Anecdote of the Fifth Queen Mother

Chapter 29 The Empress Dowager

Chapter 29 The Empress Dowager (1)
A Zuo Shuer

[-]. The Birth of Laner

On the tenth day of October in the 15th year of Daoguang (November 1835, 11 A.D.), there was a crying sound from the mansion of Bapin Bitie Huizheng. It's a girl's cry.Yes, today Huizheng’s Fujin (this is Manchu, which means Mrs. in Chinese) gave birth to him a white and fat Gege (this is Manchu, which means daughter in Chinese).This princess is the subject of this article, and later the Empress Dowager Cixi who ruled the Qing Dynasty for 29 years.

To be honest, Huizheng and his wife are not satisfied with this newborn Princess.The reason is very simple. In ancient China, especially in the feudal era where sons were preferred to daughters, how much they wished to have an elder brother who would inherit their father's business!They had prayed and blessed many times, but in front of them, Fujin was in a state of embarrassment.For this reason, shadows flickered across Fujin's pale face from time to time, as if he felt a little sorry for Hui Zheng.After all, Huizheng has been in the officialdom for many years and is sophisticated. Moreover, his relationship with Fujin has always been very good. Although dissatisfaction is evident on his face, how can he blame Fujin?Huizheng heard Ge Ge's clear and melodious crying, and witnessed that white and fat Ge Ge with his own eyes. He seemed to think that Ge Ge would be smart, handsome and very cute in the future.As a result, a gratifying smile appeared on his face...

A child should always have a name when it is born, which is commonly known as a baby name or a small character.Of course, the Huizheng couple also had to name Gege who had just come into the world. How could they always be called Gege?Huizheng looked at the white and fat Gege, searching for something with deep eyes, after a while, he raised his head and shifted his gaze to Fujin who was half lying on the bed, his brows were slightly frowned, and there was still a smile on his face, It was obvious from this gesture that he was asking for Fujin's opinion: "What name should I choose?" Fujin looked at her husband's gesture and smiled with satisfaction. Isn't this gesture a great comfort to her? !She understood what her husband meant, but she kept silent because she believed that a learned husband would definitely give Princess a good name.

Hui Zheng saw that Fujin was looking at him with encouragement, and he also knew from his daily habits that Fujin would not speak rashly before he made a statement, and he had to give Gege a name as soon as possible.He was meditating, and inserted his left hand into his hair habitually. After a while, he raised his head again, and told Fujin what he meant in a gentle tone.

"Fujin, when I was meditating just now, I remembered that it was recorded in "Zuo Zhuan" that Zheng Wengong's concubine, oh, the concubine is Chuan Fujin, who dreamed that the sky bestowed orchids, and said: 'The orchids have a national fragrance, and people admire them. 'Why don't we use this allusion to name our Gege Lan'er?"

Fujin was not familiar with "Zuo Zhuan", let alone Zheng Wengong, but she felt that the name "Lan'er" was really nice, so she nodded with satisfaction.And he leaned down and called "Lan'er" softly but very affectionately to Gege who was sleeping soundly.Hearing Fujin's call, Hui Zheng couldn't help echoing "Lan'er", and then looked at Fujin and smiled, which was a heartfelt smile.

Lan'er was born into a family, although it can't be said that it is a famous family, but it is still a family of officials, because his father Huizheng is still an eight-rank pen post after all.The family can't be said to be rich and prosperous, but it can also be regarded as a rich family.So it is still possible to give Lan'er superior living conditions.Lan'er really lives up to her parents' expectations. She is smart and cute, and she will please her parents since she was a child. Therefore, she has become the jewel in the palm of her parents' eyes.The older you get, the more you will become a talent.Lan'er is naturally beautiful, and she is elegant and easy to groom, so she really dares to compare with the gods. There is such a record in the second volume of "Grand Views of Unofficial History of the Qing Dynasty" "Records of Aunt Manchuria", Laner "every time I travel, the onlookers on the road murmur joyfully, saying that it is not an exaggeration to say that the incarnation of a fairy is not an exaggeration."

