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Chapter 525 The Function of Animal Skin

Chapter 525 The Function of Animal Skin

Li Kang didn't have the slightest doubt about the words of the blue-robed old man Lan Xuan.

It's because he can be sure that what Lan Xuan said is true, and he didn't hide anything.

At the beginning, the old man in the blue robe wanted to hide something from Li Kang, but Li Kang found out and punished him. After that, he didn't dare to hide or deceive any more.

Li Kang was able to discover that the blue-robed old man was hiding something because of the cage that trapped the blue-robed old man. When the old man said something false or concealed something, he would emit light to remind his master.

This bronze son-mother soul-raising lamp is truly miraculous. Li Kang couldn't help admiring this treasure and liked it very much.

It can not only bind the soul that invaded it, but also increase the power of the master's soul, and can also distinguish whether the words of the trapped person are true or false.

Therefore, Li Kang will not doubt what the old man Lan Xuan said, because the other party will never lie to him.

In addition, the old man Lan Xuan also told Li Kang that some particularly powerful experts from other planes were distracted and came to Xingyuan Continent and were bombarded by Xingyuan Xeon artifact. showed up.

Because the Xeon artifact has memorized their appearance and aura, as long as they come out of the secret ground, they will kill them without hesitation.

After Li Kang learned so much, he asked about how to use the black dagger that Lan Xuan used to have, and how powerful it could be.

In the past, he thought that the Zhentian Bow and the Seven-colored Treasure Mountain were the most precious treasures, but now that he thinks about his own two weapons, he doesn't care too much.

That simple black dagger made him feel very mysterious, presumably it was not a simple treasure.

When the old man Lan Xuan heard the words, hesitation flashed across his eyes, but he thought of the punishment he received not long ago, so he didn't dare to hide anything. Finally, he sighed and said truthfully: "Master, this dagger is called Black Dragon Dagger. A very rare treasure obtained by my earthly body in a secret place.

If the power of the Black Dragon Dagger is fully exerted, it is equivalent to the full blow of an ordinary Tianzun first-tier powerhouse.Of course, I can't exert such power, my body can.

When Ontology sent me to the Xingyuan Continent, this black dragon dagger was given to me by Ontology for self-defense.

This dagger is still somewhat incomplete. For some reason, its weapon spirit has dissipated. If there is a powerful weapon spirit, its power will be even greater! "

Hearing this, Li Kang couldn't help being overjoyed. This is a treasure that is highly valued by all the powerful people of the earth. Even if he doesn't have a weapon spirit, if he owns it, if he can use it and exert a little power, it will be enough to walk sideways in the Xingyuan Continent. Even meeting Xing Sheng is not afraid.

"How to use the Black Dragon Dagger?" His tone was full of excitement.

The blue-robed old man in the cage did not dare to hide anything: "This dagger, it is best not to use it until your cultivation reaches the Venus level, because it will absorb the power of your natal astrology and cause you damage It's huge. The power of the astral body of the Black Star Realm in the natal astrology is not enough to activate the Black Dragon Dagger, let alone exert its power!"

"Then how can you use the Black Dragon Dagger?" Li Kang heard that, and his agitated mood calmed down.

Hearing the words, the blue-robed old man said truthfully: "My remnant soul can serve as the weapon soul of the Black Dragon Dagger at zero time. If you provide all the blood essence of an astral warrior of the first rank in the Black Star Realm, I can use the Black Dragon Dagger equivalent to the Black Star Realm. The full blow of the Dzogchen astral body.

If you can provide all the blood essence of a Dzogchen astral warrior in the black star realm, I can let the black dragon dagger unleash a full blow equivalent to that of a Dzogchen astral warrior in the golden star realm.

If you can provide all the blood essence of an astral warrior at the Venus level or a monster at the demon emperor level, I can unleash the power of the black dragon dagger that is equivalent to a blow from a star saint, that is, a first-level astral warrior at the human level!

The stronger the blood essence you provide, the stronger the power of the Black Dragon Dagger I can unleash! "

Hearing this, Li Kang became excited again.

"However, I don't dare to arouse the power equivalent to Xingsheng's strike in most places in Xingyuan Continent. Only in some special secret places that can isolate the induction of Xingzu's most powerful artifact, I will Help you inspire!" the blue-robed old man said leisurely.

Hearing this, Li Kang smiled and said, "I won't let you die, don't worry!"

Then, he continued to ask: "Lan Xuan, I found a piece of animal skin from Wang Jian's storage star shell, which looks like a map. Do you know what it is and what is it for?"

The old man in the blue robe heard the words and said, "Do you know about the Sky Demon Pit?"

"Tianmo Pit, of course I know that it is a very mysterious place in Zhongzhou Land. There are many treasures in it, and it is extremely dangerous!" Li Kang said.

"The piece of ancient animal skin in your hand is a map of the Tianmo Pit. It has two functions: first, after entering the Tianmo Pit, it can guide you where the treasures appear; The Tianmo Pit, originally the Tianmo Pit was opened every 20 years, you can enter it anytime with this item!"

"How to use this thing?" Li Kang couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this.

