Star map

Chapter 538 Weird!

Chapter 538 Weird!
An hour later, Li Kang drove the black nebula to the center of the Tianmo Pit.

In the dark sky above the head, there is a huge bloody vortex, which is constantly rotating, and there are lightning bolts flickering around it, and at the same time, it is accompanied by a strong suction force.

Here is the passage leading to the second layer of the Tianmo Pit.

Li Kang looked up at the bloody vortex, but didn't immediately enter it.

He knew that there were other treasures in the first layer of space. However, compared with the five-leaf blood soul grass, these treasures must be quite different.

According to Lan Xuan, the piece of dead wood-colored animal skin in Li Kang's hand can detect the location of precious treasures that are useful to him. As for other low-level treasures, they will not be displayed on the animal skin.

With Li Kang's current vision, ordinary treasures really look down on him.

Now, strange celestial phenomena appear frequently in the Xingyuan Continent outside the Tianmo Pit. It is unknown when great changes will occur.He didn't have time to delay, and he didn't waste time collecting some treasures that were of no use to him.

He took a deep look at the bloody vortex, and said, "I hope that there will be more precious Blood Soul Grass appearing in the Second Heaven of the Demon Pit!"

After he finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and flew towards the huge bloody vortex.


I don't know how long it took, but Li Kang found himself in a very dark black land just like the first floor space.

He felt that there was also a powerful force of physical oppression here, which was several times stronger than that of the first layer of space.

However, with Li Kang's powerful physical strength comparable to that of the peak of the demon emperor, there is no problem in flying the Nebula. If ordinary astral warriors in the Black Star Realm enter this second layer of space, they can only rely on their legs to fly on the ground. ran away.

He was just about to take out the mysterious black animal skin, and wanted to find out how many places with precious treasures existed in the second floor of the Tianmo Pit.

At this moment, suddenly there are many bloody monsters, like a wave, outflanking him.

The aura emitted by these monsters is very powerful, much stronger than those bloody monsters in the first layer of space. The monsters here have actually reached the level of a powerful existence similar to that of the astral warriors in the Purple Star Realm. There are hundreds of them, reaching There are thousands of people in the Red Star Realm.

If the astral warriors of the Purple Star Realm enter this second-floor space, once they come in, they will surely die when they encounter so many monsters of the Purple Star Realm and Red Star Realm level. The scarlet monster who is afraid of death has only the fate of fleeing in embarrassment.

However, Li Kang, relying on his extremely powerful physical strength and the existence of powerful backings such as golden fire and black fire, did not pay attention to these monsters.

With a thought, he saw two black brilliance and one golden brilliance shooting out from his brain at the same time, turning into a golden flame giant and two black flame giants.

These three were the golden fire and the two black fires. Li Kang didn't want to waste time, so he directly summoned the golden fire.

The three flame giants turned into raging flames and charged into the group of bloody monsters.

Immediately, the three groups of flames blasted and killed all the way as if entering no one's land, and the screams of screams came and went, endlessly.

At this moment, Li Kang looked at the situation in front of him, but his eyes were fixed, full of strangeness.

He found that every time a monster with a purple star cultivation level was killed, something would drop from the monster's body.

He stepped forward, picked up a comb-like shiny red existence, looked carefully, and found that it was actually a low-grade red star treasure, and then he picked up a shiny red long knife, which was a medium Magenta Star Treasure.

Li Kang couldn't help being curious, why is there a star treasure in the body of the dead bloody monster?

He couldn't figure it out, and when he was thinking blankly, a blue-faced fang-toothed monster with a purple star cultivation base raised its extremely sharp claws and grabbed his head.

If it is an ordinary black star astral body, without any protection, if it is caught by this claw, it will definitely die.

The sharp giant claws of the blood-colored monster grabbed Li Kang's head fiercely, and the sound of "Keng" sounded, and the giant claws of the blood-colored monster did not harm Li Kang at all, but the blood-colored monster itself did nothing. It broke several sharp minions and let out a scream.

Seeing this, Li Kang kicked the head of the monster with the purple star realm.

The bloody monster died without even uttering a scream, and its body turned into bits of brilliance and disappeared without a trace, only a bloody long sword appeared.

Li Kang stretched out his hand to grab it, and saw that this bloody long sword was a low-grade red star treasure.

He looked at the Xingbao in his hand, and couldn't help being lost in thought, thinking...

A quarter of an hour passed quickly, and hundreds of blood-colored monsters at the purple star level and thousands of blood-colored monsters at the red star level had all been killed by the golden fire and the black fire.

