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Chapter 92 The Legend of the Land of Star Burials

Chapter 92 The Legend of the Land of Star Burials

Lian Ying, Shudun, the man with the birthmark, Wang Kui and other people from the Shenji Camp and the Tiger and Leopard Division did not speak.

Because they didn't know where the envoy of Qin State went. When they joined the battle, they didn't see the envoy of Qin State at all.

"His Royal Highness, at the risk of shattering the natal astrology, used the natal star technique to kill the envoy of Qin State. The entire body of the envoy of Qin State has been smashed to pieces and turned into ashes all over the sky!" Li Kang's eyes gleamed with determination. Guang Guang looked at the leader of the Shenji camp and said seriously.

Hearing this, the leader of the Shenji Camp stared at Li Kang's eyes as sharp as a knife, as if he wanted to see through his heart.

Li Kang's eyes met the gaze of the leader of the Shenji camp without blinking, and his eyes were full of determination.

After a while, the glare in the eyes of the leader of the Shenji Battalion converged, and he said: "That's good! Now that the task has been successfully completed, let's go back to Wu'an City, and the brothers of the Yellow Armored Army of the Wei Kingdom will also go with us!"

"Campmaster Shenji, please let us bury the dead brother's body, and then go to Wu'an City with you!" The campmaster of Huangjiajun looked at the corpse of Huangjiajun lying in a pool of blood with eyes full of grief, and said in a deep voice Said.

"Okay, people from the Lian family army can help the Huang Jia army!" the leader of the Shenji camp said to Li Kang, Lian Ying, Wang Kui and others.

In the following time, everyone dug huge pits together, lifted the remains of the soldiers of the Yellow Armored Army out of the pile of dead people, and buried them in the pits.

They worked until midnight before they buried all the remains of the Huang Jiajun.

The soldiers of the Yellow Armored Army lined up neatly in front of several graves, with solemn faces, striking the ground with their weapons, saying their final farewell to their dead comrades!

Afterwards, under the leadership of Campmaster Shenji, the people walked towards the remote path and headed towards Zhao Guo, bathed in the soft and cool starlight and blowing the cold night wind.

The path under the moonlight resounded with the sound of rumbling horseshoes.


Time is like running water, passing by continuously, and soon it will be seven days later.

On this day and night, there were no dark clouds in the deep night sky, and the moon shed soft moonlight.

In the Lian Family Army of Wu'an City, in the military lord's mansion, there is a separate small courtyard surrounded by green trees, and an antique and very elegant room decorated.

There are two people standing facing each other: one is an old man wearing old gray-brown animal skin clothes, wrinkled and with wounds on his face; the other is a black-clothed boy whose eyes are as bright as stars. Standing on it is a little white fox the size of a palm.

Of these two people, one is Princess Jixue of the Kingdom of Wei, who used to be an old Orion, and the other is Li Kang.

Princess Jixue had already come to life on Li Kang's way back to Wu'an City, but her injuries only recovered a little bit, and they also returned to Wu'an City this morning.

Old Army Lord Lian met with Princess Ji Xue, and arranged this small courtyard in the Army Lord's Mansion as a temporary residence for her.

After Princess Jixue stayed, she immediately had someone call Li Kang.

Now, the two of them stood facing each other like this, without speaking, the room was very quiet, only the oil fire on the table was burning quietly, making a slight crackling sound from time to time.

After a long time, Princess Jixue broke the silence first, and said in a mellow voice, "This time, thank you for saving me. I think you already know my identity!"

"Senior saved me last time, this time I saved you, one person once, no need to thank each other, no thanks! As for your identity, I have already learned from your subordinates." The corner of Li Kang's mouth revealed A smile, truthfully said.

When Princess Ji Xue heard the words, a smile appeared on her old face: "I saved you last time, and you taught me two star skills, which have already been paid off. This time you saved me, and I, Ji Xue, owe you money." One life, I will definitely pay you back.

In a few months, the Star Burial Ground, which only opens once in 20 years, will open.

All kinds of natural materials and earth treasures, star medicines, star skills, etc. are available in the Star Burial Land. Of course, there is also a huge crisis inside.

If you want to go in, I can take you in, because I have a star burial you want to come in "

In Li Kang's star-like eyes, there was a flash of excitement: The Star Burial Land is indeed a huge treasure house, of course he wants to go in.

The Land of Star Burials is a mysterious and endless existence. As for its origin, there are two legends:
Legend [-], the place of star burial is the star ancestor who created the journey of star cultivation. After his cultivation level reached the realm that no one has ever seen before, he displayed great supernatural powers in order to pursue the ultimate mystery of star cultivation. Entered the star burial place, absorbed the power of astrology of countless dead astral warriors, and used it for enlightenment;
Legend [-], the star burial place was also created by Xingzu, but when he was about to die, he created the star burial place with his own body when he used his own body.

His purpose of creating the star burial place was not to comprehend the ultimate mystery of star cultivation, but to leave a treasure trove of resources for human astral warriors, and protect human beings to continue for generations to come.

The origin of these two legends has not been studied.

For Li Kang, he is more inclined to believe in the latter one about the origin of the place of star burial.

Of course he wanted to enter this mysterious and endless star burial place.

