Anecdote of the Fifth Queen Mother

Chapter 34 The Empress Dowager

Chapter 34 The Empress Dowager (6)
Tongzhi dictated word by word, and Li Hongzao took notes word by word.After a while, it was drafted into a book.Send it to Tongzhi again.Tongzhi nodded in satisfaction after seeing it.He was not only satisfied with setting up an heir himself before his death, but also gratified that he had made special arrangements to eliminate Cixi's autocratic interference in politics.Then he made the final deployment to Li Hongzao.

"The edict will be hidden in the master's sleeve. After I die, the master will read the edict to all the ministers. Everything after that will be entrusted to the master."

After thanking Li Hongzao, he hurriedly left the palace.It should be said that when he was in the bedroom, he was very grateful for Tongzhi's acquaintance, but not long after he walked out of the bedroom, he became frightened and anxious again.He seemed to feel that there were Cixi's spies hidden in the emperor's bedroom.He and Tongzhi's actions may have been reported to the Changchun Palace, right?He looked around subconsciously, and saw a few people looking at him from a distance, especially at his cuffs.This is amazing, isn't it...?At this moment, the image of a fierce woman jumped into his mind, and seemed to block his way.He rubbed his eyes, then regained his composure, an ominous thought appeared, he was afraid, and regretted, regretting that he should not have served the imperial edict.What steps do you take to remedy your mistakes?
The eunuch of the Changchun Palace saw a shambling person walking towards him from a long distance.Who is so daring to run around in the palace drunk, and bump into the Changchun Palace, it's just playing with his life!The eunuchs were complaining, only to see that the person was approaching, only then did the eunuchs see clearly that the person was Li Hongzao, Minister of Military Aircraft.The eunuchs were taken aback, it was unbelievable, how did this usually capable person become like this today?Li Hongzao asked the eunuchs to send a report to the Empress Dowager for an interview. The eunuchs didn't know what was going on, but they always felt that something was wrong, so they immediately sent a report to Li Hongzao after getting Cixi's permission.

Li Hongzao followed the eunuchs into the Changchun Palace. Before seeing Cixi, his heart was already trembling. When he saw Cixi, he knelt down on his knees, touched his head on the ground a few times, and wanted to open his mouth to speak, but after opening several times, no sound came out.Then he reached into the left cuff with his right hand and drew out the secret edict, raised his hands above his head, and walked a few steps forward on his knees.Cixi took the gift from Li Hongzao without any hassle, and after just a few glances, she became furious.She read the secret edict with trembling hands and a scowling face.Cixi slammed the secret edict on Li Hongzao's head.Feeling puzzled, he picked it up again and tore it into two halves, four halves, eight halves... until it became small pieces, and then fell towards Li Hongzao again, and the pieces scattered all over the ground like snowflakes.Then she yelled at Li Hongzao: "Get out!"

After hearing this, Li Hongzao scrambled and retreated.The more Cixi thought about it, the more furious she felt. This unworthy son could not be taken advantage of, so Cixi issued such an edict: "Try to stop medicine and food, and you are not allowed to enter the Qianqing Palace."

Tongzhi, who was ill, was already in critical condition. In addition, Cixi cut off his medicine and diet, and soon he died with hatred.But despite the resentment in his heart, he still left a smile on his deathbed.It is regrettable that his smile was replaced by Li Hongzao's eternal hatred.

The news of Tongzhi's death did not spread immediately, because it was Cixi's special arrangement.Cixi and Ci'an agreed to call the king and ministers to discuss the heir, and announced the news of his death after the heir was decided.

At dusk on the day of Tongzhi's death, Cixi ordered her confidant eunuchs to issue a decree: "Let the military aircraft, the king, and the ministers discuss important affairs." Therefore, Prince Yiliang, Prince Gong Yi, Prince Jin Yisu, Prince Fujun Yixuan, and Hui County Prince Yixiang, Imperial Minister Boyan, Nemohu, Yixu, Jing Shou, Minister of Military Aircraft Bao Jun, Shen Guifen, Li Hongzao, Rong Lu, Hongde Palace Walking Xu Tong, Weng Tonghe, Nanshufang Fan Zuyin, Sun Yijing, Xu You , Zhang Jiaxiang and others came by order.

Cixi and Ci'an sat on the throne, seeing that all the ministers they had called had arrived, they looked at each other.It was Cixi who spoke first.

"Today, the military plane, the king, and the ministers were called to discuss important matters. Now the emperor is not in good health and is quite weak. In case of accidents, he must have an heir. Please think about who in the clan can inherit the great power?"

