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Chapter 551 The Devil's Egg

Chapter 551 The Devil's Egg
Li Kang looked at the dozens of purple star-level bone demons, stone demons, tree demons, corpse demons and other monsters coming towards the colorful treasure mountain with a murderous aura, and he couldn't help showing a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"It's just in time, I can refine all of you into pills, so I won't have to search everywhere!" He secretly said in his heart.

After thinking about it, he held the Blood Light Demon Refining Cauldron in one hand and clenched his fist in the other, charging towards the surrounding monsters of the Purple Star Realm.




There was a roaring sound, and the monsters at the level of the purple star were killed or seriously injured by Li Kang's punch. After that, the remnants and souls of these monsters were all bloody by him. In the magic cauldron.

This time, Li Kang killed 33 extraterrestrial monsters at the level of the Purple Star Realm, and he collected them all into the Blood Light Demon Refining Cauldron.

He sat cross-legged on the top of the seven-colored treasure mountain, and the power of the golden natal astrology was poured into the blood-light magic cauldron continuously.

"Roar", "Roar", "Roar"... One after another, extremely shrill roars came from the blood-light refining cauldron continuously, as well as the sound of violent impacts.

Some undead monsters collected by Li Kang in the Blood Light Demon Refining Cauldron tried to hit the heavy cauldron and escape.

However, all they do is in vain.

Li Kang is now manipulating the Colorful Treasure Mountain to kill low-level monsters, while continuously injecting the power of the golden natal astrology into the Blood Light Demon Refining Cauldron...

Time passed quickly, and half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

In the blood-light magic refining cauldron in front of his body, there were no screams and impact sounds, and there were streams of delicate fragrances leaking from the gaps in the blood-light cauldron, which was very refreshing to smell.

Li Kang knew that the 33 extraterrestrial monsters had been completely refined.

With a thought, the thick lid of the blood-colored alchemy cauldron was opened, and 33 black, gray-white, gray-brown, and dead wood-colored pills flew out of the cauldron and flew into his hands.

He put the 33 pills into a jade bottle and kept them away, and then flew towards other monsters at the purple star level.


Time passed quickly, and four hours later, Li Kang killed most of the extraterrestrial monsters at the purple star level that landed in this sea area, refined them into pills, and killed the monsters at the red star level and yellow star level. Killed at least a million.

The nine elders of the Xingyuan Palace in the Venus realm killed so many monsters from outside the sky, and the power of their natal astrology and demon pills has also been consumed a lot, so it is not suitable to fight again.

Because Li Kang used the Blood Light Demon Refining Cauldron to refine many purple star-level monsters into pills, he also consumed a lot of the power of his natal astrology.

Although they killed millions of extraterrestrial monsters, this only accounted for one-third of the monsters that came here, and there were at least 200 million monsters.

The monsters rushed towards Li Kang and others without fear of death.

At this moment, Li Kang looked up at the blood-colored hole above the big formation in the sky, and it was only less than one-fifth closed, and there were still countless monsters falling from the gap in the big formation. , like a galaxy composed of monsters pouring down.

With so many densely packed monsters, one can't help feeling scalp numb and creepy just looking at them.

He drove several golden natal astrological powers into the colorful treasure mountain, and the colorful treasure mountain emitted dazzling colorful light again, turning into colorful sharp blades, which continuously flew towards the surrounding monsters. go.

The nine Venus-level and Demon Emperor-level elders who had consumed a lot of energy sat around on the colorful treasure mountain to recover some physical strength, and they left here soon after preparing.

It is impossible to kill all the monsters here with ten of them.

If they continue to fight with the monsters here, they may eventually exhaust the power of their natal astrology and be eaten by these monsters.

At this moment, suddenly, a powerful coercion descended from the gap in the sky.

Everyone looked up, only to see a bloody mist of blood descending from the sky at high speed. In this mist of blood, there was a golden egg several feet in size.

The powerful coercion just now came from the golden egg and the blood mist.

Li Kang, Black Bear Demon Emperor, Lang Jiao and other ten Venus-level and Demon Emperor-level existences stared at the golden giant egg that slowly descended from the sky, and had a premonition in their hearts that this golden giant egg must not be let down. The egg hatches, if the golden egg hatches, it must be a terrifying monster.

"Li Daoyou, you must not let that golden egg hatch. That golden egg should be the highest monster among the monsters outside the sky—the egg of the demon. The demon clan belongs to the royal family among the monsters outside the sky. They have extremely powerful talents. With the strength of the Black Star Realm level, it can reach the existence of the human level after just ten years of growth!

When the Heavenly Demon reaches the Human Venerable level, it can display its innate supernatural powers, exhale the Qi of the Heavenly Demon, and can demonize most things, including the star veins, and become demon veins.

In addition, heavenly demons who have reached the level of human beings can also plant demon seeds in the bodies of astral warriors and monsters... to demonize astral warriors and monsters, turning them into extraterrestrial monsters.

