Star map

Chapter 566

Chapter 566

This huge army basically gathered seven or eight out of ten strong men on the Star Continent.

A few days later, the army of humans and demons from the Xingyuan Continent arrived on the surface of the sea where the deep sea magic palace was located, and many astral warriors prepared to cast their starlight shields and descend towards the deep sea.

"Hmph! Tiny human beings, with only about 2000 million people, dare to come to my Heavenly Demon Palace to provoke you. You are looking for death! I will turn your bodies into my food in a while!" A thunderous sound came from the deep sea.

This voice was made by the Heavenly Demon who had just hatched, and there was incomparable arrogance in the voice.

Immediately afterwards, streaks of blood-red brilliance, black, gray-brown, off-white... brilliance shot out from the bottom of the sea, and appeared in front of the army of monsters in the Xingyuan Continent.

More than 300 one-horned Venus Gorefiends with a height of thirty feet, two thousand one-horned Gorefiends of the Black Star Realm with a height of fifteen, and tens of millions of Stone Golems, Tree Goblins, Bone Goblins, The corpse demon... showed its figure.

Seeing so many powerful monsters, the people and demon army of Xingyuan Continent couldn't help showing a look of horror in their eyes. However, when they thought that there was a star saint on their side, they couldn't help but feel less fear in their hearts. .

"Kill all the humans and monsters in the Star Continent, and turn their bodies into our food!" At this moment, the thunderous voice from the bottom of the sea sounded again.

The group of demons got the order, and rushed towards the army of humans and demons clamoring...

"Kill all the monsters, and return my Xingyuan Continent to the sky!" Li Kang shouted violently, and his voice was like thunder, spreading across thousands of miles of sea area.

The army of humans and demons heard the order of Palace Master Li Kang, and they rushed towards the army of monsters coming like a torrent without fear of death.

An unprecedented war broke out.

The mighty man in golden clothes and Li Kang, who held the blood-light magic cauldron, rushed into the group of more than 300 blood demons at the Venus level. He followed closely behind Li Kang and the mighty man in golden robe.

The three hundred blood demons at the Venus level saw a small wave of more than 30 strong men at the Gold Star level and the Demon Emperor level rushing into their camp, and they couldn't help showing their bloodlust and ecstasy.

With more than 30 existences of the same level, dealing with [-] blood demons at the Venus level is purely courting death.

High-level astral fighters and monster bodies are great supplements for blood demons. They devour the bodies and souls of these people and monsters, and their cultivation will definitely be improved to a higher level.

Just when the gorefiends thought that the astral warriors and monsters were just here to deliver food to them, the mighty man in a golden robe suddenly exuded a dazzling golden brilliance, which made people tremble uncontrollably. An incomparably powerful breath emanated out, as if the pressure of Tianwei was pressing on the blood demons.

Immediately, more than 2000 blood demons at the Black Star Realm level and three hundred Blood Demons at the Gold Star Realm level couldn't help but turn pale with shock. They discovered that under this coercion, they could actually feel the movement of the demonic blood and demonic energy in their bodies. The speed has slowed down, and the strength has been suppressed a lot.

This is a high-level life that suppresses low-level life.

It's like the Heavenly Demon Royal Clan suppressing ordinary Demon Clans.

Why, on the body of this golden-robed human being, there is an aura similar to that of the Heavenly Demon Royal Family, and it is also very strong, even stronger than the Heavenly Demon Highness in the Heavenly Demon Palace below? !
At this moment, the Gorefiends felt the strange aura and powerful coercion emanating from the body of the mighty man in the golden robe, and they couldn't help being puzzled.

They displayed magic skills one after another to resist the coercion transmitted by the golden-robed man. In this way, their strength will be greatly reduced during the battle.

The coercion of the mighty man not only exerted extremely powerful oppression on the strength of the blood demons, but also greatly suppressed the strength of other tree demons, bone demons, stone demons... low-level monsters.

At this time, the cultivation base of the demon army was suppressed by at least two to three levels by the coercion of the golden-robed man!

Suddenly, the Gorefiends came to their senses, and they all saw in unison that if they didn't kill the golden-robed man first, they would most likely be wiped out, so all the [-] Gorefiends They all displayed powerful magic skills to attack the big man in golden robe.

All I saw was a series of powerful blood-red brilliance flying out from the bodies of more than 300 monsters, flying towards the killing intent of the golden-robed man.

These blood-colored brilliance turned into huge blood-colored blades, blood-colored monsters and other lights and shadows. Wherever they passed, large cracks appeared in the space.

"Light of the firefly, dare to compete with the bright moon!" The mighty man in the golden robe shouted.

Immediately afterwards, the golden brilliance of his body flashed, forming a golden mask with a size of several tens of feet, covering himself and the more than 30 Venus-level and demon emperor-level beings who followed behind him. in it.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom", "Boom", "Boom"...

