on it.

After Li Kang took a closer look, a smile appeared on his face, and he collected the elixir to be refined, got up and prepared to go out.

At this time, the little white fox who was playing with its own tail jumped up from the ground, jumped onto the shoulder of its master, and followed the master out of the house.

Li Kang soon arrived in front of a tall and majestic hall, and the two big men of Huang Xingxuan who were in charge of guarding the gate saluted him respectfully: "See Elder Zong!"

He didn't look at the two guards, and walked straight into the hall.

Soon, Li Kang saw Bei Tengfei, the patriarch of the Northern Border Sect, who was beardless and majestic.

"Sovereign, where is the person I'm looking for?" Li Kang found a seat in the hall and sat down, and asked straight to the point.

Bei Tengfei heard the words, hesitant to speak on his face, and finally said: "Old Li Zong, our disciples have indeed inquired about Miss Huang's whereabouts."

"Where is she?" There was a look of hope in Li Kang's eyes.

"She is from the West Wind Sect!"

"In the West Wind Sect?"

"According to the report from our Northern Border Sect's spies in the West Wind Sect, a girl exactly like the one you described was captured by the Young Sect Master of the West Wind Sect.

I heard that Miss Huang Xiaoxiao has a special physique, and she can help male stars break through a bottleneck once she has double practiced with stars. "

After hearing Bei Tengfei's words, Li Kang couldn't help showing disbelief: Huang Xiaoxiao has a special physique, and he never knew it.

"Sovereign, tell me in detail." Li Kang looked at Bei Tengfei and said.

"The young lord of the West Wind Sect reached Huang Xingxuan's late stage cultivation level ten years ago, but he has been unable to break through. Now that he has met Miss Huang who has a special physique who can help him break through the bottleneck, he must Will not let go.

According to reliable information from the spies, the West Wind Sect decided to hold a wedding for its young master in half a month, and it was going to be a double cultivation with Miss Huang Xiaoxiao.

It is absolutely impossible for us to ask someone from the West Wind Sect.

If you want to save Miss Huang, you have to go to the West Wind Sect! "

Bei Tengfei explained this matter to Li Kang in detail.

"Thank you, Sovereign Bei, for letting me know this news." Li Kang flew towards Bei, clasping his fists.

"Old Li Zong, what are you going to do? As long as you have a plan, the suzerain will fully support you!" Bei Tengfei looked at Li Kangdao with dazzling eyes.

"Sect Master, let me take care of the next thing. I just joined the Northern Border Sect not long ago, and I haven't made any achievements. It's not good for the people of the Northern Border Sect to work hard for me!" After Li Kang finished speaking, he said goodbye and left. Back to his residence.

He knew that although he was the elder of the Beijiang Sect, if someone called the Beijiang Sect shed blood and died for his own affairs, some people would make irresponsible remarks.

At the same time, relying on Li Kang's own strength, coupled with Pozhen's ability to break the formation, he believes that rescuing Huang Xiaoxiao will not be a problem.

Moreover, he decided to leave the Land of Heavenly Punishment after finding Huang Xiaoxiao, so he didn't want to leave too much entanglement with the Northern Border Sect.

The purpose of choosing to join the Beijiang sect at the beginning has been achieved, and Huang Xiaoxiao's news has also been obtained.

After tidying up, Li Kang came to the place where Earth Fire was, found Po Zhen, and took him with him to leave the Northern Border Sect and head towards the West Wind Sect quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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