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Chapter 595

Chapter 595

Seeing this, Li Kang looked at the long dragon in front of him, turned his eyes to a middle-aged cultivator with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and asked, "This fellow Taoist, what about the gate over there?" Why don't you let us in?"

The middle-aged cultivator with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks has the cultivation base of the Great Consummation of the Golden Core stage. He turned his head and looked at Li Kang with a pair of small eyes. With a look of disdain, he said arrogantly: "Is this the first time you have come to Tiankuifang City?"

Hearing this, Li Kang thought to himself: "Another guy who looks down on people with a dog's eyes!"

However, there was no anger on his face, instead he showed an open-minded look, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, this is indeed the first time I have come to Tiankuifang City, and there are many things I don't understand!"

The middle-aged cultivator with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks saw Li Kang's open-minded look, so he opened his mouth and said in a tone of condescension: "Then I will tell you, so that you can learn a lot! That gate is the VIP gate. , only cultivators who have the Zilong VIP order can enter the main city through that door!"

"Owning a Purple Dragon VIP Token is a very face-saving thing, and it can bring a lot of convenience!" The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man continued to talk openly.

"Then how did you get the Zilong VIP order?" Li Kang couldn't help asking curiously.

He thought, if he could get the Zilong VIP Token with spirit stones, he would get one right away. He didn't want to waste time queuing up, at least a few hours would be wasted here.

The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked middle-aged cultivator looked at Li Kang and continued to feel good about himself:

"There are two ways to obtain this Zilong VIP order: one is to make a lot of contributions to the Zilongzong. For example, the transaction volume in the Tiankuifang City opened by the Zilongzong reached 50 billion Ling Stone, you can get a silver Zilong VIP Token;

The second is to spend [-] million spirit stones to buy a silver Zilong VIP Token from Tiankuifang City.Of course, Zilong VIP Tokens are also divided into levels, from low to high, divided into silver, gold, purple gold and dark gold Zilong VIP Tokens, the higher the level of Zilong VIP Tokens, the more privileges they enjoy. "

"Then what are the other benefits of having the Zilong VIP order?" Li Kang continued to ask.

"The benefits of having the Zilong VIP order are too many to mention. It is a status symbol..." Kai Kai, a middle-aged practitioner with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, said.

Li Kang already understood that with this Zilong VIP order, he could enjoy a lot of convenience. He could get VIP-level treatment when he went to various places of Zilongzong, and at the same time, he could get corresponding discounts for purchasing things.

In other words, with the Zilong VIP Token of the dark gold level, you can also directly ask the masters of the Zilongzong to help solve the problem.

However, it is not so easy to obtain the purple dragon VIP token of the dark gold level, and it cannot be purchased directly with spirit stones. There are only two kinds of purple dragon VIP tokens that can be purchased with spirit stones, the silver purple dragon VIP token and the gold purple dragon VIP token. make.

A silver Zilong VIP token is worth [-] million spirit stones, and a gold Zilong VIP token is worth one billion spirit stones.

"Then may I ask, where can I buy the Zilong VIP Token?" Li Kang asked the middle-aged practitioner with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks humbly.

"To buy the Zilong VIP order, you have to go to the place where the Zilong Guardian Group is located in the Acropolis!" The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man explained his confusion.

"Thank you fellow daoist for clarifying the confusion!" Li Kang clasped his fists at the middle-aged man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks. After he finished speaking, he took the demon clone and walked towards the direction of the Zilong guardian group.

"Hey, little fellow daoist, where are you going? Are you not queuing?" At this moment, the middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks couldn't help but yelled in confusion.

Li Kang said without turning his head: "The line is too long, I don't want to wait, I'll get a Zilong VIP order!"

Although his words were not loud, many people heard them clearly.

They unleashed the power of their souls one after another, probed towards Li Kang, and found that the other party was only a cultivator at the early stage of Jindan, they couldn't help shouting.

"These days, there are too many people pretending to be fake with green onions in their noses. A cultivator at the early stage of Jindan is also bragging about selling Zilong VIP tokens! Oh, let's go!"

"That's right, this kid must be bragging, even many masters in the Nascent Soul stage can't afford the Purple Dragon VIP Token! How can a guy at the early stage of Golden Core afford it!"

"Bragging, don't even look at where it is! I'm in the middle of Yuanying, and I'm reluctant to buy a Zilong VIP token. A silver VIP token will cost [-] million spirit stones, which is equivalent to all of my family's possessions. I'm still here Honestly queuing up, this kid must be bragging!"


At this time, the middle-aged man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks also had the same thought as the others who heard Li Kang's words: This kid must be bragging.

Li Kang's words just now have aroused the contempt of the practitioners in the front team, thinking that he is bragging.

Li Kang himself didn't care about everyone's contempt, and continued to walk quickly towards the station of the Zilong Guardian Group.

At this moment, Xu Zixuan happened to be passing by with Bisongzong's disciples. He saw that Li Kang just wanted to go up to say hello, and saw what happened just now, so he couldn't help smiling.

