Star map

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

The old Orion and the big man in yellow armor drove the blue nebula, and flew to the luxurious purple and gold carriage in the official cavalry below.

Their goal was to kill the elegant old man in the carriage, so that Qin State's mission to Yan State died prematurely here.

"Bold the remnants of the Wei Kingdom, don't hurt Lord Wang!"

At this moment, the round-faced, beardless man in the Qin cavalry shouted loudly, his voice rolling like thunder.Through the yellow armor worn by these people on the hillside, he recognized them as the remnants of Wei State at a glance.

The soldiers of the original Wei State all wore yellow armor.

The big man with the round face didn't need to finish his roar, his whole body flashed with dazzling blue light, he rose into the sky from his horseback, also stepped on the bright blue nebula under his feet, and flew towards the old Orion and the big man in yellow armor.

At the same moment, the big black-faced man and the pockmarked big man in the Qin army were also covered in blue light, driving the blue nebula, and followed the round-faced beardless man closely.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Qin Jun's three blue-star-level men and the old Orion fought with the yellow-armored man.

A four-inch-high dark blue sculpture appeared on the old Orion's chest. It was a small sword with blue light shining. The blade was as thin as a cicada's wing, revealing a sharp feeling. In the halo, the six colors of green, blue, yellow, red, purple, and black shine together.

This is the old Orion's heaven-level natal astrology, Tianjian astrology.

His hands were shaped like sword fingers, and he did not need to count the round face in front of him, only to see streaks of dark blue brilliance flying out from his sword fingers, these dark blue threads of light were transformed into A small dark blue sword that is unparalleled in sharpness.

With a round face and no need for a big man, looking at the dark blue lightsaber flying towards him, there was a hint of contempt in his eyes.

With a thought, a shining blue shield appeared outside his majestic body. This shield was a blue star treasure, which spun around his body, protecting him unbreakably.

A dozen blue lightsabers shot onto the Blue Star Treasure shield in an instant, bursting out with a dazzling blue brilliance, but this blue brilliance was fleeting and did not hurt the round-faced man at all.

Immediately afterwards, the big man with a round face also kneaded his hands into the shape of sword fingers, calmly preparing to use powerful star skills to attack the old Orion.

At this moment, a small sword with bright blue light appeared in the hand of the old Orion on the opposite side. The small sword expanded rapidly in his hand, and it turned into a three-foot blue long sword in the blink of an eye.

The old Orion held the blue long sword tightly, pouring the power of stars into it crazily, and the blue long sword burst into dazzling blue light.

Immediately afterwards, his lips opened and closed quickly, and ancient, mysterious, and obscure syllables spit out from his mouth one after another.

"Sparkling prairie fire!"

The old Orion yelled loudly, and the blue long sword in his hand fluttered like a spirit snake, and he saw groups of raging dark blue flames flying out of the long sword, overwhelming the big man with a round face and beardless opposite. Fly away.

Each group of flames has the size of a wine jar, and their power is impressive.

Thousands of dark blue flames flew out, and the momentum was extremely astonishing.

The round-faced man who was the target of these dark blue flames looked at the large number of dark blue flames, and his eyes showed seriousness.

He was about to use his star skill just now, so he had to stop it. He frantically injected the power of his natal astrology into the Blue Star Treasure shield in front of him.

He was worried that if he didn't push the Blue Star Treasure with all his strength, he wouldn't be able to defend against the powerful dark blue flames that filled the sky.

Immediately, the body of the Blue Star Treasure Shield swelled rapidly, becoming the size of a person, and the speed of rotation was even faster, forming an impenetrable dark blue wall around the body of the round-faced and needless man.

At this moment, the dark blue flames that filled the sky also shot in front of the round-faced, needless man, colliding fiercely with the blue star treasure shield.

In an instant, a dazzling blue glow erupted, like a round of scorching blue sun rising in the sky, making people afraid to look directly at it.




And accompanied by piercing bangs, the brilliance like the scorching sun quickly dimmed.

The old Orion, who was performing the Xinghuo Liaoyuan Star Technique, had a fierce look in his eyes. He swung the dark blue long sword in his hand at a high speed, and clusters of dark blue flames shot out.

However, these flames did not shoot towards the round-faced big man immediately, but stayed in the air a meter away from the old Orion, burning blazingly.

The volume of these flames is larger than the original ones, the color is darker, and the number exceeds a thousand.

At this moment, the old Orion opened his mouth and yelled, "Go!"

The more than 1000 larger and darker flames gathered together in one place in an instant, bursting out with even more dazzling brilliance, making people dare not look directly at them. Immediately afterwards, a huge dark blue flame with the size of Zhang Xu Emerge.

This huge dark blue flame is formed by the aggregation of more than 1000 flames. The fireworks exude an aura of destruction, as if they can burn everything, which is extremely frightening.

The old Orion's hands were like sword fingers, and he pointed towards the place where the round-faced big man was.