As soon as Cixi's words came out, all the kings and ministers present were shocked, so it was so!Suddenly the audience was silent.Everyone bowed their heads and said nothing, or looked at each other without saying a word.After a while, Wen Xiangfang broke the silence.

"It is reasonable for the emperor to establish a prince. There are already several people in the close branch of Pu's generation. I ask the queen mother to choose a sage among them."

As soon as the head was opened, the kings and ministers started arguing.I don't know who proposed a candidate: "Pu Lun chief, you should be established." Prince Yiliang immediately objected, "Pu Lun should be sparse, no!"

Empress Dowager Cixi saw that she could not find a name in the fight, and no one's opinion was in line with her own concerns.These people only know the younger generation who established the first emperor according to the convention, so the candidates for Tongzhi to establish an heir are all Pu's generation.However, how do these kings and ministers know where I will put them if they establish Pu's generation?If Pu is established, won't I become the empress dowager?But is there any empress dowager listening to politics behind a curtain in this history?Didn't this mean that I handed over the power?How can this work!I must establish a person with the same generation as Tongzhi, and I must establish a smaller one, otherwise, how can I hang the curtain again?So she resolutely stopped the debate among the ministers, and suddenly announced her decision.

"There is no one in the generation of Bo, and the eldest son of Yizhen is four years old now, and he is a close relative. I want to make him succeed."
The decision announced by Cixi was so unexpected that the officials were dumbfounded.The father who was announced as the successor—Prince Jin Yimi didn't know whether it was intentional or for some other reason. After hearing the decision announced by Cixi, he collapsed to the ground and became unconscious.The rest of the ministers saw that Cixi had made a big promise and knew that there was no reconsideration, so they expressed their acquiescence with silence.Seeing this, Cixi asked Ci'an's opinion with her eyes. After Ci'an nodded, she immediately announced the news of her death.

The next day, the two palaces issued a decree: "The emperor is a guest of the dragon, and there is no heir. As a last resort, Zaiyan, the son of Prince Chun, succeeded Emperor Wen Zongxian (Xianfeng) as his son, and entered Datong as the successor emperor. The prince, that is, inheriting the Daxing Emperor (Tongzhi) as the heir, is specially ordered." (Volume [-] of "Records of Emperor Dezong of Qing Dynasty")

As soon as Yi's decree was passed on, the world heard about it, and people couldn't help but be surprised: it was really unexpected.But more people just muttered in their hearts: What a powerful Empress Dowager Cixi, isn't this careful arrangement just to get the power into her hands!Yes, this is Cixi's ultimate goal.

[-]. Invisible shackles

Prince Chun's son Zai Tian, ​​as Xianfeng's heir, succeeded Datong, changed Yuan Guangxu, and became the ninth emperor after the Qing Dynasty entered the customs.The heir Guangxu was only four years old and unable to govern, so Ci'an and Cixi listened to politics as a matter of course.Cixi's wish to hang the curtain for the second time finally came true.

Cixi accepted the lessons of Tongzhi and was determined to train Guangxu to be a puppet emperor who obeyed his orders so that he could hold the power in his own hands.To this end, she spent a lot of energy.

Guangxu's heir is Xianfeng, and Cixi is of course his stepmother, who should be called "Eniang" according to Manchurian customs.However, Cixi refused to follow, but played tricks.It was still the second day after Guangxu entered the palace, and Cixi ordered her confidant eunuch to send Guangxu to see him.

"The Empress Dowager Cixi's decree: call the emperor to see!" The eunuch who passed the decree announced the decree immediately after entering Guangxu's bedroom.

Guangxu, who had just jumped off his chair and finished his breakfast, saw a stranger summon the emperor, isn't the emperor me?The eunuchs around me just now have been nagging about the emperor and the Lord Long Live.So, he turned his head and searched for the few people he had just met with his eyes, asking with a puzzled look: Are you summoning me?Seeing those people smiling and nodding, Guangxu understood, and saw that he was about to walk out.

"This is not allowed, Lord Long Live, the slave has to make a full dress for Lord Long Live." As he said that, an eunuch stepped forward to wipe off the food on Guangxu's body, and tidied up his clothes before letting him go.

