Star map

Chapter 513

Chapter 513
At this moment, Li Kang's heart was filled with complicated emotions and deep unwillingness!
However, it is useless to be unwilling. This world is so cold, only strength is useful, and everything else is fart.

"Am I going to die today, is this all over?"

"Wan'er, I'm sorry, I failed to resurrect you in this life!"

"God, even if I am broken into bones and will never enter reincarnation, I will not let you play with me!"


Li Kang shouted crazily in his heart, the power of natal astrology was running crazily, his physical body began to swell, and his purple-gold soul, which was originally only the size of a baby's fist, also began to swell...

He knew that he was about to fly out of his wits and be lost in reincarnation forever.

In this extremely southern and fierce place, on the rusty bronze oil lamp in an ancient stone house in a certain void, the beautiful woman's face frowned slightly, showing a trace of anger.

"What a bitch, I want to die with my flame seed, dreaming!" She made a voice like a heavenly sound.

The woman's voice fell, she opened her mouth again, and spit out a ball of orange flames, which flew towards the void and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

After the strangely beautiful woman's face spewed out this weird orange flame, her aura seemed to have weakened a bit.

At this time, at the passage lake where Li Kang was, suddenly, an orange flame appeared out of thin air and flew towards Li Kang.


There was a crackling sound of flames.

The weird orange flame split into two groups, one fell towards the surface of Li Kang's body, and the other fell directly into his mind.

The mass of orange flames that landed on his body directly turned into an orange chain with raging flames on its surface, completely binding his body, and submerging into his body in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Li Kang's already inflated body, like a deflated ball, kept shrinking back.

At this moment, in his mind, the purple-gold soul that had already swelled was also bound by an orange-yellow chain burning with raging flames, and had to shrink back inward.

"If you want to blow yourself up, there is no way! Now your life is mine. If I want you to live, you will live. If I want you to die, you will die! Hahahaha..." The beautiful woman's voice was like the sounds of nature, and then Li Kang's Echoed in the mind.


Li Kang cried out in his heart, at this moment, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

He had never been so aggrieved even in his previous life, and he had never been so aggrieved since his rebirth in this life.

His pain cannot be expressed in any words.

"If you let me survive this catastrophe, I swear that I will become the strongest in this life: if the devil oppresses me, I will kill the devil; if the god oppresses me, I will kill the god; if the way of heaven is unfair and oppresses me, I will There must be another day!!!”

At this moment, Li Kang made a big wish in his heart!
Seeing it, nine out of ten of the orange-yellow flame-burning flame seed had already submerged into his soul, and it was only a little bit close to being completely planted successfully.

At the moment when he discovered his great wish, Li Kang's body suddenly exuded a dazzling and mysterious brilliance.

He was surprised to find that there was a change in his astral space.

He hurriedly gathered his consciousness into the astral space.

Inside, there is a vast starry sky. Under the starry sky, there is a three-inch-sized black star with a purple-gold halo, wrapped in crystal bubbles, and bound with chains of orange flames on the surface.

At this moment, what has changed is the starry sky above the natal astrology of Sagittarius.

I saw that all the stars and black holes in the endless starry sky were moving, revolving according to a special trajectory... Soon, a huge starry sky vortex composed of countless stars and black holes appeared, occupying the entire endless void , rotating counterclockwise...

The rotation speed of the vortex in the starry sky is getting faster and faster. In the end, even the stars in it can't be seen clearly. At the center of the endless vortex in the starry sky, an extremely bright light suddenly bursts out...

The vortex in the starry sky is spinning faster and faster...

Immediately afterwards, a transparent phantom came out from the center of the vortex in the starry sky. After careful inspection, it was clear that this was a little girl who was as transparent as crystal. Her transparent hair was braided into strands of braids. She had a round face with cute baby fat, and her eyes with long eyelashes were tightly closed and did not open.

The little girl with transparent crystal walked out of the vortex of the starry sky, stepping barefoot on the road of starlight paved by countless stars.

The little girl with transparent crystal stepped forward, and the road of stars under her feet was paved into the sea of ​​consciousness in Li Kang's mind, and appeared in front of his spirit.

Her eyes that were originally tightly closed still did not open, she opened her small mouth, and spit out a transparent crystal bubble exuding lavender-gold brilliance.

In an instant, the crystal bubbles floated to the place where Li Kang's baby's fist-sized purple-gold soul was located, and wrapped his soul in it.

