Inheritance of Endless Martial Spirit

Chapter 185 Excalibur "Cold Rain"

Chapter 185 Excalibur "Cold Rain"

"You mean, Tang Sect's Mie Clan is likely to be related to that man in black?" Qi Shuangli leaned on an old tree entwined with vines, and slightly raised her slender legs.

She wrapped her boots around her calves, revealing an alluring whiteness, and her loose fiery red hair fluttered in the wind, like a blooming rose with thorns.

Shen Lin rubbed his bruised eyes, looked helplessly at the savage beautiful master in front of him, nodded, and said, "That's right, these Gu worms crawled out of the heads of the men in black who attacked the Tang Sect. Among the corpses of some experts above the master level in the Tang Sect, it seems that some masters also have these Gu worms living in their brains. If it is said that the Tang Sect’s Miemen has nothing to do with this black-clothed man, no one will believe it.”

"Gu worm?" Qi Shuangli calmed down rarely, her beautiful eyebrows slightly frowned, and muttered, "Could it be that the lost Gu warriors have found their inheritors again?"

As a saintess of the Seven Absolute Sects, Qi Shuangli naturally had a lot of knowledge, and she even had a better understanding of the horror of Gu warriors than Shen Lin.

Qi Shuangli blew a long whistle, summoned a miraculous red eagle, wrote quickly, wrote a short message, and stuffed it into the bamboo tube on the eagle's leg: "Xiaohong, give this letter to those old things in the sect. , Let them spend more time on me, do their best, and get this guy out for me."

Qi Shuangli didn't keep her quiet appearance for 3 minutes, and Qi Shuangli let out a loud roar, which startled Shen Lin: "Whatever he is, a Gu warrior, since he dares to target my apprentice, the next time I meet, I will burn him up!" Bedbug, chop him up!"

The domineering side leaks, and anyone who dares to touch me will be shot to death. This is how the saintesses of the seven sects protect their shortcomings.

"Shen Lin, next time we meet, don't fight him foolishly, run away if you can't beat him, you know?" Qi Shuangli taught earnestly.

You think I don't want to run away!You have to escape!Shen Lin looked at the domineering Qi Shuangli dumbfoundedly, but still didn't dare to refute, and nodded obediently: "Yes, the disciple knows."

"That's good," Qi Shuangli stood on tiptoe again, and gently patted Shen Lin's head, making the latter roll his eyes helplessly, but there was nothing he could do.

"This wound?" Suddenly, Qi Shuangli's eyes lit up, grabbed Shen Lin's right hand, stared at the terrible pierced wound on Shen Lin's palm, and said solemnly, "The man in black left it for you?"

"Well, his fingering is very strong, far better than mine!" Shen Lin said with a soft sigh.

Qi Shuangli shook her head slightly: "This is not fingering, but a hidden weapon technique."

"How is it possible?" Shen Lin frowned slightly, "But he didn't use his hidden weapon!"

Qi Shuangli gently applied a layer of sticky ointment to Shen Lin's hands, and said, "That's because you are not qualified to let him use a physical hidden weapon. If I guessed correctly, this kind of hidden weapon technique should be called" "Bodhi Blood" is one of the unique skills of the Tang Sect, extremely powerful. Correspondingly, this hidden weapon technique is extremely difficult to cultivate. As far as I know, in the past 300 years, only one person in the Tang Sect has successfully practiced it."

"Abandoned pear blossoms?" Shen Lin paused every word, and spat out a name that had become a taboo in martial arts.

"Maybe!" Qi Shuangli shook his head slowly, "There are too many masters in the world, I know, not necessarily all of them."

Qi Shuangli stopped her thoughts, and a small black tripod appeared in her hand: "Since you are being targeted by others, I, as a master, can't let others bully you. This small tripod was obtained by chance for my teacher. Yes, the defensive power is extremely strong, I will give you body protection today as a teacher, remember to use it properly, don't fall into the prestige of being a teacher!"

This is my little tripod, okay?The corners of Shen Lin's mouth twitched, shouting in his heart, but looking at Qi Shuangli's domineering eyes, Shen Lin closed his mouth wisely, and nodded honestly.

"Master Master," Shen Lin frowned slightly after receiving the small cauldron, looked at Qi Shuangli, and said weakly, "Where is the dragon ball in this small cauldron!"

Qi Shuangli raised her phoenix eyebrows, and hummed softly, "I gave it to your junior sister as a meeting gift."

"Junior sister? Where did I get my junior sister? Newly accepted?" Shen Lin rolled his eyes helplessly. This master is too unreliable.Even if you want to give the younger sister a meeting gift, you can't give Shen Lin's Dragon Ball!
God, that is the treasure that Shen Lin used to practice Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu!
"That's right, your kid stole the Dragon Ball from someone's pet, and it's only natural for me to help you return it as a teacher!" Qi Shuangli smiled and comforted, "Okay, don't look reluctant! Your junior sister has Once you have this dragon ball, you will have a heavenly dragon that crosses the dragon gate, which is much more useful than what you use to practice the body-building exercises!"

"She kept a Tianlong as a pet?" The corner of Shen Lin's mouth twitched again.

What is the concept of keeping Tianlong as a pet?You must know that the few fish and beasts that have the potential to leap into the Dragon Gate to become dragons are all powerful beasts at the innate peak, and the Tianlong that successfully crossed the Dragon Gate is at least the existence of the Three Flowers Realm, a real beast! !
Even a strong man at the level of Qijuezong's palm veins, in front of Tianlong, can be regarded as a slightly stronger little mouse at best, and does not pose much threat at all.