They collected more than 1000 Star Treasures and respectfully sent them to Li Kang.

Li Kang took a closer look. One hundred of these star treasures were red star treasures, and the other one thousand were yellow star treasures. Appeared in the red star-level monsters.

"Why are there so many star treasures, why do star treasures appear in the monster's body?" He couldn't help talking softly to himself, very puzzled.

"Master, maybe there is a powerful existence in the Heavenly Demon Pit. He put these treasures into the monster's body, hoping that a strong person with strength will enter here and kill the monster, and then bring these star treasures to Xingyuan Continent go!

In our high-level planes, in some dangerous secret places, this kind of situation also happens! "At this time, Lan Xuan's old voice from the black dragon dagger came leisurely.

Li Kang couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, he thought that if it was true that there was a very powerful man as Lan Xuan said, he would just accept this arrangement.

What is the intention of this strong man who doesn't know whether he exists or not is beyond his ability to understand.

These star treasures can just be used by the disciples of Xingyuan Hall.

After Li Kang thought about it, he took out the withered wood-colored incomplete animal skin, only to see that the animal skin flashed a dazzling blood-colored brilliance, and the map on it changed again.

At this time, there are five dazzling blood-colored brilliance flashing spots on the map, which means that in the second layer of the Tianmo Pit, there are five places that are useful to him.

"I don't know, is it the blood soul grass that exists in these five places? If so, how many plants are there?" Li Kang couldn't help but wondered in his heart.

Not long after, he steered the black nebula, flying towards the direction of the bloody spot closest to him.

It took half an hour, and Li Kang arrived at a place marked on the animal skin with dazzling blood shining.

Here is also a valley sunken downwards, several miles in size, there are more than 300 blood-colored monsters with purple star cultivation.

He couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw this. In the first layer of space, the three places where there are five-leaf blood soul grass are also valleys, and there are also many blood-colored monsters, but the blood-colored monsters here are stronger.

With a move of Li Kang's mind, all the golden fire and black fire were dispatched, and Xiao Hei was also summoned, rushing towards more than 300 blood-colored monsters at the purple star level in the valley ahead.

He himself joined the battle group.

Li Kang, Jin Huo, the two Hei Huo and Xiao Hei, relying on their powerful combat power, they frantically killed more than 300 blood-colored monsters at the Purple Star Realm as if they were in no man's land.

A quarter of an hour passed, and all three hundred blood-colored monsters were killed by them, and the weapons emitting red brilliance fell to the ground. There are three.

Jin Huo, Hei Huo, and Xiao Hei quickly collected these red star treasures, and Li Kang came to the center of the valley, where there was a small piece of blood-colored plants.

This small piece of plant exuding a blood-colored brilliance is the five-leaf blood soul grass.

Li Kang's face was full of joy. After counting carefully, there were more than 80 five-leaf blood soul grasses, which is definitely a big harvest.

He had just approached these five-leaf blood soul grass and was about to pick them, when he saw streaks of blood-colored brilliance flying towards his brain.

Li Kang didn't care about the soul attack launched by these five-leaf blood soul grass. The eighty blood-colored brilliance flew into his sea of ​​consciousness, flew towards the ancient bronze lamp where the soul was, and entered the bronze ancient lamp. within the lamp.

I saw a huge ball of light flying out of the ancient bronze lamp hall, enveloping all the blood-colored long arrows inside, refining them all into pure power of the soul, which was captured by Li Kang's soul. absorbed by the power.

Immediately afterwards, Li Kang went forward and dug up all the eighty five-leaf blood soul grasses by their roots, carefully packed them in jade boxes, and put them in the star shells.

After collecting the five-leaf blood soul grass, Jin Huo, Hei Huo and Xiao Hei sent more than 300 red star treasures to him, and he just took a look at them before putting all these star treasures into the star shells.

Afterwards, Li Kang quickly flew towards the second place on the animal skin map where the dazzling blood flashed.

On the way to the second bloody land, whenever he encountered bloody monsters, he would kill them without hesitation and collect the star treasures in their bodies.

An hour later, Li Kang came to another place of blood.

This is also a valley several miles in size, and there are also hundreds of blood-colored monsters at the level of the Purple Star Realm. Li Kang was even more delighted when he saw this.

He thought, in the valley in front of him, there must be dozens of five-leaf blood soul grass.

With a thought, he summoned all the golden fire, black fire, and little black, and joined the battle group himself, charging towards the monsters in the valley...

(End of this chapter)

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