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Chapter 554 Arrangement

Chapter 554 Arrangement
Li Kang's eyes were full of softness, he looked at Xiao Hei, and put him back into the spirit beast bag.

Although Xiao Hei had already dealt with this demonic egg, he couldn't feel happy, but was deeply worried.

This time, there were thousands of gaps in the large formation above the Xingyuan Continent, all over the entire Xingyuan Continent, and what Li Kang killed was only the demon egg in one of them.

I don't know if there are any other demonic eggs that landed in the other locations where the extraterrestrial monsters landed. If so, there are demonic eggs that landed in every location...

Li Kang didn't dare to think about it anymore, there were thousands of celestial demons, and Xingyuan Continent was really about to be demonized and become a demon realm.

He worried about his thoughts and told Lan Xuan in the black dragon dagger. He wanted to get more news about the demon from Lan Xuan.

"Li Daoyou, you said that every place where the extraterrestrial monsters landed, there was a celestial demon egg. That's unrealistic. Although the celestial demons are extremely powerful and belong to the top of the extraterrestrial monsters, their reproductive ability is the weakest among all the monsters." Yes. So, this time, a hundred demonic eggs descended on the Xingyuan Continent, which is astonishing!" Lan Xuan made an old voice from the black dragon dagger.

Li Kang heard Lan Xuan's words, but the worry in his heart did not ease. There were hundreds of demons, which would definitely be a disaster for Xingyuan Continent.

"No, I must find a way to destroy all these heavenly devil eggs!" He secretly said in his heart.

Li Kang's current strength is absolutely impossible to kill the demon egg, and Xiao Hei, the only one who can deal with the demon egg, fell into a deep sleep again.

Thinking of this, Li Kang became even more worried.

"Since it is impossible to kill the other demonic eggs, let's try to find these demonic eggs first and control them! I hope that other forces on Xingyuan Continent can control some of the demonic eggs."

"Now, countless extraterrestrial monsters have invaded the Xingyuan Continent. I still don't want to leave the Xingyuan Palace for the time being, otherwise a large number of monsters will attack the Xingyuan Palace, and the Xingyuan Palace will be in danger!"

"First try to improve the cultivation of yourself and the disciples, and send disciples to contact the giants of various forces to discuss how to deal with this huge number of extraterrestrial monsters! The power of the Xingyuan Palace alone will definitely not be able to compete with the extraterrestrial monsters. Unite all forces that can be united, and fight against the alien monsters together!"

For a moment, Li Kang's mind was full of thoughts, and he also made a decision.

Before practicing with all his heart, he still has a few things to do. The first thing is to know whether the big formation above the Xingyuan Continent has healed as before; Waiting for people to arrange the big array; the third thing is to go out to send news to the various forces, whether the disciples have returned, and what is the situation; Magic pill, whether it can be taken.

Soon, he came to the meeting hall of the elder hall, and all the elder-level figures were present.

There was a deep worry on everyone's face.

The alien monsters invaded the Xingyuan Continent this time, which made everyone feel very heavy. They didn't know whether the astral warriors and monsters on the Xingyuan Continent could resist the monsters and protect the Xingyuan Continent.

Li Kang learned about the situation of the big formation above the Xingyuan Continent from some elders in charge of intelligence collection, and knew that the big formation had healed as before, and no new monsters entered the Xingyuan Continent.

The extraterrestrial monsters above the Xingyuan Continent have also receded, and the sky has returned to its original color.

After he understood this, the worries in his heart were slightly reduced.

"Everyone, no matter what, we must fight the monsters to the end. We have no way out. The Star Continent is our home. If we retreat, our homeland will be destroyed and the Star Continent will become a demon realm.

Today, although a lot of monsters from outside the sky have entered the Xingyuan Continent, the formation above the Xingyuan Continent has been closed, and no new monsters will come in.

If we fight, there is still hope to drive out the monsters and protect the Star Continent!I, Li Kangding, will fight the monsters to the end!Are you willing to fight the Lord and the monsters to the end! "Li Kang's voice, full of determination, confidence, and calmness, exploded in the Xingyuan Hall like thunder.

Not only did all the elders in the meeting hall hear it, but all the creatures in the [-]-mile region where the Xingyuan Hall was located could hear it clearly.

"I Li Shuang wish to follow the Palace Master and fight the monsters to the end!"

"I, Lian Ying, would like to follow the Palace Master and fight the monsters to the end!"

"I, Li Chunshan, would like to follow the Palace Master and fight the monsters to the end!"

"I, the Black Bear Demon Emperor, would like to follow the Palace Master and fight the monsters to the end!"


In the council hall of the Xingyuan Hall, the thunderous voices of the various elders resounded continuously.

"I am willing to follow the Palace Master and fight the monsters to the end!"

Outside the meeting hall, almost all the disciples of Xingyuan Hall shouted in their hearts, fighting the monsters to the end!

Their shouts converged into a torrent, which directly washed away the haze in the hearts of the disciples of the Xingyuan Hall.