By the first year of Xianfeng (AD 1851), Lan'er was already 16 years old, and it was the young age of Erba Jiji who came out of the court, so Hui Zheng had no choice but to discuss this matter for Lan'er.However, just as Huizheng was worrying about Lan'er's marriage, the imperial court issued an edict to draft women into the palace.According to the ancestral system of the Qing Dynasty, Lan'er happened to be the target of being selected as a show girl this time. She was waiting...

[-]. Ingenious plan wins favor

It's really "it's hard to give up when you are born beautiful, and once you are elected to the king's side", Lan Er was selected into the palace. ("Grand Views of Unofficial History of the Qing Dynasty", Volume [-], "Remembering Aunt Manchuria")
Lan'er, as a beautiful girl selected by Xianfeng, stepped into the palace gate, but her life at the beginning of entering the palace made her very sad.She was locked up in the Old Summer Palace as a court lady. An ordinary court lady not only has a low status, she is even worse than a eunuch, and she is just for others to drive.This kind of status is very difficult even to meet the concubine, let alone the emperor.Lan'er used to be proud of her appearance, and also thought and longed for being selected as a draft girl. At that time, she thought how beautiful it was, but the reality really made her feel so cold. Could she just live like this?Do not!Resolutely not!Lan Er made up her mind to change her situation. She had to find a way to get close to the current Emperor Xianfeng. Lan Er knew in her heart that this was her only way out.

Although Lan'er has never been to school, she has been influenced by a scholarly family, but she has also read a lot of classics and history collections, and she has also received guidance from her father Huizheng.Especially after the imperial court's order to draft a girl was issued, Huizheng told her a lot of court anecdotes, hoping that she would rise to the top after entering the palace.Now, Lan'er is in a difficult time, she is thinking hard, how to get close to the emperor?The court anecdote really helped her a lot, she thought of Tang Taizong's martial talent, that is, Empress Wu Zetian.It's really sympathetic to each other. Didn't the Wucai people back then also have the same experience as themselves?She touched the hearts of the eunuchs around her with gold and silver, and made those eunuchs who were jealous of money become her eyes and ears and accomplices, and finally changed the unfavorable situation.Yes, why don't I follow suit?Maybe I'll be successful too.Thinking of this, Lan'er smiled briskly. She tried her best, took out all her savings, even a part of her salary, and generously gave it to the eunuchs around her.The eunuch who has repeatedly received rewards and gifts is really grateful.So, they started to get close to Lan'er, complaining about her situation, and giving her advice.Or the eunuchs have more experience, and they also understand Xianfeng's character and life.Under their advice and planning, a clever plan was born.

Let's say that Emperor Xianfeng, whose real name is Yishi, is the fourth son of Daoguang, who succeeded Daoguang and became the seventh emperor after the entry of the Qing Dynasty.At the beginning of his accession to the throne, he still wanted to do something.Therefore, he rectified the administration of officials, first reprimanded corrupt officials such as Mu Zhang'a and Qiying; Political deputy envoys Wang Qingyun, Lu Xian, etc.; boldly used Daoguang waste officials, such as Lin Zexu and Zhou Tianjue, who were very famous at the time;Therefore, there is a scene of hopeful hope for governance.However, the good times didn't last long. Soon, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Revolution broke out, and foreign troubles were also expanding. The emperor turned to lust and lust.The eunuchs were well aware of this change in Xianfeng, and it was because of this that the ingenious plan they planned with Lan'er was implemented.

One day, Xianfeng led his concubines to visit the Old Summer Palace with great enthusiasm. When they approached a Tonglin, a beautiful singing came from the depths of the Tongyin. The singing was so melodious that the emperor who came to play also Can't help but stop.No, this Xianfeng, who was used to listening to palace music, was moved by this little song.But he didn't listen to it, because the concubines were more interested in playing, and at their request, Xianfeng slowly left the place where the singing suddenly started.

