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Chapter 44 Wu'an Night Battle

Chapter 44 Wu'an Night Battle

Hundreds of Zhangxu-sized metal ballista carts were pushed to the front of the city wall, and dozens of heavy stone ballista carts were pushed to the rear.

Although the stone cannon is powerful, its shooting distance is short and its hit rate is low. It is not suitable for dealing with nimble blue astral astral warriors. It is only suitable for attacking huge and inflexible bulky objects such as arrow towers.

However, the ballista is very suitable. Although its power is not as strong as the stone cannon, it has a long range, high precision, and its power should not be underestimated. It is enough to penetrate a three-foot-thick iron plate.

Each of its crossbow bolts is five feet long and weighs tens of catties.

Although one heavy crossbow arrow is not enough to injure a blue star astral body, but hundreds of them fired together are enough to make ordinary blue star astral body terrified.

Hundreds of ballistas were lined up in two rows. Hundreds of astral warrior operators loaded five-foot-long heavy ballistas into the launcher, and then started to rotate the heavy machine with dazzling green lights.


After the starting soldier raised the flag and swung it down vigorously.

A series of five-foot-long heavy crossbow arrows flew out of the machine bracket, turned into streams of light, and flew towards the blue light group above the Qin army in the distance with fierce murderous intent.

Immediately after the first row of ballistas fired the arrows, hundreds of strong men stepped forward and quickly pushed this row of ballistas to the rear to install the arrows, and pushed the other row of ballistas that had already been loaded to the front.

After the commanding soldier issued the order, another row of thick crossbow arrows turned into streamers of light, buzzing and shooting towards the location of the Qin Army's Blue Star Realm Astral Body Warrior.

With the ballista, the [-] Blue Star Realm Astral Body Warriors of the Qin Army did not dare to attack the city wall of Wu'an City for the time being.

But it didn't take long for this situation to change.

I saw the Blue Star Realm Astral Body ahead, unexpectedly, continued to approach the Wu'an city wall without fear of death.

If the soldiers guarding the city looked closely, they would find that each of them had a shield with bright blue light in front of them, which was the defensive star treasure of the astral warriors in the blue star realm.

With the defensive Blue Star Treasure, the heavy crossbow arrows fired by the ballista would not be able to cause significant damage to them.

"No, they have the Blue Star Treasure, and the ballista can't hurt them!" The guard general couldn't help shrinking his eyes, and there was a look of nervousness in them.

Zhao Jun's city guards also saw the Qin Army's Blue Star Realm Astral Body warriors arouse the star treasures, and kept shooting towards the Wu'an city wall, and they were shocked.

Just when Zhao Jun's defenders were caught in a dilemma, suddenly, there was a loud shout like thunder:

"The bandits of Qin don't want to attack Wu'an City, don't worry, son of Zhao, the old man is coming!"

This roar of shouting reached the ears of all the soldiers present, making everyone's eardrums buzz.

Immediately afterwards, 25 beams of bright blue light rose into the sky from a row of houses in the east of the city, and greeted the [-] blue astral bodies in the Qin army.

Among the 25 rays of light, the leader is an old man with a body as strong as a giant bear and white beard and hair. He has a pair of big eyes with copper bells, and his eyes are burning with fierce fighting intent at this moment.

"Look, look, Lord Lian is personally on the battlefield!"

"It's really Lord Lian, with the old Lord Lian around, Qin Jun can't even think about taking advantage of it!"

"Old Lord Lian is here, brothers must make Qin Jun come and go!"

"Mr. Lian is here, so Qin Jun can't think about being arrogant!"


Seeing the old army leader Lian coming in person, Zhao Guo’s defenders were immediately morale boosted. The big man holding a big stone, the soldiers carrying a big boiling oil pan and huge wood, and the archers with bows and arrows... Hearing the words of the army leader Lian The voice, the shadow in my heart brought by the master of Qin Jun's Blue Star Realm, was instantly expelled.

At this moment, every Zhao soldier's heart is full of fighting spirit, and they feel that they have inexhaustible strength to kill the enemy with all their might—Mr. Lian is like a god of war in their hearts!

The soldiers of the Qin army below the city wall were under double pressure, and felt that the attacks of the Zhao army above the city wall became more violent and the frequency became faster.

"Ah...", "Ah...", "Ah..."...

A large number of soldiers of the Qin army under the city wall were hit by boulders, rolling logs, hot oil, and arrows, and fell down with screams... The battle was in full swing, so intense.

At this moment, above Wu'an City, the blue brilliance flashed, like rounds of blue suns rising in the night sky, and the roaring sound continued.

The Blue Star Realm astral body fighters from Qin and Zhao countries have already fought to one place.

Five Qin Army blue star realm astral body soldiers surrounded Lian Junzhu, who was as majestic as a giant bear, and continuously displayed star skills to attack.

Lian Junzhu glared, his snow-white beard and hair were all stretched out, and his red warlord's battle robe was flapping with vigor, hunting and hunting. He was holding a big blue knife, like a god of war coming to the world, and he kept chopping one after another. The huge blue sword shadow forced the four Qin Army Blue Star Realm Astral Body Warriors who were still on the offensive at the last moment, to defend.

Before long, facing the domineering attack of the old military leader, they could only passively defend themselves.

There was only one mighty man in a golden battle robe and a golden helmet with several white feathers on his head. Apart from defending, he still had the strength to attack Lian Junzhu.