"Good! Good! Good! You are worthy of being the disciples of my Xingyuan Palace, and worthy of being the sons and daughters of my Xingyuan Continent. We will definitely drive out monsters and protect the Xingyuan Continent!" Hearing this, Li Kang's heart was filled with pride.

After Li Kang boosted the morale of the disciples of the Xingyuan Hall, he asked Po Zhen and the masters of the Qizhen Hall in detail about the situation of the unknown formation.

Po Zhen and several Qizhen hall masters told him that they had already set up ten defensive star arrays of seventh and eighth rank at the entrance of the extremely southern fierce land, and each key point in Xingyuan Hall In the city, at least two defensive formations of the seventh and eighth ranks were also arranged one after another.

In addition, Po Zhen told Li Kang that with the various materials in the Xingyuan Palace, four Ten Great Arrays can be arranged, and these four Ten Great Arrays are still being arranged, and they can be completed in at most five days. It was arranged at the only entrance of Xingyuan Hall.

After learning about this, Li Kang was in a good mood.

Once the four ten great formations are successfully arranged, there will be five ten great formations at the entrance of Xingyuan Hall. Equipped with ten magic star cannons, they can kill even Venus-level existences with one blow.

With the existence of these five ten great arrays plus ten defensive seventh-rank and eighth-rank star arrays, the safety of the entire Xingyuan Hall will be greatly improved.

If the monsters dare to aggressively attack Xingyuan Hall, let them come and go.

However, if the Heavenly Demon Egg hatched into the Heavenly Demon, allowing it to reach the cultivation level of Human Venerable, then even with these large formations in the Xingyuan Palace, it would be difficult to escape destruction.

In addition, Li Kang learned that those disciples who went out to send news to various forces sent back news.

In Xingyuan Continent, except for the other seven major forces, which resisted the crazy attack of monsters, there was not much loss.

Most of the small forces were either destroyed or suffered heavy losses under the attack of the monsters. They have turned to the seven major forces one after another, and some of them formed alliances with dozens of small forces, barely resisting the attack of the monsters.

The situation in Star Continent is worrying!

The disciples sent out by Li Kang informed the seven major forces about the Heavenly Demon Eggs, and only three forces robbed the three Heavenly Demon Eggs and stored them among the three major forces.

The three forces that robbed the devil's egg are Jianyuan City in Beizhou Land, Antarctic Palace in Nanzhou Land, and Beihai Palace in Siren.

Although the other four major forces found the heavenly devil eggs, they failed to rob these heavenly devil eggs.

As for how many heavenly demon eggs there are on the Xingyuan Continent, they can't say clearly.

After Li Kang learned of this information, he asked everyone to retreat, leaving only Po Zhen in the meeting hall. He took out a gray pill the size of a fingernail and a blood-red pill the size of a baby's fist. The medicine was passed to Po Zhen.

"Pozhen, these two elixirs are obtained by refining a purple star level monster and a black star level blood demon with the blood light alchemy cauldron. Please help me to see, these elixirs Medicine, whether astral warriors and monsters can take it, whether it has toxicity or other side effects!" He said to Po Zhen.

After Po Zhen took the pill, he said hello.

He took the two pills in his hand and looked at them carefully, his face full of curiosity.

After Li Kang handed the elixir to Pozhen, he returned to the star pool of Xingyuan Valley, swallowed the gold star pill, and practiced hard. The other nine elders at the gold star level and demon emperor level also went to the star pool with him practice.

He handed over the defense of the entrance of Xingyuan Hall to Jinhuo and Heihuo.

Ten days passed in a flash, and Po Zhen came to the star pool, his face was full of wretched smiles.

"Pozhen, can those elixirs refined from monsters be taken?" Li Kang looked at the smile on Pozhen's face, with anticipation in his heart.

"Master, I took some of these two elixirs, and after careful testing, I found that this magic elixir not only does not have any toxic ingredients, but also contains extremely powerful medicinal power.

The medicinal power of this gray pill is more than a hundred times stronger than that of ordinary purple star pills, and one is worth the energy of hundreds of purple star pills... It is definitely an improvement for astral warriors and monsters good medicine!Master, the bloody magic cauldron in your hand is really a strange thing!I've never heard of any treasures that can refine monsters into pills! "Po Zhen said with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Kang also had a look of great joy on his face.

In this way, I can use the Blood Light Demon Refining Cauldron to refine a large number of monsters in the future, and refine them into pills, which can be used to increase the strength of the disciples of the Xingyuan Palace.

The other nine Venus-level and Demon Emperor-level elders who were cultivating in the star pool also showed great joy on their faces when they heard the words.

After Pozhen left, Li Kang took the two gray pills and the bloody pills that he had sent back, and carefully looked at them in his hands.

After a while, he put the gray elixir the size of a fingernail into his mouth. This elixir should be refined by a bone demon at the level of the purple star, and the entrance of the elixir turned into a warm current flowing towards the mouth. The dantian gathered and left, and there was a fragrance in the mouth...

(End of this chapter)

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