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Chapter 40 The Fierce Bald Head

Chapter 40 The Fierce Bald Head

All kinds of gorgeous star skills exude bright green lights, flying around the arena, beautiful, dazzling and overwhelming.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom", there are deafening roars coming from the arena, and I don't know what kind of material the arena is built of, and it bears the star skills of the astral warriors, and it is as stable as Mount Tai, without being disturbed in the slightest. The look of destruction.

Others couldn't see it, but Li Kang found the problem after a closer look: I saw that there was a faint gray light on the surface of each ring, and he knew it was because of the star array arranged by the astronomer.

After the cup of tea time passed, astral fighters were continuously knocked out of the arena, some spit out blood, and some passed out directly. The battle was so intense.

Li Kang found that the lowest level of this group of contestants was the third rank of the Green Star Realm, most of them were at the fourth or fifth rank, and the highest level was the seventh rank of the Green Star Realm.

"It seems that it is really not easy for me to win the stage!" He secretly said in his heart.

"Ah..." At this moment, an extremely shrill scream pierced into Li Kang's ears along the cold wind, causing a faint pain in the eardrums.

He followed the sound and stared, and saw a strong figure on the third ring, which was knocked high like a sandbag, drawing a curve in the air, and scarlet blood continuously sprinkled from the air, and finally this figure He fell heavily to the ground, and a large pit in the shape of a human was smashed into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, another object fell from the air. It was a strong arm, and the cut was bloody and bloody.

The big man who fell to the ground was pale and passed out, his severed arm fell beside him.

Two soldiers in red armor hurried forward to pick up the broken arm, and carried the big man down for treatment.

The people who were watching the competition under the arena were secretly shocked when they saw this bloody scene.

The one who shot down the big man was a bald man with a thick back and waist. He shot fiercely and fiercely. There was a nine-inch-high dark green giant bear sculpture on his chest, and a five-color halo above his head.

This bald man is a powerful astral body warrior with a seventh-grade green star realm and an earth-level natal astrology.

At this moment, two people on the No. [-] ring were knocked out of the ring and landed on the ground. Both were seriously injured, and there was a large amount of blood on the ring. Both of them were shot down by the bald man.

Although the bald man's body is as strong as an iron tower, his movements are more agile than that of a cunning rabbit. His legs are dazzling green, and his figure moves, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and his figure has appeared in all directions like a ghost. It is faster than the quick-step meteor technique.

He came to stand still in front of a fifth-grade astral body in the green star realm, clenched his fists with dazzling green lights, aimed at the chest of the opponent who was caught off guard, and punched.

I saw two bright green lights the size of a skull flying out from his fist, and instantly intersected and merged into one, turning into a green sledgehammer, which hit the opponent's chest hard like a shooting star.

Fortunately, the astral warrior had already cast the starlight shield, and the starlight shield was solidified. When the giant hammer hit the starlight shield, it sags, sags, and sags inward quickly, and then there was a sound of "嗞啦", and the starlight shield was actually covered. The cracks are like shattered ice, and eventually, they turn into little stars and dissipate.

The color of the green sledgehammer also dimmed a lot, but even so, it actually hit the fifth-rank astral body warrior on the chest, and it still knocked him into the air.

His body was still like a sandbag, flying out of the ring, vomiting blood in the air.

The eyes of this poor star body man are full of disbelief: the opponent actually broke the star light shield with one move!
With a sound of "Boom", he fell heavily under the ring, his eyes darkened and he passed out. Scarlet blood oozed from his chest, obviously, he was seriously injured.

Without the protection of the starlight shield, his natal astrology would be shattered and destroyed!
How fierce is the strength of this punch!
The scarred face who was watching from a distance also showed a look of surprise in his eyes.

The bald man gave the astral body warrior who landed a cold look, then stayed in place for three breaths, and then rushed to the next astral body man.

The people standing below the ring watched this scene in complete silence. Most of the seventh-rank astral body fighters in the green star realm can smash the starlight shield, but at least two blows are needed to complete it.

However, almost no one can smash the starlight shield with one blow and seriously injure the opponent, at least in the eyes of the people of the Nine Kingdoms today, no one in the green star realm can do it, unless the opponent uses the natal star skill.

However, the bald man did it, and what he just used was not a natal star skill.

Li Kang's eyes were shining brightly, he stared closely at the bald man on the third ring, and said softly to himself: "'Meteor Hammer' and 'Done Step on the Star' are actually these two kinds of star skills, these two star skills belong to The top-grade star skills of the Green Star Realm. Being able to learn these two star skills in the land of the Nine Kingdoms, the identity of this bald man is really not easy."


Soon, there were several consecutive screams, and several astral warriors in the third ring were blown away like sandbags, and fell heavily to the ground, life and death unknown.

At this time, there were more bloodstains on the third stage, like strange red flowers blooming on the stage, filled with a strong smell of blood.

