Chapter 116

My name is Jing Yiyu. I was born in a wealthy family. I knew since I was a child that I would inherit the family business, so I strive to do my best in everything.Although my parents are not always able to accompany me, but I know they are the ones who love me the most.

My life has been moving forward according to my plan. I have always maintained the first place in my grade, won various awards, and then was admitted to a foreign university. After finishing the university, I came back to inherit the family business .

These are obviously my plans, but I don't have much fun, and I always feel that there is something crucial missing in my plan.

I repeat the same job every day, even if I win a big case, I don't feel the slightest pleasure. The work year after year is boring, but I know it is my responsibility.

I don't understand why my father can go to work happily every day with the same job, but I am so annoying.Later, I understood that it was because of my mother and because of love.

I also long for the same love as my parents. My parents had an arranged marriage, but later they fell in love with each other. This is their luck. I also want my own luck.

But most of the women around me are for my money, my status, they are not sincere.Of course I'm so dismissive of these people that I haven't had a girlfriend in 25 years.

I thought I was going to live like this in my life, living alone, but then my life changed drastically, and it took me a long time to accept that all this was true.




The world that only exists in novels and movies happened around me. The streets are full of zombies. I was away from my parents on a business trip. They are getting old and I am worried about them.

I want to go back to meet them quickly, but there are zombies everywhere, and my movements are limited.Just then I met a man who offered to help me get home, and I agreed without thinking too much.

what!what!what!I'm so naive, didn't the doomsday movies say that human beings are the most unbelievable thing, I actually foolishly believed, how can there be kindness in the doomsday, I only realized this truth after suffering.

What he said about helping me go home to find my parents was all fake. He just liked my car and didn’t know my strength, so he wanted to test me first. As a result, when he met a zombie, his true nature was exposed When I got out, he pushed me towards the zombies, and ran away in my car by himself.

I saw that the zombie was about to arrive in front of me, and I felt that I must be dead this time. It would be really unfilial for me to ask my parents to send a white-haired person to a black-haired one.

At that critical moment, I actually awakened the ability, which is still the most powerful lightning ability, and I survived. After having the ability, my walking became easier.

I returned home as fast as I could, only to find that my parents had been bitten to death by zombies. I was so distraught that I could only let them go to the ground in a hurry. I am the hope of the Jing family. I cannot die, I want to live , survived the doomsday, but after that, I swore not to trust anyone in the doomsday again.

I have powerful abilities, and I can level up faster than others, but I just think it's because of my hard work. (My child, you are so naive, this is called the halo of the hero.)
I created a base in City A. I hope that people in the doomsday can have a home and a safe place to stay.Just a few years after my base was established, another thing happened.

I have passed through!

I went back to the time before the end, more than 10 years earlier than that time, I was fighting with zombies, and a white light flashed through.

I appeared on the street with a dirty body, and I saw those people looking at me strangely. I don’t care, I have never suffered any pain in the doomsday, but I still don’t know what to do in the face of this sudden change?

Just when I didn't know what to do, a girl appeared, her name was Xia Xiling, she was the most important woman in my life from now on.

She didn't dislike my filth and stench. She took me to clean and bought me clothes, food, and a place to live.I didn't let my guard down because she was kind to me a little bit. I don't believe that there is a person in the world who is kind to you for no reason.

But I don't know if it's because I'm too hungry, too tired, or I want to wash it off quickly, or I want to know what's the purpose of her being so nice to me.Well, I admit, I was attracted by her at the time, and after that moment, I had already left with her.

However, when I got along with Xia Xiling later, I found that she really didn't seem to have any purpose in helping me. I don't really believe it. I have lived in the doomsday for so long that I always try to judge people's hearts with the greatest malice.

Xia Xiling, she is really a very kind and good girl, I will always be infected by her when I am with her, slowly, I actually want to believe her!
I thought I would never meet someone I trusted in my life, but, Xia Xiling, I would like to trust you, you, can you give me this chance?
Xia Xiling is a medical student, and her medical skills are really good, even her mentor told her that she was ashamed of herself.Well, the girl I like is naturally the best!
I fell in love with her, Xia Xiling.

But I dare not express my feelings to her. After all, I am not from the same world as her. I worry that one day I will go back to the world that I don't want to face.

It was a stormy night, Xia Xiling came to look for me, I also thought the weather was really weird, the moment I opened the door, a white light flashed, we passed through, yes, it was us, I saw Xia Xiling and I traveled together.

When I woke up, I knew that this was the end of the world. I was worried about Xia Xiling, and looked for Xia Xiling everywhere. No, how could there be no one? We obviously traveled through time together, aren't we together?

Xia Xia is so weak, and now it's the end, how can she survive alone, let alone those zombies, the human beings in the end are more terrifying creatures than zombies, I can't find Xia Xia.I decided to start from scratch, I want to build a base in City A, Xia Xia will definitely come to City A to find herself.

Sure enough, Xia Xia and I finally met, and we expressed our hearts to each other, and we were together.

That Ke Juanbai always hurt Xia Xia, and in the end, I killed her with my own hands.Xia Xia said that Ah K saved her many times, I am so jealous of this man and regret that I was not by Xia Xia’s side when Xia Xia was in danger, but, Ah K is a mysterious man, I want to thank him for saving this Doom also saved Xia Xia.

 la la la!At the request of readers, the next story is about sickness
(End of this chapter)

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