One day, Xianfeng himself couldn't tell whether it was a god or a ghost, and he came to Tonglin for another visit. It was passed on to their ears, and it was so gentle and affectionate.

Xianfeng stopped again, unknowingly searching for something with his eyes towards the place where the singing sound came from.After watching for a while, he turned back and asked the eunuch beside him:

"Who is the singer in the depths of Tongyin?"

Immediately after Xianfeng's questioning, a eunuch replied respectfully: "Responding to the words of Lord Long Live, the singer is Lan'er, the palace maid of Yuanmingyuan."

Xianfeng was taken aback, thinking: How do you know?But it's no wonder, how did Xianfeng know that the eunuch rewarded by Lan'er had already communicated with the eunuch around Xianfeng.Xianfeng wanted to meet the singer so much, he didn't have the time to ask other questions, so after a moment of surprise, he lost his mind to the depths of Tongyin.Seeing Xianfeng's heart moved, the eunuch continued talking.


"The servant is familiar with the path. If the Long Live God is lucky, the servant is willing to be the guide."

This remark hit Xianfeng's heart, he waved his hand, and made those accompanying concubines retreat, and he brought a few accompanying eunuchs into the depths of Tongyin, and walked towards the source of the singing.When he walked to the depths of Tongyin, he saw a kang for the emperor to sit down when he was lucky, so Xianfeng stopped and took his seat, and asked the eunuch beside him to come to see the singer Lan'er.

Lan'er had stopped singing at this time, because she had seen Xianfeng coming through the gap, she was very happy, and she was thinking in her heart: "God bless, the trick really works." She also felt very nervous at this moment, her heart She was jumping chug, whether she was excited or a little scared, she couldn't tell, maybe it was a combination of both!Anyway, her heart was in turmoil.When the ordered eunuch came to her, she became more and more nervous.Just listen to the eunuch's edict:
"Pass an order from Lord Long Live to summon Lan'er!"

Don't think too much at this time, she walked with the eunuch, when she saw Xianfeng, she greeted Xianfeng, saluted and waited for the imperial decree.

Xianfeng paid great attention to this Lan'er. Since Lan'er came into his field of vision, he has been looking at it, and he has a deep impression on the beautiful and beautiful Lan'er.Seeing that she greeted her well and saluted in a very decent way, he felt even more satisfied, so he nodded unconsciously.

"Did you sing that song just now?" Xianfeng asked after careful consideration.

"Long Live Lord, the ditty sung by the servant is really dirty, I hope you will forgive me." Lan'er replied respectfully.

"I want to hear it very much, you can sing another part!" Xianfeng looked at Lan'er eagerly.

Lan'er complied with the order and sang a ditty. The singing voice, full of emotion, revived from the depths of Tongyin, rushed out of Tonglin, flew to the sky, and spread far, far away...

Xianfeng was fascinated by listening to it, he was really a little drunk, when Lan Er's singing stopped, he immediately sent an order to "bring tea", and the eunuchs with him shunned him knowingly.Xianfeng fixed his eyes on Lan'er's beautiful face, and then waved his hands. Lan'er moved his steps knowingly, and slowly approached Xianfeng.Seeing Lan'er approaching him, Xianfeng reached out and grabbed Lan'er's hands, and hurriedly pulled him into his arms...

The next day, a word spread in the palace: Lan'er, the maid of Yuanmingyuan, is lucky!
[-]. Mother is more valuable than child

Since the lucky day in the depths of Tongyin, Lan'er was often called to serve as imperial guard, and Xianfeng felt that Lan'er was more and more beautiful and lovely.Whether Lan'er is out of innocent romance, or out of the need to change the situation, she really looks forward to serving you every day.And the concubines in the harem, especially those concubines who were favored before Lan'er were a little jealous, even resentful.Because, since Lan'er got lucky, Xianfeng no longer recruited them to accompany them, let alone take them to the garden to relax.

