Unstoppable Sign of Rebirth

Chapter 128 She Cares

Chapter 128 She Cares

Qin Nuan was startled by Liu Ye's actions, and hurriedly said, "Sixth Master, what are you doing!"

Xi Kun felt that this was what Qin Nuan should bear. He was much more far-sighted than Qin Nuan. If Qin Nuan and himself hadn't intercepted the most powerful members of the opponent's gang yesterday, the sixth master would not have much chance of standing in front of him today. Here it is.

The girl was injured so badly yesterday, and because of this, he was a little bit displeased with Master Liu.

Liu Ye didn't give too much information about the other party, but felt that the girl could solve it, so he let the girl do it.

He was also responsible for the girl's injury.

"Xiao Nuan, this is what you should do. If something happens to you, I can't save you even if I die."

Now, without waiting for Qin Nuan to speak, Xi Kun interrupted forcefully, "There is no need to say more about this matter. After I tell you something, the girl still needs to rest."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this." The sixth master naturally felt Xi Kun's displeasure, and hurriedly replied along with his words.

"Then go in and sit down and talk."

Now Qin Nuan nodded and went in.

When Xi Kun spoke, she would not refute anything he said, it was out of concern for her, not to mention, she also felt that there was not much to talk about.

Master Liu hurriedly asked, "Xiao Nuan, I want to ask why the porcupine appeared in the villa?"

"That's the person you investigated before. He's actually a monster, cultivated by a porcupine." This is really special. She was also stunned last night. Pigs are generally stupid, and it's hard to open up their wits. Yes, after the porcupine cultivated into an adult, his mental skills were still excellent.

No matter how the sixth master guessed, he didn't guess. He thought that the man had escaped or something, but he didn't expect it to be a porcupine.

Tongue curled up and said, "Porcupine..."

It's not that he doesn't know that monsters can become spirits, but he has never seen it, and he still doesn't believe it!I didn't expect to know a lot today.

This also proved how useless the information he gave Qin Nuan was.

Qin Nuan went on to say: "Those thugs like iron walls you mentioned are all because of being possessed by his little ghost." That actually hurts the vitality of the person who is possessed, and the other party probably doesn't like it either. I know, knowing how to allow being possessed.

The sixth master said in a low voice: "I see, that's how it is."

After solving these two doubts, Master Liu didn't have anything else to know, so he said, "Xiao Nuan, you'd better go back and rest, take care of your body, I don't have anything to ask."

Qin Nuan said, "I'm here because I have something else to do."

"It's related to the previous Yang Ruoyi, those scumbags, let them see the end of their reliance, and then deal with it!" After she finished speaking, she didn't expect that she could say so lightly about human life now. .

"There is one more person to look at, so let Qi Yun take it!" Qin Nuan said. aspects of things.

Qin Nuan took out the wooden sign, handed it to Master Liu and said, "This is it, just keep it on your body, and after you finish reading it, just ask him to send it back."

Master Liu nodded and continued, "Xiao Nuan, do you think Qi Yun is okay?"

Qin Nuan nodded and praised him: "He's a nice guy." She thought it was the Sixth Master who wanted to ask about Qi Yun's performance and examine him.

"Since you think he's pretty good, how about letting him run away for you in the future? Don't rush to refuse. Some things will be much more convenient if you have more people running away to do things."

Qin Nuan weighed it up and said, "Then thank you Liu Ye for your kindness." She felt that Qi Yun's use was indeed quite handy, mainly because he was quite to her taste and simple enough.

Hearing her answer, Liu Ye also felt that this was the right way to go, and even more that Qi Yun would have good luck.

"Well, I'll explain it to you." Master Liu said with a smile.

Afterwards, he took out two more cards, handed them to Qin Nuan and Xi Kun respectively, and said with a little pleading: "There are [-] million in each, just to express the wishes of our Longyun Gang, this time you must accept them." down."

Qin Nuan looked at Xi Kun, then at Liu Ye, and then chose to accept it without hesitation.

Liu Ye's expression was obviously a feeling that he would never give up if he didn't accept him.

Besides, for money, it is better to have more money.

For her, this is a huge sum of money, but compared to Liu Ye, it should be nothing.

Seeing Qin Nuan take it, the sixth master smiled and said, "In the future, if you have anything to do, Xiao Nuan, just tell us."

After that, Qin Nuan and Xi Kun left.

After returning home, Xi Kun said, "Do you think Liu Ye's attitude is very cautious?"

Qin Nuan nodded.

Xi Kun explained: "That's because you helped him deal with the biggest predicament at present. If it weren't for us, I believe that this time the Longyun Gang could only be destroyed. He has seen that if you don't take action, there will be troubles." consequences, that’s why it happened.”

"Although I have given you the money, the biggest thing you owe is favors. If you need anything in the future, you can just send them out." Xi Kun's thinking is very different from Qin Nuan's.

Qin Nuan hadn't turned around yet, she understood a lot through Xi Kun's little dialing, and changed her mind a lot. She always felt that Master Liu had helped her a lot, so she often felt a little grateful, but Thinking about it now, the other party's help to me is actually far less than one percent of my own help. The one who owes more favors should be Liu Ye. Out of mutual friendship, she can be friendly, but there is no need to treat the other party It looks so high.

Now she is different from before, not when she was not capable enough, but standing in front of more people, able to influence and change many things.

She nodded and said, "I understand."

There is still a gap between himself and Xi Kun, his thinking is far broader than his own.

Xi Kun didn't say much about the rest.

Then, Qin Nuan handed over the bank card and motioned Xi Kun to take it.

Xi Kun said, "I don't need it, you just keep it, and you can buy whatever you want."

"This is your money. You must put money on you. When you go out to spend, but men pay the bills, you will naturally have to get a card." That's what she said, and I hope Xi Kun will take it. If you need something, you have to pay the bill yourself when you go out. Someone will always treat him as a little boy who eats soft food. Xi Kun doesn't care, but she does.

(End of this chapter)

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