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Chapter 81 Green Star Realm Level 7

Chapter 81

Whether it was the eight gold medals or the eight volumes of secret letters stamped with Zhao Wang's seal, they were all sent by Zhao Wang to urge the old army leader Lian to return to Zhao Guodu HD to report on his duties.

The leader of the Shenji Battalion glanced at the secret letters and gold medals on the table, and said worriedly: "Master Zhao Wang has issued eight volumes of secret letters and eight gold medals in a row in the past eight days, urging you to return to the capital to report on your duties. ...would you consider going back to HD?"

The old army leader Lian stared at the location of Wu'an City on the sand table, and sighed: "Hey! Now, the battle of Wu'an City has entered a stalemate. The Qin army has not attacked Wu'an City once in the past one and a half months, which is too abnormal. They must be waiting for an opportunity - an opportunity to destroy the Lian family army in Wu'an City.

As the leader of the Lian family army, how could the old man leave at this juncture.If the old man leaves, it will create a chance for that boy Meng Tian to destroy the Lian family army!

This time King Zhao was in a hurry to call the old man back to HD to report on his work, it must be a trick of the people of Qin.Lin Zuoxiang has already sent me a secret letter, saying that Pompei, the right minister, and a group of ministers tried their best to persuade King Zhao to call the old man back to the capital!
Therefore, before the end of the Qin-Zhao War, for the safety of Wu'an City, I will never leave Wu'an! "

Hearing the words, the leader of Camp Shenji showed deep worry in his eyes exposed from the mask, and said, "Mr. Lian, even if this is Qin's plan, but as a minister of Zhao, you cannot do anything by the king's order." what!
I still advise you to go back to HD to dispel King Zhao's suspicion of you! "

Standing aside, the heroic Lian Ying, with her beautiful eyes full of worry, said in a voice like a silver bell: "Grandpa, granddaughter also advises you to go back to HD, so as to dispel King Zhao's suspicion!"

Old Army Master Lian heard the words, a look of anger appeared on his old face, and he said: "Pangpei is wronging the country and the people, how vicious is this thief's heart! However, for the sake of the people of Zhao State and the country, even if It doesn't matter if King Zhao misunderstood the old man.

The general will be outside, and the king's order will not be accepted!Don't persuade me anymore, the old man has made up his mind!
Tell me, the owner of the Shenji camp, has there been any important information from Qin during this time? "

When Lian Ying heard this, her handsome fair face was full of anxiety: "Grandpa..."

Before she finished speaking, the old army leader Lian said in a deep voice: "You don't need to say more, my Lian family has been loyal to Zhao Guo for generations, and I will never abandon Zhao Guo's safety in order to wash away unnecessary doubts. regardless of!"

Lian Ying swallowed half of what she said, and swallowed it back abruptly.

The leader of the Shenji camp took a look at Lian Ying, then cleared his throat and said, "According to reports from the spies in Xianyang, Qin State, there are two things worth noting:

First, half a month ago, Zhao Yuan, the eldest prince of the Qin Kingdom, returned to Xianyang, the capital of the Qin Kingdom, and was doing his best to heal his wounds;

Second, ten days ago, Qin Wang Yingzheng sent an envoy with a large number of precious things, passing through the lands of Wei and Han, and preparing to go to Qi and Yan.

The purpose is to persuade Yan and Qi to send troops to attack our Zhao country, so that our Zhao country will suffer from the enemy!
It is estimated that after five days, the envoys to Yan will pass through the border between Wei and Zhao.

The envoys to the Qi State will take another route...Master, I think our Zhao State must eliminate these two Qin State envoy groups at all costs.

We can report this situation to King Zhao and ask him to send local troops to destroy it! "

Hearing the words, the old army leader Lian didn't speak, but frowned and began to think.

After a long time, he sighed leisurely: "Don't report this information to HD. If the old man doesn't reply to HD, King Zhao will definitely not believe our information, and he will definitely not send people to destroy these two envoys. .”

"Then what should we do? Knowing this news, it is impossible to watch the two envoys arrive at Yan and Qi, and then let them persuade Yan and Qi to send troops to attack our Zhao country?" Lian Ying was anxious. road.

The old army leader Lian's pair of copper bells and big eyes were shining golden, looking into the eyes of the camp owner Shenji wearing a hideous mask, he said in a deep voice: "Our Lian family army will never allow these two missions to reach Yan and Qi. The task of destroying the mission must be done by the elite of the Shenji Battalion and the Tiger and Leopard Division!"

After the old army leader Lian finished speaking, he said in a deep voice: "Come here, invite Master Tiger and Leopard!"

A soldier in red armor led the way.

Not long after, Tao Wu, the leader of the Tiger and Leopard Division, whose beard stood upright like a steel needle, came to the room of the old army leader Lian.


In the middle of the night of the same day, Li Kang, who was meditating cross-legged and eyes closed in the military tent, slowly opened his eyes.

In those eyes as bright as the stars, there is a dazzling light flowing, which is a sign that appears after the cultivation base has greatly increased.

There was a bright smile on his face, looking very happy.

Li Kang did have a reason to be happy, and the reason was extraordinarily sufficient - his cultivation had been greatly improved!
In the one and a half months since he returned from Heiyou Gorge, Li Kang spent some time besides participating in the awards ceremony, burying the ashes of his dead brother, and building a tomb for Brother Cao Hu.

