Unstoppable Sign of Rebirth

Chapter 146 Methods

Chapter 146 Methods
That's why she fell into a deep depression, her consciousness was confused, and she couldn't wake up, and this situation was still intensifying. If it continued like this, the possibility of a complete collapse of the soul would become higher and higher.

Xi Kun had to come up with a solution immediately.

Qin Nuan was in a coma for three consecutive days, but there was still nothing she could do.

Xi Kun also became more and more anxious, a little hated God, why did he treat Qin Nuan like this.

Originally, Qin Nuan's life was not very smooth, and she suffered more suffering than others. She thought that these sufferings had passed, but she never expected that new sufferings would befall her. This does not mean that Qin Nuan was in a coma , but from Qin Nuan's expression, it can be seen that she may bear certain things, and it is good to bear all these things for herself.

He was still making other attempts these days, but none of them worked, and he hadn't eaten or drank for several days, and his whole body quickly became thin and sluggish.

Meng Yu has been sleepless for the past few days. He has been looking for a solution, but he has searched through many books, but he still can't find a solution, because some of the methods he sent to him are already used by Xi Kun. So there is really no way to succeed!After all, he usually doesn't pay special attention to this aspect, so it is very difficult to find a suitable method for a while.

So you still need to keep looking, as long as you find one, try it immediately.

Xi Kun sat by the bed, tightly holding Qin Nuan's hand, and said in a hoarse voice, "Girl, wake up quickly, I'm by your side!" In the past few days, he said by Qin Nuan's side There are countless words of comfort like this, but there has been no response.

Meng Yu also came to see it many times, but in the end he left silently.

Master Liu also tried to persuade Xi Kun to eat something, but he was always refused.

It was not until ten days later that Taoist Zhang brought a new method.

Several people stood outside the ward.

Zhang Daochang said solemnly: "Xiao Kun, we have a method in Qingyun Temple that can be useful for Xiaonuan, but the risk factor is a bit high. If it fails, the person who may rescue and Xiaonuan will be It's life-threatening."

"Zhang Daochang, tell me the method first!" Xi Kun's voice was also very heavy.

Xi Kun felt that if Qin Nuan didn't take some method to wake him up immediately, his life might be in danger in the end. If this method is feasible, he thinks he can try it. After all, there is no other method to choose from.

Zhang Daozhang nodded heavily, and said: "It is that our Qingyun Temple has a secret technique, through which we can enter another person's consciousness, but it can only stay in the consciousness of another person for a day. If the other party fails to wake up after a day, you will be trapped in the other party's consciousness, and the other party will never wake up again."

This method is indeed very dangerous.

Xi Kun said: "Master Zhang, I hope you can teach me the method, but I have to think about whether it is necessary or not."

Zhang Daozhang nodded.

After hearing this, Meng Yu felt relieved, he was really afraid that Qin Nuan would take any risks, and hoped to find a more secure way.

He was not by Qin Nuan's side all the time, so he couldn't see Qin Nuan's changes every moment. Compared with Xi Kun, he knew a little less, so his mood was not so urgent compared to Xi Kun.

Xi Kun kept watch until midnight again, struggling whether to use this method or not.

He held Qin Nuan's hand tightly with both hands, kissed the back of Qin Nuan's hand lightly, and murmured, "Girl, why haven't you woke up, what are you going through! I love you so much!"

Suddenly, Qin Nuan twitched violently, and then Xi Kun could clearly feel her consciousness suddenly and quickly weakened, and shouted at the sixth master outside, and when the sixth master came in, he immediately ordered: "You keep watch!" Next to him, immediately notify Mr. Meng to come over and guard here, Nuan Nuan is in a hurry, and I need to take that method."

He was afraid that if his divine sense entered into Qin Nuan's consciousness, it would be bad for Qin Nuan's body to encounter other bad things. At this time, he felt that the most trustworthy thing was Meng Mi, which was beyond doubt. of.

Master Six nodded nervously.

Xi Kun went in, silently recited the formula taught to him by Taoist Zhang, and then his spiritual consciousness gradually entered Qin Nuan's consciousness.

I have been wandering anxiously in the vast sea of ​​consciousness for an unknown period of time, but I have not been able to find the place where Qin Nuan's main consciousness is.

Finally, in a dark corner, I found Qin Nuan's figure.

Qin Nuan was leaning against the darkness, squatting, curled up, holding her knees with her hands, her eyes were completely out of focus, she was already lax, and she was trembling shiveringly.

Xi Kun was so painful that he was about to suffocate, he ran over quickly, and when he was about to approach, he slowed down and walked over cautiously.

Gently hugging Qin Nuan, she then whispered, "Girl, girl, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Nuan still turned a deaf ear to it, and was dumbfounded.

Xi Kun felt dizzy in his mind, and fell into Qin Nuan's memory. Like Qin Nuan at the beginning, he also experienced Qin Nuan's two years of memory again, and the memory fragments flashed very quickly. , but Xi Kun's feelings are very deep.

He is not stupid, he can perceive that this may not belong to Qin Nuan's memory of more than 22 years ago, it may be the memory after that, but these are very inappropriate, why is there no self in the girl's memory, for Xi Kun In other words, he didn't have the concept of rebirth in his mind, but through these memories, he could completely believe that these really belonged to Qin Nuan's memory, not someone else's.

But these encounters are so heart-wrenching. Seeing those who bully Qin Nuan, he can't wait to crush them, especially in the later scenes, the physical and mental pain that Qin Nuan experienced makes every part of him The cells will be full of strong anger, but they can only be suppressed and cannot be vented.

Every time the whip hit, it was as if it was being pulled at his heart, causing his heart to be torn apart bloody, feeling the deepest pain, why did these people treat his most cherished girl like this.

Those punishments, which made his face twitch, were completely capable of employing the cruelest methods in the tribe.

After seeing these memories, he realized why Qin Nuan was stuck in these memories and couldn't get out, because these things were too painful, even he felt the shocking pain.

(End of this chapter)

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