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Chapter 529

Chapter 529
Ten days later, above the boundless blue sea, the sky was clear without a single cloud, and it was as clear as a wash.

There is not a single seabird in this sea area, and there is not a single fish jumping out of the water. It is surprisingly peaceful. It can be said that the tranquility is a bit strange.

At this moment, a dazzling red dot appeared at the intersection of water and sky in this sea area.

The speed of this red dot is very fast, and within a few breaths, it has reached this quiet and strange sea area. In the past ten breaths, the red dot has reached the very center of this sea area.

The true colors of the red dot were revealed. It was a three-headed blood bat with a body several hundred feet in size and three ferocious heads.

On the middle heads of the three blood bats, Li Kang sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, and Xiao Bai, who looked like a Fuwa, sat beside him.

Suddenly, Li Kang's eyes opened, and Xiaobai was put into the spirit beast bag. His powerful coercion was released, forming an extremely powerful sense of oppression. The originally calm sea below It shook violently.

At this moment, the sea surface below suddenly changed violently, and a huge vortex appeared, spinning at an extremely fast speed.

This vortex is thousands of feet in size, and at the bottom of this vortex, there is an extremely sharp roar: "Where is the little bastard, if you dare to come to the emperor's sea area to act wildly, let the emperor swallow you into his stomach and become a monster!" The emperor's food!"

The roar was so overwhelming that the three blood bats carrying Li Kang couldn't help trembling slightly.

This is oppression from a powerful cultivation base.

However, compared to the first time they passed through this sea area, it was much better. At that time, under the coercion, the three heads almost fell into the sea.

Of course, the strength of the three-headed blood bat has also increased a lot now, and it is only a small difference from the realm of the demon emperor.

Li Kang's tyrannical coercion swept towards this coercion, and the coercion of the two Wuzhi five elements collided, making a "bang bang" roar in the air.

The three heads carrying Li Kang no longer trembled.

"Three heads, go into the spirit beast bag, leave it to me!" Li Kang said with a slight smile.

"Master, be careful!" Santou said, and it turned into a red light and entered the spirit beast bag.

Li Kang stood in the sky like a god of war with the nebula of black light under his feet, exuding a strong fighting spirit all over his body.

At this moment, a gigantic black head emerged from the vortex on the bottom of the sea. It was extremely terrifying. Li Kang clearly saw that it was the head of a black flood dragon. Its eyes were extremely black, exuding mystery, Fierce light.

He opened his bloody mouth wide, wanting to launch some kind of powerful attack on Li Kang.

Li Kang didn't care about these things, he wanted to test how strong his physical body was, and whether he could withstand the attack of the black flood dragon with the peak cultivation of the Demon Emperor.

He is also not going to summon the golden fire and five black fires with perfect cultivation in the Venus realm.

The huge black dragon's head protruding from the deep sea opened its bloody mouth, its fangs were blood red, and there was a monstrous fierce flame flashing.

From its huge mouth, a huge jet-black flame spewed out, bombarding Li Kang who was standing in the air like a red dot.

Li Kang flashed a strong fighting spirit all over his body, and he did not dodge or avoid the black flames coming from the attack.


There was a violent roar, and Li Kang's red-dotted body was instantly wrapped in black flames, and there was an earth-shattering roar, and countless jet-black brilliance flashed out.

In an instant, the surrounding world was plunged into pitch darkness, and one could not see one's fingers. Gusts of wind raged and roared, and waves rose into the sky.

"Insignificant human beings actually want to forcibly defeat the emperor's attack with their physical strength. They are purely looking for death, hahahaha!" The harsh and sharp voice of the black flood dragon echoed between the heaven and the earth.

"Well, with so many breaths, you turned out to be the human who disturbed the Emperor's Qingxiu last time!" Hei Jiao continued, he had already confirmed that Li Kang was the human who was almost eaten by it when he passed here last time.

After a few breaths of time, the black light covering the sky and the earth has completely subsided, and the light has returned to the sea.

What happened next shocked Hei Jiao.

Originally, it thought that the human beings who did not use any defense in the powerful flame attack would fall into the sea with serious injuries even if they did not die.

However, at this moment, the young man in red was still standing in the air, with a disdainful smile on his lips.

There was no damage to his body.

