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Chapter 502 The strongest means

Chapter 502 The strongest means

This Purple Star Realm swordsman from the Bai family bought time for Bai Yunshang and others to enter the purple-gold mask, but he himself took a heavy blow.

However, although this Bai family sword cultivator was seriously injured, he finally entered the purple-gold mask.

The nine great demon kings of Wanyao Mountain and the people from Tianye Zongmen who were going to kill Baijia Jianxiu, couldn't help their faces full of anger, and they also entered the purple-gold mask one after another.

At this moment, on the outskirts of the Star Ascension Platform, the battle between the Patriarch of the Bai Family, the Patriarch of Tianye Zongtai, and the Patriarch of the Golden Lion of Wanyao Mountain entered a fever pitch...

Time passed quickly, and soon it was an hour later.

At this time, the area of ​​the pitch-black, boundless black clouds exuding terrifying coercion in the sky has shrunk rapidly, and only a jet-black cloud with a size of three hundred feet, which looks like jet black, appeared on the Rising Star Platform above.

This piece of cloud, which looks like black jade, exudes a dazzling jet-black glow and an unparalleled coercion, and there are these mysterious black lightnings looming in it.

Immediately afterwards, the black cloud-like clouds tumbling violently, like bubbles appearing on top of boiling water.

As the black cloud rolled violently, the coercion it emitted became more and more terrifying.


An incomparably huge and earth-shattering dragon chant sounded from the black jade-like black cloud, as if there really was a powerful and invincible black dragon in it.

Outside the Star Ascension Platform, the Patriarch of the Bai Family, Patriarch of Tianye Zongtai, Patriarch of the Golden Lion and others who were fighting fiercely heard the earth-shattering sound of the dragon chant, and couldn't help but feel that they could not resist the might of the sky. .

They all showed shock on their faces, and they all raised their heads to look at the violently tumbling black clouds in the sky.

The black jade-like black cloud in the sky suddenly exploded, and a ferocious and powerful black dragon with the size of a thousand feet appeared strangely in the air, exuding a coercion that defied the heaven and the earth.

"At the time of the breakthrough, there was an astonishing vision in the sky, and the black dragon appeared. After this child breaks through successfully, he will be far stronger than ordinary black star realm existences! Good!" Seeing this scene, the ancestor of the Bai family couldn't help being excited and shocked Said.

The reason why he helped Li Kang and prevent Tianye Zong Taishang Zong Lao and Wan Yaoshan Golden Lion Patriarch from destroying his breakthrough was that he had his own plan.

Compared with the excitement of the Patriarch of the Bai family, the patriarch of Tianye Zong Taishang and the Patriarch of the Golden Lion of Wanyao Mountain were full of anger. They must not allow Li Kang to make a breakthrough.

They knew that once Li Kang succeeded in breaking through, it would be a huge disaster for both Wan Yao Mountain and Tian Ye Zong.

Just because they are endless enemies.

Tianye Zong Taishang Zong's old woman's eyes were as black as ink, extremely deep, with countless phantoms of stars birthing and dying in them, exuding a murderous intent.

In her hand, there was an extra piece of black and bright talisman, and the power of the dark natal astrology was poured into the black and bright talisman crazily.

Immediately, the black talisman radiated a dazzling black brilliance, and emitted a coercion that shocked both the Golden Lion Patriarch and the Bai Family Sword Cultivator Patriarch.

The black talisman turned into a shining black giant phantom wearing black armor and holding a black spear. After it appeared, it stood quietly in the air above the old woman of Tianye Zongtai, waiting for the old woman's order.

"Ancient star talisman! It's actually an ancient star talisman!" the ancestor of the Bai family sword repair said in surprise.

The Ancient Star Talisman is a special star treasure refined by an ancient and powerful astral warrior on the Xingyuan Continent. When his life was dying, he injected his own cultivation base into the highest level of the Xingxuan Realm—— Among the stars.

The stronger the cultivation base of the astral body, the more power of natal astrology injected into the star talisman, and the more powerful it is.

Each star talisman is an extremely precious existence, and it is also a one-time item. After it is used, it will lose its effect. The star talisman is equivalent to the full blow of the astral warrior who injected the power of the natal astrology into it.

On the current Xingyuan Continent, the method of making star symbols has long been lost.

Every star talisman is precious, and to the astral body warrior who owns it, it is no less than a life.

Because only the top astronomers in the Vortex Realm can refine the Star Talisman with a lot of painstaking efforts, the Astral Talismans who are lower than the Black Star Realm will definitely not inject the power of their natal astrology into it. .

The one in the hands of Tianye Zong Taishang Zong, a star talisman exuding a dazzling black brilliance, should be formed by a dying powerful existence in the Black Star Realm Dzogchen who injected his own natal astrological power into it.

The golden giant formed by the black star symbol exudes a shocking and horrifying powerful aura.

Tianye Zong Taishang Zong old woman looked at the black giant in the air with a painful expression on her face. This black star symbol was her most precious treasure, which was equivalent to her life.