Tianmo Pit is a mysterious place that can be compared with the extreme south, east, and west of Xingyuan Continent. The treasures in it are definitely not less than those of the three major evils, but they are also dangerous.

"You only need to drop a drop of your blood into it, and you can use this animal skin map. You take this map to the entrance of the Tianmo Pit, and the Tianmo Pit senses the existence of this map, and it will open Entrance! However, I want to remind you, little old man, that the Heavenly Demon Pit is full of dangers, even if the existence of the Venus realm enters it, it is very dangerous." Lan Xuan said leisurely.

"Thank you!" Li Kang said with a smile.

After understanding the function of the animal skin, he asked the old man Lan Xuan again if he knew how to use the spirit.

In the end, the old man Lan Xuan had to teach Li Kang a set of soul secrets called "Beginless Soul Art" under the threat of the ancient bronze lamp's soul cage.

This set of secret methods is several times the highest soul secret method practiced by Lan Xuan himself.

Li Kang was very excited after getting this "Boundless Soul Art", although this "Infinite Soul Art" is similar to the "Soul Splitting Divine Skill" and "Soul Transformation Slash" recorded in Fen Tian Shenzun's Disentanglement and Remnant Soul. The ratio is much worse, one is in the sky and the other is in the ground. However, with Li Kang's current spirit strength, the basic things in "The Soul of the Beginning" are just right.

Although the "Soul Splitting Divine Skill" and "Spirit Transformation Slash" are treasured items, at least for a long period of time, he will not be able to use them unless his soul can reach the state of transformation.

I am still in the solidification state, and I don't know how long it will take to reach the transformation state.

After Li Kang got this "Boundless Soul Judgment", he put the soul of the old man Lan Xuan back into the black dragon dagger, and the soul cage of the bronze son-mother soul-raising lamp still existed around Lan Xuan's soul, but , will not prevent Lan Xuan from using the Black Dragon Dagger.

With this cage in place, as long as Lan Xuan has the slightest intention to do something wrong, Li Kang will be able to find out immediately, and activate the soul cage to refine him into slag.

After doing all this, he began to comprehend "The Beginning Soul Jue".

Time passed quickly, and more than half a month passed in the blink of an eye. Li Kang had already learned the method of soul perception in "The Beginning Soul Jue", and at the same time, he also learned one of the more practical skills - the method of searching for souls .

The so-called method of perception is to transform the power of one's soul into invisible objects, cover a certain area, and clearly perceive the things within the covered area.

The soul search method is a method of searching for the memory in other people's souls. After using this method, the soul of the person being searched will be severely traumatized. The light ones will lose their memories and become fools, and the severe ones will directly shatter their souls and die.

You should also pay attention to the soul search method, you can only search for people whose soul power is weaker than your own, otherwise it is easy to be backlashed, resulting in a great loss of your own soul power.

As for some other methods of using the soul, with Li Kang's current strength of the soul, it is still impossible to use it.

After Li Kang learned these two methods of the soul, he was already very happy.

According to the technique of using the method of divine soul perception, he turned his divine soul power into an invisible object and released it. Now, his divine soul power can cover a radius of one hundred miles.

Not a single plant, tree, bird, flying insect or chirping within this hundred miles could escape his divine perception.

After Li Kang sensed it once, he slowly retracted the power of the soul into the sea of ​​consciousness.

He opened his eyes and said with a smile: "This skill is really amazing!"

During this time, he also got a lot of good news:
Grandpa, Wang Kui, Princess Jixue, Lian Ying and other clansmen who are in the first and second ranks of the Yellow Star Realm, after taking the black dragon saliva he gave, they all broke through to the Red Star Realm;
After Huang Xiaoxiao, who has a cultivation base of the Red Star Realm, swallowed the black dragon saliva, she directly raised her cultivation base to the first rank of the Purple Star Realm;
Li Shuang, Xiang Zhuang and Lao Niao are the three big demon kings. Li Shuang was originally the middle stage of the big demon king. Now he has directly reached the peak of the big demon king after taking the black dragon saliva. After the Lao Niao and Xiang Zhuang take it, they will enter the middle stage of the Great Demon King, and will soon enter the middle stage of the Great Demon King;

Other astral warriors and monsters took the other precious spiritual objects that Li Kang gave them, and their cultivation bases also improved.

Grandpa, Li Shuang, etc. who have taken the black dragon saliva have not really refined and absorbed all the medicinal power of the black dragon saliva. They have only absorbed part of it now, and the remaining medicinal power will be absorbed in their bodies in the next one or two years. In the next two years, his cultivation will improve rapidly.

After Li Kang learned so many secrets about Xingyuan Continent from Lan Xuan, he decided to take all the clansmen and the monsters here to the extreme south fierce land. .

He wants to develop the Extreme South Fierce Land into his own territory, and make it impregnable, so that after he leaves the Xingyuan Continent, Grandfather and other clansmen can also rely on it.

After he made a decision, he told the tribe and the monsters about it.

Knowing that there was such a blessed place, they couldn't help being excited and excited, and they all agreed to settle there.

(End of this chapter)

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