Unstoppable Sign of Rebirth

Chapter 135 I have a problem with the mouse...

Chapter 135
Qin Nuan immediately said, "Daozhang Zhang, we are a little tired from driving here, if there is anything, let's talk about it next time!"

"Okay!" Zhang Daochang was interrupted and agreed.

Qin Nuan smiled, and immediately pulled Xi Kun away.

It seems that Xi Kun will appear in front of Zhang Daochang less frequently in the future, otherwise there will be many things.

After returning to the living room, Xi Kun said: "Girl, you don't need to find them so eagerly, they will continue to do what they should do, and being able to fight against the Rentian organization for so many years shows the strength of this organization It’s very good, and there must be a complete set of operating systems inside, so you don’t have to worry too much.”

Qin Nuan nodded.

Xi Kun continued: "As for you, if you can twist the power of the mysterious world into a rope, then join them, and it may have an unexpected effect."

Qin Nuan then nodded in agreement, Xi Kun's thoughts were far more organized and far-reaching than hers.

She herself added: "The most important thing is to improve your own strength and fully grasp the space, so that you can face all kinds of difficulties in the future with more confidence."

"Yes!" Xi Kun agreed.

Xi Kun has been troubled by a question for a long time, that is, since he appeared in this world, will he leave this world for some reason?

This is a very real question, and it's very possible, she might go back someday for no reason, if that's the case, what should the girl do!What should he do!
The answer to this question will only be known to him when the seedling regains consciousness.

So he is eager to restore this seedling as soon as possible!
He likes to look directly at all problems and doesn't like to avoid them!

If he really knows that he will leave in the future, then he has to ensure that the girl is happy, so that he can suppress the heartache and leave with peace of mind. Of course, this is when all his efforts have failed, and he will Such a choice means that when he is at a dead end, if he can stay here, he will definitely guard the girl's side, life after life, that is the best!

But this trouble, he will only hide it in his heart, and will not use it to bother the girl!
At this moment, Qin Nuan received a call from Yunfei. Yunfei said that he wanted to see her and had something to say, but it was not suitable to say it on the phone because it was a bit complicated.

So Qin Nuan let him come to Qingyun Temple.

In the afternoon, he arrived.

"Miss Qin, Mr. Xi!" Yun Fei's expression was particularly excited.

"What's wrong with you?" Qin Nuan asked puzzled.

According to previous experiments, Qin Nuan's blessing talisman can suppress the curse on Yunfei for three months, but his normal luck has not been affected. Qin Nuan also guessed that in every case , these main characters may have different effects.

Other experiments cannot be done casually, after all, this thing is really precious!There is only one piece a month, and it is very distressing to use it.

"I went to the ancestral house to search it recently." Yun Fei said, after hearing what Qin Nuan said was a curse, he wanted to go to this place to take a closer look, maybe he would know something, as far as he knew, they The Yun family's ancestral house has been passed down for at least 1000 years, and the place has never been changed. Even in the most declining period, this place has never been sold. There are so many things in it, and no one has touched it. They are all antiques. He has been there before, but he still hasn't looked through them carefully, because there are some places where you can't go casually.

He found the key recently, so he went to the forbidden area and got a lot of new clues, so he couldn't wait to tell Qin Nuan.

"According to the family records, my ancestors were Feng Shui masters! Among the earliest ancestors, there was a peerless wizard who should be the most outstanding ancestor of our lineage, but he disappeared inexplicably later. The reason why our family has this curse may be It has something to do with that ancestor, and the curse should be placed on him."

Qin Nuan said: "Even if it fell on that senior, it can only be lifted from you." Yun Fei was really too excited.

Yunfei nodded and said: "I know, but I finally know the reason, and I feel a lot of relief in my heart. In the past few months, I finally regained the feeling I had when I was young."

Many friends have been found back. At the beginning, he deliberately alienated them. In fact, these are friends who are worthy of eternal companionship. Now that they are back, they still feel the same way as before. He feels more and more that life In fact, it is extraordinarily lucky and beautiful.

"Is this what you want to say?" Qin Nuan felt that this could be clearly explained on the phone!

Yunfei shook his head and said, "It's not just this!"

"Then what else?" There were five big words written on Qin Nuan's forehead.

"It's that I can communicate with mice."

Qin Nuan's eyebrows were raised high, this curious one, and Xi Kun looked at each other, and found that the eyes of the two were the same.

Yunfei continued: "I used to think that I was delusional, and I always heard this kind of small and weird words when I was walking on the road. I looked around and saw that no one was talking, and the accent was not the same, so I felt that I was about to collapse. Is there something wrong with my spirit, and I dare not disturb you, Miss Qin."

"After returning home, the sound disappeared, so I didn't go out for a long time."

There is no mouse in Yunfei's house.

"The latter was also a coincidence. I passed by the old city and observed it carefully, so I guessed whether I could hear the mice talking, so I asked someone to catch a few and bring them back. It really is like this, and I can hear the mice talking!" He said. His heart was really shocked, even if he told Qin Nuan now, his expression was dumbfounded, and he still couldn't fully accept it.

"I also found other animals to do experiments, and I could only hear the rats talking."

"I think this is quite unbelievable, why don't Miss Qin let's experiment with mice." Yun Fei rubbed his head and said.

He felt that Qin Nuan's acceptance ability must be much stronger than others, but he had to believe it, and still needed to prove it. If he really had such ability, then he would be able to give Miss Qin a lot of help in the future. Her help to him, Undoubtedly, it is the grace of regeneration. His family's family motto is that if there is a favor, you must repay it. He dare not forget the education of his parents.

Qin Nuan felt that she had to experiment with this before she could truly believe it. She still felt quite surprised, so she responded, "That's good."

(End of this chapter)

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