This person is the commander of the Qin Army's attack on Wu'an City, Meng Tian, ​​who is at the fifth rank of the Blue Star Realm.

"Hmph! Old man Lianpo, if you dare to fight one against five today, this commander will definitely decapitate you!"

Meng Tian saw that Lian Po was extremely ferocious and his five men were invincible, in order to stabilize the morale of the army, he roared loudly.

Hearing this, Jun Lian laughed wildly and said, "Son Mengtian, today you are doomed. I have already reached the state of Dzogchen. Watch me chop off your head with one blow!"

The sound was like thunder, and after he finished speaking, the blue saber in his hand slashed fiercely again and again, slashing out huge blue saber shadows, forcing Meng Tian and the other five to retreat...

This night, Wu'an City is destined to be a sleepless night, with the drums roaring, and the shouts of killing shaking the sky...

Time passed slowly in the fierce battle.

At the dawn of the next day, Qin Jun had to withdraw his troops after the commander was injured, lost a lot of troops and could not break through Wu'an, and retreated dozens of miles away from Wu'an City for a temporary rest.

At this moment, countless corpses and broken flags of the Qin army were left on the ground east of Wu'an City, and scarlet bloodstains were densely packed on the huge stone wall of the city wall. The contrast between black and red was particularly conspicuous.

The bloody water below the city wall had turned into blood-colored ice, and clusters of black smoke emerged from the scorched black siege equipment that had not yet been completely burned, rising into the sky against the stern north wind.

The cold Zhao Jun corpses on the wall of Wu'an City were carried off the wall by the surviving soldiers, loaded on donkey carts, covered with white cloth, and slowly transported to the western suburbs of Wu'an City for burial.

Standing on the top of the city are 25 figures with a faint blue light on their bodies. The leader is Lian Po, who is as majestic as a giant bear. His big copper bell eyes are looking at a general beside him. , said in a deep voice:
"Every soldier who died in battle last night must be recorded, and every pension must be sent to their relatives in time!"

"Yes! Don't worry, Commander, your subordinates will never miss anyone!" The general who was in charge of registering the list of dead soldiers said respectfully.

"Also, cut off all the heads of the soldiers of the Qin army who died in battle, and pile them up in front of the square in Wu'an City to deter the soldiers of the Qin army..."

After Army Master Lian issued various orders, looking at the corpses of his own soldiers being carried down one after another, a strange color appeared in Tongling's big eyes.

Then, he cupped his fists and said to the five blue-star-level men, "Thank you five brothers, if you hadn't come to support us, Wu'an City would have been in danger last night!"

"Mr. Lian, you are too polite. We are all citizens of Zhao State, so it is only natural to contribute to the country!"

These five burly men are the elites sent by King Zhao's court to support Wu'an.

Afterwards, the old military master Lian confirmed that there were no omissions, and then returned to the military master's mansion in Wu'an City by driving Nebula with other blue star realm astral body fighters.

The 25 Blue Star Realm Astral Body Warriors are the strongest fighters in the Lian family army. They were all injured in the battle last night, so they immediately went back to rest.

As soon as the old general Lian Po came to his room at the military lord's mansion, his face flushed for a while, and he couldn't help but "pu chi", a bloody arrow spewed out of his mouth, and his majestic body couldn't help shaking.

He hurriedly sat cross-legged on the bed to adjust his breath, and took out a plant of the best human-grade star medicine, put it in his mouth and chewed it, and soon the star medicine had been swallowed by him.

At this moment, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. The reason why he was still laughing after being seriously injured was that Qin Jun's coach and four other generals of the Blue Star Realm were also seriously injured by him. Come to think of it, next Wu An There will be a brief period of peace in the city.

The old general Lian Po was able to defeat five with one, because he had just broken through the bottleneck of the seventh rank not long ago, reached the blue star realm of great perfection, and his strength has greatly increased.

Qin Jun didn't know about this, so Meng Tian suffered a big loss this time.

At this time, in the central tent of the Qin Army's camp tens of miles away from Wu'an City, Meng Tian, ​​the commander of the Qin Army wearing golden armor, sat cross-legged on the commander's seat, his face was pale, and beads of sweat dripped from his face There was blood rolling down his forehead, and blood remained at the corner of his mouth.

After a while, Qi stabilized his injury, opened his eyes with exhaustion in his eyes, and said to himself: "I didn't expect that Lian Po, who was old and immortal, would break through to the state of Dzogchen, and there are five more A master of the Blue Star Realm... I have suffered a great loss today, and I will definitely repay him twice in the future."

"Hey, if you want to recover from this injury in a short period of time, you must have a lot of natural materials and earthly treasures to do it, but there are no such precious things in the army. It seems that you can only ask the royal court for help!"

"There is only enough food and grass in the army for two months. When will the next batch of food and grass from the imperial court be delivered?"

Immediately afterwards, Meng Tian got up and picked up the brush on the table, wrote a letter, and then packed it in a dark cylinder.

Since this place is tens of thousands of miles away from the Daqin Royal Court, the maximum transmission distance for Xingyu is [-] miles, so other methods can only be used to transmit the information to the Royal Court!

Soon, it was daylight.

Li Kang also opened his eyes from the state of meditation, and his eyes were radiant. After a night of meditation, he had fully recovered the power of astrology that was consumed yesterday.

"Participating in this second round of competition, the chance of winning is one more point!" He muttered to himself as he prepared to get out of bed.

(End of this chapter)

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