Chapter 137

This is really going to turn the world upside down, completely igniting Zhang Lan's last forbearance, Zhang Lan really exploded towards Xi Wei.

Because of the influence of his father, since Xi Jiang opened up that new world, he can no longer restrain himself, and has completely changed his sexuality.

So in school, it can be attacked and accepted, and even played in the society, and in the end I don't know where I got infected with AIDS.

After Zhang Lan got the news, she felt that the sky was about to fall. Ever since Xi Wei became a vegetarian, all her hopes were pinned on her son, but she never thought that his son had this disease.

After some hysterical questioning and her son's terrified answers, she realized that it was Xi Wei and Li Ermao who asked her son to open the door.

She really almost went crazy. AIDS, this is not an ordinary disease. It can't be cured. At most, it can be controlled. Her son is her lifeblood. How could it be like this.

She really took a kitchen knife and killed Xi Wei directly, and all the hatred was vented on Xi Wei.

This guy has always been fooling around at Li Ermao's house, and she has been staying at her mother's house recently.

Originally, this was the time when the relationship between the two was at its most deadlocked.

When a woman becomes ruthless, it is really incomparably terrifying.

Zhang Lan simply didn't want to die, she just wanted to end the lives of Xi Wei and Li Ermao, so she really slashed at the two of them several times, and they were directly sent to the hospital.

In the end, when he found out the truth, Xi Wei didn't sue, and the two divorced instead.

Xi Jiang is also Xi Wei's only child. When he got this disease, although the feeling in his heart was not as deep as that of Zhang Lan, it was definitely not shallow.

And the son's sexual orientation has also completely changed, which means that he may really have no children.

He himself can't get an erection for women, and he can only respond to Li Ermao, a goblin, so he was completely fooled, so he agreed to all the conditions of Zhang Lan, who was heartbroken, and left the house cleanly. They still saved some money, although it was small, but it was still a bit.

After that, Qin Nuan didn't pay attention.

She really didn't expect that a harmony would have such an effect in the end, but since she did it, she didn't regret it at all.

Rather than saying that these are caused by her accord, it can be said that it is caused by their inferiority. She has no sympathy at all. These people, since she was a child, she has never seen what they have done Good thing, now there is such a result, which is retribution.

Instead, she applauded.

During the Chinese New Year, Qin Nuan ordered some dishes that my grandfather loved, such as dried plums, braised chicken, roast duck, etc. Xi Kun made them, and then sent them to my grandfather's grave, and talked a lot about them The change in her own mentality, the change in her feelings for her parents who have never been masked, hope that the underground grandpa will not have to worry about herself.

I no longer have any hatred in my heart. I remember that when I was a child, I asked my parents for a while. My grandfather enlightened me for a long time, but I didn’t understand his deep meaning. Although I didn’t seem to care that much, but in fact It is to suppress this hatred in the deepest place.

But now, she has really released herself, so she still has to tell grandpa and share the good news with grandpa.

Xi Kun has always stood aside, looking at Qin Nuan and saying.

The New Year's Eve dinner tonight should be the happiest time Qin Nuan had after grandpa left. He played with Xi Kun for a long time and drank a lot of wine. It was hard for Kun to restrain his impulse.

The terrible thing is that the girl still doesn't know how charming she is like this, and still teases him with all her strength, he is really suffering.

After fighting for a long time, Xi Kun managed to coax her down, and she said that she was hot again, and wanted to climb to the roof to have a breeze, so Xi Kun could only hug her and sit on it, but she moved a lot, and I was really afraid that she would be thrown off , Xi Kun has always been cautious.

She didn't come down from the roof until one or two o'clock, holding a bottle of wine in her hand, which is Erguotou. According to her, this is Grandpa's favorite drink, and she shouldn't buy too much today, otherwise the girl won't He was really tossed with this appearance.

In the end, the girl finished messing around by herself, and ran to sleep obediently, with a peaceful expression on her face.

He seemed to be boiling hot oil, and he didn't fall asleep all night.

When she woke up the next day, thinking of the absurd things she did last night, Qin Nuan didn't dare to get up. She seemed to have molested Akun many times yesterday, and even ran to Xikun to ask for a kiss and then sneaked away, or herself Taking the initiative to provoke A Kun, A Kun's face seemed to be quite stinky all night.

She is extremely remorseful now, she really shouldn't be drinking so much, the fire has been ignited now.

She originally wanted to sneak out of bed and temporarily avoid Xi Kun's sharpness, but from the moment she opened her eyes, someone had already locked her, so if she wanted to escape, that was Nothing is possible.

Before he could stand up, he was pulled back by a pair of strong hands.

Qin Nuan looked at the dark-eyed Xi Kun in a panic, she didn't dare to struggle at all, she was really upset, after all, she was the one who was wronged.

Seeing Xi Kun's face approaching continuously, she covered her mouth.

After all, she drank so much yesterday and her mouth still smelled of alcohol. She felt really ashamed and embarrassed.

Xi Kun snorted, "Didn't you have a lot of guts last night?"

Qin Nuan half-closed her eyes, really thinking that she had the problem of drinking and amnesia, but unfortunately she didn't, she stammered back: "Is there?" By the way, she turned her face away.

The degree of this redness is comparable to that of last night.

Although she couldn't see Xi Kun's expression when she turned her face to the side, she could still feel some of it. She admitted her mistake in a low voice and shyly: "I won't do this next time."

The drink-released version of myself was simply horrific.

She herself didn't want to see it a second time.

Seeing Qin Nuan's continuous shrinking, Xi Kun couldn't bear to torment her any more, stood up, and said helplessly, "Hurry up and take a bath!"

Qin Nuan nodded happily, she really escaped a catastrophe, when she got up, she smacked Xi Kun's face, and then ran away.

Xi Kun looked even more helpless.

In the bathroom, Qin Nuan was dreaming and licked her lips. If she fell down yesterday, it would have been a good choice, but it's a pity.

After thinking this way, he pissed a few more times, how could he take the initiative to think about such a shy thing!
 Ps: After another day of driving, I was exhausted. . .There is another day of driving tomorrow. . .Run in the car every day. . .

(End of this chapter)

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