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Chapter 527 Black Star Realm Great Perfection

Chapter 527 Black Star Realm Great Perfection
Next, Li Kang continued to take out a bowl of black dragon saliva, and drank it down with a "gulu".

Time passed quickly, and half a month passed quickly.

In the astral space where Li Kang's natal astrology is located, a "boom" sounded.

The height of his pitch-black centaur natal astrology increased from six inches to seven inches, entering the fifth-rank of the Black Star Realm.

From the fourth rank to the fifth rank, Li Kang took all the remaining ten bowls of black dragon saliva, and he was able to raise his cultivation base by one rank.

Li Kang has consumed more than 90 bowls of black dragon saliva from the second rank of the Black Star Realm to the fifth rank of the Black Star Realm, and his physical strength has increased to the extreme.

Although his current cultivation has not reached the Venus level, his physical strength can definitely compete with monsters at the level of a demon emperor.

Li Kang thought, even the physical strength of the demon beast in the middle period of the demon emperor is nothing more than that.

The demon emperor is an existence equivalent to a human astral warrior in the Venus realm, but its physical body far exceeds that of a Venus realm astral warrior.

Immediately afterwards, Li Kang took out a fist-sized fruit from the star shell, with fingernail-sized green scales on the surface, and a fruit that exudes a precious light. This is why the medicinal effect is slightly higher than that of the black ambergris of scale snake fruit.

Scaled snake fruit can only increase the cultivation base of astral warriors and monsters, and cannot increase the physical strength of astral warriors like black dragon saliva.

Li Kang picked up the snake fruit without hesitation, and began to bite quickly. The flesh of the snake fruit was very sweet and delicious, and it was also very crispy. The extremely pure and strong medicinal power gathered along the veins towards the astral space where his natal astrology was located.

A scaled snake fruit was completely refined by Li Kang in a few hours, and the original power of the natal astrology increased a little, but it was still far from breaking through to the sixth rank of the Black Star Realm.

Li Kang continued to pick up a scaled snake fruit, crushed it three times, five times and two times, and swallowed it into his stomach...

Time passed quickly, and more than 20 days passed quickly.

In Li Kang's astral space, there was another violent roar.

His cultivation has once again made a breakthrough, reaching the sixth rank of the Black Star Realm, and the height of his natal astrology has also reached eight inches.

His coercion has increased a lot. The three heads who are sitting cross-legged at the entrance of the star pool and practicing, are no longer surprised by the master's breakthrough. The master's aptitude is so enchanting that it cannot be judged by common sense.

After this period of non-stop cultivation, the three heads have refined most of the medicinal power of the black dragon saliva and fetal ginseng, and their cultivation base has finally been greatly improved, infinitely approaching the peak of the Great Demon King.

He believed that only by completely refining the medicinal power of the black dragon saliva and fetal ginseng in the body, would there be a great chance of entering the realm of the demon emperor.

Li Kang broke through from the fifth rank of the Black Star Realm to the sixth rank this time, and spent fifty scaled snake fruits.

Now, if he wants to continue to break through his cultivation, he can only swallow the remaining fetal ginseng, purple gold bird's nest and red gold honey. Taking out each of these things is something that even astralians in the Venus realm will be crazy about. precious.

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Kang took out a plant of fetal ginseng and swallowed it...

There is no time in practice, time passes quickly, and half a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Li Kang, who was sitting cross-legged in the star pool, slowly opened his eyes. In the eyes as bright as the stars, there was a stream of divine light, with a look of greatly increased strength, and the coercion he exuded It's even more astonishing.

With a thought, his whole body exuded a dazzling black brilliance. This brilliance was different from ordinary black, like the light emanating from black gemstones, with a warm luster.

A one-foot-high centaur sculpture with a purple-gold halo, as if made of pure black jade, emerged from the chest and spun around its body.

This is exactly the natal astrology of Sagittarius and Horse that has reached the state of Dzogchen. Li Kang looked at it with a satisfied look on his face.

Although he has now reached the Great Consummation of the Black Star Realm, he still feels that something is missing if he wants to break through to a higher level of the Venus Star Realm.

It took Li Kang less than eight months to break through from the second rank of the Black Star Realm to the Great Consummation of the Black Star Realm, swallowing the most precious black dragon saliva, fetal ginseng, and scaled snake collected from the extremely southern fierce land. fruit, Zijinxuan bird's nest and red gold honey.

The precious treasures he swallowed, if swallowed and refined by other Black Star Realm beings, would be enough for their cultivation to advance all the way and reach the Great Consummation of the Venus Star Realm.

However, Li Kang only raised his cultivation level by six levels, which shows how strong the power of his natal astrology is contained in his natal astrology.

He believed that the amount of natal astrology power he possessed was definitely not bad at all compared to ordinary astral warriors within the third rank of the Venus realm.

At the same time, Li Kang, with his current cultivation base and physical body, even if he doesn't need the help of Jin Huo, he is not afraid of the existence of the Venus Realm.

Even if you can't fight, there is no problem in escaping for your life.

"Eight months have passed, I don't know how they have built this Xingyuan Palace?" Li Kang said to himself with a smile.

