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Chapter 580 Ascension in the Daytime

Chapter 580 Ascension in the Daytime
One day later, half of the Star Continent centered on Xiao Hei's island was plunged into boundless darkness, and many hideous ghosts and phantoms appeared in the dark sky, and the whole world seemed to have fallen into darkness. In the Nine Nether Hell.

As if they were summoned by the king, they gathered continuously towards the small island where Xiao Hei was.

At this moment, sitting cross-legged in the air, Li Kang, who was protecting Xiao Hei, saw the dense ghostly shadows of ghosts in the sky, and couldn't help but gasped.

He felt that the temperature around him dropped extremely rapidly, as if he had fallen into the ice field of thousands of years of ice, his hair trembled, and he activated his mana, and this discomfort disappeared.

Li Kang now has the cultivation base of the fifth heaven of the Yuanshi Realm of Human Respect, and he feels so terrifying, let alone other humans and monsters.

At this time, countless ferocious ghosts continued to gather in the direction of the small island from all directions...

Li Kang looked up worriedly at the countless ghosts in the sky. He was worried that the three most powerful artifacts of the Star Ancestor, Haotian Bell, Shaking Halberd and Fuxiqin, would launch an attack.

However, his worries seemed unnecessary, as there was no sign of any artifacts about to appear in the sky.

Li Kang thinks that such a situation may be due to the last time when the monsters from outside the sky invaded, the three artifacts have undergone some changes!

Time passed quickly, and soon it was a day later.

At this time, the boundless black clouds and ghosts on most of the Star Continent had completely disappeared, but a gigantic and strange creature appeared above the small island not far from the extreme south evil place.

This strange creature is tens of thousands of miles in size, with a pitch-black body, with countless blood-colored eyes scattered on it, exuding a strange bloody light.

Li Kang felt very small in front of this huge strange creature, just like an ant seeing a giant elephant.

At this moment, the strange creatures in the sky moved...

Three days later, Li Kang stood in front of a plump-faced doll. This male doll looked very cute, but his eyes were very different, showing a blood-red color. Exuding bloody brilliance.

Although his eyes were blood red, he didn't feel weird or hideous when he looked at them. On the contrary, he had a different kind of charm. The blood red eyes were like rubies.

This is exactly Xiao Hei after a successful breakthrough.

"Xiao Hei, you can finally transform into a complete human form, congratulations!" Seeing Xiao Hei's current appearance, Li Kang couldn't help smiling, stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiao Hei's head.

"Master, when I break through to the level of Earth Lord, my blood-colored eyes will also turn into normal black eyes, and then everything will be normal!" Xiao Hei said with a cute smile on his baby-fat face.

"Xiao Hei, change your body to see!" Li Kang said curiously, he has not seen Xiao Hei's body after breaking through to Ren Zun.

"Okay, master!" Xiao Hei said with a cute smile.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Hei's body flashed a dazzling black brilliance, making it impossible to look directly at it. After a few breaths of time, a strange black creature thousands of feet long appeared in the sky.

On its incomparably huge body, there are rows of giant blood-colored eyes, counting carefully, there are thousands of them.

This strange black creature is exactly Xiao Hei's body. Compared with the huge and incomparably black strange creature that appeared in the sky when he broke through, the size of Xiao Hei's body is much smaller. The bloodshot eyes were also much less.

Li Kang looked at Xiao Hei carefully, and felt that the coercion emanating from his body was no weaker than his own.

This shows that Xiao Hei's strength is also very strong.

"Okay, Xiao Hei, I've seen it clearly. It's better for you to transform into a human form. It's really scary to show your body like this!" Li Kang smiled and said to Xiao Hei in the air.

After the little girl said yes, she turned into a cute little boy with ruby-like eyes, and stood beside Li Kang.

Then, Li Kang and Xiao Hei returned to the extremely southern fierce land.

Half a month has passed, and on this day, Li Kang was practicing in seclusion in the star pool.

At this time, suddenly a golden brilliance flew into the star pool, and the golden brilliance turned into a golden flame giant several feet tall, kneeling respectfully in front of Li Kang on one knee and saying: "Master, there is news about space nodes! "

Originally sitting cross-legged in the star pool, Li Kang, who had his eyes closed tightly, opened his eyes, and there was excitement in his eyes.

Soon, he and Jin Huo came to the city where the Presbyterian Hall was located, and summoned the elders.

Soon, Li Kang learned about the space node.

This time, an elder in the Venus realm found a suspected space node in a trench in the deep sea.

After Li Kang learned the accurate information about that trench, he planned to go there to have a look.

a few days later.

In the deep sea tens of millions of miles away from the extreme south, there is a trench.