Of course, Tianlong has absolute power, but correspondingly, the arrogance of Tianlong is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. They are existences standing at the peak of the world, riding the clouds and fog, calling the wind and rain, and overlooking the whole world.

How could such a powerful existence bow to humans?
What is the background of this junior sister who has never met before, who can have this opportunity and be recognized by Tianlong.

"You're half right," Qi Shuangli smiled mysteriously, "That little fish did indeed cross the dragon gate at the beginning, but there was a little accident when it jumped the dragon gate, so the little dragon's cultivation base was completely dispersed at that time. Now, you are still recovering slowly with your Dragon Balls, but you have just recovered to the state of transformation."

"Even so, it's still a great helper!" Shen Lin sighed, and sighed, if a genius like Shen Lin is said to be invincible at the same level among humans, then Tianlong is invincible at the same level among alien beasts With the existence of a mortal realm, a heavenly dragon in the mortal realm can easily deal with ten ordinary alien beasts in the mortal realm.

"What's the name of that junior sister?" Shen Lin questioned.

Qi Shuangli smiled: "Her name is Yaoyao, she is a very talented girl, and she is born with the ability to communicate with strange beasts. She was also lucky. She happened to understand the dying Tianlong's cry for help, and she got such a gift. Great opportunity."

"Yaoyao?" Shen Lin looked at Qi Shuangli with a strange expression, "Isn't she the direct disciple of Elder Qian Huanhu Xuanyin? How come you are my master?"

"Aren't you also a disciple of Jingchen Island, shouldn't you still worship me as a teacher?" Qi Shuangli's words immediately made Shen Lin speechless.

Shen Lin understood a little bit in his heart, this unscrupulous master probably snatched him because he saw that his disciple was good again.

"No, I was almost fooled by you, Master." Shen Lin suddenly reacted, and snorted, "Master, how can you use something from an apprentice for the meeting gift you gave to your junior sister!"

Qi Shuangli also knew that her behavior was a little too unreliable, so she smiled, strode over, gently tiptoed, and patted Shen Lin's head: "Hey, my good apprentice, the so-called one day as a teacher, As a mother for life, we are all one family! Isn’t your stuff also mine? "

"Where are your things, master!"

"Of course it's mine!" Qi Shuangli reflexively covered the mustard ring on her snow-white jade finger like a onion root, expressing her financial obsession to the fullest.

"Let's do this!" Qi Shuangli looked at the twitching corner of Shen Lin's mouth, a beautiful blush rose on her face.She gritted her teeth lightly, and took out a long sword from the mustard seed ring with extreme pain, and threw it to Shen Lin, "Don't say your master is stingy, here is this sword for you! I will exchange dragon balls with you as a master."

"The current apprentice is really not cute, and he still bargains with the master," Qi Shuangli turned around a little bit wronged, and gently kicked the tree trunk, like a coquettish girl, her attitude changed so quickly that Shen Lin couldn't help but feel ashamed.

"Good sword," the long sword started, and a gust of cold air penetrated into Shen Lin's body from the sword body, making the cold attribute true energy in his body active.

Shen Lin lowered his head, stroked the sword lightly, and was amazed.

This sword is three feet and three minutes long. The sheath is made of deep sea immersion silver. It is gorgeous and exquisite. When you pull out the sword hidden in the sheath, you can see that the whole body is silvery white, as thin as a cicada's wing. There are dots of transparent spots all over the body of the sword, like water droplets. Three inches below the bottom, there is the word "cold rain" in the book, which is beautiful and beautiful, with a sense of holiness beyond vulgarity.

After infusing true energy, the entire body of the Excalibur slowly became transparent, and those spots that resembled water droplets gradually became clear, as if they had become solid.Shen Lin shook the sword violently, the transparent sword body seemed to be nothing under the extremely fast speed, only the water droplets in the sky remained, turning into cold rain, covering all directions, changing into thousands of illusions.

Thin as a cicada's wings, as light as a feather, this long sword is most suitable for swordsmen who are good at attacking, and Shen Lin's holy spirit swordsmanship is just one of the best.

"Sword One," Shen Lin drew the sword violently, and when the sword came out, raindrops filled the void, like a downpour, covering the world.

This is the afterimage left by Shen Lin's simple sword strike.

"Han Yu Sword, I see Han Yu but don't see the sword, it really lives up to its reputation." Shen Lin shook the Han Yu Sword joyfully, put it back into its sheath, and carried it behind his back together with Xue Yin Dao, "Thank you, master!"

At this time, Shen Lin urgently needs a suitable sword to use his strongest trick sword 22.

For Shen Lin at this time, the value of this precious sword is by no means inferior to that of the dragon ball.

"Such a beautiful sword, I would not be willing to give it to you if its attributes didn't match mine!" Qi Shuangli looked at the Cold Rain Sword with some reluctance, and hummed, "After more than three months, the True Disciple Trial Master Bi, if you don't fight for me, beat those guys from other sects down and see how I deal with you!"

"Yes, Master," Shen Lin nodded and said.

"By the way, Master, how did you find me?"

"I have used your mustard ring before, and there are still my restrictions on it. With the secret method, I can know the location of this ring at any time."

"By the way," Qi Shuangli seemed to suddenly think of something, staring at Shen Lin, gnashing her teeth, "Smelly boy, I said I would give you special training, where did you slip away, and there was no sign of it for seven months. Can't even find you with the secret method?"

"If you don't give Master a reasonable reason today, I'll see if I don't deal with you well!" Qi Shuangli twisted the red leather whip on her hand, squinted her eyes, and smiled like a flower.

Shen Lin: "."

ps: Chapter 180 [-] was wrongly written before, it was not [-] jin of Dragon Elephant Dali, but [-] jin of it.Leaf sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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