On top of the transparent crystal bubbles, many lavender-gold star vortexes appeared, and they spun slowly, producing a mysterious suction that shocked Li Kang.

Nine-tenths of the flame seeds that had already entered his soul, and the raging flame chains locked on the surface of his soul were all absorbed by the vortex of stars above the transparent crystal bubbles, turning into streaks of orange brilliance, Submerged into the transparent crystal bubbles.

At the same time, the orange-yellow chains with raging flames that originally bound his body were also absorbed by the transparent crystal bubbles.

Li Kang suddenly felt the pressure all over his body lighten, and the unbearable pain from the soul disappeared.

Just at this moment, the transparent crystal bubbles suddenly left the place of his spirit and disappeared without a trace.

At the same moment, in an ancient stone house somewhere in the void in the extremely southern fierce land, on the face of a beautiful woman above the rusty ancient bronze lamp emitting a flame the size of a bean, suddenly appeared A look of extreme pain.


Let out a shrill scream, the brilliance of the beautiful woman's face dimmed a lot, and the light emitted by the flame on the rusty bronze ancient lamp below it became even more dim, and her strength was greatly damaged. look like.

She was very annoyed, she suddenly lost contact with the Raging Flame Seed and the Three Yang Raging Flame Chain, and she didn't know what happened in the cave.

There is a mysterious force that isolates her perception.

"This abominable human being actually broke my Raging Flame Seed and Sanyang Raging Flame Chain! Damn it!" The beautiful woman's face made a voice of resentment: "It seems that only by taking back the golden fire can I replenish part of it. Lost energy!"

Then, with a quick thought, she prepared to absorb the "Golden Fire" back into her body, warming her body.

Then, with a movement of her mind, a flaming golden flame that existed in a huge valley in the extremely southern fierce place suddenly emerged from the ground and turned into a golden flame giant, turning into a ball The golden light flew towards the sky, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Almost as soon as the beautiful woman thought, the golden flame giant appeared in the ancient stone house.

The beautiful woman was about to use a secret technique to integrate the "Golden Fire" with the strength equivalent to that of a Venusian astral body into her body, when she suddenly felt an extremely powerful danger.

She didn't care about merging the golden fire, and looked around, only to see a crystal bubble the size of an egg, shining with lavender golden brilliance, appearing strangely in the stone house.

That deadly danger came from that transparent crystal bubble.

"You... you... who are you, and why did you come to my extreme south fierce land?" The beautiful woman's face suppressed her shock and fear, and asked.

As soon as her voice fell, the transparent crystal bubbles, which were only the size of an egg and exuded purple-gold brilliance, suddenly became radiant and crazily increased in size.

In just one breath, the transparent crystal bubbles enveloped the entire ancient stone house, enveloping the mysterious rusty bronze ancient lamp and the burning giant "Golden Fire" with raging golden flames.

Immediately afterwards, on top of the transparent crystal bubbles, many purple-gold vortexes appeared, spinning crazily, exuding a mysterious and powerful suction.



The extremely beautiful woman's face and the golden fire uttered terrified screams.

They directly turned into bits of brilliance, were absorbed into the purple-gold vortex, and disappeared without a trace.

Then, the transparent crystal bubble shrunk, just wrapped the ancient bronze lamp that had no flame in it, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.


At the same time, on the Xingyuan Continent, in the depths of the boundless ocean, at an unknown depth, there is a dilapidated underwater palace.

In a dilapidated room in this palace, there is a layer of milky white light shield to isolate the sea water, and there is also a rusty ancient bronze lamp full of the smell of time.

On this ancient bronze lamp, it is different from the one in the extremely southern fierce land. It has four lamps, three smaller lamps are distributed at the bottom, and a large lamp that is several times the size of the other small lamps exists. with top.

Among the three small lamps, two had bean-sized flames, and one had been completely extinguished. The fire of the big lamp was the brightest, several times brighter than the two small lamps, and its flame was also the largest.

"No, a mysterious strongman entered Jinan fiercely and killed the remnant soul of Jinan! It must be a strong man outside the Xingyuan Continent, what he did!" On the biggest oil lamp, there appeared a ghost with the same name as Jinan. The face of the stunningly beautiful woman on top of the mysterious bronze lamp in the fierce place made a sound of surprise.

However, the aura emanating from this face is much stronger than that of Ji Nan Ji Di.

"Who is it that killed the remnant soul of Jinan? If you let me know, when I return to the true spirit world, I will definitely let my body destroy his nine clans!" The color made a cold, murderous sound.

(End of this chapter)

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