Cixi is in a particularly good mood today.This is not only proud of her being able to hang the curtain for the second time, but also because she has chosen a proud emperor.The relationship between Zaitian and Cixi is not like that of ordinary clansmen.Because he is both Cixi's nephew (because his father Yizhen is Xianfeng's younger brother) and Cixi's nephew (because his mother is Cixi's younger sister).This double-layer relationship is unparalleled among the clansmen.It will be better to establish a close person both emotionally and in terms of interests.What's more, Cixi was overjoyed when she heard that the four-year-old Guangxu had remained motionless on the throne for an hour and a half during the enthronement ceremony last night.When the eunuch led Guangxu into the audience, Cixi looked at Guangxu carefully and nodded with satisfaction.

Cixi asked Guangxu's personal eunuch about his daily life, especially about the diet for breakfast today, and the eunuch responded one by one.When she heard that Guangxu stood on a chair and climbed to the imperial dining table to pick up vegetables, she smiled happily.Guangxu followed with a half-understanding smile.After the questioning, Cixi specially asked the eunuchs to be careful in serving them.Then turn to the topic.Cixi put away her smiling face, and issued a decree that she had already made a decision in a serious tone.

"The emperor must remember that from now on you must call me your own father! Do you hear me?"

Guangxu, who was standing aside, rolled his puzzled eyes, thinking: How could she let me call her father?What does dear dad mean?The person I saw who looked similar to her before was called Er Niang.Not allowing Guangxu to think, Cixi issued a second decree.

"Call me now, call me dear daddy!"

Guangxu listened to the decree and saw Cixi's serious face again, which showed him that it must be so.His parents were like this when he was at home, and whenever this happened, Guangxu would definitely do what his parents asked him to do, and this time he obediently did so.

"Dad." Guangxu finally called out.These three words were so clear, and so beautiful, that suddenly, Cixi's heart was hit by a warm current, no, it should be a warm current.She smiled happily again, so sweet and so happy.

"Well, what a good boy." Cixi praised Guangxu while laughing.It seems that it is not enough, and I added another sentence. "You are really a good boy to my father."

Cixi hurriedly summoned after Guangxu entered the palace, and broke the convention to make Guangxu call her "pro-father".This is not an impulsive joke, but a deliberate and profound move.

Since Tongzhi was critically ill, Cixi began to rack her brains on the issue of establishing an heir.It went smoothly, and he sealed the world with a single sentence, and Zai Tian entered the palace as the heir emperor.Although the emperor was a close relative, he was not his own son after all.Besides, what about his own son?Isn't Tongzhi, the unworthy son, against himself and wants to limit power and return to politics!If the biological son is like this, one can imagine the heir.This time I will change it, say that I will no longer be the mother of the heir emperor; in the feudal society of absolutism, women have no status, at most they are only in a subordinate position.From Confucian sage's "only women and villains are difficult to raise", and women and villains are juxtaposed and equal, to the three obediences, four virtues, three cardinal principles and five constant principles, the fate of women is not good!Empress Dowager Cixi knew this well.In particular, I am familiar with the fact that women in power have been left in the annals of history as a shameful history.She not only resented the injustice of history, but also regretted that she was cast in the wrong fetus. Why was I born a woman?My talent and practice have proved that "I ruled the Qing Dynasty very well, no less than any male ruler" (De Ling's "Yingtai Weeping Blood" p. 52).That being the case, why can't I rule the Qing Empire like a man, and why don't I fight for it?Then let others call it a man!Of course, the best candidate for this leader is the emperor. Don't people think that the emperor's words mean what he says?Then, let the emperor call me "Father" in front of the officials, no, it is better to be "pro-father" more affectionately; moreover, from the Qin Emperor, Hanwu to the Tang Zong and Song Zu, that generation is not "Father" world"?This is a Chinese tradition, a routine passed down from generation to generation.In a family, the father is the absolute authority, isn't father the synonym for power?This is true for a family, and it is also true for the family of a country.Therefore, use the emperor's golden mouth and jade teeth to show my unshakable power to the ministers!This seems to be the profound meaning behind Cixi's "pro-father", and it is also Cixi's first step to strictly control Guangxu.

Since Guangxu entered the palace, Cixi paid special attention to Guangxu's education.Not only does she have to decide on the choice of a master, but she also often cares about the content of the teaching.Cixi believes that Guangxu is not her own son, and it is hard to say whether she will be filial when she grows up.Education in this area must be strengthened from now on.Therefore, for this purpose, I specially summoned Guangxu master Weng Tonghe and emphasized:
"Pay special attention to the emperor's education. In addition to the "Four Books and Five Classics", you must pay special attention to the education of filial piety. In addition to continuing to explain the "24 Filial Piety" that you read during the enlightenment, the "Book of Filial Piety" A book is also very good. To make the emperor read it very well, I have to test it from time to time."

