Star map

Chapter 531

Chapter 531
Li Kang drove the black nebula, galloped all the way, and soon arrived at the sea area where the sea turtle demon was.

He controlled the nebula, stopped above the sea, slowly closed his eyes, released the power of the soul, and sensed the situation under the sea.

Li Kang's consciousness soon felt that in a trench deep in the sea, a sea turtle like a gray mountain flashed a dazzling black light and was breaking through the bottleneck.

"It turned out to be a sea turtle demon, which is breaking through the bottleneck of the peak of the demon emperor. If it breaks through successfully, I can get another demon pill of the demon emperor level!" He secretly said in his heart.

For the next time, Li Kang sat cross-legged on the black nebula, quietly waiting for the sea turtle monster to break through successfully.

Time passed quickly, and two days passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the colorful auspicious clouds in the sky had just dissipated. Li Kang looked up at the blue sky, and knew that it was the time when the sea turtle demon was at its weakest.

Like the black flood dragon killed by him not long ago and the sea turtle monster now, they all belong to the giants of the deep sea. I don't know how many human astral bodies have been killed by them.

Murderous intent flashed all over Li Kang's body, a starlight shield of black light surrounded it impenetrably, and plunged headlong into the deep sea.

The black starlight shield pushed away the sea water and sank toward the deep sea at a high speed.

At this moment, the giant tortoise in the deep sea trench stared at the sea water above with a pair of giant eyes with pale golden brilliance, and said: "A human being who only has the black star realm of Dzogchen is actually provoking this emperor!" , then let you be the first whetstone for this turtle after it reaches the emperor level!"

After the sea turtle demon finished speaking, he opened his mouth and let out a loud roar towards the sea above.

Immediately, a pale golden vortex, centered on the giant mouth of the sea turtle, rapidly expanded towards the sea above. The direction of this vortex was exactly the direction in which Li Kang dived.

He felt a huge suction force coming towards him, and all the sea water in front of him suddenly disappeared out of thin air. If he didn't think of a way, his body would be sucked into the depths of the vortex.

"Hmph! A demon emperor-level sea turtle monster that is still in its weak stage wants to devour me, grandpa. Go ahead and see if grandpa doesn't shatter your tooth!" Humph.

His divine soul could perceive the movements of the sea turtle demon at any time, and he already knew that the vortex with huge suction was produced by the sea turtle.

Li Kang clenched his fists tightly, his unparalleled physical strength surging, he plunged into the depths of the vortex instead of retreating. Coupled with the huge suction of the vortex, his speed reached the extreme.

"Arrogant astral warrior in the Black Star Realm, dare to say that you have broken the teeth of the emperor. If the emperor brings you back, you will not be able to live or die. After you have been tortured, he will kill you!" The turtle demon There was an angry sound, and the suction force of the vortex released from its giant mouth increased a little again.

After a few breaths of time, Li Kang was only a few tens of feet away from the turtle demon's giant mouth, and he clearly smelled the disgusting stench from the turtle demon's mouth.

He couldn't help frowning and clenched his fists.


"Crackling, knocking, knocking!"


Li Kang's body collided with the giant mouth of the sea turtle demon, and there was an earth-shattering bang, the sound of bones breaking, and the sea turtle demon's painful roar sounded almost at the same time.

The mountain-like body of the sea turtle and demon sank towards the deepest part of the bottom of the sea at a rapid speed, and the sea water surged violently.

After it sank hundreds of feet downwards, it stabilized its figure. It opened its bloody mouth, and found that several of its indestructible sharp teeth had collapsed.

"Wow..." The sea turtle demon spat out a mouthful of old blood, which contained several dark yellow giant teeth.

"Despicable and shameless human beings, unexpectedly attacked this emperor when he was weak. After this emperor strengthens his cultivation, he will definitely destroy your entire clan!" The mountain-like sea turtle demon let out an extremely angry roar.

Immediately afterwards, his four pillar-like legs kept swinging, and he appeared a thousand feet away in the blink of an eye, and he fled quickly towards the distant sea.

It already knew Li Kang's strength, and knew that its physical body was no match for human astral warriors, so it was the best strategy to move 36 times!
"Want to leave! Dreaming!" Li Kang shouted, a dazzling black brilliance flashed from his body, which turned into a black lightning, and flew towards the direction where the sea turtle demon was fleeing.

Li Kang is fast, and the turtle demon is even faster, and the distance between them is constantly widening.

"The speed of this sea turtle monster is actually much faster than that of the black flood dragon. It seems that I have to spend a lot of effort to catch up with it!" He secretly said in his heart.

Li Kang didn't want to cause trouble, if he really let this turtle escape to heaven, it would be too late for him to cry.

So, with a thought, a ball of golden flame flew out of his mind, and instantly turned into a golden thread, flying forward at a faster speed than the sea turtle demon.

This golden flame is exactly Li Kang's subordinate Jin Huo.

The golden fire is the body of the soul. In this sea water, it can't feel any resistance at all. Therefore, its speed is the same as in the air, reaching the best.

In half a cup of tea, Jin Huo had already caught up with the Turtle Demon in the early stage of the Demon Emperor who had fled in a panic.

"Damn humans, the speed is so fast, this is the depths of the sea!" The sea turtle demon let out an angry roar, then turned around, and spit out a ball of golden light towards the golden light that was only a few hundred feet away from it. .


The golden light group hit the golden fire accurately, but the speed of the golden fire was not hindered by the golden light group at all. It passed through the golden light group and flew towards the sea turtle monster.

The golden light ball behind him had dense cracks, and with a "bang", the golden light ball directly turned into dots of golden light and disappeared without a trace.

Jin Huo turned into a flame giant several feet in size, clenched a pair of huge flame fists, and smashed towards the huge head of the sea turtle monster.



A violent roar and an extremely painful roar sounded at the same time, and the body of the sea turtle demon sank toward the bottom of the sea at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Jin Huo turned into a golden thread and chased after the sea turtle demon.



Immediately afterwards, there was another violent roar and extremely painful roar. The mountain-like body of the sea turtle monster was directly smashed to the bottom of the sea by the golden fire, and sank deeply into the sea mud below. Only one head was exposed. Outside.

In the blink of an eye, Jin Huo reached the huge head of the turtle monster, turned into a flame giant, punched twice at the huge head of the turtle monster, and stomped several times on its head.

The sea turtle demon even sank its head into the bottom of the sea...

(End of this chapter)

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