That huge group of dark blue flames with a destructive aura, like a loyal soldier who has been ordered by a general, flew towards the round-faced big man desperately at extreme speed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the flames hit the target.

At this time, the round-faced man had just resolved the previous wave of flame attacks.

The dark blue flame about the size of Zhang Xu was like a greedy monster with its bloody mouth wide open, swallowing the round-faced man in an instant.


Immediately afterwards, there was a shrill scream, which came from the dark blue flame.

Then, "Boom!" A deafening roar sounded.

When the blue brilliance receded, the big man with a round face and beardless had lost an arm, his face was scorched black, his black hair was completely burnt, and his natal astrology also showed a grayish white color.

The corner of his mouth was still bloodshot, and his eyes were full of resentment when he looked at the old Orion.

Obviously, he was badly injured.

However, two-thirds of the old Orion's natal astrology was gray and white, and he had just used the Xinghuo Liaoyuan star technique twice, which consumed a lot of his astrological power.

He looked at the big man with a round face in a state of embarrassment, and was about to use the spark to start a prairie fire again to kill him.

At this moment, the big man with a round face and no need was driving the dim blue nebula and flew towards the direction of the Qin army's retreat.

The old Orion was not in a hurry to pursue, but turned his attention to the place on the left where the big man in yellow armor was being attacked by two Qin army blue star realm astral bodies.

The yellow-armored man was at the third rank of the Blue Star Realm, and one of the two Qin Army Blue Star Astral Astral Warriors was at the third rank of the Blue Star Realm, and the other was at the fourth rank of the Blue Star Realm.

The old Orion glared at the big man with a round face who was running away, and then flew towards the big man in yellow armor with the bright blue nebula, ready to help him.

At this moment, Qin Jun's black-faced big man and pockmarked big man also saw the old Orion flying towards their battle group. The two of them displayed two powerful star generals, the yellow-armored big man When forced to retreat, he didn't care about fighting at all, and flew towards the direction of Qin's retreat.

"Qin thief, don't even try to escape!" The old Orion shouted, driving Xingyun to chase after him.

The same is true for the big man in yellow armor, driving Xingyun to pursue him.

At this time, the cavalry of the Qin Army on the official road had already retreated for several miles, and the five thousand yellow-armored cavalry behind them were chasing after them.

The cavalry of the Qin army were veterans who had experienced many battles. Under the command of the chief officer, they retreated in an orderly and fast manner without panicking. distance.

Time passed quickly while fleeing and chasing, and an hour passed quickly.

The Qin army's cavalry had withdrawn fifty miles from the place where it was ambushed, and this was an open area.

The cavalry of the Qin Army no longer retreated, but formed a formation, ready to meet the Huangjia Army of the Wei State who was chasing them.

At the moment when the cavalry of the Qin Army set up their formation, the Huangjia Army who were chasing behind had already reached this open area.

The Yellow Armored Army shouted one after another, brandishing big sabers and broad swords, and charged aggressively at the two thousand cavalry of the Qin Army who had set up their formation.

The war horse trampled on the ground and made a "rumbling" roar, and the ground trembled faintly.

Soon, the Qin army and the Huang Jia army came to a battle. For a while, the screams and the neighing of war horses could be heard one after another, and the scarlet blood splashed all over the sky like rain.

After about a quarter of an hour, there was another "rumbling" roar on the official road behind Qin Jun, and the ground trembled faintly again.

The soldiers looked up and saw dust flying all over the sky in the direction of the official road behind the Qin army, and black flags fluttering in the wind, with a big "Qin" clearly tattooed on the big black flag.

At this moment, the elegant old man in the purple-gold luxury carriage slowly opened his eyes, which were tightly closed no matter how loud the shouts and killings were outside.

His old eyes showed confidence and ferocity, and he knew without looking that it was Qin's cavalry reinforcements who had arrived.

Because an hour ago, he sent a message to the 100 elite cavalry of the Qin Army who followed them closely and deliberately kept a distance of more than [-] miles from them, asking them to come for reinforcements, saying that the target had appeared.

The elegant old man had originally planned to take advantage of this opportunity of visiting Yan to lure snakes out of the cave, attract the remnants of the Wei royal family, and then wipe them all out.

Over the past six months, the remnants of the royal family of Wei have assassinated officials of the Qin army and robbed wealthy households in various parts of the state of Wei.

"Today's chance is to wipe out all these remnants. Prime Minister Li Si really has a good plan. It has been predicted that the remnants of Wei will definitely ambush them!"

The elegant old man secretly said in his heart that he respects Li Si, the Prime Minister of the Great Qin Kingdom, from the bottom of his heart.

"Warriors of the Qin army, our [-] elite cavalry reinforcements have arrived, and they will kill all the remnants of Wei in front of us!" Immediately afterwards, the elegant old man flashed a blue light all over his body, injected the power of astrology into his voice, and said loudly .

His voice was clearly heard by everyone in the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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