Chapter 133
Others will consider more, such as whether this is a spy sent by the other party.

In the end, it was Mr. Meng who made the decision first: "Let's get in touch first, and then think about what to do after we get in touch!"

If Qin Nuan is found back, it means that she needs to bear the blood feud, and I don't know if it will be good or bad, and now her life is going well.

Mr. Meng added: "When in contact, don't reveal anything, and make a decision after careful consideration."

Meng Yu nodded slightly reservedly.

He was inexplicably happy to be able to contact Qin Nuan.

If Qin Nuan is really the little master, then there will be more contact between them. He seems to be very happy to see this, and is looking forward to it.

"Akun, I still think it's strange to meet those two people today!" Qin Nuan couldn't help but say.

When she saw Meng Yu, she naturally developed a lot of good feelings, and she couldn't control herself, but she was a little embarrassed to tell Xi Kun that this was too weird, but she didn't say anything, she also had A strong sense of guilt, so as soon as I gritted my teeth, I opened my mouth to express my feelings.

"That, that Meng Si, I just think he's pretty good, and I don't know how this feeling came about, but I just can't resist it." She bit her lower lip and said.

She herself felt a little flustered and confused, and this emotion came too suddenly.

When she said this, Xi Kun's heart skipped a beat, but the girl was willing to confess to herself, to prove that she was in her heart, and it was totally worthy of being honest.

At this time, don't encourage this feeling in the girl's heart and turn it into something else, he said: "It's okay, we will find out why."

Qin Nuan was still worried, but nodded with a smile.

She felt that this was very wrong, and asked Xiao Yu in the space if there was any reason to explain it, Xiao Yu also shook her head to express that she didn't know, this was the first time he saw such a surprising thing.

But he is one of those people who don’t think it’s a big deal to watch the excitement. He is very happy to see Xi Kun more than such a competitor. A lot of resources in the space robbed 90.00% of the master's attention, which greatly reduced his sense of existence. Just because of these, he was full of resentment.

It's also pretty good that the appearance of this man named Meng Yu added to his troubles.

To be kind to the master, one more is not too much, and one less is absolutely unacceptable.

Xi Kun secretly said in his heart, he will treat this man named Meng with all his energy.

He has a particularly strong sense of uneasiness, perhaps because he is not from this world, so that kind of stability is always lacking, and the girl is the only base for him to entangle in this world.

He is absolutely unwilling to lose.

He will protect his girl.

He felt that the one called Meng Yu might appear frequently.

Sure enough, the two ran into Meng Si the next day. It was Qin Nuan who said that he wanted to go to that Hunan restaurant for a meal.

Xi Kun's bad premonition came true immediately.

Meng Yu said with a warm smile on his face: "What a coincidence, Miss Qin, Mr. Xi, you are also dining here!" There was a bit of joy in his eyes, and he almost called out to be a little master just now.

This is some custom of the old family, and it is deeply rooted. Knowing Qin Nuan's identity, he has already silently shouted countless times in his heart, and he can blurt it out at will.

Qin Nuan nodded unconsciously.

This is really a chance encounter, pure fate, Meng Yu then said: "The shredded chicken here is very delicious."

Qin Nuan nodded in agreement and replied, "I also like to eat."

"Then we have similar preferences."

Qin Nuan tried her best to get rid of this attraction, and said, "Yes, we still have something to do, so let's go first, Mr. Meng, enjoy your meal!"

Meng Yu nodded, looking at Qin Nuan's leaving back, his expression was deeply thoughtful, but also somewhat disappointed, he felt Qin Nuan's intentional sorting out.

Gu Le walked forward, also looked at Qin Nuan's back, felt a little familiar, and asked, "Isn't this Miss Qin?"

"Mr. Meng, do you know Ms. Qin?" If Gu Le is like a big brother in front of Gu Yi'an, in front of Meng Su, he is a little cautious and looks up, and the address is not so casual.

Although he didn't know what Meng Yu was doing, he had felt the surging power behind him, and even he himself gave people an unfathomable feeling.

He dared to speak up only when there was some overlap.

Meng Yu replied: "Let's get to know each other!" Suddenly remembered that Qin Nuan liked to come here to eat, and he had read the investigation materials countless times, and discovered many common interests and hobbies between the two of them.

He smiled and added: "She is very important." The subconscious meaning of this sentence is that if Qin Nuan comes here for dinner in the future, Gu Le had better take it seriously.

If you can make this person talk like this, then this Miss Qin may have a very unusual identity. This sentence should not be out of liking for the other party, because he can see clearly that Miss Qin left hand in hand with a man just now. It is impossible for Mr. to not know this.

So it may be important because of another meaning.

Gu Le nodded. Before, he didn't think that Qin Nuan had such a deep background, so his attitude was a bit contemptuous. Now, it's completely different.

After Meng Yu finished speaking, he went into the private room and clicked.

Qin Nuan deliberately avoided it.

The main reason is for Xi Kun to feel relieved, and she is also afraid that her emotions will be affected more. She really can't control that kind of influence, so it's better to stay away.

She knows who she likes to care about in her heart, but this is somewhat the same as liking, but also somewhat different.

The more you want to avoid something, the more you want something to come.

As long as they go out, they will run into each other frequently. If the other person's eyes are not too sincere, she will feel that this is a deliberately created encounter.

Before Xi Kun thought that the two of them should avoid it, but later he felt that he needed to be more confident in himself, and also believed in the relationship between him and the girl. change.

If you keep avoiding it, it will make the girl remember this matter in her heart, which is not good. If you get in touch with her more, maybe the mystery behind it can be solved.

After the change in mentality, he felt that his mental state was much better, and he was not so tense.

(End of this chapter)

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