"How is it possible? Impossible, absolutely impossible, even if it is a monster that is also the peak of the Demon Emperor, it is impossible to be unscathed after being hit by me! Let alone a tiny human?!" Hei Jiao issued The sharp roar was full of inconceivability and shock.

"Little Black Flood Dragon, Grandpa has taken over your attack, now it's time for you to taste the power of Grandpa's fist!" Li Kang said with a slight smile.

After he finished speaking, his body turned into a ray of red light, and he flew towards the black flood dragon that had just poked its head out, at an amazingly fast speed.

Just as the black dragon was about to spit out another black flame, the red figure had already reached above its head, and the black dragon violently swung its huge hill-like head, trying to throw the humans into the sea.

However, it failed to do so.


There was a deafening roar, and I saw that Li Kang had punched hard on the head of the black dragon mountain.


An extremely painful roar sounded.

The black flood dragon felt as if its skull was about to shatter, its mountain-like head, under the tremendous force, couldn't help sinking towards the depths of the seabed.

Seeing this, Li Kang did not continue to pursue, but stood on the sea, quietly waiting for the black dragon to attack again.

With Hei Jiao's temper, he will definitely risk his life at all costs!

In addition, Li Kang is very satisfied with the strength of his physical body. His physical strength is indeed far beyond that of a demon beast at the level of a demon emperor. He has reached the level of a demon emperor. The attack of the black flood dragon has no effect on him.

After a few breaths of time, the sea trembled violently, and there were rows of huge waves rising into the sky, as if a huge monster like a mountain was about to appear from the bottom of the sea.

Sure enough, in the next breath, a black dragon with a length of five thousand feet and a thickness of about five hundred feet, with four jet-black legs with sharp claws and densely covered with dark scales, pushed away the sea water and emerged from the deep sea. The figure is very scary.

This is a black flood dragon with the cultivation base of a demon emperor.

It is the master of this sea area, and it rules the life and death of all creatures in this sea area. No creature dares to oppose it. Unexpectedly, it was punched by a human just now.

This is the shame of the Black Flood Dragon Emperor, it must kill this human being today, even if its physical body is strong, it must die.

"Die!" Hei Jiao roared.

The sound rolled up and went straight into the sky.

A body like a black mountain range slammed towards Li Kang's place. Wherever his body passed, there were gusts of wind and billows, not to mention a human being, even if a mountain was thrown by his body. To be cut in half.

Li Kang felt the gust of wind rushing towards him, but there was no abnormality on his face, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned.

Immediately afterwards, he clenched his fists tightly, advancing instead of retreating, facing the black body that was thrown towards him like a mountain by the black dragon.


Li Kang's pair of iron fists collided fiercely with a body as hard as the Black Dragon Emperor's mountain range, sending out an earth-shattering roar.


An extremely painful roar came from the giant mouth of the Black Serpent Emperor again.

Its black body, which looked like a mountain range, flew backwards, and it was shaken back by the huge force from Li Kang's fists.


There was another earth-shattering loud noise, and the body of the Black Serpent Emperor fell heavily into the deep sea thousands of feet away, and rows of huge waves rose into the sky.

Li Kang, who was dressed in red, still stood in the air without taking a step back, his physical body was so strong!

"Damn human, you have really angered me, I will let you taste the power of the ancestor spirit right now, a human being can force me to display the power of the ancestor spirit, and you are proud enough to die! "The incomparably huge Black Flood Dragon Emperor once again pushed out the seawater from the deep sea, rose into the sky, and made an extremely unpleasant sound.

Immediately afterwards, its mountain-like black body exuded a dazzling jet-black brilliance, and immediately after that, clusters of huge jet-black flames rose up, enveloping its entire body...

The coercion of the Black Flood Dragon Emperor has been continuously strengthened.

At this time, Li Kang, who was standing aside, had no intention of stopping him at all. He now wanted to see if his body could hold up after the Black Serpent Emperor unleashed the most powerful ancestral power.

After ten breaths of time, the entire body of the Black Flood Dragon Emperor turned into a black flame, and the nearby sea water was continuously transpired by intense heat, turning into white water vapor and rising into the air.

In the body of the Black Flood Emperor, there emerged a phantom of a dragon that was only a hundred feet in size but showed the color of purple gold.

Although this purple-gold flood dragon phantom is only a hundred feet in size, the coercion it exudes far exceeds that of the black flood dragon itself.