Now, the improvement of his cultivation level requires a lot of star cultivation resources such as star medicine and star stones. This time he can enter the star burial place, so he can look for some treasures in the hidden places he discovered in the previous life, and harvest Having these treasures of heaven, material and earth is extremely beneficial to one's own practice.

In his last life, when the star burial ground opened this time, he didn't have a chance to enter.Instead, he didn't enter until the star burial ground opened 20 years later.

Li Kang thought of this, and said without hesitation: "I want to enter the star burial place!"

"Okay, then I will leave you a place to enter the star burial place, as I will repay your life-saving grace." Princess Jixue said in a mellow voice.

Hearing this, Li Kang nodded solemnly towards him.

"We have experienced life and death, so we are considered friends. You haven't seen my true face, right? As a friend, you should see each other with sincerity!" Princess Jixue looked at Li Kangdao with bright eyes.

That voice was still that of a mellow and pleasant woman.

Hearing this, Li Kang didn't reply, but looked seriously at Princess Jixue with an old face without blinking.

He was very curious about her, and really wanted to see her real appearance.

At this time, Princess Jixue stretched out her snow-white, tender hands, and grabbed the old face with her ten fingers.

The skin with many cracks, wrinkles, and age spots was pulled off one by one by her, just like the taupe skin of steamed taro was peeled off...

Against the backdrop of the lights, a strange and shocking face appeared in Li Kang's sight.

This is a melon-seeded face, with eyebrows like smoked willows, large and clear eyes like mountain springs, a small and delicate upturned nose, a delicate mouth with red lips, and a pointed chin , the skin is as white as curdled fat, which can be broken by blowing bombs.

This was originally a beautiful face with the appearance of overwhelming the country and the city, even if it is not too much to describe this face with words such as beauty and disaster, disaster for the country and the people.

However, when two palm-sized tattoos appeared on such a beautiful face, everything changed dramatically: the beautiful face became ferocious and scary!

These two palm-sized tattoos were branded on both sides of Princess Ji Xue's cheeks, which looked extremely glaring.

These two tattoos are two words: Zhu Qin!
How abrupt, disharmonious, and heartbreaking they exist on such a face, this is a kind of destruction of beauty!
At this moment, Li Kang looked at Princess Jixue's face with shock in his eyes: a beautiful face that had been destroyed.

There was an inexplicable pain in his heart, as if the word "Zhu Qin" had stabbed his heart.

Thinking about it, anyone who sees such a beautiful face and gets two such tattoos will feel pain in his heart and be angry: Who is it that cruelly destroys such a face bestowed by heaven?

This has nothing to do with the love between men and women, it only stems from the love and appreciation of human nature for beautiful things!
Princess Jixue's big and clear eyes saw Li Kang's expression in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth slightly moved to the sides, revealing a smile, and the word "Zhu Qin" on her white and tender face moved as if alive stand up.

She made a melodious voice, and said calmly, "You must be curious, why are there two tattoos on such a beautiful face?"

Hearing this, Li Kang didn't speak, but just looked at her blankly.

Princess Jixue smiled again, and said calmly:
"In the palace of Wei State, there is a beautiful, kind and happy little princess.

She has been the king's and queen's favorite since she was a child, because she is their youngest daughter, and because of her outstanding talent, she is considered to be the astral body person who is most likely to reach the Yellow Star Realm in the Wei Kingdom. The realm of worship!
The little princess grew up surrounded by thousands of pampers since she was a child. It is no exaggeration to say that she grew up in a honeypot.

She felt that she was the happiest and happiest little princess in the world. In fact, she was indeed the happiest and happiest little princess.

If that nightmare hadn't happened, she would have lived such a happy, joyful, carefree life forever, and be a happy little princess.

However, something horrible like a nightmare happened ten years ago.

The king of Qin, Yingzheng, led a personal conquest, and directly broke the capital of Wei, Daliang. Both the king and queen committed suicide in the palace. Under the desperate protection of the courtiers, he escaped.

Because the king and all the subjects of Daliang City fought hard to resist the invasion of Qin State.

After Qin Wang Yingzheng broke the city, he burned the palace of Wei State, whipped the corpses of the king and queen of Wei State, and hung their corpses on the city wall for three years. Keep.That massacre lasted for seven days and seven nights. Blood flowed into rivers in Daliang City and piles of corpses piled up like mountains. During those seven days and seven nights, mournful wailing was heard everywhere in Daliang City. Daliang City became an existence like Shura's hell.

The little princess who survived later found out all this.

She understood that she would never be the happy and happy little princess she used to be in the future. The carefree, happy and kind little princess who was so enviable had already 'died' the moment Daliang City was breached. !
From then on, her sole purpose of survival was to destroy Qin.

The little princess stabbed the word "Zhu Qin" on her beautiful face with her own hands, to engrave her heart and vowed not to marry in this life, and to live for revenge!

From then on, there were only two words left in her life - revenge!
The name of this little princess is Ji Xue! "

Li Kang listened to Princess Jixue's narration, looked at her expression, listened to her tone... She seemed to be telling another person's past, she seemed so calm, and such a matter had nothing to do with him.

At this moment, his heart couldn't help but feel sympathy for her - what kind of deep-seated hatred is this!

(End of this chapter)

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