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Chapter 511 Seed of Flames

Chapter 511 Seed of Flames
Li Kang couldn't help being surprised when he saw this. If he used nebula to fly in this extremely southern and fierce place, then the consumption of the power of the natal astrology would be too huge. Next, what kind of crisis is waiting for him? Own.

Therefore, he wisely collected the nebula, landed on the ground, blessed a trace of the power of the natal astrology into his legs, and ran quickly towards the place where the Heishuishan and Seven Star Grass existed.

Although Li Kang's current speed is not as fast as using Nebula to fly, he is also galloping like a horse, very fast.

Soon, he was approaching the place where the Black Water Sunflower and the Seven Star Grass existed.

This place is an open area with a size of a thousand feet, and there are more than a dozen passages distributed in it. In the middle of this area, there grows the Black Water Sunshine with black brilliance and the Seven Star Grass with purple brilliance. A few zhang-sized demon wolves with blood-red eyes are also here.

When the dozen or so demon wolves saw a human being approaching, they couldn't help flashing an astonishing murderous intent all over their bodies. They became very violent and rushed towards Li Kang with murderous intent, surrounding him in the middle.

There was a disdainful smile on the corner of Li Kang's mouth, and he clenched his fists and walked towards the wolves.

He flew into the pack of wolves like lightning, and punched the head of a wolf monster at the level of a monster king. With a "boom", the wolf monster's head was directly blown off by him, without even a whine. .

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"... Immediately afterwards, the roaring sound continued.

However, within a few breaths of time, more than a dozen wolf demons of the demon king level were all killed by Li Kang, and all of them were headshot.

At this moment, a strange scene happened.

The corpses of these felled monster king wolf monsters suddenly turned into a pool of red blood, which was absorbed by the ground and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this scene, Li Kang couldn't help frowning slightly. He didn't know why this scene happened.

Unable to figure it out, he stopped thinking about it, and became a little more vigilant about this strange and fierce southern land.

After a while, he turned around and collected the dozens of Heishuishen and hundreds of Seven Star Grass.

"Xiaobai, next, where should we go, and which passage?" Li Kang looked at the passages around this open area and asked.

Xiaobai, like a fuwa, once again flashed a dazzling purple-gold brilliance in his round and dark eyes, and began to perceive...

After ten breaths, the purple-gold light in Xiaobai's eyes disappeared, and he said to Li Kang in a childlike voice, "Master, let's go to the middle passage, and there are treasures in the middle of that passage."

As for the specific treasure, Xiaobai didn't say, and Li Kang didn't ask either.

He listened to Xiaobai's suggestion, put the power of his natal astrology into his legs, and walked quickly towards the passage in the middle...

Just when the figures of Li Kang and Xiaobai had just submerged into the middle passage and disappeared, suddenly, a dazzling blood-red brilliance flashed at the place where the corpse of the monster wolf was, and a pool of several feet in size Scarlet blood water emerges from the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the pool of blood deformed rapidly, turning into a blood-red flame about the size of Zhang Zhang.

"This human being has some strength, and I can't deal with it. Let Zihuo, Blackhuo, and Jinhuo deal with it!" At this moment, an extremely sharp sound came from the blood-red flame, as if a spatula was being scraped on an iron plate. It looks very weird.


Li Kang's speed was very fast, and he reached the middle of the passage he was walking on. There was a purple lake here. The lake was not very big, only about a dozen feet in size.

There is a purple glow on the surface of the lake, and the nearby caves are also shining with purple light.

Li Kang and Xiaobai stood on the edge of the purple light lake, his eyes flashed a dazzling black light, and countless phantoms of stars were born and died in it, looking into the lake.

"Master, the aura of the treasure comes from the center of the lake, and the treasure is located under the lake!" Xiao Bai stretched out his fat white hand, pointed at the lake, and said in a milky voice.

As soon as Xiaobai's voice fell, the purple lake with a size of more than ten feet in front of him suddenly shook violently, bursting out with dazzling purple brilliance.

In the blink of an eye, the entire lake ignited with bright purple flames, and then turned into a giant burning with purple flames. Its pair of giant purple eyes stared closely at Li Kang. Murderous intent flashed.

"Little human, if you want to obtain the treasure in the lake, you must defeat me first! If you cannot defeat me, both you and your demon pet will become a part of my body! Quack quack quack!" The sound of toothache came from among the purple fire giants.

Li Kang and Xiao Bai frowned when they heard the words.

At this moment, the giant burning with purple flames moved, and a fist with bright purple light slammed fiercely towards where Li Kang was. Wherever the fist passed, the space was violently distorted. As if it was about to burn.

