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Chapter 582 Please Senior Accept Me as a Disciple

Chapter 582 Please Senior Accept Me as a Disciple

It took a long time for Wang Yuner to recover from the shock. She knelt down to Li Kang, her eyes were full of prayers, and she said: "Please accept me as a disciple, senior!"

Hearing this, Li Kang showed a look of embarrassment on his face, and said: "Miss Wang, I'm afraid I can't do it. I came from the lower plane, and I don't understand the cultivation skills of your Huoyan Realm." , my method of cultivation in the lower plane is not suitable for you!"

Indeed, as he said, the way of practice is different, it is impossible for him to teach Wang Yun'er now.

In addition, Li Kang's ascension to the middle plane was to continuously improve his cultivation, to break through to the earthly level as soon as possible, and then ascend to a higher plane to find a way to revive Wan'er. He didn't want to waste time on other aspects.

Wang Yun'er heard that on her beautiful face, there was a look of sadness. She was just a cultivator at the golden core stage, and she absolutely couldn't do what a strong man with an earthly respect would do when he was forced to be strong.

She lost her mind and said: "Yun'er is greedy!"

Seeing Wang Yuner's appearance, Li Kang couldn't help saying: "Miss Wang, in order to repay your life-saving grace, I can help you with one thing!"

Wang Yun'er heard the words, a pair of big eyes that could speak, flashed the light of hope, and said crisply: "Senior, is what you said true?"

"Really, you are my savior, of course I want to repay it!" Li Kang smiled slightly, and he knew from Wang Yun'er's expression that she must have encountered something difficult.

"Senior, can you help me reject the marriage of the young master of Chitu Sect?" Wang Yun'er looked at Li Kang with hopeful eyes, and said with a voice like an oriole coming out of the valley.

"I promise you!" Li Kang agreed without the slightest hesitation: "You will tell me the Chitu Sect and your marriage with the young master of the Chitu Sect in detail!"

Li Kang had a good impression of the girl named Wang Yun'er in front of him, and she was the one who brought him back to the Wang family in a coma, and she was also his savior.He believed that no matter how strong this Chitu sect was, it would be impossible to surpass Renzun's cultivation base. Even if he was injured, with his current cultivation base and hole cards, he would have no problem dealing with Renzun level powerhouses.

He has always been a person who repays the favor of a drop of water, and he decided to help Wang Yun'er in front of him.

Next, Wang Yun'er told Li Kang the details of the Chitu Sect and her marriage to the young master of the Chitu Sect.

The Chitu Sect belongs to the second-rate sect of Lingxi Island. There are ten elders in the late Yuanying stage among the sects. There are as many as fifty elders in the Yuanying stage. They are very powerful. The overlord within.

Cultivators in the Huoyan Realm, from low to high, are Qi Refining Stage, Foundation Establishment Stage, Golden Core Stage, Nascent Soul Stage, and Renzun Stage.

The Qi Refining Stage is divided into the first floor, the second floor...the tenth floor, and the Foundation Establishment Stage, Golden Core Stage, and Nascent Soul Stage are divided into three small levels: beginning, middle, and latter.

Cultivators in the late Nascent Soul Stage are equivalent to Venus Realm Dzogchen-level astral practitioners in Xingyuan Continent.

As for the Wang family, there are only three masters at the beginning and middle stages of the Nascent Soul, and their strength is not at the same level as that of the Chitu Sect.

Wang Tian, ​​the Patriarch of the Wang family, is also Wang Yuner's father, whose cultivation base is in the early Yuanying stage, and the two elders of the Wang family are in the middle Yuanying stage.

The young master of the Chitu sect wanted to marry Wang Yun'er, not to marry her as the main wife, but to marry her as the No.20 second concubine.

The young master of the Chitu Sect is a demon who changes the sky. Except for the wife who was taken by him, none of the other concubines survived for more than three months.

In less than three months, he would be tortured to death by him.

The Chitu Sect said that if the Wang family didn't marry Wang Yun'er to the young master of the Chitu Sect as a concubine, their Chitu Sect would directly destroy the Wang family.

The head of the Wang family and the two supreme elders of the Wang family knew that the Red Earth Sect intended to swallow up the Wang family, and it was just an excuse for Wang Yun'er to marry the young master of the Red Earth Sect as a concubine.

If the Wang family did not agree to marry Wang Yun'er, the Chitu sect would immediately find an excuse to destroy the Wang family and be disrespectful to the Chitu sect.

The Wang family married Wang Yun'er, and soon after Wang Yun'er was tortured to death by the Chitu sect's young master, they would find new reasons to attack the Wang family.

The head of the Wang family and the Supreme Elder saw clearly what was inside, but in order to preserve the Wang family, they agreed even though they knew that Wang Yun'er was just going to die in the past.

They hoped that with the time Wang Yun'er bought for the Wang family, the Wang family would seek help from other sects to save the Wang family from the danger of genocide.

Wang Yun'er herself, of course, is one of the hundred who is unwilling to marry that devilish young master of Chitu sect, even ants are greedy for life, let alone a young girl of cardamom age.

If she married the young master of Chitu Sect and could keep the Wang family, Wang Yun'er would have no regrets even if she sacrificed herself.