At this time, the three heads who were sitting at the entrance of the cave with their eyes closed and meditating on refining medicine, heard the voice, stood up quickly, and clasped their fists to Li Kang with joy on their faces: "Congratulations master, congratulations master, your cultivation base is great!" Enter!"

Li Kang glanced at the three-headed blood bat, and the power of the soul was released. The cultivation of the three-headed blood bat was clear in his chest, and he said with a smile: "Three-headed, you are also very good. After more than half a year of training, you will soon You have entered the peak realm of the Great Demon King!"

Hearing the words, the three heads couldn't help showing a wry smile: "Compared to the master, I'm just a scumbag!"

Li Kang smiled, chatted with Santou for a few more words, and then left the Saint Grade Star Pool and came to the Star Origin Valley outside the Star Pool.

At this moment, a sixth-grade star array is arranged at the entrance of the Star Pool, and the entire Star Origin Valley is arranged with the Tianye Sect's guardian array, with colorful brilliance circulating on the mask, and some The phantom of the alien beast loomed in it, guarding Xingyuangu inside, making this place look like a fairyland.

At the same time, Xingyuan Valley was also divided into two areas, one occupied nine tenths of Xingyuan Valley, and the other occupied one tenth of the area.

These two areas are guarded by two fifth-rank star formations.

Among them, in this area which occupies seven tenths of the area, there are many star medicines that exude hazy light clusters planted in it. This area is the most important star medicine garden in Xingyuan Hall.

Most of the plants planted in it now are Tianlai branches, which were collected by Li Kang for Grandpa.

Li Kang glanced at it, and then prepared to find some precious star medicine seeds and plant them here. There are three sacred star veins gathered in Xingyuan Valley. A good place, but it is a waste to plant Tianlai branches.

Another tenth of the area in Xingyuan Valley has exquisite buildings rising from the ground, blending ingeniously with the mountains, rocks and trees, making it look magnificent.

In the middle area of ​​this small building is a martial arts arena that can accommodate tens of thousands of people to practice.

At this moment, there are hundreds of figures sitting cross-legged on this martial arts arena and cultivating there. Among them are Grandpa, Lian Ying, Ji Xue, Xiang Zhuang, Li Shuang and other members of the Presbyterian Church, while others are not members of the Presbyterian Church. , is obviously an existence that has just advanced to the Red Star Realm or the Demon King Realm.

The existences under the Red Star Realm and the Demon King would definitely not be able to withstand such a strong star power when entering here.

When Li Kang was looking at them, they also found Li Kang.

"See the Palace Master!" Everyone stood up one after another, bowed and bowed respectfully to Li Kang and saluted.

"You don't need to be too polite!" Li Kang said to everyone with a smile.

Afterwards, Li Kang released his soul power, covering everyone present. He discovered that the clansmen from Huzhai, such as Grandpa, Lian Ying, Wang Kui, and Ji Xue, had cultivated from the first rank of the Red Star Realm. Entered the realm of the fourth rank of the Red Star Realm.

The cultivation of monsters such as Li Shuang, Xiang Zhuang and Lao Niao has also been greatly improved. Li Shuang is only one line away from entering the realm of the Demon King, and Xiang Zhuang and Lao Niao have also reached the late stage of the Great Demon King.

Other monsters who were originally in the early stage of the demon king have also raised their cultivation to the middle stage of the demon king.

Dozens of other astral warriors and demon beasts who were originally only yellow star realms also entered the red star realm and demon king realm one after another.

Then, Li Kang chatted with Grandpa and others about the construction of Xingyuan Hall.

In addition to Xingyuan Valley, seven cities covering an area of ​​ten miles have been established in the seven places where the power of the star veins is the most intense, centering on Xingyuan Valley.

These seven cities serve as the strongholds at the entrances of the seven halls of the Presbyterian Hall, the Law Enforcement Hall, the Jinlei Hall, the Wooden Spirit Hall, the Xuanshui Hall, the Earth Fire Hall, and the Fire Cloud Hall.

In the future, the scale of the seven halls can be expanded at any time according to the needs.

These seven cities, like the stars supporting the moon, guard the Xingyuan Valley.

As for the other top-grade star veins and top-grade star veins, the Presbyterian Church decided to make plans later.

In addition, the Presbyterian Hall also decided to find some children with good aptitude for cultivating stars from the Star Origin Continent, bring them to the main hall of the Star Origin Hall, and train them well so that they will become the pillars of the Star Origin Hall in the future.

Li Shuang, Xiang Zhuang, Lao Niao, etc. decided to find a time to return to the Demon Rock Mountain Range, and lead the monsters with cultivation qualifications there to the Xingyuan Hall.

Regarding their opinions, Li Kang has no objection, and thinks it is very good to do so.

In less than ten years, under the influence of a large number of star medicines, natural materials and earth treasures, and such a strong star power here, the strength of the Xingyuan Temple will grow rapidly, and it will become the veritable number one power in the Xingyuan Continent.

After learning about this, Li Kang went to the area where Jinhuo No. [-] was originally located, and came to the Dihuo Cave to see if he had researched the refining method of Jinxing Pill.

His cultivation base has reached the Great Perfection of the Black Star Realm, and now the Black Star Pill is of little use to him.

When his cultivation reaches the Venus level, Li Kang will need a large amount of Venus Pills to improve his cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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