Unstoppable Sign of Rebirth

Chapter 124 Discrimination

Chapter 124 Discrimination
Hearing this sentence, Qin Nuan's eyes were slightly straightened, his mouth was full of wow, and he complained in his heart, there used to be such a thing that could see the future at a glance.

Xi Kun smiled lightly, pinched her cheek and continued: "He saved me at the critical moment at the feet of the brown bear. He said that I didn't cry like other babies, and it wasn't a frightened expression. He didn't smile, but looked at the brown bear very calmly, so he decided to adopt me."

Only then did Qin Nuan nod her head, but Xi Kun's experience was nothing like this.

Xi Kun continued: "Since I was four years old, my adoptive father has always treated me very strictly. He taught me everything he knows without hesitation."

He suddenly looked out the window, paused and said, "I always thought he was very harsh on me later, maybe because of the birth of my younger brother. When my younger brother was born, my mother had dystocia. She was a very gentle and quiet woman. , is very rare in the tribe, she is very good at herbal medicine to heal people, but she has not been able to overcome the hurdle of giving birth."

"My adoptive father has a completely different attitude towards my younger brother, Li, and me. He pampers and spoils Li very much. I don't care too much about this situation. After all, he is my own child, so there are differences. It should be, what's more, my life was saved by my adoptive father, but I still have some expectations in my heart, hoping that my adoptive father will cast more kind eyes on me."

"But later, I woke up in the middle of the night because of pain. I found that someone was rubbing medicine and rubbing my ankle. It was injured when I was fighting with beasts during the day. I still pretended to be asleep. I didn't watch until the person left. In the past, that figure turned out to be the adoptive father."

"I realized later that this is another way of loving him. His future orientation towards me and Ali is different."

"He hopes that I can take over his position in the future and make the tribe stronger, instead of when he was in command, the people of the tribe had to endure famine, cold, and intrusion from other tribes. He pinned this hope on me For Ah Li, he just hopes that he can spend the rest of his life safely."

"At first, I didn't have any goals in life. I always lived every day according to the arrangement of my adoptive father. I was so full that I didn't have time to think about what I wanted to do. Later, I got used to this way of life, and I didn't think deeply about it. gone."

"Because I really hope to get the approving eyes of my adoptive father, so I do everything I can to be what my adoptive father wants to see."

"Later, in a war of tribal invasion, my adoptive father passed away, so I took his place. At that time, I was only 16 years old. I made a decision and took the tribe to migrate to another place with richer resources. In this way, after four years of development, the tribe has gradually become stronger."

"I especially hate tribal wars, and I even hate them very much, because every war means that many people will face very difficult situations. Our tribe has experienced many times because it is relatively weak, so I adopted the merger war , adopted various methods to annex the nearby tribes, and the most used at first was to suppress them by force, but later in the integration of the tribes, many tribes still let go of their defenses."

Qin Nuan's eyes showed a lot of little stars that he admired. The first person to think of and eat crabs is very great. Xi Kun's ability to make such a move at that time is enough to be regarded as the spiritual winner of that society. up.

"Other tribes in the back also learned from our tribe, but they did not develop as fast as our tribe, and some civil strife broke out, because I strictly demanded that all new tribes be treated equally and not If there is any difference in treatment, it may be that this wins the hearts of the people."

"Three years later, I provoked a tribal war for the first time. This time it was very different from the usual ones. I did not simply let this tribe go, because it was this tribe that caused our tribe to suffer heavy losses. My father also died at the hands of this tribal man."

"In the next two years, it was only slowly merged. As long as it is not a big war, I generally will not make a move, because there are many things to deal with in the integration of tribes, such as language differences, feuds between tribes, and so on. Problems need solutions.”

"A Li likes these things very much, so I always take him by my side when I do many things, teach him carefully, and give him absolute trust, because the son of his adoptive father is my younger brother."

Just hearing this sentence, Qin Nuan had a premonition that some extremely bad things happened later, and it was even possible to cause serious harm to Ah Kun's heart.

After saying this, Xi Kun was silent for a long time, Qin Nuan hugged Xi Kun's waist, and said, "It's better not to say it!"

She felt that it might be a little cruel to say it.

Xi Kun's eyes were dazed for a moment, and then he said, "There's nothing we can't say."

"Some things, although surprising, are also reasonable."

"As early as when Ah Li was very young, he liked to stick to his adoptive father. Whether it was at ordinary times or when discussing major tribal affairs, after he became the leader behind me, he did the same thing. In fact, he didn't do too much. Much cover up, he likes power."

"When he got married, he married the daughter of the Great Elder, even though he didn't like it."

"Everything he does, he's been laying the groundwork for what he wants."

"I admit that he is more suitable for the position of leader than me, because he knows how to manage power better, and I don't have much interest in this, and mostly just go with the flow."

"Actually, he wants it all, he can tell me, I can give it to him."

Xi Kun's face was covered with a layer of sadness. He really loved Ah Li as his own brother. Even if it was a tribe, he planned to give it to him in the future, because it was originally the property of his adoptive father, and he always wanted to give it to him. I just want to grow the tribe for him first and protect it for a while.

After avenging his adoptive father, he has relaxed a lot. He has experienced so much and thought a lot. Although he still doesn't know what he wants to do, he clearly understands that he doesn't like the arrangement of his adoptive father. way.

Qin Nuan thought for a moment, then said: "Everyone has their own way of thinking, we can't use our way of thinking to think about others, we can't guess."

Xi Kun nodded, expressing his understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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