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Chapter 545 3 Great Forces

Chapter 545 Three Powers
Li Kang retreated to comprehend the seven-colored golden body, Po Zhen was preparing to set up the "Ten Killing Formation", and the other disciples of Xingyuan Hall were cultivating crazily.

Time passed quickly, and more than half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Li Kang has completely mastered the colorful golden body. When fighting, he can fuse with the colorful treasure mountain. The physical strength is unparalleled, and the astral warrior under the star saint can definitely kill it.

Although the seven-colored golden body is powerful, each fusion is a heavy burden on the body, and the fusion time can only last half an hour at most. If the fusion is forced for more than half an hour, it will cause irreversible damage to the body.

After merging once, even with Li Kang's current physical strength, he would have to cultivate for half a month before merging again.

The ultimate supernatural power of the colorful treasure mountain, the colorful golden body, can only be practiced by astral warriors who have a very strong physical body and who have cultivated the first few supernatural powers of the colorful treasure mountain.

In addition, Li Kang has also successfully cultivated the blood-light magic cauldron obtained from the mysterious blacksmith in the Tianmo Pit, and he is able to drive this mysterious blood cauldron.

Today, Lao Niao and Jinhuo No. 50, who went out to purchase precious mineral materials not long ago, have returned. They spent more than [-] billion star stones to purchase the materials needed to refine a ten lore array.

Li Kang asked Jinhuo No. [-] to recuperate, and handed over all the materials to Po Zhen.

He also helped Po Zhen to set up the ten lore array, and this ten lore array was arranged at the only entrance to the extremely southern fierce land.

It took half a month to successfully arrange the ten lore formations.

In this way, at the entrance of Xingyuan Hall, there are two large formations, one is the defensive eighth-rank guardian star formation, and the other is the ten lore killing formation.

With these two large formations, the enemies attacking the Xingyuan Hall, as long as they don't have a large number of Heavenly Demon Star Cannons, they will have to take a layer of skin off them if they want to break through.

In addition, Pozhen also improved the Ten Lore Formation by adding the spirits of the Black Flood Dragon Demon Emperor, the Sea Turtle Demon Emperor, six other Demon Emperors and dozens of Great Demon Kings, making the Ten Lore Formation more numerous. One point of ability - to imprison the enemies who entered the ten lore array.

At the same time, the ten magic star cannons captured by Li Kang from Motian Villa were also arranged by Po Zhen in the ten lore formations.

Although the accuracy of the magic sky star cannon is not very good, and it is very cumbersome, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to kill fast astral warriors, let alone Venus astral warriors, even blue star realm with nebula It is also very difficult to kill.

However, among the ten lore formations improved by Po Zhen, that's another story.

Today's Ten Lore Formation, the enemy enters it, and the stars who are in charge of controlling this large formation can separate and imprison the enemies according to their level.

Astral warriors at the Venus and Black Star levels can be confined in some fixed areas.

At that time, just aim the muzzle of the magic sky star cannon at these fixed areas, and bombard them, it will be enough to kill the astral body warriors in it. With the power of the magic sky star cannon, kill the fixed and immobile astral body warriors More than enough.

After Li Kang understood the situation, he had no choice but to give Po Zhen a thumbs up. Po Zhen really deserves to be a master of formation, alchemy, and weapon refining.

With such a ten lore formation, as long as the enemy does not have a large number of magic star cannons, they can kill as many people as they enter the ten lore formation.

The only problem now is that the number of star stones is not particularly large.

The number of star stones that Xingyuan Hall now has is only more than 150 billion. Every time the ten lore attack is launched, it will cost [-] million star stones, and every time the magic sky star cannon is launched, it will also need to consume [-] million star stones.

To ensure the absolute safety of the Xingyuan Temple, 150 billion star stones are not enough.

For a while, Li Kang couldn't think of any way to ask him to rob other forces for no reason. He couldn't do such a thing.

I can only think of another way.

Next, he continued to return to the holy grade star pool of Xingyuan Valley, continued to retreat and practice, and tried to cultivate the cultivation base of Xingxuan to the realm of Venus.

After his astral body cultivator entered the Venus realm, even with the help of such pills as Jinyuan Pill, his progress was slow.

Time passed quickly, and soon another half a month passed.

On this day, there was no one at the entrance of the Extreme South Fierce Land, only the thick black mist.

In the blood-red sky, violent roars could be heard from time to time. Xingzu's three most powerful artifacts, the Shaking Halberd, the Haotian Bell, and the Fuxiqin, continued to bombard and kill the blood-colored monsters from outside the sky.

However, no matter how much the three Xeon artifacts killed, the monsters outside the sky gathered more and more, and the large red formation over the Xingyuan Continent became thinner and thinner.

At this moment, suddenly there are streaks of light spots flying towards the place where the extreme south fierce land is located.

Soon, they saw the true appearance of these light spots. In the front were fifteen flying feather giant ships, and behind these flying feather giant ships were densely packed star warriors and monsters.

These astral fighters and monsters flying in the rear are all astral fighters of the Yellow Star Realm and Blue Star Realm level, and monsters of the Yao Commander and Monster General level.

Of the fifteen giant flying feather ships, three belonged to Motian Villa, six belonged to Zhongzhou City, and the last six belonged to the Zhongzhou Monster Beast Alliance.

