Earth Immortal Righteous Path

Chapter 12 The Treaty of the Gods and the Man

Chapter 12 The God-Man Treaty is called the Ten Commandments, and the Immortal Dao of the Ming Dynasty belongs to the Golden Immortal

The sun god's holy place on earth has miraculously established a magnificent temple.

His Majesty the Great Cologne personally carved the Ten Commandments on the stone slab and placed it in this temple.

"Remember my advice and follow it.

Number one: don't kill indiscriminately.Life is precious, don't take pleasure in killing;
Second: Do not steal.Stealing makes people lazy and gradually deviates from the right path;

Third: Don't be greedy.Know how to stop when enough is enough, and only take what you deserve, instead of coveting what doesn't belong to you;
Fourth: Don't swear in my name lightly. When you make an oath in my name, the contract is a witness. I will not think that those who violate it are innocent;
Fifth: no blood sacrifice.I don't accept any bloodstain offerings, and I refuse to see you doing so. This is not the right way. You should attack the evil gods who accept bloodstains and their ignorant believers;
Sixth: Do not waste.You should know the value of food and clothing and other things, cherish every piece of clothing, every piece of food, they are hard earned.Perhaps you can use it to help those who need them;
Seventh: Forgiveness.It is a virtue for us to forgive others, of course, only for innocuous things;
Eighth: Daily reflection.Whether you are jealous of your neighbor's wealth or want to do something improper, it is delusional, you should reflect on yourself, this is a good habit;

Ninth: clean and tidy.I hope you can try your best to keep clean every day and take a bath frequently, which is good for you;

Tenth: Festivals.Every year, this day is designated as Christmas Day by me, and it is the time for me to enshrine God.You can take your work off this day and throw a party to celebrate. "

These Ten Commandments don't look like much, but they are of great significance to the civilization of this world, and being written by the true God himself adds a halo to it.

Lin Zhengyang felt the cohesion of the original force, slowly forming several new areas.

The Ten Commandments engraved on stone slabs is the first written law for civilization at the level of the Middle Ages, and it is implemented by the most powerful true god, the Sun God, and it will not be long before it spreads throughout the civilized world, and in fact Promote the development of the moral level of the entire civilization, and in the foreseeable future, bring multiple priesthoods and fields to the sun god Kelun...

Several of them, equivalent to the original laws, were only engraved on stone slabs and appeared as written laws. It is very likely that in the future, a legal field will be added to the sun god Keren, but it will take time for the Ten Commandments to spread more widely.This represents the legislative power.

The fourth article clearly pointed out that Cologne witnessed the oath, notarized the contract, and punished those who violated the contract.This is what Lin Zhengyang pointed out deliberately, in order to seek the priesthood of contract and punishment, which represents the power of supervision and law enforcement.

The fifth rule is purely for self-consideration, accepting blood sacrifices, although you can’t see the harm for a while, but you are indeed guilty of heaven, of course it is different here, but you will be abandoned by the force, and even the fire of God may be extinguished , and fell into the devil.

Article [-] stipulates a holiday. The teacher said that it does not have any special meaning, but there may be an additional festival field in the future.

Article [-] is for the sake of believers. This is the middle world. People seldom take a bath, and some people even don’t take a bath all their lives. The nobles use various perfumes and spices to cover up the smell. At least tell them that frequent bathing is good for the body.

The others are probably about morality, or persuading people to be good, maybe there is an additional priesthood of morality, of course, the priesthood of civilization is also good.

In addition, on the day when the temple was completed, the great sun god Cologne came down in person, crowned the Pope, and asked him in public:

"You are my spokesperson in the world, you should lead by example, abide by the Ten Commandments, and set an example for believers.

I give you the authority to manage the church on my behalf, but you should remember that the church must not be involved in the major events of the country's change of dynasty. You should keep in mind and judge carefully.

The church should have a knight order to protect my believers, and when necessary, fight against evil spirits and blood sacrifices.

When the pastor preaches for me, he should also follow the Ten Commandments in order to better publicize my will.

The fallen one, if he is sincerely repentant, and is indeed atoning, may consider giving him a chance, but still be cautious.

There should also be a place for punishing the fallen, but it is only within the church and cannot easily interfere with other things. "

After a series of regulations are stipulated, the rest are handed over to the pope, otherwise why should the pope do it?

Time is running out. In a month, it is actually a miracle to be able to do so much.

In fact, it was in this world where the divine way was germinated. If it were in the Ming world, where the divine way was perfected and the three realms of heaven, earth and man belonged to each other, where would it be Lin Zhengyang's turn to do the important thing of signing the god-man treaty?
"It's just that I have to leave after all. This priesthood cannot be vacant, lest I make wedding clothes for others."

After thinking about it, Lin Zhengyang decided to divide his Yangshen into a part and keep it here.

About 400% of the power stays here, and the loss caused can be replenished quickly by taking the force of this world. When this kind of time is with the law of the world all the time, the force of the force gathers on him, and every time he His whole body is transforming every moment. Whether it is the Yangshen who thought he could not advance or the just completed body, it is estimated that it will take about three to four hundred years to complete this process.Unless the speed of obtaining the Force is accelerated, it cannot be faster.

"It's no wonder that there have been few immortals in the main world. The accumulation required is really terrifying. The force of the world itself is already a very high-level vitality. Even so, it needs three or four hundred years of accumulation to be enough. Now I am more and more curious about the main world. The essence of the world's immortals, this is not as good as the accumulation of half-step golden immortals in the Shushan world, right?"

According to the reincarnated people's understanding of the main world, that is, the immortal way of the Ming world, those heavenly immortals who ascended to the spiritual world in the Shushan world could not be called immortals in Daming, and could only be called celestial masters in the world. , in the Ming world, he could be called a fairy.

The rules of the Ming world are special. If you don’t understand the rootless source, you can achieve immortality, and your vitality can be self-generated and self-transformed. If you really don’t seek from outside, that is to say, you can live forever if you don’t absorb the vitality from the world, otherwise it will be just a few hundred years. Years are coming to an end.

This level of realm, placed in the world of Mount Shu, is an out-and-out Golden Immortal Dao fruit. Compared with Chang Mei, who has comprehended the light of Taiqing Xianguang, it can already be said that it has jumped out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements.

So, the water in Daming is very deep!

(End of this chapter)

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