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Chapter 97 Plan

Chapter 97 Plan
Behind this handsome young man in white, stood a middle-aged man with a strong figure and a hooked nose.This person is the original owner of Huzhai, Li Ba.

General Sima looked at these people, then walked quickly into Cuimingxuan, stepped on the carpet carefully woven with the top-grade purple gold fox fur, like stepping on the clouds, came to the left minister Liu Song, bent over and cupped his hands He saluted and said, "The last general, Sima Xiong, sees the Prime Minister!"

"Haha, General Sima, hurry up and excuse yourself. Sit down first. We haven't had a good chat for more than two years. Let's take this opportunity to have a good chat." General Sima said, bowing in salute.

"Come and serve tea to General Sima, good tea!" He then said to the soft maid standing at the door.

The maid at the door responded: "No!" and went down to prepare tea.

At this time, Sima Xiong, who was wearing a dark green army lord's battle robe, came to the seat on the prime minister's right and sat down, looking at the young man in white with doubts in his eyes.

Sitting on the main seat, Liu Song, the prime minister from the left, looked at Sima Xiong's expression and knew what he was thinking. The big mouth with the mustache was pulled to both sides, and the big hand was stretched towards the direction where the man in white was sitting. He smiled at Sima Xiong:
"General Sima, this is the third prince of Qin State that I often mention to you, and the successor to the Great Qin King's throne in the future!"

He then stretched out his big hand in the direction where Sima Xiong was, and said to the third prince of Qin with a smile: "The third prince is General Sima Xiong, the old man's confidant, and he will become the new general of Zhenbei in half a month. !"

"It turns out that this is the famous General Sima with a fourth-rank cultivation in the Blue Star Realm. It's a pleasure to meet you!" The third prince, dressed in white and holding a white feather fan, got up and cupped his fists at Sima Xiong.

Sima Xiong also hurriedly got up and returned the salute, "Sima Xiong has seen the third prince!"

At this time, a maid just happened to enter the hall with a cup of high-quality "Little Dragon Tuan" green tea, and she put the tea on the delicate small table beside Sima Xiong.

"You all step back, close the door, and don't let anyone approach." Liu Song said to several maids with sharp eyes.

The maid said "No", then bowed and left, closing the door behind her.

There were only four left in the hall, Zuo Xiang Liu Song, the third prince of Qin, Sima Xiong and Li Ba.

Sitting on the main seat, Liu Song's long and narrow eyes shone brightly, and there was a murderous look in them, and he said calmly, "You two already know each other, let's talk about business next.

The thing we want to talk about is about the gangsters in the Damian Mountains.

The Damian Mountains in Beihuang County are full of vulgar people who do not respect etiquette, refuse to obey the control of the royal court, and do not pay taxes to the royal court. The most hateful of these vulgar people is the Huzhai.

A few months ago, the third prince sincerely wanted to help Zhenxiang conquer the 36 villages in Mianshan and bring them under the rule of the Yan Kingdom.

The first thing he looked for was Huzhai. He didn't expect that the gangsters in Huzhai were so ignorant that they not only killed the third prince's entourage, but also seriously injured the third prince himself.

So, this time, after you become the new Zhenbei General, you must send troops to wipe out the Huzhai, razing the Huzhai to the ground, leaving no dogs or chickens behind!
Let the other 35 villages in the Damian Mountains keep their eyes open and take a good look at the consequences of fighting against the royal court.

At that time, the third prince will also lead people to participate in the extermination of Huzhai.

After destroying Huzhai, you will help the third prince conquer the other 35 villages.General Sima, do you have any different opinions on this arrangement of the truth? "

After Liu Song, Prime Minister of the Left, finished speaking, he stared at Sima Xiong unblinkingly with a pair of long and narrow eyes, all radiant in them.

The third prince of Qin who sat across from Sima Xiong also stared at Sima Xiong without blinking.

After listening to Prime Minister Zuo's words, Sima Xiong immediately got up and faced Prime Minister Zuo, bowed his waist and said in a deep voice: "The last general will follow the prime minister's orders, and will definitely wipe out the Huzhai, razed the Huzhai to the ground, and let no one stay in the Huzhai , and then help the third prince to unify the forces of the 35 villages in Mianshan!"

"Okay! General Sima, don't you wonder why the truth wants to take over the small Mianshan 36 village?" Liu Song's eyes were shining brightly, looking at Sima Xiong who was bowing in front of him with a respectful expression.

"The commander-in-chief just needs to carry out the order of the left minister, without asking the reason. The minister Zuo asked the general to go west, and the general will never go east!" Sima Xiong said in a deep voice, bending over.

Liu Song, who was sitting on the main seat, heard the words, and said with a beaming smile: "Haha, good! The truth really didn't miss you, Sima Xiong, don't worry, as long as the truth removes that old man Ma Zicheng, the position of General Yan will be Yours!"

"Thank you, General Zuo, for your cultivation!" Sima Xiong bent his waist even lower.

"General Sima, get up, let's talk about how to destroy Huzhai." Liu Song looked at Sima Xiong and said.