If Xingyuan Continent has a human-level demon, and Xingyuan Continent does not have a powerful human being, Xingyuan Continent can only be demonized and destroyed.

Li Daoyou, you must pay attention, the blood-colored mist surrounding the sky demon egg should be transformed by several or dozens of blood demons.The blood demon is a powerful monster that is slightly inferior to the sky demon among the monsters outside the sky, and it is very difficult to kill! "At this moment, the old voice of Lan Xuan in the black dragon dagger came into Li Kang's soul.

His voice was full of urgency.

"Elders, go with the master of this hall and destroy this demon egg!" Li Kang shouted in a deep voice with a serious expression on his face when he heard this.

His voice was filled with astonishing murderous intent.

"Yes, Palace Master!" The nine elders said in unison.

Li Kang collected the colorful treasure mountain, ignored the surrounding low-level monsters, and rushed towards the golden giant egg and bloody monsters that fell into the midair.

Nine elders, including Black Bear Demon Emperor and Lang Jiao, followed closely behind Li Kang.

Li Kang rushed into the midair, his whole body flashed with dazzling golden brilliance, his two hundred golden natal star spun crazily, and the power of natal star was poured into his hands one after another, between his hands, forming a A golden ball of light appeared.

The golden ball of light exuded a powerful and unparalleled power, and Li Kang waved his hands in a special way.

The strangeness of its dance implies the meaning of the way of heaven and earth. It seems simple, but in fact it is extremely profound.

"Batian Decisive Style!" He shouted violently.

Immediately afterwards, he pushed hard with both hands in the direction of the golden giant egg, and the golden light group whizzed out, instantly turning into a golden giant blade light shadow with the size of a hundred feet.

The volume of this golden giant blade light and shadow is still increasing rapidly, reaching the top of the golden giant egg, it has become a thousand feet in size, exuding a powerful aura, and slashed down towards the golden giant egg.

Where the golden giant blade passed, countless low-level monsters burst to death one after another.

"Roar", "Roar", "Roar"... At this moment, dozens of roars filled with incomparable anger came, and their voices went straight into the sky.

The billowing blood-colored mist surrounding the golden demon eggs turned into fifty huge blood-colored demons. These blood-colored demons had huge blood-colored horns, and they were exactly blood-colored demons.

Among the fifty gorefiends, eight gorefiends are the largest, reaching more than 30 feet, while the other 42 gorefiends are only fifteen feet in size.

Fifty gorefiends attacked the huge golden giant blade light and shadow flying down in the sky, and attacked bloody light clusters, and the fifty bloody light clusters collided with the golden giant blade light and shadow fiercely.


A violent roar sounded, the golden giant blade disappeared without a trace, and most of the bloody light ball disappeared, and the remaining bloody light balls all flew back into the body of the blood demon.

"Insignificant human beings, you dare to attack the noble Lord Heavenly Demon, you are looking for death, we blood demons will definitely kill you all, imprison your souls, and suffer in purgatory!" One of the huge blood demons thirty feet high Demon, staring at Li Kang and said viciously.

Li Kang has already known through Lan Xuan in the black dragon dagger that these eight [-]-foot-tall Gorefiends are equivalent to human Venus-level astral warriors. If they are in the Demon Realm, they must be stronger than humans at the Venus-level level. Some.

However, in Xingyuan Continent, a non-demon land, the strength of the blood demon has dropped by at least one-fifth.

The other 42 Gorefiends with a height of fifteen feet are astral warriors equivalent to the human Black Star Realm level.

Li Kang smiled coldly, and said with murderous intent: "You monsters, don't stay in your own territory well, and you are so arrogant when you come to my Xingyuan Continent, I will definitely refine you into a elixir today!"

The blood demon at the Venus level couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words: Refining himself into a elixir?

At this moment, Li Kang had a big black and red ferocious bow in his hand. Its surface exuded a faint light, but it felt extremely dangerous. This ferocious big bow was exactly the Sky-Shaking Bow. .

After re-refining the Sky-shaking Bow, he hasn't used it yet, so he just used it today to see how powerful the newly-refined Sky-shaking Bow is!
On Li Kang's body, a three-inch-high golden Sagittarius natal star flashed with some cracks. It spun yo-yo, and the power of the natal star crazily flew towards the Shocking Bow.

Immediately, the Shocking Bow emitted a dazzling six-color brilliance, three of the nine demon pills on the bow exuded an eye-catching golden brilliance, and the other six emitted a brilliance like black gemstones, golden lightning bolts appeared On the body of the bow, the might of the Shocking Bow is rising steadily...

Immediately afterwards, ten black and red long arrows condensed and shot out, exuding a powerful and unparalleled coercion.

Li Kang's eyes shot out with monstrous murderous intent, staring at the blood demon in the distance, and said word by word: "Anyone who offends my star will be killed!"

(End of this chapter)

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