Lan'er's status improved, first from a lowly status maid to a nobleman, and then to a concubine Yi in the fourth year of Xianfeng (1854 A.D.).Of course, this increase in status is not surprising, but it has made those beautiful women who entered the palace with Lan'er far behind.They are envious, and of course they are also jealous of Lan Er.At this time, Lan'er can be said to be the target of all the people in the Fragrance Kingdom!

Lan'er, after being favored by Xianfeng, did not simply indulge in the wind and rain, because she was afraid of falling out of favor, and knew that she had become the "rival in love" of the concubines. Once she fell out of favor, the consequences would be disastrous.To keep their position.Even moving towards the status of concubine and empress, besides trying to win over Xianfeng by all means, that is to give birth to an elder brother who can inherit the Qing emperor's career as soon as possible.Therefore, since Lan'er was favored by Xianfeng, she paid great attention to figure out Xianfeng's psychology, and do what she likes to secure her favor.And I pray every day: God bless, let me have a brother!Maybe it was Lan'er's sincerity, she was really pregnant.History books left such records:

"Fang Wenzong (that is, Xianfeng) favored the Nala family (that is, Lan'er, surnamed Yehenala), and went to his dormitory in his spare time, and immediately had a pregnancy." )
In the feudal era where "there are three kinds of unfilial piety, having no offspring is the greatest", especially in the harem where beauties gather, whether to have children has a great relationship with the status of concubines.Therefore, from the day Concubine Yi was pregnant, she was so happy, she often stroked her belly and smiled, thinking and looking forward to it.

Since the news of Concubine Yi's pregnancy reached Xianfeng's ears, Xianfeng went to Concubine Yi's place more frequently. Of course, his visit was not only to seek joy, but also to express condolences and visit his unborn child.He and Concubine Yi have a common wish: to have a brother!Because, until now, Xianfeng has not had an elder brother who can inherit his imperial career!
The time spent in excitement always feels very fast, no, in the blink of an eye, Yipin has been pregnant for seven months.On the 1856th of the first month in the sixth year of Xianfeng (24 A.D.), Lai Tai, the envoy of the Taiyuan Hospital, Li Wanqing and Kuang Maozhong, the imperial physicians, went to Chuxiu Palace to ask for the pulse of Concubine Yi.After asking for a pulse, they decided that concubine Yi had been married for seven months, and reported the news to Xianfeng.

On the one hand, Xianfeng dotes on Concubine Yi very much, on the other hand, he is also planning for his "elder brother", so he takes special care of Concubine Yi.Originally, according to the regulations of the Qing Dynasty's "Existing Regulations in the Imperial Palace", concubines can only go to the night watch after they are eight months pregnant, but Xianfeng hastily arranged for this when he was seven months old. He issued a special decree: Doctors, Grandma went to watch at night and increased the daily food allowance by half.

During the period from the first month to March, Concubine Yi was well taken care of. At the same time, the preparations for childbirth were also going on. Han Laiyu, the head of the inner court, was responsible for these. The preparations began at the beginning of the first month.The first is to plan a happy hole.On the ninth day of the first lunar month, Han Laiyu commanded three eunuchs from the construction department to go to the location chosen by Qin Tianjian—the east gate of the apse Mingjian and the north side to dig a wedding pit; Twenty people are prepared for the night watch; the second is to prepare "mannaha", that is, the clothes of the newborn baby; the last is to choose the mother from the pregnancy to nine months, and ask for the birthstone.After everything is ready, it's just waiting for "Dongfeng" to give birth.

March 23 was the day when Concubine Yi gave birth, and Concubine Yi was in a state of restlessness.She had no time to think but to pray silently.But Xianfeng was a little anxious.He has been urging the eunuchs to investigate the situation all morning, once, twice, three times...

