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Chapter 505 Leaving the Land of Star Burials

Chapter 505 Leaving the Land of Star Burials
The patriarch of the Bai family clasped his fists towards Li Kang, bent down and cupped his hands, and said sincerely, "Thank you, fellow Daoist Li!"

Li Kang stepped down from the Star Ascension Platform and came to the ancestor of the Bai family. At this moment, he was still bending over and cupping his hands.He helped the patriarch of the Bai family up.

At this moment, the other five sword cultivators of the Bai family also appeared here, and they looked at the ancestor of the Bai family and the young man in red in front of them with puzzled faces.

Unexpectedly, the ancestor could still meet his old friend in the second heaven, the star burial place.

It's not that Jianxiu is the public enemy of astral warriors and monsters in the Xingyuan Continent, why the astral warrior and the ancestor in front of him are like old friends, with a smile on their faces.

"You five, come and meet Senior Li, the Bai family will rely on Senior Li a lot in the future!" The ancestor of the Bai family practiced Taoism with five Bai family swordsmen.

When the five sword cultivators of the Bai family heard the words, they all straightened their expressions and walked forward quickly, ready to bow and salute to Li Kang.

At this moment, after seeing Li Kang's true face clearly, the beautiful Bai Yunshang, who was dressed in white and carried a long sword on her back, couldn't help showing a look of extreme shock on her beautiful face, and froze there.

Li Kang looked at Bai Yunshang with a faint smile on his face.

At this time, the other four sword cultivators of the Bai family had already bowed to Li Kang, but Bai Yunshang stood there in a daze without saluting.

Seeing this, the ancestor of the Bai family couldn't help showing displeasure on his old face, and said, "Yunshang, hurry up and salute Senior Li!"

"Miss Yunshang, long time no see, I didn't expect you to have entered the Red Star Realm!" Li Kang said with a slight smile.

When Bai Yunshang heard this, a wry smile appeared on his face.

When she and Li Kang were exploring treasures together in the Demon Rock Purgatory in the Demon Rock Mountain Range, Li Kang only had the cultivation base of the Yellow Star Realm, and his strength was slightly inferior to hers. Now that we meet each other, less than ten years have passed She didn't expect that Li Kang's cultivation base had grown so frighteningly that she was now at the Black Star Realm, an existence that she looked up to.

"Bai Yunshang saw Senior Li. Compared with Senior Li, Yunshang's improvement in cultivation is really insignificant." Bai Yunshang respectfully said to Li Kang, acting like a junior.

Li Kang hurriedly stretched out his hands to help Bai Yunshang, who bent over and cupped his hands, and said with a smile: "You and I are old acquaintances, so you don't have to be bound by these etiquettes. You should just call me by my first name in the future. The word senior is really hard to hear. Habit!"

In the following time, Li Kang parted ways with the ancestors of the Bai family, Bai Yunshang and others, and planned to use the last bit of time to search in the second heaven, the place where the stars are buried, to see if there are other gains .

The Patriarch of the Bai Family and the others, because they did not get the use of the Ascension Platform this time, also planned to use the last few hours to search for treasures.

When parting with Li Kang, the patriarch of the Bai family told Li Kang about his residence. Some members of the Bai family now live in Xinghua Cliff.


At this time, the disciples of Tianyezong and Wanyao Mountain all returned to their territory.

The place where the Tianye Zongmen is located, in the huge hall on the top of a steeple, the old woman of the Tianye Zongtai Sect sat on the main seat with a gloomy face, looking at Ye Wudi, Li Dazong and the others in front of her. Ye Zong's high-ranking officials remained silent.

As soon as she thought about it, she let Li Kang occupy the Star Ascension Platform and raised his cultivation level to the Black Star Realm. During his vulnerable period, he couldn't kill Li Kang by all means, and finally returned with serious injuries. Every few years of self-cultivation, I can't even think about recovering.

Tianye Zongtai, the elder Zong, couldn't help feeling that his chest was about to be blocked by a breath, and he was extremely depressed.

At this moment, the anger in the hall seemed very suppressed.

After a long time, the old woman of Tianye Zong Tai Shangzong said solemnly: "Our enemy, Li Kang, has successfully broken through the bottleneck of the Great Perfection in the Purple Star Realm, and has become an existence in the Black Star Realm!

For our Tian Yezong, this is definitely a serious problem.

For the next period of time, I will be in retreat!Let's close all of our Tianyezong's properties for the time being, and withdraw all precious assets to Tianyezong.After I leave customs, I will reopen these industries! "

Ye Wudi, head of the Tianye Sect, heard the words, although he was very unwilling, but even the elder of the Heavenly Sect couldn't deal with Li Kang, and now that he was seriously injured and returned, he was no match for Li Kang.

He stepped forward and said respectfully: "I would like to obey the order of the Supreme Master Zong, and I will temporarily close all properties!"

"Also, all the protective arrays of the Tianye Sect's sect are fully activated. During my retreat period, the defenses will be strengthened. All disciples are not allowed to go out, and do not contact the outside world!" the elder of the Tianye Sect continued.

"Yes!" Ye Wudi bowed and said respectfully.


In the northwest corner of Zhongzhou land, there is a huge black mountain that is tens of thousands of feet high and tens of thousands of miles in size, standing between the sky and the earth, like a shocking ancient giant lying down and sleeping between the sky and the earth.

