Unstoppable Sign of Rebirth

Chapter 148 What Are You Looking At?

Chapter 148 What Are You Looking At?

His mood fell back, but Meng Yu's mood became more and more tense, almost bursting, and there were only a few minutes before 24 hours, but neither of them woke up!

Meng Yu kept staring at the clock, sweating profusely, and his heart pounding, especially in the last few seconds, his eyelashes were covered with beads of sweat, and his facial muscles trembled violently.

Not only him, but Liu Ye beside him was also so nervous that his hands were already trembling uncontrollably.

After the time passed, Meng Yu thumped, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Sixth Master swallowed several saliva suddenly, and said, "Mr. Meng, what is Miss Qin?"

Meng Yu didn't answer, but stared straight at the two of them, his eyes were wide open, not letting go of any movement of the two of them.

After watching it stiffly for an hour, Mr. Liu felt that his bones were about to ache. He was sore because he watched it sour. After all, Meng Yu had always maintained the same posture before.

The two of them just stood in the room, and no one dared to step forward to check the final facts.

Suddenly the sixth master exclaimed: "Xiao Nuan, Xiao Nuan's hand!" He saw it suddenly, so he didn't know if he was dazzled.

Meng Yu looked over suddenly, and found that Qin Nuan's hand hadn't moved, so he looked at Liu Ye again.

Sixth Master hurriedly said: "I just, I really saw it just now."

At this time, Xi Kun moved his body, his bones made a few bangs, and he stood up with joy on his face.

Just now they communicated in Qin Nuan's sea of ​​consciousness. After the initial excitement, Qin Nuan gradually became exhausted, and finally fell into sleep, while Xi Kun was ejected by her self-protection consciousness. into her sea of ​​consciousness.

After seeing the smile on Xi Kun's face, Meng Yu felt relieved, but he still asked with concern, "How is Miss Qin?"

Xi Kun nodded and said: "It has recovered, but the spirit is too exhausted, so it has fallen into a deep sleep. If you sleep enough, you will wake up."

Looking at Meng Yan's appearance, he also knew that he had worked very hard, so he said gratefully: "Thank you for staying here all the time."

Meng Yu also smiled and said: "You're welcome." He almost added a sentence that should be said.If this sentence is placed elsewhere, it will be applicable, but if it is said to Xi Kun, he will be able to think about a lot of things.

Now that Qin Nuan is safe and sound, he doesn't have any excuse to stay here, so he suppressed the bitterness in his heart and said, "I still have things to do, so I'll take my leave first."

Xi Kun nodded and sent him away.

Although he is quite wary of Meng Yu, he also recognizes Meng Yu's excellence. There is a feeling of sympathy for each other. Many methods of awakening Qin Nuan that he thought of before were explored by the two of them before deciding whether to implement it. , That is to say, in this link, the two people recognized each other a lot, and got to know each other a lot, and they appreciated each other very much.

Because of this, after getting to know the other party better, the vigilance deep in Xi Kun's heart has increased a lot.

Then Xi Kun thanked Liu Ye again, and then asked Liu Ye to go back to rest. The mental exhaustion needs to be recovered.

He can now guard Qin Nuan well, even looking at Qin Nuan's sleeping face, he feels extremely happy, because Qin Nuan is fine, no longer frowning like before, full of pain, and It is a peaceful sleep, a sweet sleep.

Looking at it, Xi Kun also fell asleep beside the bed.

He is basically sleepless these days, so compared to Qin Nuan, he does not consume a lot of energy.

And now he has nothing to worry about.

When Qin Nuan woke up, she saw the bearded and slovenly Xi Kun, her face was haggard, but the corners of her mouth were raised.

She was really distressed, it was definitely because she was worried about herself, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

She got up gently from the other side, and it was not easy to wake Xi Kun up, so let him lie down here to rest for a while. Although his neck might feel a little uncomfortable, he would feel better mentally.

After walking outside, she found that although she had been in a coma for more than ten days, her body didn't feel tired, and she didn't even feel particularly hungry. This surprised her a bit, and she muttered a few words outside the ward.

There was Qi Yun guarding outside, watching Qin Nuan walk out, he was about to burst into tears, although Xi Kun and Qin Nuan were tormenting him, big and small, but they were really kind to him Yes, it can be said to be very good, and I have offered an extra salary, and I am quite considerate about anything, so I wanted to speak in surprise, but was stopped by Qin Nuan's index finger pointing his lips.

He nodded unconsciously, and his pace slowed down.

After walking a certain distance, Qi Yun said in a rough voice: "Miss Qin, you have been in a coma for more than ten days, but it frightened us. Mr. Xi has been sleepless these days, and his eyes have not been closed for a while. You're dead."

As soon as he started talking, he couldn't stop it, and he saw Xi Kun's bitterness these days to the bottom.

After he finished speaking, Qin Nuan didn't speak for a while, her heart was turbulent, she didn't expect Xi Kun to be like this these days, he didn't sleep, he didn't even eat, he thought of so many ways to save himself.

She covered her cheeks, turned her face to the side, forced back her tears, then turned her head and said, "Well, I see."

"I'll go in first." She waved her hand, then turned and walked towards the ward, walking very fast.

After walking to the ward, her eye sockets were red and swollen. She covered her mouth, and the tears were forced back all the time, because she didn't want to cry anymore. When the tears fell, she felt that it was very sweet not to cry.

Looking at Xi Kun's peaceful sleeping face, Qin Nuan felt particularly satisfied, even the stubble all over his face was extremely sexy.

She looked at it with relish, but Xi Kun opened his eyes. He was neither sleepy nor deep. When Qin Nuan went out before, he was indeed in a deep sleep and didn't hear him, but when Qin Nuan came in, because he was full of energy. It was tied to what Qi Yun said, so he didn't make any special control, so he woke up.

Qin Nuan stared at him for so long, he was able to calm down before, but his heart itch later, so he suddenly opened his eyes and said, "What are you looking at?"

The hoarse voice sounded particularly magnetic and sexy to Qin Nuan.

Qin Nuante replied seriously: "Look at you, let's see why you are so good-looking!"

Xi Kun was choked by Qin Nuan's praise, and didn't know what to say for a moment. Qin Nuan usually used to talk in hurtful ways, but he didn't expect his words to be so sweet and his voice so gentle today.

(End of this chapter)

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