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Chapter 543 Attacking the Xingyuan Temple

Chapter 543 Attacking the Xingyuan Temple

Wang Peng, the owner of Motian Villa, shared the information he got from the two elders of Xingyuan Hall with the other four owners.

Hearing the words, the four villa owners couldn't help showing strong greed in their eyes.

They already know that there are three sacred star veins, one hundred top-grade star veins, one thousand top-grade star veins and many precious treasures in the extremely southern fierce land.

This extremely southern fierce land is simply a paradise for immortals. If any force obtains this extremely southern fierce land, it will definitely become the overlord of the entire Xingyuan Continent in time.

Now, such a blessed place as the Jinan fierce land is occupied by a force called Xingyuan Temple.

According to part of the memory of the two Xingyuandian elders, there are three Venus-level existences in Xingyuandian, two of whom are equivalent to the Great Perfection of the Venusian realm, called Jinhuo No. [-] and Jinhuo No. [-], and one is Xingyuandian. The palace master of the first rank of the Venus Realm had just broken through to this realm not long ago.

In addition, there are ten black star realms in Xingyuan Hall, and two demon beasts in the early stage of Demon Emperor.

The astral warriors and monsters of other levels, and the five Motian Villa owners at the Gold Star Realm didn't pay any attention to them. Those who were at the Purple Star Realm and Red Star Realm were just a bunch of ants in their eyes.

"Everyone, you all understand the situation of the extremely southern fierce land and the Xingyuan Palace. I would like to ask you what you think?" Everyone knows.

"Lord, the extreme south evil land is such a blessed place, so those who can live there. The strength of our Motian villa is much stronger than that of Xingyuan hall. I think we will go to the extreme south evil land to remove the Xingyuan hall and occupy the extreme south evil land. .My Motian villa has such a blessed place as the extremely southern fierce land, even if monsters from outside the sky invade the Xingyuan Continent, we can safely multiply in it!" Mo Tian, ​​the second owner of the Mo family with a full head of white hair, took the lead. , a pair of old eyes flashed with the color of greed.

"I, Xu Hua, agree with the proposal of the owner of Mo Er. We occupy the extremely southern fierce land. With the extremely strong power of the star veins and the holy star veins inside, we have a great chance to improve our cultivation base. Floor to floor, to reach the legendary Star Sacred Realm!" Xu Hua, the Patriarch of the Xu Family, said with a look of excitement on his face.

"I, Hengfen, also agree to attack the extremely southern fierce land!" The silver-haired old woman, leaning on a cane, stood up and made an old voice.

"I, Lang Jiao, agree to attack the extreme south to destroy the Xingyuan Palace!" The very charming ****, with a pair of peach eyes flashing with greed, stood up and said.

"Since the four villa owners are going to attack the Extreme South Harmful Land and destroy the Xingyuan Hall, then I, Wang Peng, will lead everyone to attack the Xingyuan Hall and occupy the Extreme South Harmful Land. If the forces know about it, they will definitely be ready to move, so, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, we immediately gather our forces and head to the extreme south of the land!" Wang Peng, the owner of Motian Villa, stood up, exuding amazing power, and said in a deep voice.

At this moment, in the eyes of the five masters of Motian Villa, it seems that the extreme south fierce land is already in their pocket.

The reason why they are so confident is that these five villa owners are all top powerhouses in the Venus Realm. Wang Peng can fight three with one, and the ordinary Venus Realm Dzogchen is definitely not his opponent.

The other villa masters Mo Er and Xu San have powerful existences at the Venus Dzogchen Realm, and they can also fight against two with one.

As for Hengfen and Lang Jiao, who are at the seventh rank of the Venus Realm, they will never fall behind the ordinary Venus Realm Dzogchen beings.

With such a formidable combat power, attacking the Xingyuan Hall where there are only two Venus-level Dzogchen and a Venus-level first-rank exists, it is naturally possible to win it completely.


Time passed quickly, and it was two days later.

At the entrance of the extremely southern fierce land, there is a place of thick and boundless fog.

Originally, very few people appeared here in such a fierce place, but today there are ten huge flying feather ships appearing here.

Each flying feather giant ship is two hundred feet long, one hundred feet high, and fifty feet wide, enough to accommodate 3000 people. It is a large flying star treasure, and one is worth more than one billion star stones. It can be refined by the ancient family.

Ten huge flying feather ships that looked like mountains stayed above the mist, and on one of the decks stood five men in black exuding extremely powerful and coercive pressure.

These five people are the five owners of Motian Villa, Wang Peng, Mo Tian, ​​Xu Hua, Hengfen and Lang Jiao. The five of them are like five mountains standing there, and the coercion they exude makes people feel suffocated .

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom" At this moment, the sky above them was blood red, and Xingzu's most powerful artifacts, the Shaking Halberd, Haotian Bell and Fuxiqin, flew towards the three continents in the sky. , continuously bombarded and killed countless monsters from outside the sky, and let out a roar.

This kind of situation has been like this every day for the past few days, so everyone is no stranger to it.

"Everyone in Xingyuan Hall, listen to me, as long as you put down the star treasures and self-destruct your natal astrology, I, Motian Villa, can spare you from death! If you dare to resist, you will be killed!" Wang Peng, the big villa owner of Motian Villa, There was a sound like thunder.