The powerful attacks of the Gorefiends attacked the golden mask one after another, bursting out with dazzling brilliance and violent roars.

However, these attacks could not shake the golden mask at all.

Seeing this, the powerhouses of the Venus Realm and Demon Emperor level within the golden mask couldn't help being shocked: Is this the strength of the Star Saint level? The attacks of more than 2000 Black Star Gorefiends and [-] Venus Gorefiends were unable to break through his defense. If they faced such an attack by themselves, they would be directly blasted into scum, and even the screams could not be heard. Too late to issue.

The astral warriors and monsters were shocked, and the demons were even more shocked.

At this moment, the big man in the golden robe suddenly said: "Your attack has been used, next, I will let you try my attack!"

After his words fell, the golden brilliance all over his body flashed again, and a huge golden light group was formed in his hands. In this golden light group, there were wisps of extremely pure heavenly demon breath.

The big man in the golden robe pushed forward with both hands, and saw that ball of golden light flying out, rushing towards more than 300 blood demons at the Venus level at high speed.

In the process of flying, the golden light group turned into hundreds of small golden swords.

The speed of these small golden swords is so fast that it cannot be increased, and each small sword seems to have eyes. The elves with wisdom have entered 200 blood demons at the gold star level and more than [-] blood demons at the black star level. In the bodies of the demons.

Immediately, there were terribly shrill screams, and more than 500 blood demons of the Venus and Black Star realms hit by the golden sword were killed one after another, and their huge bodies fell towards the sea.

Li Kang, who was standing within the golden mask of the big man in the golden robe, flew out immediately holding the blood-light alchemy cauldron, and the golden natal astrological governance was poured into the blood-light alchemy cauldron, emitting a dazzling bloody brilliance.

Immediately afterwards, the heavy lid of the Blood Light Demon Refining Cauldron was opened with a loud bang, and pieces of blood-colored light flew out of it, covering the corpses of more than 500 blood demons that had been killed.

Pieces of blood-colored glow covered all the monsters' bodies in one roll, and one roll was collected into the blood-light demon refining cauldron. The top cover was closed with a bang, and not a single blood demon's corpse fell down.

Li Kang looked at the blood-light refining demon cauldron in his hand, and then thought about the more than 300 blood demon bodies of the gold star level and the more than 200 blood demon bodies of the black star level in it. If they are all refined into magic pills, If it is used by oneself, one's cultivation will reach the Great Perfection of the Venus Realm, and the power of the soul will also be greatly increased. Maybe he can practice the second level of the "Spirit Splitting Dafa", and then condense two soul clones.

Just when Li Kang was very excited, the big man in the golden robe launched a powerful attack again, and this attack was aimed at the blood demon at the Black Star Realm level.

I saw that between the hands of the big man in the golden robe, a golden light cluster exuding a destructive aura was formed again. With his hands pushing forward forcefully, the golden light cluster flew out, aiming at the rest of the people who were still in shock. The Gorefiend of the Black Star Realm charged away.

In the process of flying, the golden light group turned into more than 500 small golden swords at an incredible speed, and each small sword attacked a black star realm blood demon.

The Gorefiends couldn't avoid it, they were hit one after another, and they uttered a shrill scream. More than 500 Black Star Realm Gorefiends died instantly, and their bodies fell towards the sea one after another.

At this time, Li Kang injected the power of his natal astrology into the blood-light refining cauldron again, and pieces of blood-colored light flew out from it, and once again collected all the corpses of these monsters into the blood-light refining magic cauldron.

At this moment, the remaining more than 1000 blood demons at the Black Star Realm level finally recovered from the shock. They scattered and fled in fright, not daring to fight here again.

"If you want to leave, there's no way, just leave it to me!" the big man in the golden robe shouted violently.

Immediately afterwards, a huge golden light cluster formed again between his hands, and he pushed forward vigorously, the golden light cluster flew out and turned into small golden swords, and each small sword moved towards a Only Gorefiend chased him away.

The big man in the golden robe didn't stop at all, and attacked two golden light clusters in a row. The two golden light clusters turned into thousands of small golden swords, and continued to chase the remaining monsters away.

An extremely shrill scream came again.

Thousands of blood demons in the Black Star Realm who were about to escape here were all hit by the small golden sword, and they were killed. Their bodies fell towards the sea.

Li Kang's face was full of excitement, and he continued to urge the blood-light demon refining cauldron to spit out pieces of blood-colored light, and collected all the corpses of these black star realm blood demons into the blood-light demon refining cauldron.

Seeing that all the blood demons of the Venus and Black Star realms on the sea have been killed, the mighty man in the golden robe said to the other Venus and Demon Emperor-level Xingyuan Continent powerhouses, "Bring the magic star cannon and come with me!" Go down and destroy the Demon Palace and Heavenly Demons!"

(End of this chapter)

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