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Chapter 563 The Fifth Floor of the Demon Pit

Chapter 563 The Fifth Floor of the Demon Pit
In the west of the land of Zhongzhou, there is a huge valley with a size of a thousand miles that is sunken downwards. The valley is surrounded by jet-black cliffs that look like a knife and an axe.

In the valley, it is filled with thick black and red mist. These mist are constantly rolling violently, and there are hideous ghosts with blue-faced fangs continuously condensing out, which is extremely shocking to watch. .

At the same time, there was a shrill sound of howling ghosts and wolves, coming from the thick fog in the valley, which made people feel horrified when they heard it, as if they were falling into the Shura hell.

Here is where the Tianmo Pit is located.

On this day, there was a blood-red spot of light flying from the horizon towards the Sky Demon Pit.

From far to near, the blood-colored light spots revealed a huge three-headed blood bat. On the head in the middle stood a red-clothed youth with eyes as bright as stars. On his shoulders sat a Wearing two shofar braids, a cute little girl like a Fuwa.

This is exactly Li Kang and Xiaobai.

With a thought, Li Kang put the three blood bats and Xiaobai into the spirit beast bag.

Then, he took out the piece of dead wood-colored animal skin, looked at this piece of animal skin, and then at the black mist and ferocious ghost in front of him.

A solemn look appeared on Li Kang's face. He clearly remembered what the blacksmith who gave him the blood cauldron had said when he entered the Tianmokeng for the first time: No one respects cultivation, so don't enter the fifth place in the Tianmokeng. From the first floor to the ninth floor, if you enter, you will die.

"In order to be able to break through to the realm of the Star Sage as soon as possible, even the realm of human dignity, to deal with the extraterrestrial monsters, and prevent the extraterrestrial monsters from slaughtering the creatures of the Star Continent, let's fight!"

"The road of practice is against the sky. You should not let danger stop you! Only with a courageous and fearless spirit can you reach a higher level!"

"If I shrink back whenever I encounter danger or difficulty, how can I cultivate to the realm of Heavenly Venerable and find a way to revive Wan'er?"


His mind was full of thoughts, and after a quarter of an hour, his eyes were full of determination.

On the way from Xingyuan Temple to Tianmokeng, Li Kang saw many cities, which became dead cities, piled up with bones, countless villages and towns were destroyed by monsters, and countless mortals died.

His heart was greatly shocked!
When Li Kang came here, he had decided that if he could get out of the Tianmo Pit alive and get good luck, he would go to the other two fierce places in Xingyuan Continent to see if he could occupy these two fierce places.

If he can occupy these two fierce places, he will move a large number of mortals into them and provide them with protection...

Soon, Li Kang suppressed the chaotic thoughts in his heart, and with a thought, the animal skin in his hand exuded a dazzling brilliance, and the lines on it seemed to come alive and started to work.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of light shot out from the animal skin, hitting into the thick fog in the valley ahead.

At this moment, the boundless mist in the valley rolled more and more violently, like a stormy sea, and then, the mist spread out from the middle to the two sides, as if something was about to come out of it.

"Boom," "Boom," "Boom"

There was a continuous roar, and the earth shook violently.

I saw a jet-black giant tower drilled out of the ground, clearing away the thick fog, revealing a huge figure.

This is a nine-story black stone pagoda, several miles in size and thousands of feet in height. There are pitch-black bells on it, hanging on the cornices, making a crisp "Dang Dang Dang" sound.


There was another loud noise.

The thick stone door on the first floor of the giant black tower opened abruptly, emitting a dazzling blood-colored brilliance from inside, and there was a blood-colored vortex, spinning extremely fast, with strong suction.

Li Kang, who was holding the ancient animal skin in his hand, felt the strong suction force enveloping him. He didn't resist, and let it suck him into it.

After sucking Li Kang into the huge black stone tower, it sank back into the ground without a trace.

After an unknown amount of time, he felt that his feet had finally stepped on solid ground, and he slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, Li Kang found himself on a pitch-black land, the sky was blood red, without a cloud, and there was no sign of life here, it was very desolate.

He took out the animal skin, only to see a dazzling bloody light flashing on the animal skin, and two bloody characters in the upper right corner: fifth floor, which showed that he had directly reached the fifth floor of the Tianmo Pit.

Immediately afterwards, bloody veins resembling human veins emerged from the animal skin. In one place on this map, there was a bright red spot, which was where the treasures existed.

"On the fifth floor, there is only one place where treasures exist!" Li Kang looked at the map in his hand, and after remembering the contents above, he started talking to himself.

Then, he walked towards the direction of the bloody light spot on foot, and walked quickly.

There is also huge physical pressure in the fifth floor of the Tianmo Pit. If Nebula Flight is used, the physical pressure will increase dramatically. At the same time, the consumption of the power of natal astrology is also very huge.

