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Chapter 508 Furious Burning Blood

Chapter 508 Furious Burning Blood
After Li Kang returned to the Fire Cave of the Six Doors, he entered into a state of retreat, and carefully studied the new supernatural powers of the Colorful Treasure Mountain.

The treasure of the Colorful Treasure Mountain, he learned the supernatural power of "Seven-Colored Blade" when he was in the Red Star Realm; he learned the supernatural power of flying away when he was in the Purple Star Realm. Thousands of miles away; now that I have reached the Black Star Realm, what is the new supernatural power of Colorful Treasure Mountain?

Li Kang's heart was full of fervent hope.

He sank his consciousness into the colorful treasure mountain, and suddenly, a magnificent picture appeared in front of him.

At this time, when the sun was setting, the setting sun sprinkled the blood-like afterglow, dyeing the dilapidated land with deep ravines in blood red.

In the air, there is a monster snake that is thousands of feet long, has eight black wings as thin as onion wings, is covered with water-blue scales, and has a pair of giant claws in the sky.

It was a winged snake with golden eyes.

To be precise, this winged snake is a winged snake with the initial cultivation of the demon emperor, and its strength is extremely tyrannical.

Its eight pitch-black wings vibrated, and its gigantic body, thousands of feet long, was flying extremely fast in the air. There was a pitch-black spot of light dozens of kilometers ahead of it.

Looking from far to near, this jet-black spot of light is actually a human being who controls the shining black nebula, to be exact, a mighty human black star realm astral body.

On his body, there were terrifying scars. Obviously, he had fought against the Winged Snake of the Demon Emperor level before.

The winged snake at the level of the demon emperor is equivalent to the existence of the Venus realm of human astral warriors, and it is unparalleled in power.

An astral warrior in the black star realm is absolutely irresistible. After seeing the previous scene, Li Kang couldn't help worrying about the human astral warrior in the black star realm.

This may be the reason for being human!
Only about a dozen breaths later, the distance between the winged snake with the cultivation of the demon emperor and the mighty man in the Black Star Realm was less than five miles.

Seeing that the mighty man in the Black Star Realm is about to become the food of the Winged Snake.

At that moment, the mighty man in the Black Star Realm, covered in terrifying wounds all over his body, suddenly stopped, a dazzling brilliance flashed all over his body, and a jet-black natal star that reached a height of seven inches emerged, on which were distributed many crack.

This is a fifth-rank existence of the Black Star Realm, and its strength is insignificant compared to the Winged Snake in the early days of the Demon Emperor.

The jet-black natal astrology full of cracks whirled and frantically gathered towards its body, the cracks on the natal astrology increased at an extremely fast speed.

The mighty man suddenly took out a black pill from the star shell, swallowed it, and shouted loudly: "Furious burning blood!"

As his voice fell, at this time, the black star realm man who existed at the fifth rank of the Black Star Realm appeared transparent in Li Kang's eyes, every tendon in his body was seen by Li Kang clear.

The black elixir swallowed by him turned into a mysterious jet-black light cluster, which existed in his dantian.

The light cluster suddenly distorted violently, forming an incomparably hideous transparent dragon, and the jet-black natal astrological power injected into the body of the mighty man gathered towards the place where the transparent dragon was.

At the same time, the scarlet blood in the body of the mighty man also flowed into the dantian along the tendons one after another, and was absorbed by the mysterious transparent dragon.

At this time, the body of the originally transparent giant dragon became solidified. With the continuous injection of the jet-black natal astrological power and the continuous absorption of blood, it became continuously solidified, and the coercion it exuded also became stronger. It's getting more and more amazing.

However, what is surprising is that the color of the transparent dragon is not black or blood red, but golden.

After ten breaths, the seven-inch-high pitch-black natal astrology floating on the mighty man's chest was covered with thousands of cracks, showing a dark gray color, and looked like it could be blown to pieces by a gust of wind.

In addition, the body of the mighty man shriveled, his face became much older, and his face was as pale as paper. This was the result of a large amount of essence blood being absorbed by the god's transparent dragon.

At this time, the pterosaur with a body as long as a mountain was less than a thousand feet away from the mighty man.

Seeing that the mighty man is about to become the food in his stomach.

At this critical moment, suddenly, there was an earth-shattering dragon chant that reached to the top of the sky, resounding from the body of the mighty man.

Immediately afterwards, a golden dragon exuding a powerful aura flew out of its body strangely, and submerged into his seven-inch-high gray natal astrology that was about to shatter.

Immediately, the gray natal astrology emitted a dazzling golden light, which wrapped the mighty man in it.

In just one breath, the golden light subsided, and on the chest of the mighty man, there was a three-inch golden natal astrology, while the original seven-inch gray natal astrology full of cracks had disappeared without a trace.