This trench is ten thousand feet deep. When Li Kang came to the bottom of the trench, he saw that there was a strange black vortex here, which was constantly spinning and exuding a strange aura.

This vortex is hundreds of feet in size, and it is constantly rotating, forming pieces of spatial cracks around it.Some creatures on the bottom of the sea accidentally swam to the places where the space cracks were, and were sucked into them by the space cracks. They screamed and disappeared.

"Fellow Daoist Lan Xuan, this place matches the space node you told me!" Li Kang said with a dazzling light in his eyes, looking at the black vortex in front of him.

"Li Daoyou, this is indeed a space node, but this space node doesn't seem to be very stable!" Lan Xuan's old voice came from the black dragon dagger.

"Then, can this space node be used?" Li Kang was slightly nervous.

I mobilized the power of the entire Xingyuan Continent, searched for a year or two, and almost searched the entire Xingyuan Continent, only to find such a somewhat unstable space node, if it can no longer be used.

Li Kang was about to cry, and his plan to ascend to the middle plane would go bankrupt.

Therefore, he is very nervous now.

"It can be used, but the danger of entering it will be more than doubled! If you can't get out of the space node to reach the middle plane, you will die in the boundless space of the universe. In the end, even your bones will be dead." Can't find it!" Lan Xuan said leisurely.

Hearing this, Li Kang's eyes were full of determination: In order to find a way to revive Wan'er, no matter how many dangers lie ahead, even if there is no life left, he will not hesitate to go for it!

"As long as there is a chance, I will not give up. I decided to use this space node!" Li Kang said firmly.

Lan Xuan in the black dragon dagger heard the words, and stopped talking. He knew that Li Kang's mind had been made up, and it was useless to say any more.

After Li Kang made sure to use this unstable space node to ascend to the upper realm, he summoned Xiao Hei and asked him to guard here so that no one would destroy this space node.

He himself was preparing to return to the Xingyuan Palace and bid farewell to Grandfather and the others.

Half a month passed in a flash, and Li Kang returned to the place where the space node of the deep ocean trench was located.

At this time, grandpa Li Chunshan, Wang Kui, Ji Xue, Lian Ying, Huang Xiaoxiao and other elders came with him, and they all looked at Li Kang reluctantly.

However, everyone also knew that Li Kang was the Kunpeng above the Nine Heavens, and the small pond in the Xingyuan Continent would absolutely not be able to accommodate Li Kang. Kunpeng should be flying above the Nine Heavens!

"Grandpa, take care! In order to revive Wan'er, Kang'er must leave! In the future, if there is a chance, Kang'er will definitely come back to visit you again!" Li Kang bowed down to Grandpa and kowtowed three times.

At this moment, Li Chunshan, with tears flowing from those old eyes that have experienced the world, stepped forward to help Li Kang, choked up and said: "Grandson, grandpa knows your feelings for Wan'er, and grandpa believes that you will be able to revive Wan'er." Son, grandpa is waiting for you to bring Wan'er back to visit me! must take care of yourself outside!"

"Grandpa, don't worry! You have to take care of yourself! Wait for Kang'er to come back!" After Li Kang finished speaking, he turned around and looked at the other elders who came here.

"I, Li Kang, please everyone, work together to help my grandfather, and manage Xingyuan Continent together!" Li Kang bowed to the elders and cupped his fists, saying: "Please!"

"Don't worry, Master, we will swear allegiance to Xingyuan Hall to assist Palace Master Li!" All the elders bowed to Li Kang and said respectfully.

After Li Kang finished speaking, he flew towards the black vortex without hesitation, and he quickly arrived at the black vortex.

Immediately, he felt an extremely powerful suction coming from the black vortex, pulling his body into it.

In the blink of an eye, Li Kang's figure disappeared into the black vortex.

Li Chunshan wiped away the old tears from the corners of his eyes, and took a deep look at the black vortex.

Lian Ying, Princess Ji Xue, Huang Xiaoxiao and others, in their beautiful eyes at this moment, are also looking at the empty black vortex with nostalgia...

At this time, Li Kang's body was constantly being pulled by the huge force of space, and there was a faint feeling of pain. Fortunately, his physical force was strong enough, so there was no serious problem.

He didn't know how long he was floating in the space channel, when suddenly, he felt a creepy feeling coming from the left.

Li Kang couldn't help being startled, and turned his head to the left. His gaze penetrated the bright space channel, allowing him to see an astonishing scene.

I saw that in the boundless pitch-black void on the left, there was an incomparably huge gray-brown brilliance flashing. If you look carefully at this brilliance, you will find that it is a giant tortoise as big as a planet. Huge green eyes are staring at Li Kang...

(End of this chapter)

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