In addition, Master Tao Wu of the Tiger and Leopard Division also summoned them warriors who had returned from the Battle of Heiyou Gorge, and planned to promote Li Kang as the capital, but Li Kang declined.

He felt that he must not have stayed in the Lian family army for long, and he did not want to be a general. His purpose was to improve his cultivation.

Apart from this, he spends the rest of the time in the military tent swallowing the millennium blue monster honey, blood ginseng to restore the damaged natal astrology, and swallowing the green star grass and absorbing the power of the star stone to practice.

It took him five days to refine a whole bottle of thousand-year-old blue demon honey, and as expected, only three-quarters of the cracks in the natal astrology were restored.

The remaining quarter of the crack in the natal astrology recovered after Li Kang swallowed an 800-year-old blood ginseng.

It only took him two days to refine the medicinal power of blood ginseng.

For the remaining 38 days, Li Kang kept swallowing the green star grass and absorbing the power of the star stone.

Originally, he thought that refining and absorbing forty low-grade green star grass, twenty middle-grade green star grass, twenty top-grade green star grass and more than 200 star stones would be enough to raise his cultivation level to the green star level Dzogchen is complete.

Because Li Kang possesses mysterious transparent crystal bubbles that can purify the power of star medicines, the medicinal power of one star medicine after purification is actually equivalent to that of two star medicines.

Therefore, the number of star medicines he owns should actually be doubled on the original basis.

In the end, Li Kang didn't expect that his cultivation could only be raised to the seventh rank of the Green Star Realm, and he could no longer improve.

He has already exhausted all his resources, and he can only reach the seventh rank of Green Star Realm.

Li Kang thought it was too incredible.

With so many top-quality green star grass and star stones, even astral warriors above the second rank of the blue star realm can refine and absorb them all in one go, which is enough to raise their cultivation base by two or three ranks.

After astral warriors have reached the second rank of the Blue Star Realm, if they want to improve their cultivation, the star power they need to absorb will increase exponentially.

If it is absorbed by astral warriors in the green star realm, they will definitely be able to reach the second rank of the blue star realm from the first rank of the green star realm.

However, I have refined and absorbed all the astral warriors of the third rank of the green star realm, and only raised four ranks to reach the seventh rank.

But having said that, almost no one in the land of the Nine Kingdoms would dare to swallow star medicine like Li Kang. He simply took star medicine for food.

Because there are only two results for astral warriors to absorb a large amount of star medicine in such a short period of time:

One is that the natal astrology shatters due to insanity due to unstable cultivation; the other is that the natal astrology cannot withstand the impact of the powerful medicine and shatters, and the astral body becomes a mortal from then on.

Only a person like Li Kang, who has the memory of his previous life, has a very stable state of mind, and at the same time, possesses mysterious transparent crystal bubbles that can purify star power, dares to take a large amount of star medicine in a short period of time, and consume all of it. Refining absorption.

He believed that until he reached the Great Perfection of the Purple Star Realm, he could always eat star medicine.

At this time, Li Kang's thoughts moved, and a dazzling dark green brilliance flashed all over his body, and he saw a nine-inch-high dark green sculpture of a horse and a horse emerge from his chest.

There is a slap-sized purple-gold halo above the head of the natal astrology, shining brightly, and a powerful aura is revealed from the natal astrology of Sagittarius.

He looked at the nine-inch-high dark green natal astrology, with a deep smile in his eyes.

In the process of absorbing the Green Star Grass and the Star Stone, Li Kang discovered that after absorbing two top-grade Green Star Grass, he raised his cultivation level from the third-grade Green Star Grass to the fourth-grade, and then absorbed three top-grade Green Star Grass, He raised his cultivation base from the fourth rank to the fifth rank.

However, after his cultivation reached the fifth rank of the Green Star Realm, and he was upgraded from the fifth rank to the sixth rank, he discovered that he had absorbed five top-grade Green Star Grass and all other low-grade and middle-grade Green Star Grass before making it. arrive.

However, Li Kang did it by absorbing the remaining ten top-grade green star grasses and more than 200 star stones from the sixth-grade green star realm to the seventh-grade realm.

It seems that the fifth rank of the Green Star Realm is a gap. After crossing this gap, if he wants to improve his cultivation, he needs several times the star medicine resources.

Then, every time one level of cultivation is upgraded, the required star medicine resources will increase exponentially!

Thinking of this, Li Kang couldn't help feeling a lot of pressure. He needed such a large amount of star medicine resources to upgrade when he was in the Green Star Realm, and the resources needed in the Blue Star Realm would be even more astronomical.

However, although his cultivation base requires more star medicine resources, the strength he possesses after the upgrade is far superior to that of astral warriors of the same rank.

Li Kang believes that he is definitely the strongest under the blue star realm of Xingyuan Continent by virtue of his cultivation of the seventh rank of the green star realm. .

With the improvement of his cultivation base, the strength of his physical body has also increased significantly.

Originally, he could only use the Nine-Turn Steering Star Technique eight times a day, but now he can use it at least 35 times a day. Originally, he could only condense 45 star phantoms of centaurs and horses when he used the natal star technique, but now he can condense [-] horses.

(End of this chapter)

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