Weng Tonghe stood there respectfully, carefully understanding Cixi's overtones.When Cixi finished speaking, he immediately stated: "I would like to obey Yi's decree."

Since then, the teaching content of Guangxu has more special content than that of Tongzhi.Moreover, Cixi also took exams frequently, not as indifferent as she was with Tongzhi.

Cixi not only cared about Guangxu's studies, but also cared about Guangxu's life. What makes people a little puzzled is that she cared so much that even Guangxu's playmates were matched by Cixi.

It was on June 1877th in the third year of Guangxu (28 A.D.), which was a joyous day for Guangxu because it was his seventh birthday.In the early morning, as soon as Guangxu opened his eyes, someone congratulated him.

"Long Live Lord, today is a day of celebration, my servant congratulates you!"

The person who came to congratulate him was Wang Shang, Guangxu's personal eunuch, and he helped Guangxu get up and get dressed while talking.After dressing up, they went to the Changchun Palace together to thank their father.

Cixi had the habit of getting up early, so when Guangxu arrived and the eunuch reported to him, she immediately passed it on.Guangxu asked An to salute, and then said some words of thanks. He had to do this, because as a son, he should thank his parents. This is a traditional rule.After Guangxu finished expressing his thanks, Cixi, as usual, would admonish and exhort a few words like her mother:
"Today is your birthday, and you are already seven years old. From today on, you must make up your mind to study harder than before. You must know that after becoming the emperor, the people of this world will be handed over to you. If you don't pay attention Reading, your knowledge and ability are not enough."

"Father, my son will obey Yi's order, and must study hard." Guangxu immediately expressed his determination after hearing Cixi's words.

Today is the Emperor's Longevity Day, and the ministers want to congratulate the Emperor.Therefore, after coming out of Changchun Palace, Guangxu accepted the congratulations from the officials.

This year's Longevity Festival, Cixi held a grand ceremony for Guangxu.Not only performed a play to celebrate as usual, but also hosted a banquet to entertain the ministers, and even set up a small banquet for the emperor.Those who participated in this small banquet were all the sons and daughters of the rich and powerful of the dynasty, and they came here at the order of Yi.Before entering the palace, their parents and brothers earnestly warned them what to do. The rules and regulations made these banquet guests nervous and restrained, so they had to bow their heads when standing at the small table.

"Today is my birthday. I specially invite you to have dinner with me. You can eat."

After hearing Guangxu's edict, the children knew that they could do it.I saw them all hurriedly reaching out to grab the chopsticks and hastily inserting the delicacies that made them salivate.It's very lively now, and the children are alive and well, each showing their special abilities.After a while, the table was messed up by the crossed chopsticks.And sometimes there are four, six or even eight chopsticks stuck together and not giving in to each other, that's really interesting!

Just as the small banquet was full of excitement, Cixi also came over to join in the fun.When she saw the various poses of these little guests, she couldn't help laughing.It was the first time in her life that she saw such a royal banquet.

Hearing laughter, the children discovered a woman and a small tour group led by her.They immediately put down the chopsticks in their hands and looked down at the ground.Because their parents have special instructions to them, and when they see such and such a woman, they must be special.Therefore, when the children saw this woman, they remembered their parents' advice, and became obedient without realizing it.However, there is one person who is still eating, and he is the owner of the small banquet, the current Emperor Guangxu.Today he should eat, and eat happily.

After the banquet, Cixi summoned Guangxu to her side again, and she wanted to announce another decision.

"Son, I have picked two children for you. They will come into the palace to play with you from tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Are you happy?"

"Of course I'm happy, dear father." When Guangxu heard that he was going to find two playmates for him, he was so happy.

"These two children, one is Prince Gong's son, and the other is a girl, look, it's that one." Cixi said while pointing at the girl who was stretching her neck to watch the play.

"Her name is Jingfen, she is your uncle's cousin."

Guangxu saw Jingfen at a glance. For some reason, he didn't like this elegant little girl. It would be great if it was a little boy instead.However, the queen mother is talking about a little girl, how dare she violate the will of the queen mother?Guangxu just bowed his head and remained silent for a while. He felt that he should say a few words, and he couldn't be so submissive.

"But, dear father, didn't Confucius say that men and women have different seats at seven years old, and after today is over, I will be seven years old!"

(End of this chapter)

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