This mountain is the famous and powerful Wanyao Mountain in the Xingyuan Continent, and it is where the greatest power of the Xingyuan Continent is located.

The entire mountain was shrouded in a huge and boundless light that was as black as ink. Within the mountain, there were the sounds of beast roars, and the sound of birds singing that reached nine days...

On the top of Wanyao Mountain, there is a flat area thousands of miles in size, on which are distributed nine huge black towers, each of which is tens of miles in size, with a height of thousands of feet, like nine handles. The huge black sword pointed straight at the sky, its power seemed to poke a few big holes in the sky.

In a huge hall at the top of the tower where the Golden Lion Clan resides, the skinny Golden Lion Patriarch with blond hair and many wrinkles is sitting on the main seat, with an extremely gloomy expression on his face, looking at the Nine Great Demon Kings.

He said solemnly: "Starting today, Wanyao Mountain will be closed, and all external contact will be stopped. My ancestor will start to retreat, and when my ancestor leaves the closed door, he will open Wanyao Mountain!"

"Old Ancestor, is it because that little thief Li Kang broke through the bottleneck of the Great Perfection in the Purple Star Realm, that we are afraid of him and want to close Wanyao Mountain? The Monster Mountain will definitely be able to get rid of it!" The Golden Lion Demon King had doubts on his face.

"Presumptuous, do you want to rebel?" The emaciated Golden Lion Patriarch exuded an extremely tyrannical aura and shouted angrily, "Go and execute it!"

Hearing this, the Great Demon King of the Golden Lion hurriedly said in panic, "Don't dare!"


Time passed quickly, and soon it was the day when the Star Burial Ground was closed.

On this day, in a barren mountain not far from the six gates of the second-rate sect in the land of Zhongzhou, suddenly, there was a dazzling beam of silver snake light shooting down from the sky, and it disappeared in a flash.

A rather handsome young man in red appeared on the mountain in red.

On the shoulders of this young man in red stands a little white fox full of spirituality. This person is Li Kang who returned from the second heaven of the star burial place.

After looking at the surrounding situation, he drove Nebula and returned to the fire hole with six doors.

He paid a year's rent for this fire hole, and there is still about half a year left.

After Li Kang entered the Earth Fire Cave, he arranged a fifth-grade star array to isolate it from the outside world.

At this time, Po Zhen was studying the method of Heishuishan to refine the elixir for the astral body of the Black Star Realm, and at the same time refined the Seven Star Grass collected by Li Kang into Purple Star Pill.

Although Li Kangxiu has now reached the Black Star Realm, the effect of the Purple Star Pill is less than one in ten, but in the absence of other more powerful pills, it is better to take the Purple Star Pill than nothing.

Li Kang didn't want to swallow Heishuishan directly, so that the medicinal power of Heishuishan would not be fully used, and at least seven or eight tenths of the medicinal power would be wasted. Elixir, then you can make the most of the medicinal power of Heishuishan.

Heishuishan in the Black Star Realm is rare on the Xingyuan Continent and is very precious. Li Kang even hopes that Po Zhen can refine it into star medicine.

This time, a total of 2000 or two hundred black water corals were collected in the second heaven of the star burial place, which was obtained with the help of Xiaobai.

In addition, Li Kang has more than 3000 Heishuis in total, which is a huge wealth.

He believed that as long as Po Zhen could refine all these black water sages into pills for astral warriors in the Black Star Realm, he would definitely be able to raise his cultivation to the second or even third rank of the Black Star Realm.

Li Kang took out the colorful treasure mountain from his arms and entered the colorful treasure mountain.

Then, he summoned Xiao Hei and asked him to be responsible for guarding, so as not to let outsiders disturb him to consolidate his cultivation.

Xiao Hei didn't have the slightest opinion, and came out of the Colorful Treasure Mountain.

Then, Li Kang did not practice immediately, but took out a mysterious wooden vial with mysterious engravings from his pocket near his heart.

He looked at the vial with tender eyes, the gentle eyes were very warm, as if they could melt the hardest ice in the world.

Because, in this small wooden bottle, there is the most important person in his life——Chu Wan'er!

Li Kang stretched out his hand and gently stroked the vial, as if stroking the most beloved person. With a smile on his face, he said softly, "Wan'er, do you know? I have successfully broken through the bottleneck of the Great Perfection in the Purple Star Realm and become You are an astral warrior of the first rank of the Black Star Realm. The Star Saint Realm is getting closer and closer, and I will definitely be able to resurrect you soon, and you and I will meet again one day!"

After he finished speaking, he brought the spirit wooden vial containing Wan'er's soul to his lips, and kissed it lightly.

After a long time, Li Kang carefully put the spirit wooden vial back into his pocket near his heart.

Afterwards, he stood up, and from the top of the Seven-color Treasure Mountain Hall, he took off several newly-grown seven-color Linglong pills.

At this moment, Xiaobai started babbling anxiously. Li Kang knew that Xiaobai must want to eat the mysterious ice-blue plant collected from the second heaven of the star burial place.

He took out the plants with ice blue flowers and placed them in front of Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai's eyes lit up immediately, revealing an expression of extreme excitement...

(End of this chapter)

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