chapter 105

But Xia Xiling, the client, knew that Ke Juanbai must have used some special method to lure the zombies here, but who would believe this? How could a human being have the ability to make the zombies listen to her.

Xia Xiling never thought that she could bring down Ke Juanbai with this matter, her purpose was to know her position in the heart of the male god, and she also wanted to casually destroy Ke Juanbai's image in the heart of the male god .

However, it seems that the male god is not satisfied with her behavior now, what can she do to win back?

"I don't have any evidence for Ke Juanbai this time, but if you do something to me again, I won't let you go even if there is no evidence."

"Miss Xia, you really misunderstood, Yiyu, Miss Xia seems to have misunderstood me a little bit."

Xia Xiling ignored Ke Juanbai's affectionate eyes towards Jing Yiyu, and said to Jing Yiyu, "Ah Jing, I'm hungry, let's go back to eat."

Jing Yiyu gave Xia Xiling a meaningful look, and then cooperated with Xia Xiling, "Since you're hungry, let's go back."

Xia Xiling was happy when she saw the scene and didn't respond to Ke Juanbai. In an instant, her little face turned into a flower with a smile.But Ke Juanbai looked a little ugly when he looked at the scene and didn't pay attention to his face.

Xia Xiling and Jing Yiyu returned to Jing Yiyu's residence, and Jing Yiyu took Xia Xiling's, uh, compressed biscuits.When Xia Xiling saw this compressed biscuit, her face instantly turned bitter. She really didn't want to eat compressed biscuits, and saying that she was hungry was an excuse, she wasn't hungry!

"Eat." Xia Xiling swore that she saw a gloating expression on Jing Yiyu's face.

"Ah Jing, you know that I'm just an excuse, how can you do this."

"Oh, I'm like that, why did you go to trouble with Ke Juanbo today?"

"Ah Jing, why don't you believe me? Ke Juanbai, she is not a good person." Xia Xiling originally wanted to say that Ke Juanbai wanted to kill herself, but then she thought that she had no evidence for this matter. I changed my mouth.

"Xia Xia, I believe in you, the only person I trust here is you."

"Then you believe what I say."


"You believe that Coschinba is trying to kill me."


"Oh, by the way, let me ask you why you asked Ke Juanbai to call you here." Xia Xiling suddenly remembered this very important question.

"Huh? I didn't pay attention to what she called me."

In fact, Ke Juanbai was called Jing Yiyu before Xia Xiling came to the base, because she saw that Jing Yiyu was so kind to Xia Xiling, and it was obvious that Xia Xiling liked Jing Yiyu, she called it that on purpose, she just wanted to stimulate Xia Xiling.

"Hmph, I don't believe it."

"Okay, Xia Xia, next time I see her, I will tell her not to call me that."

"It's almost there."

"Xia Xia, why didn't you tell me what happened before?"

"I, I don't have evidence, just like today, I'm afraid you won't believe me if I tell you."

"I believe it, as long as it's what you say."

Xia Xiling looked at Jing Yiyu looking at herself so seriously, Jing Yiyu was already good-looking, Xia Xiling was looked at by a handsome man like this, his brain twitched for some reason and he said, "Ah Jing, do you like me?"

After Xia Xiling finished speaking, he realized what he had said, that was called regret, why did he ask what he most wanted to ask, how embarrassing it would be if he was rejected!

"What?" Xia Xiling felt that she had heard it wrong, did Jing Yiyu mean that he liked her?
"Xia Xia, Xia Xiling, I like you, I have liked you since a long time ago."

"Me too, Ah Jing, I like you."

"The favorability of male gods is increased by 10, and the favorability is 80."

Ah Jing actually said that he liked her, Xia Xiling felt that she was going to be knocked out by this big pie falling from the sky.

"Xia Xia, let's be together."

"it is good."

Xia Xiling's "good" was drowned in her throat, because Jing Yiyu kissed her.Xia Xiling felt dizzy after being kissed, she always thought that A Jing was an indifferent person, she never thought that she would kiss herself, but A Jing should have no experience in kissing others, his kissing skills don't look like he has never taken over. O kisser!
Xia Xiling and Jing Yiyu kissed each other, and they were officially together, but Xia Xiling still didn't live with Jing Yiyu.They're not married yet, so it's better to separate first. Xia Xiling is also afraid that something will be inconvenient in the future, so it's better to have some personal space.

After Xia Xiling confirmed her position in Jing Yiyu's heart and gained 10 points of favorability with the male god, she was in a good mood, and Jing Yiyu obviously didn't have any thoughts about Ke Juanbai.

However, the male and female protagonists still need to be more careful, and the mutual attraction between the male and female protagonists should be guarded. The power of the plot is still very strong. What if the two of them get married in a place that Xia Xiling didn't see.

Xia Xiling never arranged tasks for her in Jing Yiyu of the base, and Xia Xiling had nothing to do every day, so she used the zombie crystals that A K left her to upgrade, and then practiced swordsmanship once a day.

Xia Xiling decided to carry the Heaven-Suppressing Sword in the future. She has to make good use of such a powerful sword. As for the origin of the Heaven-Suppressing Sword, Xia Xiling just said that it was carried in space. Anyway, she just needs to explain it to Jing Yiyu. .

Early the next morning, Jing Yiyu met Ke Juanbai when he went to inspect the base as usual. Jing Yiyu used to think that Ke Juanbai was a good person and capable, and he was a good partner.

But after listening to Xia Xia's words yesterday, Jing Yiyu had a new view on Ke Juanbai.Jing Yiyu thinks that Ke Juanbai is either a good person or a scheming person, and he thinks Ke Juanbai is the second kind of person.

"Yiyu, I have something to see you."

When Jing Yiyu heard Ke Juanbai calling him, he was embarrassed and pretended that he didn't hear it, so he stopped, but didn't speak.

Ke Juanbai knew that he must have believed what Xia Xiling said yesterday, this bitch! "Yi Yu, I don't know where Miss Xia misunderstood what happened yesterday, but I want to apologize to her."

What Ke Juanbai said was that Xia Xiling framed her yesterday, so he didn't want to listen to it, but many people saw what happened yesterday, and there was indeed a lack of evidence, and Jing Yiyu couldn't do anything to her.

However, Jing Yiyu thought of one more thing.

"Don't call me Yiyu from now on."

"What, what?"

"Don't call me Yiyu, my girlfriend will be angry. As for apologizing, forget it, Xia Xia doesn't like you."

 come on, come on, come on!
(End of this chapter)

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