Chapter 117

So he called Qin Nuan and told him about it.

What he didn't expect was that not only was he eyeing the other party and wanted to get rid of it, but the other party was also eyeing him.

He had just finished making a phone call in the car when a heavy truck crashed into it. The driver seemed to be in a daze. Shrinking to a point, I felt that my life was really going to end this time.

The blood that burst from the driver's body splashed onto his face, he didn't even feel it, his head was blank, and a golden light flashed in front of his eyes. After the collision, he saw the driver in front of him paralyzed into a piece of mud. Still conscious and able to move, the accompanying bodyguards also got out of the car in a hurry, opened the door, and saw Liu Ye covered in blood, they were all shocked.

Liu Ye came out quickly, and then walked far away, because he was afraid that the car would explode.

He had just experienced such a thrilling scene, and his face was dark and terrifying.

After walking to a distance and standing still, although it seemed that walking was nothing serious, Zhou Fei was still very worried and asked, "Sixth Master, are you okay?"

Sixth Master replied: "It's okay." Then he touched his trouser belt, just now there was a fiery feeling coming from here, and then a golden light flashed, as if he was protected by something, so he avoided the accident.

The peace talisman given to him by Qin Nuan is placed here, if he hadn't carried it with him, he might be going to see Lord Yan today.

No need to think about it, everyone knows who did it.

At this time, the person who was sent to inquire also came over and reported to Liu Yehui: "Liu Ye, the situation of that person has been preliminarily clarified. He is a very ordinary delivery driver and has suffered serious injuries. According to him, it was as if he was suddenly possessed by a ghost, and he drove the car there without knowing why, and his expression does not seem to be fake."

Zhou Fei said harshly: "It must have been done by the Tiger and Wolf Gang. Sixth Master, we must fight back hard."

Master Liu nodded and said, "Go back to the villa first."

Seeing the blood all over his body, he felt very shocked.

Back at the villa, Liu Ye took out the sachet given by Qin Nuan, opened it, and found that the talisman inside was gone, it was that little thing that saved his life, although he knew that the talisman could ward off evil spirits, Praying for blessings and auspiciousness, I wear it on my body all day long because Zhang Daochang said that Qin Nuan is very powerful, and it is enough to ensure that a small matter goes smoothly. I didn't expect it to have such a big effect, it is unbelievable.

After he took a bath, he called Daochang Liu and asked if the safety talisman would have this effect, but Daochang Liu flatly rejected it, saying that even if it was drawn by Daoist Zhang, at most it could avoid minor disasters, like He was definitely joking when he said that he could save someone's life.

But the sixth master had experienced it himself, so he valued Qin Nuan's superb talisman skills even more. In any case, even if he didn't want this old face, he still had to get another peace talisman from Qin Nuan.

For Qin Nuan, he might have to use an extremely friendly attitude. The safety talisman saved his life, which means Qin Nuan saved his life, otherwise he would be the same as the driver in the front seat.

If the other party strikes for the first time, there will be a second time, so the sooner the better for the peace talisman, so he immediately called Qin Nuan.

He didn't hide anything, and said at the first sentence: "Xiao Nuan, I really thank you for your safety talisman. I narrowly escaped a catastrophe today."

Afterwards, he recounted what happened today, and Qin Nuan herself was a little surprised that the safety talisman had such a powerful effect, and she could also feel from Liu Ye's excited tone that he definitely had a purpose in calling Yes, so don't rush to say something.

These sixth masters are invisible on the phone.

Sure enough, Liu Ye stated his purpose straightforwardly, and said in a pleading tone: "Xiao Nuan, I know this safety talisman must be very precious, but can I beg you to give me another one? I still feel very scared about what happened today, and with the Zhang Ping An Talisman protecting me, I can feel much more at ease."

This is the most dangerous thing he has ever experienced. Even if there are personnel who monitor and investigate the other party, they are almost recruited, because they use completely irrelevant personnel.

Qin Nuan was thinking, the safety talisman produced by the space is so powerful, she can't use it like a bad street, either use it to make money, or use it to help those people who are pleasing to her eyes, that is, she has a destiny with herself people.

Also, the talismans belonging to the same level should have similar functions. She felt that it was necessary for her to compare with those talismans drawn by other people to see how much stronger her own talismans were.

From Master Liu's point of view, her consideration was hesitation. Naturally, things that could save lives would not be given easily. Master Liu felt that he was very lucky to get one before, and this next one would naturally be even more Hard to find.So he said, "Xiao Nuan, you can mention anything you want, as long as you can give me a peace talisman."

After Qin Nuan came back to her senses, she hurriedly said, "If you still want one, Sixth Master, just come here and get it. After all, we have a deep friendship, so you don't have to be so polite."

What a turn of events, Qin Nuan didn't speak for a long time on the phone before, he thought Qin Nuan would have to think about it for a long time, but he didn't expect to just say that he can give him another one, and he doesn't want anything.

As a result, he didn't dare to just accept it. This was not something casual. Qin Nuan had already given one to himself and another to Fang Ming. If he shamelessly accepted one, He will feel extremely hot.

He hurriedly said: "Xiao Nuan, this is not okay, I will be ashamed to accept it like this?"

Qin Nuan asked back: "Then what should we do? There's nothing to be ashamed about. Although this talisman is precious, it's okay to give it to you, Master Liu."

"It will appear that I have taken advantage of you, how can I take advantage of you! Xiaonuan, you should ask for something!" Liu Ye said with a wry smile.

Qin Nuan didn't know what to ask for. In fact, she didn't ask for anything. She had helped her and it was out of her heart. She was willing to pay her back with all her heart and soul. This kind of thing helped a lot, so she had no choice but to throw the ball back and said, "Then Master Liu, you can figure it out yourself! Just be more casual."

(End of this chapter)

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