Its voice was condensed above the sea area for a long time, passed through the billowing mist below, and was introduced into the Extreme South Terrible Land, where it turned into rolling thunder and spread throughout the Extreme South Ferocity Land that was [-] miles in size.

Every member of the Xingyuan Temple in the extremely southern fierce place could hear it clearly, and everyone couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and the next moment there was raging anger burning in their hearts.

At this time, two red light spots flew over, one came to the city where the Presbyterian Hall was located, and turned into a fiery red giant in front of the deputy hall master Li Chunshan, and the other headed towards Xingyuan Valley.

"Honghuo, who is making noise outside Xingyuan Hall?" Deputy Hall Master Li Chunshan asked, frowning.

At this time, all the elders in the elder hall couldn't help but look angry. The words that the person yelled just now really didn't take Xingyuan Hall seriously.The Xingyuan Palace has three Gold Star Realm beings and twelve Black Star Realm beings. How could it be insulted by such a powerful force.

"Reporting to the deputy palace masters, the five masters of Motian Villa led tens of thousands of strong men to the entrance of the extremely southern fierce land!" Xuehuo hurriedly replied.

"Let's go, all the elders will follow the master of the palace to meet the enemy!" Li Chunshan made a decision immediately, now that Li Kang is retreating, he should be in a critical place and cannot be disturbed.

Li Kang should have heard the yelling just now, if it wasn't at an important place, he must have come out.

Soon Li Chunshan led Li Shuang, the Three-Headed Blood Bat and hundreds of elders from the Presbyterian Hall to the entrance of the Extreme South Fierce Land.

Now, all the people and monsters in the Xingyuan Palace regard the Extreme South Fierce Land as their own home, how can the homeland be destroyed by the enemy? !

At this time, all the invading enemies of Motian Villa have all entered the entrance of the extremely southern fierce land, and they are now being blocked by the eighth-rank guardian sect formation.

Wang Peng, Mo Tian, ​​Xu Hua, Hengfen, and Lang Jiao, the five Venus-level beings, could not help frowning slightly as they watched the light curtain formed by the star array exuding eight-color brilliance surround them.

"You guys of the Xingyuan Palace, you have one last chance. Open the restriction immediately and abolish your cultivation base. I, Motian Villa, can keep one of you. If you don't open the star array and resist stubbornly, wait for my Motian Villa to break through the big formation." , will definitely kill all chickens and dogs killed here!" Wang Peng uttered a thunderous voice again, and shouted in a deep voice.

"Open the star array and abolish your cultivation!"

"Open the star array and abolish your cultivation!"

"Open the star array and abolish your cultivation!"

Tens of thousands of people from the Motian Villa shouted loudly, and their voices rolled straight into the sky.

"Humph! The Motian Villa is so majestic, it actually wants everyone in my Xingyuan Hall to abolish their cultivation! If you know your mind today, you should retreat immediately! Now, the monsters from outside the sky are attacking the Xingyuan Continent wantonly, and I spare your lives to deal with Tianwai Monster. If you still don't get out of my Xingyuan Palace, then don't blame me for being ruthless!" At this moment, a young but arrogant voice sounded like thunder.

"Okay, since you don't know how to live or die, then I, Motian Villa, will flatten your Xingyuan Palace today! Bring up the magic star cannon and prepare to attack the guardian formation!" Wang Peng ordered in a deep voice with a strong murderous intent on his face.

Immediately, there were ten behemoths with a height of ten feet, which appeared in the army of Motian Villa. These behemoths were the magic star cannons.

The huge black cannon barrel was aimed at the big formation of Xingyuan Hall. This magic star cannon is a sharp weapon for breaking through the star formation refined by the ancient star master of Xingyuan Continent. The power of each cannon is infinitely close to that of Xingsheng. one strike.

However, although the power of this magic sky star cannon is huge, the consumption is also huge. To fire a cannon, at least hundreds of millions of star stones will be consumed.

At the same time, the accuracy of the magic sky star cannon is also very poor. It is definitely not good for attacking astral warriors, but it is an excellent weapon for attacking star formations that cannot move.

The ten magic sky star cannons in Motian Villa are the family heirlooms of Wang Peng, the owner of the villa, and they don't know how many years they have existed.

He once helped the Wang family break through the star formations of many enemies of the Wang family, allowing the Wang family to win a big victory and made great military exploits.

Even though the eighth-rank star array in front of Xingyuan Hall has a very strong defensive ability, but under the action of this magic sky star cannon, it can't withstand thirty cannons at most.

"I didn't expect Motian Villa to even have the legendary magic star cannon, but it's a pity, even if you have the magic sky star cannon, you can't play wild in my Xingyuan Hall. Gold fire, black fire, purple fire, and red fire follow orders and come with me Kill, kill all the invading enemies in front of you!" At this moment, a roar full of murderous intent came from the depths of Xingyuan Hall.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling golden brilliance flew towards here, and it was Li Kang who came. His body shone with a dazzling golden brilliance, and he stepped on a golden nebula under his feet, exuding a powerful and unparalleled power.

The golden fire, black fire, purple fire and red fire have turned into billowing flame giants, rushed out of the star array, and rushed towards the army of Skyscraper Villa...

At this time, the full magic sky star cannon in Motian Villa is adding a large number of high-grade star stones.

(End of this chapter)

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