The power of this punch may not even be able to be received by ordinary Purple Star Realm Dzogchen astral body fighters.

However, for the current Li Kang, there was no threat at all. With a move of his mind, Xiao Bai entered the spirit beast bag.

After that, he stood there without moving.


The purple fist that was burning with raging flames engulfed Li Kang's body, and there was a violent roar.

"Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack

However, the last word "end" was swallowed back.

I saw that after the purple fire giant put away his fist, he found the young man in red standing in the distance as if nothing had happened, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

"It's not rude to come and go, monster, it's time for you to take a punch from my grandpa!" After Li Kang finished speaking, his body shot up, his fists clenched tightly, and he punched the purple fire giant hard on the head. to beat.


A violent roar sounded, and the huge head of the purple fire giant was directly blown off by Li Kang, and the purple flames scattered in all directions.

"Boy, you have some strength! The following treasures belong to you!" The purple fire giant's tooth-piercing voice sounded again: "At the same time, congratulations on your qualification to obtain the Seed of Raging Flames, you don't have to die right away!"

The purple fire giant's voice fell, and its burning body burst open and disappeared without a trace.

Together with the purple lake water that appeared in front of Li Kang's eyes, it disappeared without a trace. In the middle of the lake bottom, there is a stone bowl exuding dark light. human aroma.

When Li Kang was observing the pitch-black stone bowl, there was a stone house standing in the void in the depths of this extremely southern and fierce place. smell.

In this ancient stone house, there is a bronze oil lamp that is also covered with spots of rust. On the oil lamp is a bean-sized orange-yellow flame, which is burning slowly and exuding a dim brilliance. .

Suddenly, on top of the bronze oil lamp, the flame, which was originally the size of a bean, jumped and emitted a dazzling orange-yellow brilliance.

This brilliance, in the blink of an eye, turned into a beautiful woman's face, lifelike, a pair of beautiful eyes like a pool of autumn water flashed light, opened her pink cherry mouth and said:

"I didn't expect there to be such talented astral body warriors in the barren Star Continent. The power of soul and body of one of them is equal to that of more than a dozen people of the same level. If the seed of flames is planted into Its body, when it reaches the realm of the star saint, and then devours its soul and body, I will be able to gather full strength, return to the master's body, and help the master restore his cultivation!

In this way, the master can leave the ghostly place of Xingyuan Continent as soon as possible, and return to the heavenly true spirit world!Human astral body, I hope you will not let me down! "

This beautiful face made a voice like heaven.

After it finished speaking, it opened Yin Tao's small mouth again, spit out a strange existence the size of a grain of rice with orange flames burning on its surface, and flew towards the void...


At this time, Li Kang, who was standing on the edge of the dry lake, walked towards the black stone bowl in the center of the lake below. In the black liquid contained in the stone bowl, suddenly, there was the sound of dragon chant.

Immediately afterwards, a phantom of a black dragon several inches in size appeared above the black liquid, flying with its teeth and claws open, but it couldn't get away from the stone bowl for a few feet.

Li Kang already recognized what was contained in the black stone bowl.

This thing is a very precious treasure - Black Dragon Saliva.

Black dragon saliva is definitely a holy medicine for nourishing the body, he has long seen the introduction of black dragon saliva in the classics.

If an astral warrior swallows this treasure, he can improve his physical body in a short period of time, making it more suitable for star cultivation. At the same time, the strength of his physical body will also be greatly increased, and his cultivation level will also be greatly improved.

According to the records in the classics, there were astral warriors in the red star realm who took the black dragon saliva, and its physical strength, which was originally equivalent to the physical strength of the demon commander, unexpectedly reached a realm that could compete with demon beasts of the demon king level.

It can be seen that the medicinal effect of black ambergris is against the sky.

Black dragon saliva is effective for astral warriors in the realm below the star saint.

I don't know, after taking it, to what extent will the physical strength be stronger?Now, the power of his physical body can already compete with the demon beasts in the early days of the Demon Emperor.

While thinking about the scene after taking the black dragon saliva, Li Kang stepped forward and gently picked up the stone bowl. The phantom of the black dragon on the stone bowl viciously bared its teeth and claws at Li Kang.

Li Kang looked at the phantom of the black dragon, smiled slightly, and prepared to put it into the star shell, and take this extremely precious black dragon saliva after leaving the extremely southern and fierce place.

At this moment, suddenly there was an orange light flying down from the stone wall above the passage, Li Kang didn't even have time to resist, this orange light penetrated into his mind.

Li Kang couldn't help being shocked, and hurriedly gathered his consciousness into his mind. He was surprised to find that...

(End of this chapter)

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