Astral warriors in the Black Star Realm, there is a huge difference in each grade. An astral fighter of the second rank of the Black Star Realm can fight against five or six first-rank Black Star Realm fighters.

The existence of the Great Perfection in the Black Star Realm is definitely an existence of worship for the old woman who only has a second-rank cultivation in the Black Star Realm.

For the Golden Lion Patriarch in the early days of the Demon Emperor and the Bai Clan Patriarch who is also at the second rank of the Black Star Realm, the existence of the Great Perfection in the Black Star Realm is enough for them to worship.

At the critical moment, the full blow of the black star realm Dzogchen astral body could indeed save the old woman's life, so she would never use it until the last moment.

Now, it's a critical moment for Li Kang to break through the Black Star Realm, and she has to use it.

If Li Kang succeeds in breaking through and becomes an existence in the Black Star Realm, with his monstrous talent, he will definitely upgrade again in a very short time.

"Golden Lion Patriarch, I have used my last resort, don't hide your clumsiness, use your most powerful attack, and join me in attacking the black dragon in the sky and destroying Li Kang. The thief broke through!" The old woman looked at the black dragon in the sky with a gloomy face and said.

The ancestor of the golden lion heard the words, but did not speak, a dazzling golden brilliance flashed all over his body, and he turned into a giant golden lion hundreds of feet in size.

Above its head, there appeared a phantom with three extremely ferocious lion heads, exuding an aura far stronger than the ancestor of the golden lion itself.

"The power of the ancestral spirit! I didn't expect you, the ancestor of the golden lion, to cultivate a trace of the power of the ancestral spirit!" The old woman of Tianye Zongtai looked at the three lion shadows on the head of the ancestor of the golden lion with a shocked expression on her face. , said in surprise.

The power of the ancestral spirit is the power that can inspire the powerful ancestors in the blood of monsters.

Although the ancestor spirit power possessed by the Golden Lion Patriarch is not very large, its power can already reach the peak power of the Demon Emperor.

At this moment, the Patriarch of the Bai family, who was watching the star talisman displayed by the old lady of Tianye Zongtai and the power of the ancestral spirit displayed by the ancestor of the Golden Lion, did not stop the two of them.

He knew that, relying on himself, he could no longer stop their strongest attack.

Therefore, the patriarch of the Bai family didn't intend to make another move, but he wasn't careful.

Normal astral warriors, if they are obstructed by others when breaking through the bottleneck, their natal astrology will shatter and die.Because, once encountering an attack from an external force, the power of the stars poured into the astrology of an astral warrior will become very violent, which is not something ordinary astral warriors can bear.

However, according to the records of the secret books collected by the Bai family, if, when the astral warrior breaks through the bottleneck, an astonishing celestial phenomenon that is different from ordinary people appears, the attack of ordinary external force will lose its effect.

Because, the power of the stars poured into the astral space of the astral warrior has extremely powerful attributes, and cannot be easily disturbed by external forces.

The most powerful blows performed by the Golden Lion Patriarch and Tianye Zong Taishang Zong in front of him, although they have reached the level of the Black Star Realm Dzogchen Astral Body, are still not enough for the amazing black dragon.

Unless there is a Venus-level superpower here at this moment, if he makes a move, it will interfere with the young man in red who is breaking through.

These records only appear in the most precious classics of the Bai family's sword cultivator clan.

Few of the other human astralists are known.

At this time, the old woman of Tianye Zongtai and the ancestor of the golden lion of Wanyao Mountain stared at the black dragon in the sky with confidence. They believed that as long as they unleashed their strongest blow, they would definitely be able to interfere with Li Kang and make him His natal astrology shattered and died.

"go with!"

The old woman shouted violently.

The giant floating above his head, wearing black armor and holding a black spear, turned into a black light, charging towards the black dragon in the air without fear of death.

On the head of the golden lion patriarch beside Tianye Zongtai, above his head, the phantom of three golden lions formed by the power of the ancestral spirit finally condensed, also fiercely attacked the black dragon in the air.

On the purple-gold mask of the giant black dragon, a pair of dragon eyes showed a furious look, and let out a dragon roar from the sky.

The sound of the dragon's chant was earth-shattering, and it went straight to the top of the sky.

As soon as the dragon chant came out, the purple-golden mask vibrated violently, and the ground trembled.

Immediately afterwards, the black dragon opened its extremely ferocious mouth with extremely sharp black fangs, and pointed downward at the phantom of the three golden lions and the black giant with a long spear flying towards it. Two jet-black bolts of lightning spewed out.

Where the two jets of black lightning passed, pieces of space were directly pierced by them, and a misty black hole appeared, which was very terrifying.

Two black lightning bolts flew out at a very high speed, and in the blink of an eye, they hit the three golden lion phantoms shot by the golden lion patriarch, and the black armored spear giant shot by Tianye Zongtai Shangzong.

Two jet-black lightning bolts, after hitting the two, instantly turned into two black lightning cages, trapping the two in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, the black cage shone with destructive black lightning, and quickly shrank inward.

An extremely shocking scene happened. The phantom of the three-headed golden lion and the phantom of the giant with black armor and black spear desperately resisted...

(End of this chapter)

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