Unstoppable Sign of Rebirth

Chapter 115 Preliminary Solution

Chapter 115 Preliminary Solution
Yunfei felt that Qin Nuan might not be able to solve her own problems. It was already very remarkable for her to know and explain to herself. After all, the old man with gray hair and his parents had brought him to visit. It was waiting outside, but the disappointment of the parents could still be seen.

He smiled and said: "Anyway, I have nothing to worry about, so let's use this flawed ability to make a final contribution to society. I just want my parents to feel at ease and be proud of me. They just love doing charity. Very kind person."

Qin Nuan didn't expect Yunfei to say such a thing with a smile. Life is not something that ordinary people can ignore. Everyone wants to live longer. At this time, the majority of people are living in mediocrity and doing nothing. Some people, even thinking about the topic of death, will tremble and tremble, have difficulty sleeping, and are not afraid of fear. There are too few people who face life directly.

Even fewer people are willing to give up their lives to do something meaningful.

She has changed a lot towards Yunfei suddenly, and she doesn't hesitate anymore, but she will not give for nothing.She opened the mouth and said: "I can help you resist the power of this curse, so that you can be like a normal person. At present, it can only be temporarily stabilized, and it will be completely eradicated in the future. I am not sure how long it will take, but I have condition."

Before, there were only two ways to go, so Yunfei chose to live the shortest life vigorously, but when the third choice appeared, he couldn't not be excited, and couldn't stop thinking.

A lifetime varies from person to person, one day, one year, or 100 years. Who would want this time to be longer, but he wondered if he heard it wrong, because it was too unbelievable.

"Really?" he asked hoarsely.

Qin Nuan nodded.

Yunfei took a deep breath and said, "What conditions?"

Qin Nuan tilted her head and thought for a while, but couldn't think well, looked at Xi Kun, and motioned for him to squeak.

Xi Kun took over Qin Nuan's embarrassment smoothly, and asked, "Do you have any outstanding talents?"

Looking at Yunfei's figure, he was very dissatisfied, feeling very powerless, even a little weak.

Listening to what the girl said before, he also thought about it seriously. The curse is too harsh. If he really wants to help, it will definitely cost a lot of money, and it is definitely not worth it.

He is decisive, cold-hearted, and kindness is basically invisible to him. For more than 20 years, what his adoptive father taught him is how to strengthen the tribe and win more resources for the tribe.

So he treats it as an exchange of equal value. If the other party has no value, then there is no value for the girl to invest.

Looking at Xi Kun, who was full of oppression, Yun Fei felt a chill in his heart, and felt that he should be treated with caution. Men are more emotional than women, and they don't care much, so his situation can impress Qin Nuan, but it may not impress Xi Kun. .

He needs to show his strengths well.

This person's influence on Qin Nuan is absolutely ten percent.

He organized the language and said: "I am very talented in business, and I can quickly convert your assets." After saying this, he was suddenly stunned, and found that he seemed to have no other abilities, and was suddenly a little embarrassed up.

Qin Nuan nodded, making money is a very good ability, money is one of the things she likes very much, with this, she is satisfied.

Xi Kun was mainly looking at Qin Nuan's dissatisfaction. Seeing that she looked pretty good, he nodded and said, "Then you will be responsible for getting the money converted quickly in the future. As for other things, we will talk about it after we think about it."

Yunfei felt that he really had no room for bargaining, but he still said: "I will not do anything that violates the principles."

Qin Nuan nodded and said, "Yes."

"I'll help you suppress it now."

Qin Nuan took out a lucky talisman, with a very reluctant expression on her face, this was her first lucky talisman, and it was about to be used before it was warmed up.

With a slight pinch gesture, the auspicious talisman turned into a golden light and flashed between Yunfei's eyebrows.

Qin Nuan could see that the gray line on his forehead was surrounded by a golden light, and Yun Fei also looked a little more radiant.

Seeing that Qin Nuan hadn't moved, Yun Fei asked, "Is this all right?" It was too fast.

Qin Nuan nodded and said, "Okay, if you don't believe me, you can find someone to touch and see if something happens."

"Why don't you try to touch us." Qin Nuan is not afraid to test the poison with herself, because she was the one who made the move just now, and she can feel it.

Seeing Yunfei shaking his head, his face was still a little cautious, Qin Nuan continued: "Then you have to experience it for yourself in the past few days, and when you are sure, let's talk about the next one. By the way, my name is Qin Nuan."

"Okay, Yunfei." Yunfei responded.

Then, both parties left here. Qin Nuan also told Liu Ye that there is really no need to worry this time. What she needs now is to go back to catch up on sleep. Turning day and night upside down is really not suitable for her. The excitement now After it passed, she felt that the whole person was not good.

This kind of thing that violates the laws of nature, no matter how good the exercises are, it is useless to keep her body in perfect condition. What she needs is rest.

Xi Kun is not different, it is still the same.

After a day of confirmation, all the cells in Yunfei's body flew up. When no one met him, what happened afterwards. He seemed to have really got rid of this nightmare for a while. Wept with joy.

I just don't know how long this can last.
Unable to restrain himself for a moment, he contacted Qin Nuan and chose to have a face-to-face interview. Qin Nuan directly let him come to the place where he lived.

After knocking on the door, Yunfei waited outside excitedly.

After Qin Nuan opened the door, he put away a lot of looseness in his personality, and said with some respect and excitement: "Miss Qin, good morning." Qin Nuan nodded and invited him in.

After finishing, Yunfei said: "Miss Qin, I can't believe it, I can really contact people normally now." He first tried to contact those with malicious intentions, and then chose normal people to try, It all proves that nothing will happen to the other party. He has followed him, and after many confirmations, he is indeed suppressed.

"I just don't know, how long can your help last this time?"

Qin Nuan was not particularly sure, so he didn't give him an accurate answer, but said vaguely: "There should be no problem within a few months. As for the longer time, I have to contact you to make a judgment. , after all, it's my first shot."

(End of this chapter)

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