"Die, tiny human being!" The Black Flood Dragon Emperor let out an angry roar.

Immediately, a phantom of a purple-gold dragon with the size of hundreds of feet rushed towards Li Kang who was standing on the blue sea.

Li Kang looked at the oncoming golden dragon phantom, and his eyes also showed serious attention. The golden dragon phantom transformed by the power of the Black Flood Dragon Emperor's ancestral spirit is stronger than the Black Flood Flood Emperor himself. There are many, its power should be infinitely close to that of a demon beast at the level of a demon emperor.

However, he didn't intend to use his star skills, or let Jin Huo come out to help, he was going to continue to use his pure physical power to compete with the power of the Black Serpent Emperor's ancestral spirit.

Li Kang clenched his fists tightly, advancing instead of retreating, and flew towards the phantom of the golden dragon.

Like a sharp red sword, he rushed into the phantom of the golden dragon at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, the phantom of the golden flood dragon transformed into a golden light group, which wrapped Li Kang's figure inside, and there was a sound of dragon chant, which came from the golden light group and went straight to the top of the sky.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom" one after another violent roar, also transmitted from the golden light group.

On the surface of the golden light ball, there are golden lightning bolts flashing continuously.

At this moment, dense cracks appeared in the space around it, ready to collapse at any time.

However, soon, these spatial cracks were healed as before.

The aura emanating from the whole body of the Black Flood Dragon Emperor floating in the nearby space has weakened a lot, releasing the power of the ancestral spirit that was finally condensed, making it consume a lot.

"Hmph! Under the attack of my ancestral spirit, even a first-rank astral warrior at the Venus level will be killed.

This is the power of the ancestral spirit that this emperor has spent thousands of years to condense. Its power is absolutely earth-shattering! "The Black Flood Emperor's eyes were as black as ink, and there was a real murderous intent in them, staring closely at the golden light group, secretly said in his heart.

It has absolute confidence in the power of the ancestors.

"Boom" at this moment, a loud noise came.

The golden ball of light trembled violently, expanding continuously, as if about to burst.

On the sea below the golden light group, there are rows of huge waves soaring into the sky, which is extremely spectacular.

"Boom" came another loud bang, and the entire sea shook violently.

The golden ball of light transformed by the power of the Black Flood Dragon Emperor's ancestral spirit directly exploded and turned into a little bit of golden brilliance that disappeared without a trace, and the surrounding huge waves surged into the sky even more unscrupulously.

Li Kang, who was dressed in red, stepped on the black star, with a faint smile on his face, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned: "The power of the ancestor spirit, that's all! Heijiao, you have also used your strongest method, now you can Die in peace!"

Seeing such a result, the Black Flood Dragon Emperor, who was thousands of feet away, couldn't help standing in place in a daze.

The next moment, when it saw the young man in red, who looked like a God of War, flying towards where he was, he couldn't help but turn pale with fright. It had already unleashed the most powerful power of the ancestral spirit.

However, there was still nothing he could do about the young man in red. He didn't seem to have used the power of his natal astrology, so he completely blocked his attack with pure physical power.

"This person is invincible! If you keep the green hills alive, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood!" This thought appeared in the Black Flood Emperor's mind.

Immediately afterwards, the Black Flood Emperor plunged headlong into the deep sea below, sank into the bottom of the sea in the blink of an eye, and rows of huge waves rose into the sky.

Li Kang reached the void where the Black Serpent Emperor was standing, but he was still a step behind.

"Hiding in the deep sea, do you think it's okay?" Li Kang snorted coldly, and a dazzling black brilliance flashed all over his body.

Immediately, the Black Star Shield was cast out, protecting his whole body airtight, and he sank toward the deep sea, chasing the Black Flood Emperor.

The sea, that is the world of the Black Flood Dragon Emperor, its speed is faster than Li Kang's, continuously pushing away the sea water, and flying towards the distance.

Seeing this, Li Kang could only add the power of his natal astrology to his physical body to increase his speed.

After chasing for half an hour, suddenly, there was a loud bang.

He released the power of his soul, and found that the Black Flood Dragon Emperor, who had gathered fifty or sixty miles away, no longer ran away, and turned into a hideous bald man sitting cross-legged in the deep sea. Gather away.

"No way, it's actually breaking through the bottleneck at this time!" Li Kang said in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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