chapter 102

Jing Yiyu originally wanted Xia Xiling to live with him. After all, danger exists at any time in the apocalypse. If Xia Xiling was by his side, he would be able to protect Xia Xia better, but Xia Xiling insisted on living alone, saying that it was for avoid arousing suspicion.

Jing Yiyu felt that a girl's reputation was very important even in the last days, but he didn't think it through.

Xia Xiling now has a place to live in the doomsday, and she has successfully found the male god. Xia Xiling feels that her danger index in the doomsday has been greatly reduced.She no longer has to worry about her own safety all day long. Jing Yiyu's strength is the most powerful in the doomsday. No, that Ah K, his strength is unfathomable.

Xia Xiling doesn't have Mengmengda's help now, and she feels that she is a lot worse than before. In the past, she would ask Mengmengda any questions, and Mengmengda would help her solve some problems.Sometimes Mengmengda will give her some ideas, although none of them have any practical effect.

But in a strange place, it is a very safe thing to have a person, or maybe a system, who can discuss and talk to yourself.

Xia Xiling herself was very afraid of being in the doomsday. In such a dangerous place, her life could be in danger at any time.Xia Xiling is a stranger to anyone here, even her parents and relatives in this world.

Those are also the original owner's parents, relatives, she, Xia Xiling has nothing to do with these people.She is a person outside this world. I don't know if she disappears, the world will not change in any way.

Xia Xiling is now at the male god's side, and she is about to start her work. She is going to start to attack the male god. Because of her previous strategy, the male god has 75 favorability points for her now, which is very high The favorability is up, as long as she keeps it, she will definitely reach 100 favorability.

Xia Xiling doesn't like Doomsday at all. The sky in Doomsday is always gray, which makes people feel depressing. Xia Xiling wants to finish the task quickly and leave here.

But Xia Xiling still has a wish of the original owner to fulfill. The original owner hopes that she can let Ke Juanbai live the fate of her previous life.

As long as Xia Xiling works hard to cultivate supernatural powers and become stronger than Ke Juanbai, then this wish will be easily fulfilled.And now that the male nerve has already liked her, it is not too difficult to attack the male god. She is by the male god's side, and her survival in the apocalypse is not a big problem.

Xia Xiling thinks that her current prospects are very good, so now Xia Xiling wants to trouble someone, Ke Juanbai, are you ready to accept the move?
Xia Xiling knew that Ke Juanbai was in this base now, and she came early, so she definitely knew that the person Jing Yiyu wanted to find was herself.Jing Yiyu found her today. Everyone in the base must have known about such a big battle, so Ke Juanbai also knew about it.

Xia Xiling felt that Ke Juanbai would definitely come to find her, and she must be eager to know whether she was dead or not.Xia Xiling thought that Ke Juanbai would come to find her, but she didn't expect that the first one to come to her was not Ke Juanbai but Xiaoyue.

It was also very strange for Xia Xiling to see Xiaoyue looking for her, but after thinking about it, she understood that in Xiaoyue's eyes, it was she who gave her the chance to survive, and even sacrificed her life to save her.

Xiaoyue should be very grateful to herself, she is one of the people who sincerely hope that she is not dead, Xia Xiling feels that there are so many people who don't want her to die, and her character is still good.

After Xiaoyue saw Xia Xiling, she first came up and gave her a big hug, and then started crying, crying, crying.Xia Xiling watched her cry for an hour, and wondered why there were still tears after crying for so long?
"Xiaoyue, don't cry, I'm fine."

"Yeah, Lingling, you don't know, I will regret it later." Xiaoyue was sobbing as she said.

"What regrets, in that case, if you stay, you will die with me."

"Then, Lingling, why are you alright?" Xia Xiling noticed that Xiaoyue changed her address from Xiaoyue to Lingling.

"Well, I was saved by a person."

"Yeah, Lingling, it's good that you're fine, big wish, Ah Ran and the others also want to see you, but I don't know what's going on, it's more convenient for me to be a girl, so they let me see you first."

"Well, it's okay, I'll see you someday."

"Lingling, how did you know the leader of the base?"

"We've known each other for a long time, so we're good friends."

"Lingling, we knew Boss Jing was looking for you after we arrived at the base. I thought you were dead at that time, but I was afraid that if I told him, he would give up looking for you. Although I don't know what your relationship is, But if he can find you, maybe you are not dead, well now, you really are not dead."

"Well, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me now."

"Lingling, I don't think Boss Jing treats you like just a friend."

"How to say."

"I don't think Boss Jing is that good to a single person. Although I haven't known him for a long time, I also know what he is like from other people."

"Then what kind of person is he in the eyes of others?"

"Well, others say that Boss Jing is a very indifferent person. He seems to have a high defense against other people. It feels like he is the only one in his world, and no one else can get in, but you are in. .”

"Huh? I think Ah Jing's people are very nice!"

"Yo, Ah Jing, you are so intimate, don't you..."

"Yes, I like Ah Jing."

Xiaoyue also didn't expect Xia Xiling to admit it like this, she also thought how could Xia Xiling be shy and not restrained.


"I actually liked Ah Jing very early, but I don't know if Ah Jing likes me." Xia Xiling became a little depressed when she said this, just like a shy girl in love. look.

Seeing Xia Xiling, Xiaoyue knew that Xia Xiling might really like Jing Yiyu, but Jing Yiyu was very down-to-earth and strong, and he was worthy of Xia Xiling.But in this way, Xiaoyue became a little worried again, she knew that Ke Juanbai liked Jing Yiyu.

What a powerful woman Ke Juanbai is!She originally wanted to kill Xia Xiling, and now she and Xia Xiling fell in love with the same man again, which was too dangerous, but the good thing was that Jing Yiyu didn't fancy Ke Juanbai at all.

(End of this chapter)

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