The three-inch-high golden natal astrology spun rapidly, and the power of the golden natal astrology formed a golden light cluster between the hands of the mighty man, exuding an aura of destruction.

The mighty man pushed hard with both hands towards the Winged Serpent who was about to attack, and the golden ball of light flew out at a high speed, turning into a golden dragon phantom.

This golden giant dragon phantom is majestic and majestic, and its speed is extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it reached a thousand feet away, and collided violently with the winged snake with the initial cultivation of the demon emperor.


An earth-shattering sound sounded, and the whole world was shrouded in golden brilliance and turned into a golden world.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the thousand-foot-long and incomparably majestic blue-winged snake flew backward at a high speed, and slammed into a mountain thousands of feet high.

Suddenly, the thousands of feet high mountain collapsed directly.

In the golden eyes of the Winged Snake, there was a look of extreme pain, but it looked like it was seriously injured. It couldn't move for a while, so it didn't chase the mighty man.

At this time, the mighty man of the fifth rank of the Black Star Realm was shriveled and his aura was extremely weak. The three-inch-sized golden natal astrology once again turned into a seven-inch-high gray natal astrology that was densely packed with countless cracks and was about to shatter.

The mighty man exerted his last strength and fled away...


Seeing this scene, Li Kang's consciousness was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time.

All of this is far beyond his common sense, beyond his comprehension: a fifth-rank existence of the Black Star Realm can actually raise his cultivation level to the Gold Star Realm in an instant, and unleash a shocking blow. Beat the Winged Snake who has the level of the Demon Emperor directly to serious injuries, and then run away!

Even if the mighty man of the fifth rank of the Black Star Realm consumes a lot of the original power of his natal astrology and his own blood, he will never recover without a few years, but this is enough to be called against the sky!
Li Kang had never heard of such a thing.

At this moment, four words flashed in Li Kang's mind: Furious Burning Blood.

Immediately afterwards, there was a passage about this supernatural power...

Burning blood violently, sacrificing a large amount of original power and blood essence from his own natal astrology, under the action of burning blood pill, he can improve his cultivation base in a short period of time.

As for how far the cultivation level can be raised, it depends on whether the natal astrology and the physical body of the astral body who cast this supernatural power are strong or not.

The stronger the natal astrology and physical strength of the astral warrior who casts this supernatural power, the more his cultivation will be improved after casting this supernatural power.

Two conditions must be met to use the violent burning blood supernatural power: first, the physical strength is far stronger than that of ordinary astral warriors, at least reaching the physical strength of monsters of the same level; Xuedan auxiliary.

As for the refining method and required materials of Burning Blood Pill, there are detailed records.

When Li Kang fully understood this violent blood-burning supernatural power, he couldn't help but desire this supernatural power even more.

If I can learn this supernatural power, I will have the capital to save my life even in the face of the existence at the early stage of Venus Realm.This magical power can really be called a god-defying skill.

However, after using this supernatural power, it takes a lot of pills and a long period of cultivation to restore the cultivation base.

In the next time, Li Kang prepared to first comprehend and integrate the supernatural power of violent burning blood, and then go out to find the materials needed to refine the burning blood pill.

The materials needed to refine the Burning Blood Pill are extremely precious, and it is difficult to find them in the outside world. A total of nine materials are needed.

Li Kang had never even heard of these nine materials, but fortunately, there were detailed introductions to these materials in the Colorful Treasure Mountain, and there were also patterns, which were reflected in Li Kang's mind.

He looked at these patterns, and suddenly found four of them, which looked familiar.

After thinking about it carefully, Li Kang realized that these few materials were very similar to the 33 unknown and precious materials he had collected in the Heavenly Punishment Ancestral Land in the Heavenly Punishment Land.

He hurriedly took out the star shell containing the 33 rare ingredients, took out all the 33 rare star medicines, and placed them in front of him.

There are five black star medicine plants that look like lotus flowers, two strange star medicine plants that look like cranes, and one star medicine plant that looks like ginseng but has a baby face, and there are 25 other plants. Three strange star medicines with different strain shapes.

"Black Star Lotus, Thousand Red Crane, Ginseng,..." Li Kang called out the names of the strange star medicines one after another.

These five strange star medicines are the necessary materials for refining the Burning Blood Pill. Now that he has these five materials, he still lacks the remaining four precious materials.

"These four kinds of rare and precious materials, the ordinary secret places are definitely gone. It seems that we can only go to the most mysterious and terrifying three fierce places on the Star Continent to try our luck. If there are none there If you don't, you probably won't be able to cultivate it by yourself!" Li Kang secretly said.

(End of this chapter)

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