At the end of the afternoon (around [-] o'clock), when Xianfeng was looking anxiously into the distance, an eunuch ran over, and called him away before reaching Xianfeng, and of course, without saluting.

"Long Live Lord is overjoyed, Concubine Yi is born!"

When Xianfeng heard the report, he didn't care about the great gifts of the monarch and his ministers, so he hurriedly asked:

"What happened? Brother or Gege?"

The eunuch who came to report was Han Laiyu, the supervisor. He was really out of his mind today, or maybe he was being urged into a mess. Anyway, he would not be so panic-stricken. When he heard the news that Concubine Yi gave birth safely , ran away, he was eager to report to the anxious Xianfeng, not only did not salute, he even forgot to say what happened.When he heard Xianfeng's questioning, he re-reported with an uneasy face:

"The servant gave the good news to the Lord Long Live. Concubine Yi gave birth to an elder brother in Weishi today."

When Xianfeng heard that Concubine Yi had given birth to an elder brother for him, he was overjoyed, he kept nodding his head, maybe it meant that he was very pleased with me!After a while, he asked again:
"How are Concubine Yi's mother and son doing now?"

"Go back to Lord Long Live. After Concubine Yi gave birth, the slaves will lead the Dafang and Xiaofang pulses, and please make sure that the pulses of Concubine Yi's mother and child are both safe. Lord Long Live can rest assured."

After hearing Han Laiyu's report, Xianfeng let out a long sigh of relief, as long as Concubine Yi's mother and child are safe, he can let go of his heart.Seeing that Xianfeng didn't ask any more questions, Han Laiyu had nothing more to report than this, and there might be something waiting for him on Concubine Yi's side!So he asked for instructions:

"If Lord Long Live doesn't have any summons, I want to go back to Chuxiu Palace to take care of the affairs over there."

Xianfeng did not answer, but nodded in agreement.Seeing this, Han Laiyu hurried away after saluting.

Xianfeng looked at Han Laiyu who left in a hurry, thinking of Concubine Yi's mother and son in his heart, for some reason, the more he thought about it, the happier he became, and he couldn't help saying to himself: The wish of six years has finally come true!He walked a few steps in the room, felt as if there was some force pushing him, and involuntarily wrote two lines of poetry:
Consolation in the sky for six years,
Geng Xin led the Tuwansi people.

After reciting the poem, Xianfeng suddenly remembered that he still had one important thing to do, so he called the eunuch:

"Pingshun promises."

"Cha!" The eunuch Ping Shun, who had already been standing outside the door, responded, and then walked into the bedroom door, knelt down on his knees, and waited for the order.

"Let's go to Chuxiu Palace to deliver the decree: Zhang Wenliang, the eunuch of Chuxiu Palace, will let the elder brother know how to be an eighth-rank official." Xianfeng spread the oral order.

Pingshun got up and left, just walked a few steps, only to hear Xianfeng stop him again.

"Wait! I have another Zhu Yu." As he spoke, Xianfeng picked up the Zhu pen and wrote down such a decree:
"Concubine Yi is conferred the title Concubine Yi, hereby."

When Ping Shun came to Chuxiu Palace with Zhu Yu in his hands, all the work of delivering babies was over.Concubine Yi lay quietly on her bed, she was extremely tired, and she was too tired from the desperate struggle just now, but fortunately, mother and child are finally safe now.Her eyes were slightly closed, and there was a look of joy on her face from time to time. She was so grateful to the heavens that everything came true... Just as she was closing her eyes to rest, she suddenly heard someone shout:
"The imperial decree has arrived, Concubine Yi listens to the decree."

Concubine Yi didn't expect Xianfeng to convey the decree so quickly, and she didn't know if it was condolences or something else. When the eunuch Lang Lang finished reading Xianfeng's Zhu Yu, who made her concubine Yi, she unconsciously had such a thought in her heart: What is it? "Mother is more expensive than child"!Maybe Elder Brother will become the emperor in the future, then...

[-]. Rehe storm

(End of this chapter)

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