Sima Xiong straightened his body and sat on the seat on the right.

Liu Song looked at the third prince and said, "Third prince, tell General Sima about the specific situation in Huzhai!"

Hearing this, the third prince turned his head to look at Li Badao who was behind him: "Li Ba, you are the most familiar with Huzhai, please tell General Sima about the situation in Huzhai!"

"Yes, Your Highness the Third Prince!" Li Ba bowed and said yes.

Then he came to General Sima, took out a shiny green star shell from his bosom, opened it, and took out a roll of maps and a booklet from inside.

Li Ba handed these things to Sima Xiong, bowed and said: "General Sima has a detailed topographic map of Huzhai and a detailed document that records the information of the main characters in Huzhai. Please take a closer look." Well, these things are more helpful for you to understand Huzhai than what I say."

He spent a lot of effort on this roll of map and this booklet. Except for the time of retreat, he spent the rest of his time on the booklet and map.

In his dreams, he wants to destroy Huzhai, let all the Huzhai people who "betrayed" him die, and bury his son Li Qingsong.

Li Ba thought that Huzhai would be razed to the ground soon, and couldn't help but tremble with excitement as he held the map and pamphlet.

Hearing this, Sima Xiong took the map and pamphlet from Li Ba's hand, and then carefully looked at the topographic map.

"General Sima, Third Prince, let the two of you slowly study the actual combat strategy for attacking Huzhai. If you have other matters to deal with, please leave first!" Zuo Xiang Liu Song got up and went out after speaking. go.

"Congratulations to the left!" General Sima put down the map in his hand, stood up and bowed.

"Let's go, Prime Minister Zuo!" The third prince also got up, and said to Prime Minister Zuo with a cupped fist.

After Prime Minister Zuo left, only General Sima Xiong, the third prince of Qin, and Li Ba were left in the room. They were seriously discussing the specific battle plan for attacking Huzhai.

From time to time Sima Xiong asked some details that he didn't understand, and Li Ba answered them in detail.

The three of them studied all night, and finally decided on what they thought was the best battle plan, and planned to razed Huzhai to the ground in the first battle, leaving no chickens or dogs behind.

Time passed quickly in the study of combat strategies, and soon it was the second day.

This day is a day with good weather.

The early morning sun was slowly rising, hanging above the eastern sky, with a warm spring breeze blowing.

The third prince of Qin, General Sima, Li Ba and others left the prime minister's mansion, and with a precise plan to destroy Huzhai, they rode a majestic big black horse towards Beihuang County.

It is estimated that they will be able to reach Beihuang County in ten days at most.

Sima Xiong will become the new Zhenbei General, take over the 100 million Zhenbei Army, and become the master of the new Beihuang County.

On the same day, Huzhai, Damian Mountains, Beihuang County, Yan Kingdom.

The sky was cloudless and blue as clear as washing, the warm spring breeze was blowing slowly, and the morning sun sprinkled warm sunshine.

The old fish tree that lost all its old leaves in front of the elders’ courtyard has sprouted new shoots, and the tender green fish tree leaves are hanging on the branches again. It seems that there are countless small green fish hanging on the branches under the tree. , exceptionally beautiful.

The warm spring breeze is blowing, and the leaves of the green fish trees hanging on the branches are fluttering with the wind.

Under the fish tree, there are many children aged four, five, six, and seven playing happily, and the laughter of the children can be heard from time to time.

Because the weather is getting warmer, the children have already taken off their thick animal skin jackets, and the little tiger hat carefully sewn by the grandmother, which symbolizes auspiciousness and well-being, has also been taken off.

A group of young children are playing the game of eagle and chicken, the older children play the roles of the hen and the eagle, and the younger children play the role of the chicks, hiding behind the hen.

"Hee hee, mother hen, don't let the nasty eagle catch me! Hey!" A little boy with a braided braid hiding behind the "old hen" said in a childish voice. Two snots came out.

As soon as he finished speaking, he let out a "swoosh" sound, and deftly sucked the snot back into his nose. Obviously, he had done this action thousands of times, and he was exceptionally deft and proficient.

"Hey, the old hen, I will definitely catch some chicks, here I come!" The older child who played the role of the eagle jumped towards the "chicks" with a hey smile.

Immediately, the child playing the "old hen" quickly stretched out his hands to protect the "chicken" behind him, and shouted: "Smelly eagle, don't even try to take my **** away!"

"Haha, I don't want to catch your dick, I want to catch chickens!" The little boy who played the role of the eagle laughed and said, and continued to pounce on the chickens.

"Hee's so fun!" Under the thick roots of the old Yu'er tree, a little girl with a round face and red and fluttering like a small apple sat, with her hands resting on her knees and her chin resting on her palms, A pair of eyes as pure as mountain springs looked at the children happily playing the game of "Eagle Catch Chicken".

At this moment, her little face was filled with the purest joy and happiness, and she stared at the little boys running not far away without blinking.

The little girl looked and looked, and hope appeared in her pure eyes like mountain springs.

(End of this chapter)

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