Skyscraper Villa, Zhongzhou City, and Zhongzhou Monster Beast Alliance are the three most powerful forces in Zhongzhou Land. There are five Venus-level astral warriors in Motian Villa, four Venus-level astral bodies in Zhongzhou City, and five in the Zhongzhou Monster Beast Alliance. A demon beast at the level of a demon emperor sits in the town.

These three major forces have a total of fourteen Venus-level existences, five Venus-level Dzogchen existences, four Venus-level seventh-rank existences, and the other five monsters are all at the peak of the Demon Emperor.

The combination of the three powerful forces in Zhongzhou Land is enough to sweep away any other forces in Xingyuan Continent.

The reason why the three major forces of Skyscraper Villa, Zhongzhou City, and Zhongzhou Monster Beast Alliance are united is because Skyscraper Villa told these two big forces about the terrible place in the extreme south.

After the five owners of Motian Villa suffered a great loss in the extreme south, they suddenly realized that they would never be able to swallow the Xingyuan Palace with the strength of the Motian Villa family alone. After eating the Xingyuan Palace, they will jointly occupy the extremely southern fierce land.

In this way, it is better than getting nothing from the Motian Villa. The extremely southern fierce land has such rich resources, even if the three major forces are equally divided, they can get great benefits.They believed that with the combined strength of Motian Villa, Zhongzhou City and Zhongzhou Monster Beast Alliance, it was enough to crush Xingyuan Palace.

This time, among the three major forces, there are fourteen existences from the Venus Realm and the Demon Emperor level alone, and they are all top-notch existences. Those at the king level have reached thousands, and those at other levels have reached millions.

A small Xingyuan Hall, even if the owner of the Xingyuan Hall holds a sharp weapon, it cannot match the three major forces.

Today, Xingyuan Palace will definitely not escape being killed.

Several villa owners of Motian Villa felt happy when they thought about the scene of the Xingyuan Palace being destroyed, and they were deeply worried about the big loss they suffered in the Xingyuan Palace last time.

"Master Wang, you said that there are three legendary holy-grade star veins, one hundred top-grade star veins, one thousand top-grade star veins and countless treasures of heaven and earth in the extremely southern fierce land? Is it true? If you find out in the end that you lied to me, I will never end with you!" A burly man with a very fierce appearance said in a thunderous voice.

This person is one of the five giants of the Zhongzhou Monster Beast Alliance, the Black Bear Demon Emperor who has the peak cultivation level of the Demon Emperor.

Wang Peng, who can single-handedly rival three ordinary Venus-level Dzogchen beings, is quite afraid of this Black Bear Demon Emperor. Going up to the Black Bear Demon Emperor is also slightly inferior.

"Black Bear Demon Emperor, don't worry, everything I said is true, and when we capture the Xingyuan Palace, you will find out when you enter the extreme south fierce place and take a look!" Wang Peng, the owner of Motian Villa, vowed.

After more than a month of cultivation and taking a lot of precious star medicine, he finally fully recovered from his injuries.

"Okay, I believe Master Wang once!" The Black Bear Demon Emperor replied with a thunderous voice.

Soon, the armies of Skyscraper Villa, Zhongzhou City, and Zhongzhou Monster Beast Alliance arrived at the entrance of the Extreme South Fierce Land and surrounded the entrance.

"Hey, I didn't expect that such a fierce place as the Extreme South Fierce Land would be occupied by the Xingyuan Palace!" At this time, Long Yu, the great city lord of Zhongzhou City, looked at the thick fog with golden eyes shining, He said it was strange.

"City Master Longyu, the first time I heard in Motian Villa that there are astral warriors occupying the extremely southern fierce land, I didn't believe it. Finally, after coming here and fighting them, I had to admit this fact!" Motian Mo Tian, ​​the second owner of the villa, said with a smile on his face.

"Then what are we waiting for, immediately enter the Extreme South Fierce Land and eradicate the forces of Xingyuan Palace, the Extreme South Fierce Land is ours!" Long Yu, the great city lord of Zhongzhou City, said with greed and murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

"All the people in Motian Mountain Villa followed the owner into the extremely southern fierce place, and killed all the people in Xingyuan Palace! It's a shame!"

"All the disciples of Zhongzhou City obey the order and enter the Xingyuan Palace with the Lord of the city!"

"All the monsters of the Zhongzhou Monster Beast Alliance obey the order, enter the Xingyuan Palace with the leader, and kill all the disciples of the Xingyuan Palace!"

The leaders of the three major forces, one after another, issued orders to their subordinates to enter the extremely southern fierce land.


At the same moment, within the Extreme South Fierce Land, in the Xingyuan Valley, in the Star Pond.

A flaming giant of purple light appeared in front of Li Kang, respectfully said to Li Kang who was cultivating in the star pool: "Master, the three major forces in Zhongzhou Land, Motian Villa, Zhongzhou City and Zhongzhou Monster Beast Alliance, lead an army of one million Surrounding the entrance of Xingyuan Hall!"

Hearing this, Li Kang opened his eyes slowly, and an astonishing murderous intent flashed out of his pupils: "If you don't use thunderous means to beat and scare these people who peek at the Xingyuan Palace, they will always be wicked!"

After he finished speaking, he came out of the Star Pond, summoned some elders of the Xingyuan Hall, and hurried towards the entrance of the Extreme South Fierce Land.

(End of this chapter)

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