Therefore, Li Kang wisely chose to walk, relying on his physical strength now surpassing that of the peak demon beast, the walking speed is also very fast.

He trotted all the way, moving forward...

Time passed slowly, and soon more than three hours passed.

At this time, Li Kang had arrived at the place where the bloody spot on the animal skin map was located. Here was a pitch-black cliff tens of miles in size. It was bottomless and filled with thick black mist.

From time to time, the black mist transformed into various ferocious ghosts, roaring at him standing on the top of the cliff.

Li Kang traveled all the way, but he didn't encounter any attack from any monster, but the closer he was to the cliff, the greater the pressure on his body, and there was a trace of suppressing force on his soul.

"If you want to obtain the treasure here, you need to release the power of the soul, enter the bottom of the cliff, and go through a fierce battle. If the deity has not yet reached the realm of human dignity, and the power of the soul is not strong, leave quickly. If you enter rashly, the form The gods are gone!" Suddenly, a very thick voice sounded.

Hearing this, Li Kang couldn't help being taken aback: This voice was so familiar, it was the voice of the blacksmith he met on the fourth floor of the black peak when he entered the Heavenly Demon Pit last time.

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me!" He bowed and bowed towards the void, saluting.

However, in the void, there was no longer any sound. It seemed that the reminder just now was not spoken by the blacksmith himself immediately, but a voice left on this cliff a long time ago, reminding everyone who came here.

Seeing that there was no response, Li Kang didn't take it seriously. He took out the black dragon dagger and asked Lan Xuan inside: "Fellow Taoist Lan Xuan, how does my soul power compare with that of a human being?"

"Li Daoyou, from low to high, the cultivation level of the soul is divided into: qi deficiency state, solidification state, transformation state, earth god state, sky god state and true god state.

Among them, Qi Deficiency Realm and Condensed Reality Realm are the realms of soul cultivation for cultivators below the realm of Human Venerables; Transfiguration Realm is the realm of spiritual cultivation for comprehensions at the level of Human Venerables; Heavenly God Realm is the realm where cultivators at the level of Celestial Venerables cultivate their souls; True God Realm is the realm where cultivators at the level of Divine Venerables cultivate their souls.

Your situation is very special. Although your cultivation base has not reached the Human Venerable level, but the power of your soul has reached the Transformation Realm, and the shape of the soul that you have transformed has completely solidified, becoming an entity-like existence.Generally speaking, only human beings and cultivators of the other shore realm can possess such power of spirit and soul. "Lan Xuan in the black dragon dagger said leisurely.

Hearing this, Li Kang had joy on his face, and continued to ask: "Fellow Daoist Lan Xuan, in this way, my soul power has reached the strength of the soul that a cultivator in the realm of human dignity should have?!"

"It can be said that it is!" Lan Xuan said.

"Fellow Taoist Lan Xuan, what do you mean by Ren Zun and the other shore realm?" Li Kang said, suppressing the joy in his heart.

Lan Xuan in the black dragon dagger said leisurely: "Human Venerable, Earth Venerable, Heavenly Venerable, and Divine Venerable, these four great realms, each of which is divided into three smaller realms, namely: Yuanshi, Tianyu and Shenzun. On the other side, each small realm is divided into ten heavens, and the entire realm of human dignity is divided into thirty heavens!
When Renzun is in the Yuanshi Realm, the soul of the Transfiguration Realm is in the form of a phantom; when in the Sky Viewing Realm, half of the soul is solidified; when in the Beyond Realm, the soul is completely solidified.The strength of your soul power is equivalent to the existence of a human being in the other side realm! "

Li Kang was very excited when he heard Lan Xuan's explanation: I never thought that my soul power would be so powerful.

He decided to use his soul avatar and go to the black mist under the cliff to find out and see what treasures there are.

Then, after chatting with Lan Xuan for a few words, he sat cross-legged on the top of the cliff and let three blood bats come out to protect him.

Li Kang closed his eyes, and his consciousness sank into the sea of ​​consciousness.

I only saw an ancient bronze lamp in the sea, on which there was a ball of orange-red lights jumping and emitting brilliance.

With a thought of Li Kang, the orange-red light jumped down from the wick, and with a "bang", the light split into two and turned into two purple-gold figures.

These two purple-gold people have exactly the same appearance as Li Kang, and they are transformed by the power of his soul. One of them presents the shape of a phantom, while the other has been completely solidified, just like a real person. With a purple-gold brilliance.

The human figures transformed by the power of these two souls are Li Kang's two soul clones, one of which is solid and the other is illusory.

Immediately afterwards, that condensed purple-gold divine soul flew out from the sea of ​​consciousness and appeared on the top of the cliff. Without the slightest hesitation, it turned into a purple-gold brilliance and flew towards the bottom of the cliff...

(End of this chapter)

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