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Chapter 400 Tiangang 36 Sticks

Chapter 400 Tiangang 36 Sticks
Each stick shadow was thirty feet long, like giant pillars supporting the sky, a total of 36 blood-colored huge stick shadows appeared in front of Li Kang.

They didn't immediately attack the three demon kings on the opposite side.

Under the control of Li Kang's thoughts, the 36 blood-colored stick shadows condensed into three thicker stick shadows than before, and smashed down on the three demon kings fiercely.

"Boom", "Boom", and "Boom" sounded three earth-shattering bangs, and three huge blood-red light clusters appeared in the air, enveloping three extremely huge demon kings, and it was impossible to tell where they were from. shape.




Immediately afterwards, three extremely frightened roars came from the blood-colored light group, and the roars went straight to the sky, causing the earth to tremble.

What Li Kang just displayed was only the first form of "Tiangang 36 sticks". Now, two hundred blood-red star swirls all over his body are running crazily, exuding a dazzling blood-colored brilliance.

The power of these star vortices all gathered towards the bloody long stick in his hand, and suddenly, the bloody long stick shone brightly and made a buzzing sound.

Then, the bloody long stick escaped from Li Kang's hands, and flew towards the three huge light clusters enveloping the three demon kings.

In the blink of an eye, the blood-colored long stick appeared above the three blood-colored light clusters, and then it instantly grew in size at a frightening speed. In just one breathing time, the blood-colored long stick turned into a length of hundreds of feet.

At this time, the blood-colored long staff really looked like a pillar of heaven, and it spun in the air. The stars formed dense afterimages, and bursts of hurricanes appeared around it, tearing the space, and black spots appeared. crack.

After these cracks appeared, they immediately recovered, then appeared again, and then recovered, and so on.


There was an earth-shattering buzzing sound, and I saw countless stick shadows several feet long flying down from the huge stick that was constantly rotating like a pillar of heaven, like the dense raindrops that filled the sky fell on the three sides. The demon king who just broke free from the bloody light ball.

Immediately, all the spaces where the three great demon kings were located were strangely imprisoned.

The three demon kings saw the shadows of sticks falling from the sky, and they couldn't help showing extremely dignified expressions in their pair of bloody giant eyes. The three demon kings had already been injured in the first wave of attacks by the youth in red just now. up.

Now, the attacks of the continuously falling stick shadows are several times more powerful than the attack just now. If they want to resist, they can take it even if they are seriously injured.

However, after receiving these attacks, their combat power will be greatly reduced. If the young man in red has other powerful means at that time, the three demons will only end up being killed.

If they didn't take this blow, they would have to bow their heads to the young man in red and become his subordinates.

This is definitely not what the three demon kings wished for, and they would not bow down to surrender unless they had no spare energy.

After all, freedom is the most important thing besides life, in the eyes of the Three Demon Kings.

Therefore, they resolutely chose to fight, fight, fight!

The incomparably huge bodies of the three demon kings exuded dazzling blood, like three huge scorching suns, appearing in the sky.

The two-headed wolf demon opened its bloody mouth, and towards the huge blood-colored stick in the sky that swirled like a pillar of heaven, it spit out two flaming flames that seemed to burn the sky.

These two groups of huge flames spewed out, and the light in the two pairs of blood-colored giant eyes of the double-headed wolf monster dimmed a lot, as if the blow just now consumed a lot of its energy.

The gigantic elephant raised its head that was as large as a hill, and swung it vigorously towards the giant stick in the sky, and saw two extremely blood-red long sticks that were more than ten feet in size. Objects fly away.

These two long strips are exactly the two indestructible tusks of the Elephant Demon King, which are its most powerful weapons.

The two tusks were separated from its body surface, and the light in the giant blood-colored eyes of the elephant king was dimmed a lot like the two-headed wolf demon that spewed out two blood-colored flames.

The four-winged strange bird suddenly burst into dazzling blood-red brilliance, and immediately after that, countless blood-red rays of light appeared on its body, flying towards the giant stick in the air.

If you look carefully, you will find that these blood-colored lights are transformed by the feathers of the four-winged monster bird. Wherever it passes, cracks appear in the space, which shows its powerful attack power.

For a moment, the body of the four-winged bird demon king was devoid of a single hair, as if a huge mountain of blood-colored flesh appeared in the sky.

The attacks of the three demon kings were launched almost at the same time, and they collided with the bloody giant stick that Li Kangshi displayed like a giant pillar of the sky, and those smaller stick shadows.

A bloody light that eclipsed the color of this area of ​​nearly a thousand miles, the sky, this land, the only color that exists now is that boundless blood red...




A huge sound that seemed to be falling apart, echoed between the heaven and the earth, becoming the only sound in this piece of heaven and earth.

After more than ten breaths of time, the vision between heaven and earth finally disappeared, and the earth-shattering roar disappeared without a trace, and everything returned to tranquility.

The 200 two-inch star vortexes around Li Kang's body, which were originally blood red, have all turned dark gray, and the power of the star vortexes has been exhausted due to the blow just now.

However, although the power of Xingxuan is gone, he still has his natal astrology, and the three-inch-sized blood-colored natal astrology is spinning around.

At the same time, his powerful physical strength also exists.

At this moment, there was an extra pair of ferocious longbows emitting multicolored light in his hand, and there were streaks of blood-red lightning lingering above it, like the ferocious longbow of a blood-colored snake.

This longbow is exactly Li Kang's first treasure, the Sky-Shaking Bow. With the bow in his hand, he looks like a God of War, standing above the light and shadow of the Pegasus Horse, his eyes flashing with dazzling blood, and countless phantoms of stars are in the sky. Life and death among them, looking at the three demon kings.

At the same moment, although the three demon kings were still standing in the air, their auras were much weaker, less than one third of what they were at the beginning.

Li Kang's second form of "Tiangang 36 sticks" just now was a powerful blow that almost exhausted all his star power, and made the three demon kings tired of coping.

In order to take this blow, they expended most of their strength.

Now, the three demon kings, looking at the mysterious big bow that made them feel very uneasy, showed extremely complicated expressions in their pair of bloody giant eyes with dim light.

(End of this chapter)

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