Unstoppable Sign of Rebirth

Chapter 105 Leave With Me

Chapter 105 Leave With Me

The other party also already knew her hiding place, and she pointed it out, and she couldn't hide anymore.

A wisp of green smoke rose from the jade tablet, and a human figure appeared in front of Qin Nuan, with an ugly face, dark red lips, and dark eye sockets, looking at the two of them vigilantly.

"We won't hurt you, and we know what happened to you. Although your brother hasn't been rescued yet, someone has already rescued him." Qin Nuan explained.

This is also explained in the material just now.

"Those scumbags have already been tied up. They are in the hall below. What do you want to do with it? You happened here, so the bar is responsible for this matter. Li Li should be you Did you kill it?"

Perhaps seeing the sincerity in Qin Nuan's eyes, Yang Ruoyi's eyes were not so guarded anymore.

"I killed Li Li. Because he deserves to die." Yang Ruoyi said coldly. Now she can't see the virtuous look of the past, and her eyes are full of hatred and hatred.

Qin Nuan secretly thought, what a pity, because hatred has become so painful.

"It's not good for you if you kill him. Don't you know?" This will affect reincarnation.

Yang Ruoyi said indifferently: "I don't care, even if the soul is gone, I will admit it, as long as they are all dead, it's worth it."

Qin Nuan decided to help her.

After everything is over, send her to reincarnation with a death talisman.

"Well, I'll give you this chance, they're right below, you can vent your resentment, but don't kill them, just torture them slowly, let them see the defeat of the Tiger Wolf Gang, You send them on their way."

Yang Ruoyi was still a little hesitant, she was afraid that there might be some traps below, after all, she and Qin Nuan were on opposite sides, so she didn't dare to act.

She also knew about the Tiger Wolf Gang, and those people had used this gang to threaten her before, saying that it was one of the best underground forces in YC City.

"You go, I won't follow. With your strength, I don't need to set any traps to solve it. I still understand the grievances between you. Those few people really deserve to die." Qin Nuan glanced Seeing through what she was thinking, he said calmly.

When a gust of wind blows, Yang Ruoyi disappears. At this time, she doesn't want to miss it.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of ghostly crying and howling below, which were uttered by those few people, as if they saw something incomparably frightening, their eyeballs were about to burst, and they all seemed crazy, and the others had no idea what it was. However, when he saw the expressions of these people, he felt panicked and panicked, with a vigilant look on his face, and Liu Ye said: "Don't be nervous, only a few of them will have something to do, and it has nothing to do with us."

After the half-pay, those few people were scared to death, and their consciousness collapsed.

This is of course because of Yang Ruoyi. Seeing her, several people were scared to death, not to mention that she made so many scary expressions, and the bloodthirsty in her eyes, it is incomparable panic.

When Yang Ruoyi stopped, those people were already hugging each other, trembling, twitching, shouting, "Ghost, ghost!"There is no inexplicable arrogance before.

The stench of excrement and urine, Liu Ye said it was unbearable, so he asked these people to be dragged away, the lobby was cleaned up, sprayed with freshener, and waited for Qin Nuan to come down excitedly.

The person in charge of the hotel at the side expressed his puzzlement, why Liu Ye paid so much attention to the girl named Qin Nuan, in his opinion, she was more beautiful, while the man at the side seemed much more dangerous, This is because Xi Kun inadvertently leaked some breath when Qin Nuan was angry.

He felt that it was very itchy to put this point in his heart, so he asked: "Master Liu, why do you value that Miss Qin so much?" He actually felt that Qin Nuan's words about killing the Tiger Wolf Gang made him laugh from the bottom of his heart , It's really an immature girl who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth!It's possible unless there is some deep background, but looking at the clothes, it doesn't look like it, and the temperament is quite eye-catching, but this thing can't be used as a criterion for judgment.

"Because she can solve the mysterious person newly invited by the Tiger Wolf Gang to sit in town. If the man next to her helps us, we will be invincible."

What he knows about Xi Kun is that Kong Wu is powerful, and he doesn't know anything about his background, but his combat effectiveness is absolutely out of the ordinary.

The person in charge of the bar was stunned. It turned out that this was the case. They were people from the mysterious world. Compared with ordinary people, they possessed unpredictable abilities, and they were indeed superior. from.

Returning to this private room again, Yang Ruoyi knelt down facing Qin Nuan, choked up and said, "Thank you for giving me this opportunity."

It was also an accident that she was able to kill Li Li last time. Her soul was absorbed by this wooden sign when she died that day, and she couldn't get out for a long time afterwards, so the resentment in her heart was so strong.

He obviously thought that he could kill these scumbags by becoming a ghost, but he didn't think that he was imprisoned, unable to do anything, and then watched those people manipulate his body, forge He gave up the illusion and carried himself out.

At that time, the resentment in my heart could not be suppressed no matter what, and this was the reason why I became a resentful soul.

After practicing for more than a month, she was able to gradually leave the wooden tablet for a period of time. She also discovered that this wooden tablet has the function of nourishing the soul, which allows her to make rapid progress in strength in a short period of time.

In fact, she also thought about controlling who would find her younger brother and seek revenge on these people, but she did not have the ability to confuse and control people, and she did not want to implicate other innocent people in her heart, nor could she guarantee the safety of others, nor was she afraid With such a weak strength, if I meet an extraordinary person, I will lose my soul before revenge, which is not worth it.

She can kill people, she can just entangle the other party to death, that's how Li Li died.

She was thinking that if she practiced day and night to improve her strength, she would be able to leave such a wooden sign, and then seek revenge on these scumbags and rescue her younger brother. She could still be sure that her younger brother might be locked up , but death is impossible, so there is no such urgency.

She told Qin Nuan all these things one by one, and Qin Nuan was silent for a long time.

After a while, Qin Nuan said, "Then I will take this wooden sign away, so you can leave with me."

Yang Ruoyi nodded.

"Then you leave with me!" Qin Nuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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