They were all shot down by the bald man alone. To defeat them, he only used two moves: meteor hammer and stepping on the star alone.

At this moment, there are only three people left in the No. [-] ring, a big bald man, a skinny man at the fifth rank of the Green Star Realm, and a big man at the sixth rank of the Green Star Realm. The thin man and the big man were still fighting fiercely just now, but at this moment, they all agreed He stopped and looked at the bald man with horror in his eyes.

"Brother, we admit defeat!"

"Brother, we admit defeat!"

The two of them gave in to the bald man of the seventh rank with one voice.

Bald Alley smiled, revealing his white front teeth. This smile gave people a very simple and honest look. He said in a low voice, "Since I'm in the ring, I didn't admit defeat."

As soon as he finished speaking, his body moved like a ghost, and before the rank-[-] man could react, he had already arrived in front of him, and aimed at his chest and punched hard.

An emerald-green sledgehammer flew out, hitting the starlight shield of the sixth-rank man, and it was extremely sunken inward. Finally, there was a sound of "嗞啦", and the starlight shield was broken without any suspense. A hole the size of a fist was blasted open.

The blood gushed out of his chest, and the blood arrow flew to the simple and honest face of the bald man, and the blood flowed down his cheeks to the corner of his mouth, and he actually stuck out his tongue to lick the blood.

Obviously, the Meteor Fist that the bald head just cast is stronger than the previous few times, and the power of the astrology is also consumed more than the previous few times. At this time, only one tenth of his natal astrology is emerald green, The other nine tenths are gray and white.

"Hey, little monkey, it's your turn!" The bald man smiled like a bloodthirsty demon at the moment.

The fifth-rank skinny man was so startled that his legs trembled, the power of the star image was poured into his legs crazily, and he ran towards the periphery of the ring. In his panic, he even forgot to use Quick Meteor.

Just when he fled to the edge of the ring and was about to jump off the ring, suddenly, he felt a strong force coming from his back, and then, with a "click", his thin body flew out like a paper kite , he lost all consciousness, his eyes were black, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

His Starlight Shield was not broken, obviously the power of the bald man's blow was weaker than the previous blows.

Li Kang under the ring saw all these details in his eyes. He found that every time the bald man used the meteor hammer, he had to rest for three or four breaths before using the meteor hammer again. After the big meteor hammer, he only rested for two breaths before casting the meteor hammer again—in order not to let the fifth-rank skinny man escape.

As a result, the power of this Meteor Hammer move was much smaller than the previous few times, but the power of astrology consumed was not a little bit.

At this moment, the bald man has consumed all the power of astrology.

"Hey, I hate timid softies the most!"

After he finished speaking in a low voice, he stretched out his big hand to wipe the blood on his face, then put his big blood-stained hand in front of his mouth, and licked it with his tongue.

"Hehe, the taste of blood is really good!" The bald man grinned again, revealing his blood-stained front teeth. His smile was very simple and honest, but it gave people an extraordinarily hideous feeling!

Under the arena, everyone who saw this scene felt hairy in their hearts, and no one made a sound for a long time.It wasn't until a while later that everyone began to discuss in low voices.

"This bald man is simply not human!"

"His star skills are too bloody and overbearing!"

"This fellow is a murderer. Whoever encounters him will be bad luck. If he doesn't do it well, his life will be accounted for."

"In a while, if I win, I can participate in the next round of competition and be on the same stage as him. I will definitely not be on stage!"


Li Kang also listed this bald man as the number one important person, his head was running quickly, thinking about how to defeat this guy with his own strength... Soon, a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Time passed quickly while thinking, and soon the first batch of competitions were all over, and ten winners were successfully selected.

Li Kang leaped into the fifth ring according to the pre-divided groups. The little white fox did not want to leave Li Kang, stretched out his small front legs and hugged his neck tightly, with a pair of round black eyes Eyes vigilantly looked at the contestants around.

At this time, all the contestants had already boarded the ring, and after the master Shi who was in charge of judging called "Start", the ten of them shone with dazzling green light all over their bodies, and released their natal astrology one after another.

Li Kang also released his natal astrology, and the five-inch-high Sagittarius astrology appeared on his chest, with a palm-sized purple-gold halo on his head, and the Sagittarius astrology appeared dark green.

The natal astrology of the remaining nine people, the highest level is the sixth rank of the Green Star Realm, the lowest level is the fourth rank of the Green Star Realm, there is one person in the sixth rank, four people in the fifth rank, and four people in the fourth rank.

Standing next to Li Kang was a fat man with big ears and a big belly. His body was like a mountain of meat, in stark contrast to the thin Li Kang.

The fat man like a mountain of meat is the only sixth-grade astral body in the green star realm on the fifth ring. An eight-inch-high emerald green fat pig's natal astrology is floating on his chest. The two tusks on the mouth of this fat pig The tusks are extremely long, several times longer than those of ordinary wild boars, and there is a four-color halo on its head.

(End of this chapter)

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