The other members of the Bisong sect, seeing Li Kang bragging that he was going to buy the Zilong VIP order, all showed disbelief and disdain by coincidence: he is just a pauper who can only brag!

Li Kang's speed was very fast, and he disappeared from everyone's sight in a blink of an eye.

Xu Zixuan wanted to go up to say hello, but it was too late. He was very curious about Li Kang, so he decided to wait here to see if he really bought the Zilong VIP order.

He had a vague feeling in his heart that Li Kang should be able to get the Zilong VIP order.

When the disciples of the Bisong Sect saw Senior Brother Xu saying to wait for Li Kang here, they all agreed, and they really wanted to see Li Kang make a fool of himself.

Half an hour later, a red figure and a black figure reappeared at the entrance from the Acropolis to the main city.

These two figures were exactly Li Kang in red brocade clothes and the black-clothed boy demon avatar. He immediately became the focus of everyone's attention at the entrance.

The gazes they projected were all with contempt.

They believed that Li Kang was just bragging, and it was impossible to get the Zilong VIP order.

Li Kang didn't care about the people's lustful eyes at all. He saw Xu Zixuan and others standing aside, and smiled and went up to say hello: "Brother Xu, I didn't expect us to meet so soon."

"Haha, Brother Li Kang, we are really destined. Are you going to the main city?" Xu Zixuan looked at Li Kang with a smile on his face and curiosity in his eyes.

Li Kang nodded, and said calmly: "Yes, I want to participate in the big auction in the main city. Do you want to go with me, Brother Xu? I can take you in!"

"Take us into the main city? Who do you think you are? You're just a pauper at the early stage of Jindan! You don't even look where you are, or in front of whom!" Said in a harsh tone.

This disciple of the Bisong Sect felt the disdainful looks cast on Li Kang from all around him, and because he was familiar with Li Kang, he was taken care of by others' disdainful gazes. He could no longer bear to look at Li Kang's pretending manner .

The other Bisong sect members also looked at Li Kang with disdain when they heard the words, as if they wanted to keep a distance from him.

"Junior brother, don't be rude!" Xu Zixuan couldn't help showing a serious look on his face when he heard the words, and glared at his mean-spirited junior brother, then turned to smile and said to Li Kang: "Brother Li Kang, my little junior brother is young and ignorant, please help me!" Forgive me. The main city, we will not enter now, and we will enter after a few days when we gamble on stones!"

Li Kang smiled and said: "It's okay, Tong Yan Wuji! Since Brother Xu still has something to do, I'll take a step ahead!"

One of his childish words provoked the mean-spirited young man with triangular eyes, his face flushed and he gritted his teeth.

The other cultivators who heard Li Kang's words couldn't help but burst out laughing.

In this way, the mean young man with triangular eyes is even more panicked in his heart.

At this time, Li Kang took the demon avatar and swaggered towards the entrance of the VIP main city. Immediately, everyone's eyes focused on him: Did this kid really get the Zilong VIP order? !
This is the doubt in everyone's mind.

Li Kang brought the demon avatar to the entrance of the VIP city gate very quickly. Two cultivators of the late Nascent Soul stopped his way, and said in a firm tone: "This is the VIP passage. If you want to enter, please show your Zilong VIP." Token, if there is no VIP order, leave immediately!"

He smiled slightly, and took out a shiny golden token with a lifelike purple-gold dragon engraved on the surface, and the five words "Violet Dragon Sect VIP" were written on the back of the token.

This is the famous Golden Zilong VIP Order, which Li Kang bought for a billion low-grade spirit stones not long ago.

A round-faced big man among the two Yuanying late-stage guards who stopped Li Kang took the golden purple dragon VIP order from Li Kang's hand, carefully identified it, and returned the token to Li Kang after confirming that it was real. Kang.

"Welcome distinguished golden guests, come to the main city of Tiankuifang City. You can bring 180 people into the main city of Tiankuifang for free without paying any fees. In addition, we have prepared special cars and special My guide, I will serve you all the way in the main city of Tiankuifang City!" At this time, the round-faced man said respectfully, and his attitude changed [-] degrees.

Li Kang nodded and said, "Okay!"

At this moment, a luxurious golden carriage pulled by two winged celestial horse demons appeared in front of him. This carriage could seat 30 to [-] people without seeming crowded.

A beautiful female cultivator appeared in front of the luxurious golden carriage, and said to Li Kangying: "Dear golden guest, I am your guide Ruhua, and I will serve you all the way in the next trip to the main city of Tiankui. Please enter the Tianma Golden Chariot!"

Li Kang smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

After he finished speaking, he brought the Heavenly Demon avatar into the golden Heavenly Horse Speeding Chariot. Two majestic Heavenly Horse demons flapped their wings and soared into the sky, disappearing at the entrance of the main city in an instant.

At this time, whether it was the cultivators queuing up at the entrance of the main city, or Xu Zixuan and his group, they couldn't help being stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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