She has also seen through that even if she marries the young master of the Chitu Sect, the crisis of the Wang family cannot be resolved, so she naturally does not want to die in vain.

Now, Li Kang, a powerful person who ascended from a lower plane, appeared in Wang Yun'er's world, giving him the hope of being rescued.

After Li Kang understood this, he knew an eternal truth: no matter where, the weak can only bear the bullying of the strong forever, but cannot resist! ! !
He looked at Wang Yun'er's big eyes that could talk, and he felt sympathy in his heart, and said, "Miss Wang, don't worry, I will definitely make people from Chitu Sect dare not harass you and your Wang family again!"

"Thank you, senior. Senior helped me and the Wang family escape this catastrophe. You are the great benefactor of my Wang family!" Wang Yuner knelt down and said with gratitude in her voice.

Although Li Kang hasn't done it yet, it's just a verbal promise, but Wang Yun'er knows that Li Kang will definitely be able to do it.

"Miss Wang, get up!" Li Kang sat up and asked Wang Yun'er to get up.

Next, Li Kang asked Wang Yun'er about the situation in the Huoyan Realm in detail.Wang Yun'er naturally knew everything about Li Kang and said everything.

Of course, what she said was common sense in the Huoyan world, and it was impossible for Wang Yun'er, who was only at the Jindan stage, to know important information and secrets in the Huoyan world.

However, even so, for Li Kang, who has just arrived in the Huoyan Realm and his eyes are smeared, knowing this information is already very good, at least it gives him a general understanding of the entire Huoyan Realm today.

There is a vast and boundless blue sea above the Flame Realm, and above the sea, there are thousands of land, or it can be said to be islands.

These lands and islands vary from big to small. Today, the place where Li Kang is called Lingxi Island is just a relatively small piece of land among the thousands of pieces of land.

In the middlemost area of ​​the Huoyan Realm, there is a very vast land. Its area is not as large as all other land and islands combined.

This piece of land is called the Holy Land of Flame by the cultivators of the Huoyan Realm, and it is the place where the sects of the top ten superpowers in the Huoyan Realm are located.

The ten superpowers in the Flame Holy Land are: Skyfire Sect, Zilong Sect, Xuanshui Sect, Promise Sect, Leiyin Sect, Tianshui Sect, Tianhe Sect, Tianjian Sect, Piaoyun Sect, Chimu Sect.

These ten super powers, each of which has hundreds of superpowers at the human level, sits in command. The ten powers divide the entire Huoyan world into ten blocks, which are included in their spheres of influence.

The Lingxi Island where Li Kang is located belongs to the territory of Zilongzong, and every sect and family in it has to pay annual tribute to Zilongzong every year.

Originally, the Huoyan Realm was very peaceful, completely dominated by the top ten superpowers, and no other force could challenge the majesty of the top ten superpowers.

However, just three years ago, the structure of the Huoyan Realm changed greatly. This change was caused by the invasion of monsters from outside the sky.

Three years ago, countless extraterrestrial monsters invaded the Huoyan Realm. In the first wave, they were all monsters below the Nascent Soul stage. Later, monsters at the Nascent Soul stage appeared, and after that, monsters at the Human Soul level appeared. .

Knowing that the situation is not good, the big bosses of the top ten superpowers in the fire world joined forces, mobilized countless resources and a large number of formation masters, and established a super defensive formation in the red flame world: the star formation .

The area of ​​the entire star formation is very vast, covering 60.00% of the area of ​​the flame world, and 60.00% of the land and sea areas including the flame holy land are protected by it.

Fortunately, the big bosses of the top ten superpowers in the Huoyan Realm have the reputation of foresight, and they have successfully arranged the star-sky formation before the arrival of a large number of human-level extraterrestrial monsters. Otherwise, I am afraid that the Huoyan Realm has been completely reduced. For the world of monsters.

Three months after the ten superpowers in the Huoyan Realm used countless resources to set up the Xingtian Formation, there were at least five thousand human-level monsters descending on the Huoyan Realm.

The existence of the Xingtian formation prevents these powerful monsters from entering the formation, and only then is the peace of Lingxi Island now.

After the ten superpowers successfully deployed the Star Array, they established ten super cities and one hundred branches where the ten "big array roots" and one hundred "small array roots" were located. Acropolis, these cities are guarded by the ten major forces respectively.

These ten large formation roots and one hundred small formation roots are the foundation of the Xingtian formation. If the army of monsters from outside the sky breaks through the formation roots, the Xingtian formation will collapse.

If the monsters from outside the sky want to break into the Xingtian formation, at least seven roots of the large formation and sixty roots of the small formation must be broken to achieve their wish.

Therefore, the ten super big cities and one hundred acropolises in the star array are the places where the cultivators and monsters fight the most intensely, and countless powerful people from the flame world died in battle there.

Of course, there will be some small flaws and small gaps on the Xingtian formation. Every time it runs for a month, several places will be exposed on it, allowing a small number of Nascent Soul and Jindan level monsters to enter the formation. Within, human-level monsters cannot enter it.

These small defects and small gaps will disappear after a few hours, and will appear in other places in the next month.

Therefore, within the star array, some monsters will also be encountered.

(End of this chapter)

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